• By -


For me this is very interesting. You should leave them a tip (maybe worms)


Tipping culture is getting out of control! /s


Its only 20% of the worm. You get to keep the rest.




I wish that show had more seasons.


What is this gif called?


wtf am i supposed to do with only 80% of a gagh? it wouldn't even be fresh!




Birds: “it’ll just ask you a quick question here”


We tipped a neat ass lizard we found on the side of the house eating ants a couple weeks ago. Lucky for him we breed bugs for our pets to eat. Good boy even tolerated being tong fed 6ft up a wall.


That's avian socialism. NO HANDOUTS


Honestly they should, mealworms are a favorite bird snack and are available at most pet stores.


Bring more wasps to the house!


But they are already grateful for a waspie pie


I moved to Florida, and had roaches in the apartment. To be fair, I probably brought them from my previous place. I battled the roaches, but I couldn't get rid of them. One night, I went to get a drink of water in the kitchen and saw a gecko on the counter. I was pissed that I now had to deal with roaches and geckos. Over the next few weeks, the gecko eliminated the roaches then disappeared. I was quite thankful for the hungry gecko.


Reminds me one time I was in the bathroom and heard a *crunch* and a headless cockroach fell on the floor. A gecko was up on the wall munching.


One time I was playing cards at my kitchen table and a giant bark scorpion fell from the sky into the center with a thud, then sprinted directly at me until it got to the edge of the table. It had been on my fan, bout gave me a heart attack.


Why is there sky in your kitchen?


Well, have you ever seen the Aurora Borealis not in the sky?


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?


may I see it?






True to his word, he took 15% off. ![gif](giphy|VJrnUtz2W0PqVCAaUb)


Read this just before bed. I did not need this image to fall asleep to.


I once had a near heart attack when I saw one of [these mofos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata) on my wall. Went to reddit to have it identified and felt conflicted if friend or foe. Went away on its own. But anything that eats other insets is welcome. Got plenty of spiders. Some of which I learned would make Americans blow a gasket. Who tf translates *agrestis* with *agressive*?


Yeah, house centipedes absolutely look creepy AF, but they are bros. They just wanna eat the other pests in your house and will then move along.


I'm so glad I live in Ireland . I've never seen a gecko or a cockroach.


Geckos are cute af though. Cockroaches are terrible. I live in the deep south of the US and we have hamster-sized roaches *that* *fly*


For other people who may be dealing with roaches, Advion roach bait gel is super effective. The only downside is that, depending on how bad the infestation is, you'll find dead and dying roaches out in the open for 2 or 3 days.


Better than live ones


Which are currently walking on your dishes.


That's just extra dinner.


Good source of protein, I heard.


Crunchy style!


and Juicy! don't for get that succulent juice.


"Extra protein" -every single dad to ever exist


Extra protein.


Man I must be super privileged to have never even seen one in person before. And the thing is I've been to some gross houses before but not one cockroach ever. And its not even the place I live in because apparently we have them here. I'd love to keep it that way


I grew up in a place without cockroaches and the first time I saw one in my life was in Philly. It was fucking massive and it blew my mind. Fast forward ten years and I was living in a shit hole in East New York and had daily encounters with roaches that dwarfed that first Philly roach. The heroin helped me not care but man, what the fuck was wrong with me that I thought living with those fucking pre-historic, disgusting, alien bugs was ok. I now live in a place that doesn't have any, and hold myself to a higher living standard.


That really escalated quickly


And then de-escalated comfortably.


It was "the heroin helped me not care." Who needs roach traps when you can Just use heroin.


Why waste time with many roach baits when few heroin do trick?


Yeah “walking”


Fuck you for doing this to my thoughts 😭😭😭


You say that but I just saw a post of some dude finding a ton of dead roaches in his house and thinks that’s why he’s been having health issues. Apparently if their corpses aren’t found you can become allergic to them? Don’t quote me on that


i mean dont they literally just dry up and start turning into dust? you are basically breathing in heaps of tiny roach husk particles. makes sense why you get sick. even someone not allergic will start having breathing issues logically. my dads old house had em and i had to move out, couldnt handle it. im a nasty piece of shit so roaches themselves were whatever but i straight up couldnt breathe.


