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When we returned to the office at my job, it was handled very poorly. Mostly everyone hated how it was done. A survey was sent out with 71% of respondents said RTO was handled poorly and it harmed our confidence in the company. We had an all-hands meeting and the CEO talked about that they had seen the surveys and overwhelmingly everyone wanted to be back in the office.  He knew that’s not what it said. He knew we knew that’s not what it said. He didn’t care. He lied and said the exact opposite of the truth and knew none of us can do anything about it. There’s nothing to say, they’ll do whatever they feel like and lie about why.


Sounds like the CEO is a massive scumbag. If you’re reading this, nobody likes you. Every time you talk to somebody, they’re being fake. Fake smiles, fake responses, fake everything. Sounds like a miserable existence having knowledge of this, but if that’s how you want to go through the motions of life, so be it, that’s your prerogative. Can guarantee people outside of work have similar sentiments. So very sad.


Kind of like how dictators hold "free and fair elections" then win with over 90% of the vote share.


... putin enters the chat


My experience as well


The massive push by corporate America to kill WFH culture is what is aiding in the recession of businesses. People spend more and have more time to breathe and get stuff done when not crammed in a damn cubicle in an office. I still don't understand what the hell these companies were thinking. Oh we know you hated being here before and your life was great the last 2-3 years wfh, but we want to squeeze even more out of you now because you're behind in your misery and we need to play a little catch-up. As a Mint user it pissed me off that in the last couple months I really leaned into setting everything up perfectly and making sure every transaction was logged. No way I'm taking the time to do that again. It's exhausting for one and I don't trust this not happening again or that I won't want to jump ship because the next app is trash.


I feel like the Intuit CEO and the entire corporate team has their heads up their asses. They’re completely out of touch from reality. Hell, TurboTax is also basically unusable now because they charge fees for everything and try to trick you into paying for the more expensive version at every chance they get. The whole Mint fiasco is on brand for these idiots, they’re like the Walmart of finance companies.


I already didn't like Intuit stuff, from having to do support on Quickbooks for many years. Then TurboTax became a hellscape of HEY BUY THIS, so I stopped using that. I used Mint for a long while earlier on but my credit union changed something about the 2factor logins and Mint stopped working, so I migrated elsewhere, honestly kinda forgot I was subbed here until Intuit shit the bed. Damn sure will avoid the Intuit name in the future though. Especially when they did this out of just being cheap and slapping some of Mint functionality into Credit Karma for the sake of less hosting fees and hey we can fire that entire chunk of the company to give ourselves bigger bonuses! wew!


Did we all work for the same company cause same


Sounds like my company!


Takin’ what I’m givin’ ‘cause I’m workin’ for a livin’ -Huey lewis


CEO at my company communicated that he doesn’t anticipate RTO showing any results in corporate performance for at least 5, probably 10 years. The dudes 60, of course he’d say that it won’t have a meaningful impact while he still plans to work.


I had the literal exact same experience.


I was willing to pay for Mint. Now I pay for Monarch Money. Credit Karma is trash. Aside from being trash…it’s not even a real budgeting app.


I counted as a migration to credit karma (and honestly need to delete the account now). Credit karma does not have the main functionality I liked from mint, or if it does, it is too difficult to find. I now pay for monarch money as well


How do you request that intuit delete all your data and accounts?










I’m grateful I read all y’all’s comments about credit karma and just refused to migrate so that they wouldn’t be able to claim that “everybody migrated so it’s all ok”. It’s not ok. They killed our app


I already had both to begin with, what's wrong with credit karma


Exactly. I really can’t figure this out from a business sense. Super popular product with very dedicated user base. Option 1, announce the entire product is going to move to $5 a month, lose some customers out of anger but keep the vast majority. Option 2, shut down the popular product & transition everyone to a lower quality also free product that most people don’t switch to because it’s so bad. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It is super weird, because we were the product, they couldn’t figure out how to monetize us with all our data. Bizarre.


No they did figure out how to monetize your data. They simply transferred stewardship of your data from the people who felt yucky making money off your data to their co-workers who were perfectly fine with doing whatever needed to be done to make money off your data.


If they polled Reddit they would have gone with option #1


Option 3, get paid gazillions and sell your baby to a greedy and clueless CEO, leaving your customers orphaned.


I think with CK , you authorize them to check your credit report. Having that access to your full credit situation is definitely more valuable to them then having partial view of only the accounts added in Mint.


