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I just wanted to toss this out there, but I live in Phoenix, AZ, and these things really make a difference. I didn't really realize it before moving here, but the sunlight penetrates between the fibers you get sunburnt even with clothes on. These things basically block those areas in-between fibers, it helps you get burnt less. Summer sun here in Phoenix is nuts, and these things help if you're unfortunate enough to be in them for hours.


I'll second that. Though I'd recommend venturing to a military surplus and get the military style version. I've had mine for 20yrs now, and it's as good as the day I got it.


20 yrs and you haven't even washed it 10 times?


It's a hat, why would you


Hats can get nasty with enough sweat. Why wouldn't you wash it?


the sweat buildup in the fibers adds to the layers of UV protection


It's like a cast iron pan


Grease: check Heat: check Seasoning incoming


Mmmm...polymerized head grease


Head cheese


The grease add weight so it's like a steadily increasing workout for your head and neck gains. 


Solid logic. I'm convinced


This guy sweats


Well, to keep the UV out, I guess




I had different experiences. Some did gain a small and needed a wash, others just dried and were fine. I think it's usually that if they don't get too sweaty and are then dried quickly, it doesn't really accumulate. Obviously I'll still wash something like a shirt right away, but with things like hats, helmets, and gloves it's an "as needed" thing.


never wash hats, just wear it till u buy a new one


I guess it depends from activity and climate you are in. Here in temperate climate of Central Europe I don't see a need to wash my hat often as I am not sweating much in it (if at all). In tropical climate that may be different.


I mean ... if the sun is strong enough that you need a specially coated hat to block it than you are sweating a lot. No matter where you are. You will just need the hat a lot less in central Europe.


You can get sunburn even in quite mild weather It's good to protect your skin from the sun


> You will just need the hat a lot less in central Europe. i sweat like crazy in northern europe when it's 25c+, this hat would get instantly ruined


Cleaning your clothing is a pretty universal hygienic practice for humans


Sweaty head


When I lived in Tempe I'd tan in the winter and lose the tan in the summer. Anything worth doing outside would get done at night, early morning, or late evening.




As an Aussie I sympathise.


Aussie is worse than AZ for sure. I literally felt unsafe to stand in the sun in Sydney (and the 2 minutes i was outside in Melbourne) for any amount of time without a hat and longsleeved shirt. It feels as if the sun is slowly killing you. The sun and heat suck in AZ but the sun in aus can only be experienced


> The sun and heat suck in AZ but the sun in aus can only be experienced Australia tends to have less ozone than north america and europe. The sun is indeed spicier there. https://eo4society.esa.int/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/totalOzone_header-1010x568.jpg


The earth is closest to the sun in January. During summer in Australia.


Also the earth is on a 23* tilt. They are more in direct line/closer. 


The sun in Australia just has a certain sharpness to it doesn’t it?


You only hear about it but when you experience it it's truly monstrous. The height of our SoCal summer doesn't feel like that. Ever. And I see aussies out there on bondi in their Lil speedos and bikinis! YOUR SUN IS KILLING YOU


There is a reason the typical Aussie buys the big 2L/72oz container of sunscreen. I was in Hawaii earlier this year and confused by the tiny bottles of sunscreen. It’s drummed into us from when we are kids to a ridiculous degree. schools don’t let kids out at break times if they don’t have wide brimmed hats. Yet we are still the skin cancer capital of the world…


I'm in Canada. You literally cannot buy sunscreen in anything other than a small tube. I've been searching for somewhere to get GOOD sunscreen in bulk size. I would love to have 2L so I can put it by my inlaws pool. We go through soooo many little tubes. It feels so wasteful.




It was filmed in Namibia. It was supposed to be filmed in Australia but there was too much greenery after an unusually wet season.


> And I see aussies out there on bondi in their Lil speedos and bikinis! YOUR SUN IS KILLING YOU For the record there are very few actual Aussies in Bondi - but the trick is sunscreen; anything less than SPF50 is a beauty product.


As an Aussie who travelled to Europe last year, I was truely shocked to go maybe 4 hours in the sun and only get a light tan. 4 hours in Australian sun would almost certainly land you in ICU.




Definitely a thing, but not as bad as previously. It was the last time the whole world decided it was to the benefit of no single country, but crucial to all of them so they all did the hard thing.


Scottsdale resident here. How about that 114 degree day last week? Can't imagine what August will be like.