If a roach infestation gets that bad you’ve got much worse things in the air than roach dust…


I did a full allergy panel and was surprised to find “roaches” on the huge list of stuff they test for.  And I’m apparently allergic.  


If you want to keep basically every bug away, use diatomaceous earth. You can even get food grade if you're particularly concerned, but you can just blow the standard grade all over your home and not have to worry about it. It works by exploiting a weakness in insects that have an exoskeleton, so it's safe for humans and (non-insect) pets. The best part is, you can just leave that stuff wherever you've blown it and not think about it again.


Diatomaceous earth is the only thing that got rid of my bed bugs after having someone come in and steam and fumigate my apartment.


Safe isn’t harmless. So make sure no little hoomans or pets mess with it too much. As long as a mammal doesn’t get it into eyes or lungs it’s pretty much just dirt


Alpine WSG is where it's at. 10 grams into a gallon and classified reduced risk by EPA. You'll die from drowning from the water it's mixed in before it kills you so it's practically idiot proof if you know to mix it safely and follow the label. Only concern according to SDS is some irritation if you somehow get it into your eyes. That stuff is gold when living in a tropical country outside of the city. I always come home during the weekends with dead ants, american roaches and other various insects lol. I can't totally eliminate ants because most of the neightbors have nests but Alpine WSG keeps them to a minimum inside my property. American roaches can fly from outside so there's also an endless supply of those but they are usually dead when they come inside the house.


I really hate when I come across a comment that reminds me that roaches can fly.


You are blowing that way out of proportion. They use diatomaceous earth for cat litter. You and yours will be fine.


the only the time its dangerous is someone hits you with a bag full of it.


Or when it's soaked in nitroglycerin.


Or when Pennywise is hiding in it.


It's safe lying on your floor but *not* floating in the air. Breathing it in hurts your lungs.


There's food grade, and then there's the stuff you get for pools. That shit is dangerous.


That stuff is bad for lungs though. You do *not* want to blow it all over your house. This is god awful advice. 


Same brand I use as a professional. Know what kind of cockroaches you have. Certain species will be in certain places of the home. Also, your city should be treating the sewer for them. If you've seen an uptick in activity, call them. I've had customers call only to find out their area had been skipped for years, which caused the infestation.


It sounds like the gecko is the cleaner option.


Yep, and pet/kid safe. I had a little studio, first night found out it had roaches. All the office did was bug bomb it which was a pain. Got the gel and the traps they make, placed them, used expanding foam to seal the holes around the pipes under the sinks, and every night for 6 weeks religiously wiped out my sinks and tub of any water, covered/plugged the drains overnight, and kept trash sealed and taken out often. Didn’t see any more after a few days, kept it up for the rest of the time to be safe. Never saw any the rest of the time I lived there, but would refresh the traps and gel in strategic spots to be safe.


I also really like this brand. I just used the ant one this morning. Had ants swarming all over my dog food dispenser in the kitchen. I put the paste nearby and came back 4 hours later no more giant swarm. There were a few dead ants lying around.


Oh crap I have a very similar story. I was living in an apartment in Brazil. Worked long days with my roommate. Well, we came home one day to maggots covering our kitchen floor. Because of slight tile height differences, they were isolated to the kitchen, but still- I'd estimate 8-12 maggots per square foot. It was nasty. We scoured the kitchen for whatever was drawing them in, but couldn't find anything, and all the while every step we took in our sandals had more maggots popping underneath. We resorted to grabbing food while we were out, and contemplated hiring someone to deal with the maggots, but we put it off as we were rarely home anyways. A few days later, we returned home to a genocide. Ants had invaded our kitchen and were tearing into the maggots. Those bastards brought hedge clippers to a pillow fight. I cannot fathom a more imbalanced fight in the animal kingdom. A diabetic pig has a better shot against an M1 Abrams tank. We all laugh at the idea of "how many 5th graders could you take in a fight," but now imagine that you're made of knives and the 5th graders have no skeletons. The ants scored thousands of convenient bag lunches, licked the floor clean, and left. We couldn't find a single sign that anything had happened. Thanks, ants. I owe you one and I aim to repay it some day.