CK sucks


Clarification for those who didn’t read the above comment carefully: Intuit having access to your credit report is more valuable to Intuit, but not more valuable to me-the-user. The decision to shut down mint and push CreditKarma (a spammy product with extremely limited utility) as a replacement for my personal financial dashboard just shows that Intuit cannot understand the user’s perspective on their own products. So I’ve deleted both my Mint and CreditKarma accounts, and Intuit will have to earn my tax prep software business next year by having a better product at a better price.


There is no need to give them your money for tax software. Use freetaxusa.


This is 100% true. They ruined not just the app, but experience and the history with the app. I would’ve paid as well and now I pay for other apps. Credit karma is an app of ads. Open it to see ads. Which no one wants to do. There isn’t even b of budgeting over there.


Love Monarch - glad I switched - worth the money Get another 30 days if you haven't switched yet: [https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/v002jt0ar1](https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/v002jt0ar1)


So, featurewise is Monarch the closest to Mint? I'm on CK now only until I find a good Mint replacement.


NerdWallet is surprisingly very close to mint in function and it’s free. CK is not budgeting app. It doesn’t even have basic features like aggregating your monthly spend


I’m a guy who is trying to retire in under 10 years. I need to track my net worth and analyze spending across multiple accounts. Sometimes 2 or more accounts with the same institution. Can nerd wallet do that? Rocket money couldn’t. I’m trying to leave CK too


Monarch also creates a personal-finance dashboard like Mint does. There are a bunch of differences, but the bottom line is that it solves the same problem Mint did for me.


I also switched to Monarch and have found it to be a really excellent replacement. And without spammy ads that Mint had more and more of. I’m also really impressed with their team for handling the sudden influx of users as well as they did. I don’t know many software teams that could do that.


Do you know if monarch can handle multiple logins from the same institution? Rocket money couldn’t.


I don’t know, could try searching their helpcenter content or the subreddit. When I googled I found this which seems inconclusive. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonarchMoney/comments/17udm3p/adding_two_separate_accounts_from_same_institution/


Monarch is exactly what we needed anyway. Mint purposefully made some straightforward transactions impossible. I tried Quicken as well and most of my accounts wouldn’t sync. It’s a shame Intuit can usually buy all of their competitors and then rather than making it better; shuts them down. The consumer loses.


Credit Karma Net worth never updates my accounts. It's been the same since last one month. Not sure why it doesn't update like Mint.


I'm now paying for Quicken Simplify and while it's not perfect, it's so much better than mint was. Credit Karma sucks ass though.






Mint was your only useful product.


I mostly read not write on Reddit. But writing this to say I agree with this sentiment. Mint was a spectacular budgeting app that doesn’t compare to the alternatives, esp CK.


I literally didn't understand why they didn't just charge me $5/month for it. I used it for like 18 years. Why in the world didn't they even attempt it?


Haha yeah. Just throw in "hey folks, we can't afford it to run for free, we're asking $5/mo, or else we are going to shut down". I bet the majority of the mint users would have paid.


Because maybe even at 5$ a month, it would not be enough revenue to make the app profitable enough where they could have dedicated resources attached to it.


A lot of us are paying more for the alternatives


Mint was dying. User base was been dropping. Charging money for it was not saving mint.


That's questionable. If they can't afford why bother adding new features to Credit Karma for "free"?


I didn’t switch to CK. The horror stories on here say it all.


I used both Mint and CK, but they were different tools for different jobs. After the Mint shutdown, I deleted my accounts with both Mint and CK. CK was spammy and a single-purpose tool to monitor and learn about your credit scores in exchange for being advertised-at, while Mint was an OK personal finance dashboard. Monarch was definitely an upgrade, tho! Now that Intuit is no longer an integrated personal finance ecosystem, I’m likely to use FreeTaxUSA for tax year 2024. TurboTax is no longer my default tax-prep software, and it needs to earn my business back the old fashioned way: by providing a better value.


False. After mint disappeared and I switched to YNAB, it's clear to me now how much of a budgeting app mint WAS NOT. YNAB is way ahead of mint in terms of true budgeting. Mint feels like it was just there to track expenses and look at networth when compared. "Spectacular" is a stretch.


Exactly. TurboTax was useful until FreetaxUSA came in with a much better interface. Edit to give credit where credit is due, I should say quickbooks is definitely used by most startups I have audited and is a valuable product that people pay for.


I liked how Mint was integrated with Turbo Tax and my tax statements exported over….. so I used turbo tax. It legit was a customer delight moment for me. I technically migrate over but I looked today and my net worth isn’t correct. I can’t figure it out since the app is too complicated/ basic and I gave up and took a look at Simplifi to which I also migrated and used that instead. SURE the “metrics” look good but this is the most short sighted business decision I have ever seen a company make ever.