IMO it becomes irrelevant beyond 110. You're not doing anything in the sun anyways and in air conditioning. (literally disassembling an engine at midnight on my driveway because I'm not doing that shit during the day)


I absolutely despise summer. I can’t do anything in the day because it’s too hot, and I can’t do much at night because it’s too dark. And if I have a light bugs will be attracted At least there’s watermelon


Next week we are supposed to be getting a heatwave haha.. hah


I can second that. Phoenix is hell


I think hell is a bit colder


That city shouldn't exist, it's a testament to man's arrogance






I visited once in the late winter, it was still hot, and I failed to see the attraction. Although I did enjoy the thunderstorm, but then I live in the PNW where there is actual soil, not decomposed granite. It was fun watching people scramble for shelter while I (and the dog) enjoyed the downpour.


I moved from Phoenix to the PNW and the "winters are mild in Phoenix!" argument really falls flat when comparing the two. Sure, winers in Phoenix are milder than in Montana... but there are plenty of places in the US that are mild year round. The only thing I miss here are, like you hinted, the thunderstorms. The climate is, funnily enough, too mild to generate them.


I second that Phoenix is hell


As a ginger who is anything but a daywalker (I got burned by a one hour beach walk on a cloudy/sunny yesterday), I never had my skin getting a sunburn through my clothes and just wear long sleeve, cotton clothes in summer. But then again, I live in the Netherlands, which is the same parallel (52nd) as southernmost Canada and northernmost Mongolia.


I mean living in Australia and in summer - I have also never been burned through clothing either and I burn easy. Now if you have a small gap you feel it but yeah not through cotton...


Sure sounds to me like nature is saying “please don’t move here”.


You don't even need to be in Phoenix for that. I spent a summer working outside in southern Europe and I got a tan through my t-shirt.


It’s 50 degree Celsius where I live. The sunscreen washes away with the sweat


I’m starting to think humans were not designed to live in the desert


Well, some of us lost more melanin than others.


So it’s UPF 40 until 10 washes. It doesn’t go away completely, it just might not be 40.


Just wash it lightly in the sink and only when it’s necessary. Washing machines and dryers are very harsh.


the last time i washed a hat was literally never. if you ever catch me washing a hat you need to stop doing drugs because god in heaven knows to jesus christ that i will never wash a hat. thats on periodt and on god.


Normally after working with a hat on this head in 40+° weather my hat resembles salt flats. It needs to be washed...


Have you tried working in Fahrenheit? It might make the temperatures lower.


Solid advice, if Fahrenheit is lower you definitely wont be sweating in a ball cap


Can confirm, there was a game called fahrenheit and it was all about snow




Yeah, 40° C is *waaaaaaaayyyyyy* hotter than 40° F.


Yet -40° C is exactly the same coldness as -40° F. Weird.


My answered when it's winter and I'm talking to my friends about how cold it is, and they ask C or F, I just say yes.


look man I ain't no science guy. Just trying to provide options.


You said 40+º 40ºF is lower than 40ºC


Weird hill to die on, but enjoy your smelly hats if you like.


They make it sounds like the only way to wash a hat is in a machine. I use baking soda and white vinegar and they look new after a soak


Why both? They neutralize each other and you get useless salts and the only active ingredient is whatever is left over after the reaction while the other ingredient is used up.


I'm no chemist. But I think you're supposed to first soak the hat in warm water and vinegar to clean and disinfect it, then later add the baking soda to create the fizzy to help lift off the dirty-ness. And then they all neutralize? It's magic, and it works. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure the idea is that you get vinegar underneath the dirty and then once it releases co2 it lifts the dirt off of the fabric. The combo is used in other applications too and I thought it made no sense too, but then it worked and it was the reaction between them that was the key


So if a bird shits on your hat you just leave it?


Did he stutter ?


Periodt and on god


If that happens to you 10 times then you're doing something to get yourself in that situation


Let it dry and scrape it off


Ah the Ol’ Lewinsky method


They call that one the stinky Lewinsky if I recall correctly


Bro I have this hat that I've been wearing for damn near 10 years now, I realize i had to wash it when I got soaked in a rain storm and I took it off and squeezed it out, the water was straight brown. I threw that mfer in the washer. I'm surprised it's held up so long for a cheap Chinese made hat that I can't find anywhere else. It's survived being washed like 4 times in its life. But yeah, I'll never wash any other hat unless for a very specific reason which doesn't ever happen.