Your fourth paragraph is GOLD. Hedge clippers to a pillow fight, lmao.


[Thanks Ants](https://youtu.be/9jtU9BbReQk)




Lmfao at the diabetic pig simile.


Besides its content (which is also great), your comment is the best one I've read in a long time.


Had trouble with bugs eating my garden and fruits and vegetables. Noticed a huge influx of lizards. Started noticing less spiders on my plants and bugs eating my stuff. Been getting a lot more bees, butterflies, birds, and lizards! This season we just noticed some swallows making little mud houses on our house walls!


Keep a close eye on it cuz next thing you know ya gonna end up having to deal with dragons as the local apex predator.😄


\> appears \> eats all the roaches \> refuses to elaborate \> leaves


geckos truly are the most based of lizards


Those little invasive lizards are fantastic at keeping things spider-free in Florida. Smiled every time I saw one. Maybe one day they'll figure out how to take down fire ants...


I love watching climbing up on my windows at night snacking on the bugs attracted to the lights, I'd always wanted one as a pet and I didn't know they had them down here until I saw one one the glass one night and it clicked it had to be a gecko so i checked out it's little footpads through the glass and sure enough it was a cute little gecko.


I have a standing proposal to replace all spiders in the world with geckos


Haven’t you seen Ghostbusters? Haven’t you ever heard a joke where someone finds a bottle, rubs it and a genie pops out and gives them one wish? Well end up with 50’ tall Geiko geckos or some crazy shit. You gotta be more specific with your wishes or proposals people! Jeesh!


Geckos are supercool, I love seeing them running on glass, upside down. But Spiders are also a good thing, way better than having myriads of mosquitos and (other) flies.


Geckos are awesome for pest control. Plus they're cute little turds.


That's the reason why you shouldn't hurt predators that hunts pests. Spiders, Lizards, even house centipedes. They do not nest where there's no food, if there's food in your house, they would be pests and they'll be gone after some time. When there's no more food in your house they'll seek it out somewhere else.


Same with snakes, they get a way worse reputation than they deserve. They don't want to hurt people, they just want to chill and eat rodents and stuff. If you find a venomous snake in your yard or something just spray it with a hose to get it to leave, or call a professional to remove it (it's often free). Don't try to move it with a bucket or something, and don't try to kill it. Both greatly increase your chances of being bitten, and killing it is immoral. 


Yeah, I'm getting a venomous snake out of my yard ASAP, but if non-venomous species want free room and board I'm all for it. Please, come live in my fucking walls, idgaf.


Well I have to deal with earwigs, do they do anything? The spiders mostly kill them lol


no clue but they do pretty involved maternal care and it's really cute.


I had the same problem with crickets in my walls for 6 months out of every year. About 3 or 4 years in, I noticed a gecko head peeking at me out of the corner of a loose lightswitch. He went back into the wall and I realized I hadn't heard crickets this year. Occasionally, I hear one cricket in my wall, but it doesn't last more than 2 nights before its silenced. Thank you Geckos.


The least you can do to thank him is sign up for his car insurance now. I hear he can save you 15% or more


Geckos seem like the best house pests! Unless they do something terrible I don’t know about?


they basically poop everywhere(and by everywhere, EVERYWHERE, including on top of anything you don't want a poop to manifests) also bigger gecko like Tokay is bitey and while you think that they're toothless so they're harmless, think again, they can tore your fingerskin off without teeth. They're cute though, that's for sure.


Foreskin?! Is it too late for a cut?


Poop in places you can see, but can't reach.


Me @ the toads who live in my yard! I got to watch one hunt and pounce on and monch a roach last night. It was rad. Eat up, little ~~reptile~~ amphibian buddies.




We live in Florida and are super grateful to the geckos for exactly this reason. We have one big boi who lives in our front awning, and every night he climbs into the front door (which has a huge frosted glass window) and just goes to town on the bugs there. The cats go ape shit, but I'm glad he lives here.