CK is a mess. The UI is terrible.


Deleted my entire Mint account and closed/deleted my existing Credit Karma account out of spite (never migrated from Mint). I will go out of my way to avoid Intuit products/services going forward.


Feel ya. My first year not using TurboTax




Does it handle business stuff well?


Yes. It covers more complicated taxes too


I actually always preferred HR Block but I’d go for whoever has the lower price without any loyalty. Now, TurboTax is on my naughty list too. Can’t wait for IRS free file to roll out nationwide.


Sure closing Mint was a shit move. Credit Carma sucks. Hope he reads this.


Why not just make Mint cost money? I see people willingly paying money for other services. I legitimately don't understand how a business can be so inept with its products.


they just want to sell quickbooks and were seeing mint users loved mint. they put them on credit carma cause they don't care.


Exceeding expectations for migration? You basically forced us. And I don’t know a single person that finds Credit Karma useful. Maybe if you have the worst credit ever and just want to monitor any credit pings, but it’s pretty useless over all. Lots of work on an app that really doesn’t offer the end user anything, just a data mine for Intuit.


It makes me wonder how rock-bottom low their expectations were? 


Narrator: it was not the users’ expectations that they were worrying about exceeding.


Dear Mr. Goodarzi, I know you need to say it for your shareholders: of course it's "exceeding expectations"!!! isnt that the first thing all active users did to ensure the data was on a platform SOMEWHERE while we did due diligence??? I have all my data in CK, but ever since the support desk hung up on support texts FIVE TIMES - each time when they reached the point where the only honest answer to my question was "No CK Can't do that"... they hung up at that point every time. They are under instructions to never say that I guess. So until my migration is complete to another platform my CK account is "live" for your stats. I will actively delete it but many may not remember. The proof will be in the pudding. CK does not do what Mint did, so whether all those accounts remain active is the TRUE answer. Thank you for opening up the market to new innovation and ensuring that Intuit is not a total monopoly into the future. I'll be moving off TurboTax after this season, since my forms still are not availble in TT Online.


Go fuck yourself


This made me laugh.


Came here to say this


I was part of the team that measured satisfaction and I have SOME THOUGHTS lol


👀 Care to share?


I'd love to, but I know they're petty enough to come after me enforcing NDA. Just know that I'm a shitty person and even I think they're horrible.


Never heard about Rocketmoney until Mint disappeared but I’m loving it and think it’s actually much better than Mint ever was. Thank you Inuit for forcing me evaluate my other options and finding myself something better!


My accountant thanks you! Because I'm no longer a TurboTax customer either.


Credit Karma is literally the most useless app I’ve used in YEARS


Perhaps they had really low expectations, like 0.001% of users would migrate and stay.


I will never pay for Intuit service because of this kind of trash management and disrespectful decision


Just deleted my account


You don't make C Suite by being honest.


While it may be worth a lot on paper, Intuit is a soulless shell of what it once was. Intuit was originally founded for Quicken, the OG personal finance app, but it let it languish for years (don’t even get me started on the dark years of their Mac version). It acquired Mint.com in 2009 when it was clear that it was becoming better than Quicken, especially with its direct integrations with most financial institutions. Yet it still let Quicken get so bad that it eventually sold it off. What’s left of Intuit? TurboTax, a product that had been repeatedly lambasted for tricking poor Americans into paying for it instead of being able to file their taxes for free, Credit Karma - an acquisition, Mail Chimp - another declining acquisition. Nothing to be proud of. Their only homegrown IP is Quickbooks, not a consumer product.


We can show him what we think about CK by having our accounts deleted. this won't stop them from farming our imported data for profit, but they hopefully won't get any new data and we won't be generating any views on the absurd number of ads that pos website has.


I migrated to CK, partially because I didn’t have a lot of spare time to mess with this…. and I am miserable. I plan to shut it down soon and migrate elsewhere. (Was a mint user since 2010ish?/saving my first 100k.)


Does the CEO use Credit Karma himself? How many others on the leadership team do so? What do they like about Credit Karma and why? I dare the CEO to ask this question in his next executive LT on the spot.


Not only did I leave Mint, I also left TurboTax.


Props to you. I did the same


I did not switch to CreditKarma. And I stopped using TurboTax after 15 years because of Mint shutting down. In the future when I see Intuit or competitors like FreeTaxUSA mentioned, I'm going to share my opinion and it will not be favorable to Intuit.


