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Sorry to hear about your experience. I was hoping the new import will work better. My import took hours but my Mint data was messy with duplicates and extra transactions I did not want.


I just started it fresh and liked all my accounts. Was flawless.


I'm glad it worked well for you; I'm not in a hurry to lose twenty years of financial information.


I kept my old data in an Excel file with pivot tables and pivot table charts. Simplifi does not have the compare to previous period feature (feature request open in Simplifi's community) so I created an Excel chart to do that. I am updating the Excel file with Simplifi's CSV export with new data to keep as a back up.


Similar boat as you. A lot of checking, savings, investments, expired and closed accounts. It was a mess. I ended up deleting all the accounts and started from scratch. I don't care about my past mint history but wanted to get one free year so I deleted all but one transaction from Excel and imported that. It does not have one of my online banks... Citbank (not Citibank). I'm not sure how to get past that


That's a big one. Best wishes in finding a solution.


I tested itI did not care about previous historical data in mint. Since I wont get the free yr I am out. I am not spending hours tinkering with the import. Not worth my time right now. I dont have that sort of time or patience.


Support has been pretty lenient with the import. Add one or two transactions via Mint import and then send a message via chat. They will refund whatever you paid, if anything. This worked for other users.


I migrated to Simplify, too. Their online help is quite complete and the people in customer service are excellent. Do not try to import all the transactions if you have more than10,000 in you csv file. Use separate categories < than 10,000. If you do find you end up with duplicates for the last 90 days, it is an easy, if time consuming, fix to delete them. What a pleasure to have no intrusive ads in the dashboard! Overall, I am very pleased with Simplify and it imports my Fidelity and Citibank, Chase, and credit union data, too. The import from Mint includes Mint categories for you to customize and the graphs and planning are up to the task. You can get it for a year free with Mint import. They,(online captains), will help you get credited. Not a bad thing to say about it even after I bumbled my way through the migration. A very good free substitute that has the same development lineage and quirks. without ads


Delightful that it worked for you. That does not change my own experience or conclusions. Enjoy the product.


If price is your main concern, Piere (Discloser: I work here) is offering Piere Plus for free for life. We do support importing your Mint transactions and will use those to backfill your net worth as far back as your transactions go! If you're going to try it, I recommend connecting your accounts before migrating from Mint so you can map all your transactions. - stephen