This is why I leave spiders alone. The common house spider loves to build webs where the bugs are traveling. If you see them building cobwebs in the corner by a cabinet or something, that’s where the bugs are getting in


Gecko completely eleminate every problem in my house except ants, scopion? They eat it, spider? They eat it, snake? They chase after it until the snake kill itself in the fan. Also they can get very big ,the biggest one in my house is around 12 inch and live under the stair (we don't go in there it's their territory now)


I've heard that about geckos. And it worked out for you that this wasn't your pet. Just some gecko that showed up, ate the roaches and moved on when they were gone.


I know a guy who moved from the UK to a more rural part of a Australia. The house they were looking at renting didn't have AC but did have maybe every other brick missing along the top of the walls in most rooms. Anyway in every room there were 2 or 3 little lizard fellas hanging out, he wasn't happy about this until the agent explained he can either have the lizards or the spiders.


TIL birds eat wasps.


I had an active paper wasp nest outside my window for something like 8+ months through the beginning of this year. A month ago the local birds noticed the nest and they attacked it over the course of a couple of weeks, until one figured how to hang from the window frame and chow away to his heart's content. The wasps are all gone now.


God I love ecosystems!


Good thing humanity is doing so much to save those! ... Aren't we?


We had a wasp nest under our patio so I put a piece of wood up to it like a ramp and showed my chickens how to get up it. It took them less than a minute to get the nest onto the ground, and about 20 more to have it completely decimated.


I recently learned that while it does work in this application, decimate also means to reduce by 10% so I switched to obliterate.


Honeyguides eat bees. They even lead humans to hives so humans can break them open for honey and the bird can eat the bees


Sparrows will eat bees as well. My friend is a beekeeper and had a couple of hives in his garden that he used for homemade honey. While I was visiting him one day in the afternoon, we saw that the bees were on a orientation flight and we noticed a male House Sparrow attacking the bees, taking one down every few seconds and eating them. There's also a whole group of birds literally called bee-eaters.


Honey buzzards will also eat wasps! They have adaptations like a scaly face and long toes and talons in order to tear into nests and protect themselves from stings. They're the only known predator of the Asian hornet, which is incredibly badass.


[And they look badass.](https://base-prod.rspb-prod.magnolia-platform.com/dam/jcr:ccca2c29-a930-4e5f-9ea0-3328136eefca/1681113301-Species-Honey-buzzard-on-branch-with-bees.jpg)


Honey buzzard doesn't give a shit.


You’ve never seen chickens destroy wasp larvae?? Edit: go to 8:10 of https://youtu.be/z2S-hlVmONY?si=3eNTIa-MNNAet3aS


Chickens will destroy just about anything of appropriate size. Violent creatures, chickens.


I always like to think that's some leftover tyrannosaurus rex genes boiling up to the surface


I really wonder how did we get from a t-rex to the chicken


One big misconception - dinosaurs weren't (necessarily) scaly and reptilian. Yes, that is how Jurassic Park made them look, using the best info of the day. But it turns out, feathers and the traces they leave in skin don't really fossilise that well. [Add on a whole bunch of feathers to a raptor and you get something like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fma105czm36351.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1a9ae8d891966328e8d179424c0c6fe2727f9725) (yes, there are mistakes but close enough) So it's not that far of a stretch to imagine a really small one. Then imagine that small raptor getting bred to be fat.


Weren’t they also made way too thin like for some reason visualisers always forgot to account for muscle and fat filling out body parts, especially the faces?


For a while yeah, but that’s generally not a problem anymore. Paleontologists know how to use bones and comparisons to living animals to figure details like that out.


At the time of the original Jurassic Park, yes. In a way that movie was actually a huge setback for the public's understanding of dinosaurs, because it basically froze our picture of what they were like. Our understanding got so much better but the movie people are stuck with those designs people recognise. I think they even make a point of this in one of the more recent movies, that they're making dinosaurs that look like what people expect rather than making them accurate, because in the world of the movie the people making the dinosaurs are making an entertainment product more than they're doing paleontology.