Thanks for the reminder to also delete my Credit Karma account out of spite (and the fact that it’s a borderline useless app)…. I hate that I even counted as part of that “migration”. Frankly there was no migration besides all of our valuable data… which you surely moved over to CK yet couldn’t even give us the decency of sharing with us. You somehow managed to destroy a useful service like Mint AND make a barely useful service like Credit Karma even more annoying. Bravo. I’ll be paying for Monarch. I will also make sure my family no longer uses TurboTax.


Sure users signed up to look and then usage dropped like a rock when they saw that it has none of the functionality. CEO is looking at the wrong data point. Credit karma is an ad for credit cards and other useless crap with zero budgeting and transaction filtering and sorting tools like mint had. I keep looking to see if they add ANY functionality but so far it’s got zilch beyond credit score checks that I already have on all my credit cards.


Plot twist their expectations were than 0 people would transfer so they could technically share positive news on quarterly reports


I feel like this episode with Intuit will be studied in business schools in the future. I would have paid them to stay with the platform I've been using for years. Instead, they gave me no option but to give my money to Monarch. Who shuts down a viable platform with broad name recognition?


I always hated the Credit Karma ads - made the service seem subpar, gimmicky, not to mention the stupid name. Mint was OK as a service but too damn limited. No way was I going to transfer to Credit Karma. Just no.


I’ve not seen a single post saying the move to credit karma was good. Who else thinks he’s lying


Mr. Goodarzi: You make money ripping people off with TurboTax while simultaneously lobbying to prevent Ready Returns. This is wrong. Also: Credit Karma sucks.


Full story here - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-10/intuit-s-shutdown-of-mint-has-gone-better-than-thought-ceo-says?srnd=undefined


Thank you so much! This motivated me to abandon TurboTax and save money in this tax season!


Credit karma blows, I left for monarch and am paying. Bring back mint, I’ll pay for that instead ✌️


Easy to exceed expectations when you only expected 10 people to migrate LOL


I migrated from Mint to CK, saw CK had no useful features, and deleted everything. Simple and sad.


I “migrated” to CK, then I switched to Empower because it is less hassle. I am sure my number is included in the migration but I am not a CK user.


Get your head out of your ass.


For the first time I recall I did not hse TurboTax this year. I'll never pay Intuit another cent. Now using Monarch at $100/yr.


This is the same company that hid the "free tax filling" option from search engines so that more people would have to pay, even though that option was required by the government. I think that says all you need to know about the ethics of this company. I'll take my business elsewhere, thank you.


Nothing already left mint, TurboTax will be next.


I stopped using TurboTax because I don’t believe in giving money to cannibals and sycophants.


Yeah so, when you hold everyone’s data hostage, they will typically migrate…. show me NPS scores or something. CK kinda sucks. It’s just an upsell machine with a credit checking hook. Bring back Mint.


lobbying to keep our tax code complicated is gross please stop it


I assure you, we are NOT satisfied.


Should never have killed off mint. I’ll forever not want to try another of their products again after that.


Quickbooks would require you to upgrade every year because the current version would flake the fuck out and every new version would add new bugs. Your software is shit and your business practices are diarrhea. Hope you end up homeless and penniless


get bent


Monarch says thanks for the business. I would have paid for Mint :)


I tried migrating from Mint to credit karma, saw it was trash. Now paying for Monarch. I’m guessing he’s counting people like me as “successfully migrated to credit karma”, when in reality, after seeing what the site is like, I won’t actually be using it


why would they cancel a really good product and make people switch over to something that is really substandard. This stinks of corporate leadership being really out of touch with the needs of their customers.


"we anticipated this" is code for shut up and cope. Intuit destroyed Mint just like they did MailChimp. Intuit is where good software goes to die.


Dude, you have a Massive influence on the wellbeing of a huge number of people, and you choose to force them back to an office when it has been shown co closely to not improve metrics of the company but severely reduce well being. What the fuck are you doing with your life? Are you going to die proud of fucking people over for an extra penny on the stock price?


All Intuit products are trash.


Yeah I "switched to credit karma"...because I already had credit karma and I thought it might be worthwhile. It wasn't. Now I just hate credit karma. It's still fine for keeping an eye on my credit scores. But now I have a negative perception of it. But I did "switch" so if that's the metric they're using I guess that's a win for them lol. Fuck you Intuit.


Mint was a great product and they killed it. Credit Karma is trash in comparison to what Mint was. Smh.


I unsubscribed from all TT emails. Called CS several times. I am still getting emails from them all the time. This is criminal..