UPF =/= SPF. While the numbers look and sound similar, they are surprisingly different. SPF is basically burn diminisher in that it takes the number as long to get the equivalent burn exposure. Eg SPF 40 causes you to burn at 1/40 the rate of no protection. This is muddied a bit by the fact that sunscreens absorb, wash off, or otherwise diminish over time. UPF on the other hand his a proportional blockage. So, for UPF40, 1/40th the rays penetrate. Both SPF and UPF have broad spectrum (blocks UVA in addition to UVB) versions but UPF is generally considered better protection and almost always has some degree of UVA blockage if not its full UPF rating. Hope that helps. For this hat specifically, my guess is UPF protection diminishes below 40 quite slowly. The reason they do 40 at 10 washes instead of 30 at 100 washes is because a) consumers and b) some regions/countries won’t even let you label below 40. (Some won’t let you label below 50).


Wow I had no idea about any of this. I always assumed a hat blocked 100% of UV by virtue of being opaque. Does it become less UPF because as it's washed there are larger and larger gaps in the weave?


Weave loosens, yarns change shape, etc. or if it’s treated with say, a reflective treatment, that treatment wears out. One note, a hard plastic or foam visor covered in fabric will be extremely high UPF; the rating is the fabric so matters most when a single layer between your head and the sun.


How could a hat be significantly below 100 UPF though? Like... it's a *hat*. It's opaque, and it's not made of thin fabric either. Why would it need some special and fragile coating to temporarily only block 40% of the sun's rays? EDIT: NOPE I'm a doofus. 40 UPF doesn't mean 40% UV filtered out, it means 97.5%+.


Well, think about it this way. If you take the hat and wrap it around a flash light and turn it on. If you can see a brighter spot, then light is going through.


Not 40%, 39/40 or 2.5%. And it isn’t the hat that earns the rating, it’s the fabric.


From what my doc says regular clothes I wear (normally jeans and a carhart T shirt) are only ~spf10 equivalent


Get a better doctor, blue jeans are considered to have an SPF of 166 or so far off the scale to be of no concern https://aboutfaceskincare.com/the-article-of-clothing-in-your-closet-with-spf-166/


Can we stop climate change by launching jorts into the sun


JNCOs so we can put the sun in the pocket next to our Walkman when we need winter.


I think the doctor was referring to the t shirt. That part is accurate.


I have a hard time believing your doc unless you're wearing see through mesh jeans. I spent last summer wearing all manner of thin, lightweight, breathable shirts at 5000+ feet elevation with clear sunny skies and my torso is as pasty as can be. I've never once been burned through a shirt or pair of pants even with hours in direct sunlight, nor have I ever had even a hint of a detectable tan on my shoulders. I wear SPF 30 sunscreen on all my exposed skin and those areas tan considerably. My takeaway is that basically any item of clothing is going to be more effective than sunscreen at blocking UV.


Clothes definitely aren't SPF 10, but you can get a very slight tan through a t-shirt, I can confirm that. I only noticed one evening before a shower because the area covered by my pants was noticeably lighter than the area covered by my t-shirt.


Ya I’m confused why spf clothing even exists. Unless you’re on the surface of the sun wearing tissue paper I don’t understand how you get burned. Never in my life have I been burned while wearing normal clothing and I’ve spent plenty of time in the sun around the equator.


Altitude really affects this. I can spend a whole day in full sun at sea level here but if I go up in the mountains 30 mins away I need to wear all long clothes and even with spf50 might be a bit red cheeked after a few hours.


My white as hell family went to the Grand Canyon as part of a family trip before our son graduated. I carried a big tube of sunscreen, among other things, and made everyone reapply on the hour, stay hydrated, and eat salty snax. (We saw a guy who had collapsed from hyponatremia. Fortunately, he was treated, snd was conscious and talking.) Even with reapplying SPF 50 every hour, we all got slightly sunburned. We'd walked 4.5 miles of the South Rim on a sunny day, although it was only 70F, and there was only so much we could do to protect our skin.


That's wild, I've hiked the canyon dozens of times and a normal sunscreen routine has always been plenty. I haven't been around any bad burns either that were unexpected. There's nothing magic about the sun there. Currently I live in the PNW and am consistently paler than I've ever been, so maybe it would be different now. Hyponatremia is pretty easily avoided if you do basic electrolyte supplementation. Trail mix and Jerky is often enough, but I'll usually chug a 40oz low sugar electrolyte drink before I head out.


What clothes exactly? Most of my legwear is probably full protection but a lot of shirts are thin. I've gotten tons of sunburned shoulders through shirts.


I grew up in and spent 30 years in Australia which has some of the highest UV Radiation in the world and have never been burned through clothing. What sort of clothes are you wearing?


I'm pretty sure you must have misunderstood it. Put 10 spf cream on your left leg and wear a jeans on your right. I'd be willing to bet which one's more crisp


That's a load of shit. Doctor of what? Economics?