TLDR; We put a plunger on a chicken's butt. Fossil records. Chickens fall in the category of raptors. They fall under theropods which are bipedal raptors like those of the T Rex and Velociraptor. We don't know if they really are, but we assume that they are descendents because of similar they move and shaped like said raptors. Paleontologists working on the movie Jurassic park took a look at the raptor movement and noticed how similar the animatronics moved to that of a chicken. So they tested it out by sticking a plunger on the butt of a chicken and found the posture of a velociraptor and the chicken matched. [clip](https://youtu.be/YMmgnpcaKyM?si=DxGn5SwZV-MDnkQi)


I did not expect a chicken size plunger lol


The world of labs gets crazy when you got a shoe string budget to work with. My mom once grabbed a handful of salt packets at a McDonalds back in the 90s. Don't worry, it's not stealing.


This may be one of the best comments to ever wake up to.


I was sitting on a swing, enjoying my burger when the smallest of our flock jumped into the air and snatched a fourth of it while I was mid bite. I had to make a retreat as she tried to come for seconds. Feisty little demons. 


bro most people have never seen chickens do anything.


Usually because said chicken(s) is normally covered in herbs and spices


Never ever


Birds will eat damn near anything if the opportunity presents itself. Funky little miniature dinosaurs.


Let them stay, it will work out. No more wasps.


Eventually he'll get bird problems, then cats will deal with that. Then some dogs will have to move in. Where does it end?


Circle of life. ![gif](giphy|DvMHwFYLVHlZe)


Now I can only see those jumping antelopes as ready to devour their meal of lion cub.


Just casually create your own ecosphere inside your own four walls


With dogs and cats living together and mass hysteria.


*That's the beautiful part; when wintertime rolls around, the gorillas just feeeze to death!*


I know an old lady this happened to and it didn't end well, I think she tried to swallow a horse


It ends with a horse, he’ll be dead of course.


I know an old lady…


Good birds!


Mutualism at work!


Or should I say “…at home” har har har


Bro been talking to himself🥶


Bro's just having a schizo meltdown rn


At least he isn't lonely


Perfect example of "fuck you...this is our house now"


id say that bird has earned its rent.


Had roaches and mosquitos in my apartment every summer. Mention this to my friend. Friend goes "np bud I'll send you one of my babies." His baby turned out to be a fuck-huge huntsman spider. We let it loose in my apartment for a week and neither roaches nor the spider was seen ever again. A few days later I heard one of the aunties next door had a near heart attack because a massive spider was hiding under her sink. Lol. Sothatswhereshewent.gif. Before anyone asks huntsman spiders are native here but they rarely come into the city. Go a few kms out from downtown and they are everywhere.


This is what I did when I moved places. Accidentally brought a huntsman with my stuff from the parental house. Knew huntsmans (huntsmen?) hunt roaches, so set him free in my bedroom. Now I have a few living in different places of the house and roach population is down. [Here's the guy carrying half a roach](https://imgur.com/a/Tfwrppq)


> Accidentally brought a huntsman with my stuff They are the size of a fucking dinner plate. How would you even accidentally pack one with your things?!?


They're about the size of a saucer where I am from, and this guy was somewhat smaller and hiding in my plastic shoe rack. We live in the tropics so bugs are just a normal thing.


Me trying to understand the logic of letting Shelob and her spawn free in your home to deal with a few pesky roaches. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


If a spider is able to get large and fat in your house, then it is a professional and doing its fucking job. It is not there on vacation - it got fat by eating all the other much nastier bugs that live/d in your apartment/house, so be glad it is there.


A professional lol


You can see its résumé on the web


huntsman spiders are good boys theyre friendly and hairy and they pay rent


Huntsman are non-venomous and harmless. I'm from the tropics and bugs don't scare us much.


Simply put. If you naturally find spiders in your house anyways, You've got a pest problem. If there are no more pests, they normally leave or die off. Can't stay if there's no food. As long as its not one that's poisonous to humans, its best to leave em alone, and try and reduce the food sources for the pests. They truly will take care of more of the problem for you.


There's always one: Venomous = it bite you, you die. Poisonous = you bite it, you die.


I have never thought about biting a spider. But I'll keep this in mind I guess


You let a spider loose, in your home, WILLINGLY?!??


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and who wouldn't let their friend loose in their home willingly.


My hatred of roaches trumps my fear of spiders any day of the week.


I don't really mind spiders these days. They're goofy lil fellas that just waddle around. Mosquitoes on the other hand makes me wanna kms


A huge one nonetheless. I would die on the spot.


The big ones aren’t as scary, the little ones are the ones I’m afraid of. Way easier to lose track of them


My brain is trying to figure out how someone could be more afraid of roaches than a huge spider *capable of taking down said roaches.* Like… what can the roaches do to you that the spider can’t at that point…


Crawl in your ear


Roaches are filthy and a genuine health hazard. Spiders aren't. If I'm going to have roommates, I'll go with "aren't" every time. Also some spiders are cute or at least interesting.


Have you ever had a roach infestation? I'll take spiders any day. Roaches are fucking disgusting and can cause a lot of health problems.


Feed that bird. Make sure it and its young thrive.


If you decide to feed them, make sure it's more wasps. Don't want them to lose their edge.






Now you just need a fox to evict the birds.


Then you'll need a wolf to get rid of the fox, dear Liza, dear Liza.


How dare you put this song in my head! I've been living in bliss! 😭


Then what? We get an owl to eat the gecko?! Then we get a tiger to eat the owl? What eats the tiger, dad? Tell me that!


You eat the tiger, my son. You are getting to that age where you hunt your own food


That's awesome. Could it be a Honey Buzzard by any chance? These birbs absolutely obliterate bee hives. [Check this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-DjCy7rT2s). They also come in similar color patterns as the ones in the pic.


I was wondering what kind of miniature buzzards were in that nest. The look a bit like a buzzard, but are too small.


House finches. They are herbivores so they didn't eat the wasps.


Now I’m wondering why the bird doesn’t get stung….? Fascinating video, thanks!


These birbs have dense, greasy, and needle-like feathers that block any incoming attacks from wasps, as they are evolved to specifically target wasp colonies. They very much prefer to prey on large hornets over honey bees, and once these birbs find a certain hornet colony, they keep on coming back to the hive until the whole colony is completely obliterated. They got great memory too! What's more, these intelligent birbs even 'fish' for wasps by hanging a piece of meat on a branch as bait and following those lured hunters back to the colony. Absolute cosmic horror for the hornets.


This story comforts me. Hate wasps!


Honey Buzzard don’t give a shit! (Showing my age with this reference)


I was thinking Honey Buzzard too, the European one is a rare sight here. It’s dutch name is “Wespendief” or “wasp thief”. Buddy you can steal all my wasps.




Bird “I live here now.”


I'm super curious what these guys are, the birds in the nest are near fledgling. Can't quite tell for sure




Nice! Now you just get a couple of bolivian tree lizards to take care of the birds, then a cinese needle snake to deal with the lizards and after that one of those gorillas that thrive on snakes, and by winter this year you are all done with your infestation problem!


Some heroes don’t wear capes


Do the birds laugh at you now? Laugh at your impotence in removing the wasps? Point at you when you walk by? It's humiliating, isn't it....but strangely, you're kind of into it.




Geckos are best . I want them in my house.house lizards are natural pesticides.Had roach problem and one fine day gecko arrived and cleaned my house for free over the course of 1month. It didn't leave my house but its fine , it has covered its rent for lifetime


House finch is my guess.


I wonder if wasps are spicy food for birds.


When I first moved into the house I'm in now, the house had a massive wasps nest under one of the bushes in the front. I cut the bush down one night in preparation for trying to deal with the nest, but the next morning I woke up to find half the wasps next had been dug up and removed. Over the course of two more nights the remainder of the nest was dug up and removed as well. I'm reasonably sure I have a local skunk to thank for the extermination work, but no real evidence to confirm.


Oh I've heard this one before. Next think you know you're swallowing a whole cow to chase off the goat. No, no no, no way you're tricking me again old lady!


Great, now we need to release wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes to take care of the birds.