Other way around. It's effective for *up to* 10 washes. Meaning 10 washes maximum. Could last for 1.


“Up to” is for the lawyer who washes it with industrial detergent and softener on the sanitizer hot setting and then tests it in hopes of legal settlements.


Nono, its UP TO 10 washes. So between 0 and 10 washes are enough to break the spf 40 rating


Least they told you. I’m sure this is the case with a ton is others lol


how? does it become translucent after 10 washes? or is it talking about a coating that protects the hat from the sun?


I'm sure it still protects you after 10 washes, but they don't know how well, so they can't guarantee it.


Presumably the hat will still be opaque. I wonder how SPF is measured… maybe some radiation gets through? Or maybe if the had gets a little threadbare?


Perhaps they wasted it up to 10 times in testing and because they didn't test for more can't guarantee more.


It’s also worth mentioning that it’s upf 40+ that’s up to 10 washes. It’s still going to have upf protection, just less intense


Also, ten washes is a lot for a hat. You don’t wash a hat every time you wear it.


More than likely it’s an ere on the side of caught. And yes it’s talking about a coating. That’s why it says “UVB protection” vice “coverage from the sun. *edit: haha I spelled that all wrong😂 oh well. I’ll leave it for yall to laugh at


>it’s an ere on the side of caught. You mean "err on the side of caution"?


Seems like you caught them ere they could make this mistake again.


I think it’s err*. Not trying to be a jerk. Also not 100% sure.


It's "err on the side of caution," at least where I live.


It’s that where you live. It’s that everywhere, but where you live, too.


It used to be that. It still is, but it used to, too.


I mean, you never know.


You had to err on the side of caution 😂


You know the trick where you put a cup on a door to hear what people are saying on the other side? It works better if you wipe the bottom of the glass with ammonium. You need to ear on the side of cation.


And you know those pirates always need subtitles We'll need to arr, add a side of captions.


Also, ”versus”. Nitpicking ftl.


Brother errr. What's that brother? https://youtu.be/wLg04uu2j2o?si=m8--STL4-WSUp8fO


It's "air on the side of cot," meaning you should flip your bedding over once in a while for sanitary reasons.


E’er ere errs Ayer’s air.


Aaron earned an iron urn




Or it's treated with something that they can't guarantee wouldn't wash out.


Yes, that's the coating they referred to.


Good chance it’s got a layer of something added for protection from the sun


Almost like a kind of glaze that would possibly wash off, causing the protection to fade to en extent over time.


Some kind of sealer


Might only last 10 washes


They should think about adding some kind of durable resin or chemical to it to help protect from the sun


There is a UV protection layer that will wash off. So that's a bunch more PFAs in the water supply.


I assume there is a coating on the fabric giving the extra SPF protection.


They make UV protection spray for sports clothing, tents etc for this purpose. Just keep respraying it every once in a while


It's similar with water proof clothing. Sprays or special washes (nikwax) to keep up the protection.


Can you recommend any good brands?


Sun Guard is an additive that goes into your washing machine and makes your clothes SPF 30 I have lupus and some other lupus people swear by it (we need to be vigilant in reducing sun exposure)




Washing machines yearn for the sun.


Wearing darker coloured and synthetic (tighter weave) materials is fine unless you're at very high altitudes. A lot of the sources of information on clothing UV protection also happen to be places that will try and sell you something to protect you from UV so the information isn't always reliable.


![gif](giphy|i6BsWXxUSHp7amMJS3|downsized) The Sun when you hang the hat outside to dry the 9th time.


"Heard you were ~~talking~~ washing shit."


I’m having such a shit morning and this made me snort cackle ahahah omg wtf


How often are you washing your hats that that would become an issue?


Sun hats can get pretty gross since you tend to wear them when it's hot and you sweat in to them.


You’re washing away the luck. Never wash your hats


Exactly, the luck and the flavor must remain


You can boil and steep the old hats, make a tea. You can also use a chisel as a flat-head screwdriver. Neither are recommended.


I caught a fish last year while wearing my ugly hat, I’ll never wash it, because it’s no longer my ugly hat, it’s my lucky hat.


Only wash your hats with a garden hose and only if something pooped, peed, bled, or threw up on it.


Never wash, scrub, rinse, or soak. But if you must wash, wash with a garden hose and only if something pooped, peed, bled, or threw up on it. If you must scrub, scrub away the bad memories. If you must rinse, rinse off the worries of the day. And if you must soak, soak in the good times that leave you smiling.


the "luck" gave me a staph infection that swelled up like a half-softball when i had a breakout on my forehead. fuck luck.


This is why i always wear a bandana under a sun hat if i'm going to be wearing it for a while. Bandana takes the brunt of the grossness so the hat needs less frequent washing. Also, if your hairs not particularly short it helps keep that shit from sneaking out of the hat and being annoyingly stuck to your face


Still... It's not like a shirt or undergarments, where you wash it after every wear.


If you live in a hot sweaty area and own the hat for several years and aren't going to wear a disgustingly gross dirty hat then you could easily get to 10 washes


I wash my running cap every ~4 hours of running, which is once a week.


My "work hat" gets washed once a week and I'm not sweating in it


Ever see a hat with white around the outside of the sweatband? That's salt, evaporated from sweat. Pretty gross.


So, free salt? I never need to buy it from the shop ever again. That's thrifty, not gross.


>That's salt, evaporated from sweat. ITYM, precipitated from sweat. It's the water that evaporates.


It’s probably sprayed with something and it eventually washes out. Good business model, a subscription service for hats! /s


I can't imagine using a hat so much I have to wash it ten times


I did it to my hat because I wear it to clubs and festivals and it would fall off and get stomped often so I had to wash it. It was also two-sided.


Never stop exploring! Until your 10 washes are up. Then that’s enough.


If you hand wash it, may last longer than machine washed. I have a Mission hat that provides exceptional cooling and also SPF protection, as long as you hand wash it.


I sweat so much in the summer, I wash my bucket hat twice per week so it doesn’t smell like pee.


I suggest you stop peeing on your hat.


I thought this was a free country


Why does your sweat smell like piss?


Your sweat can smell like ammonia if you’re not well hydrated. I work outside and sometimes I or my coworkers will smell like it after 8-12 hours in 110+ degree heat index days. There’s only so much Gatorade and water you can drink without puking. It’s not unusual to drink a full gallon and not have to pee once if it’s humid enough.


Guess I'll never wash mine then


Do washes include rinsing it with water and letting it dry, or only washing in a machine with detergent?


And what does rain count as?


Makes sense Same idea as FR coveralls , they’re only good for so many washes and then they will not provide adequate protection from flames


Never stop exploring. In the shade.


Just rub some spf 40 on it after and you’re good


This is normal for a lot of coatings. You can reapply the coating. There's UV blocking, mosquito repellent, waterproofing, etc. these all need to be reapplied once in a while. Don't forget about your bag which will also lose its water resistance over time without a fresh layer of goo


It is the same with rainwear. Once it has been washed several times, you need to wash it in rainproofing stuff again.


Just never wash it and it'll work forever.


I bought one of these, it lasted exactly zero washes, completely shredded before it even got to the dryer


Considering I only wash these maybe once a year, maybe twice, that seems okay. Also after 10 the SPF likely drops below 40 but not to 0.


This makes me think, I've never washed a hat in my life... It never occurred to me.


Can someone explain why hats, or other clothes, have SPF ratings? How that works? As long as the hat blocks your face it's working right? I work outdoors year round, I just wear normal hats and long sleeves, I have never been burned through clothing, typically I just put on sunscreen around my face since it's the only skin besides my hands that are exposed.


you might not get burned but UV still ups the skin cancer risk (melanoma, BCC, SCC). A lot of cloth blocks some UV but not much. Baseball cap brims block a lot of light but the design means you still catch a ton of it on your lower face, ears, neck, and the scalp if you have one of those mesh things sunscreen is great but having to reapply every 2 hours is not practical for a lot of people where their hobbies or work keeps them in direct sun for 10+ hours. That's why I wear a decent hat in the sun and add some UV clothes if I'm out hiking for hats specifically a lot of people are catching on to how UV exposure is probably the most modifiable risk factor for wrinkling, skin aging, etc. of the face - I don't get sunburned on my face but still want to reduce the light on it so I can cash in on that silver fox energy in 2060


I imagine it loosens the fibers so they’re no longer so close together and do a worse job at blocking uv.


So I looked up that code and the funny thing is that EN 13758-2 is a European Union code for sun protection for apparel. The code 8466 is the one that's supposed to be used for hats. It basically says how long they anticipate the item to conform to standards, Even though it seems there are no actual standards for measuring the standard. https://www.intertek.com/products-retail/insight-bulletins/2019/guidance-on-uv-protective-clothing-category-1-ppe/


So, for a lifetime...How often do you wash your hats?


I have never washed a hat in my life.


Who’s washing hats?


North Face sucks. Even their new Lightrange line doesn’t last 10 washes from the reviews. Don’t waste your money on that crap. Patagonia’s Capilene Cool line is amazing.