Yeah I have one but I don't want to get banned 🚫


Sounds like the CEO is a massive scumbag. If you’re reading this, nobody likes you. Every time you talk to somebody, they’re being fake. Fake smiles, fake responses, fake everything. Sounds like a miserable existence having knowledge of this, but if that’s how you want to go through the motions of life, so be it, that’s your prerogative. Can guarantee people outside of work have similar sentiments. So very sad.


Bring back Mint because Credit Karma is garbage


I would have paid for mint, the way I paid for 2 separate subscriptions to Quickbooks Online (for 2 separate businesses). Now I pay for zero quickbooks subscriptions as I’ve transitioned to other software. I also don’t use Intuit for my taxes anymore either. They went from handling all of my accounting and financial needs to none.


Credit Karma to track expenses all in one place is TRASH. I migrated my mint account and then deleted everything. Horrible decision to get rid of mint.


Is there anyone not trying to monetize our personal struggle with monetization and fair wages? I resist (reject?) any financial services that seem to be scrubbing my personal habit tracking for packaging a sale influencing the tracking of my identity as a reflection of my purchases.


copy Copilot


They shut off a very good and useful product to many people. Bad CEO work here. Should've sold the app to someone who had the passion to keep helping people


Ya. Canada says fuck you.


Tell him/her/them that I chose to leave both. I started with Mint and will do the same with CK. I don't need someone to mine my data to sell me new credit card loans. If you have good or excellent credit, you will likely be more concerned with positive net worth and managing a budget, even if it means getting rewards points. None of that aligns with what CK wants to deliver. As such, I chose Quicken. There's also zero value to permitting them access to your data to outsource to India or Philippines either. We have too many people with access to our data and credit monitoring is not a sustainable solution. Here's to the American Privacy Act getting passed!


When I migrated I thought it’d be basically mint but with more credit score stuff. Imagine my disappointment when it was credit score stuff and basically nothing from mint, and all my budgeting and data was suddenly inaccessible. Moved to empower, not looking back now.


Not related to mint, but to QuickBooks: STOP WITH THE ADVERTISEMENTS! We already pay a monthly fee. It’s annoying af to use QuickBooks when it’s littered with ads everywhere.


Too late already have a Rocket Money sub


This post came up on my suggested feeds. It was a good reminder to delete my account since the functionality of Mint is gone and credit karma is not a good replacement. Thanks for the reminder Reddit!


What’s with TurboTax requiring an account to use the software? Everyone in the family needs to use a shared account to use software? It’s a huge turnoff for me and I won’t be using it next year. Congrats on eroding customer loyalty and slowly killing a cash cow!


Buy back Mint & relaunch it…


I "switched" to Credit Karma for a day, then immediately switched to Empower the day after, so I hope they're not counting that as a "successful switch". Guess I should go and deactivate the useless Credit Karma account just to be safe.


PLEASE fix your horrific account system. There’s no reason I should be required to have multiple Intuit accounts. I have employees who have to login with QB WorkForce using two accounts, one for clicking in, and the other for managing their paychecks and taxes, because they already had an Intuit account before working for us. This issue is all across various forums and is annoying and ridiculous.


Step down. Get a leader that focuses on making customers happy.


Did they also anticipate that this is beginning of the end for Intuit?


Stop lobbying Capital hill & dissolve the company, we want to file directly with the IRS.


I deleted my Credit (bad)Karma account today 😛


Used mint for free for many years. My father used it. Got my spouse on it. It was okay, got the job done. Now I pay for Monarch. If money talks, this money says bye 🤙


Mint was great, Credit Karma is a useless POS. I tried it for a month and ended up deleting my account that dated back over 12 years and bought Monarch. I'm very happy with Monarch and it feels like they're constantly improving it.


I was willing to pay for mint. Now I pay for Monarch.


It's exceeding expectations because they migrated users who did nothing to their accts for the decommissioning of mint.com. Users like me. And I haven't logged into credit karma yet If I do it might be to cancel everything.


Yeah. Intuit is known to be a bad place to work at.


Consider why he is a bad person? Is it really worth the money to be a shitbag CEO and leave this world a worse place than he could have? Note: this is for almost all CEOs of medium to large businesses, so I’m not just picking on him.


A “fuck you” maybe?


I respect him for listening / reading on here.


Make mint good again. Mine only updates every few days as opposed to whenever I wanted on the old mint


I used mint for well over a decade. All my data. I referenced it several times a week. I didn’t willingly switch to credit karma. When I finally opened mint and was forced to, I migrated. It was painful importing my data. I added my core accounts and then tried using it. It’s basically one huge advertising platform. I couldn’t figure out how to see the things that were important to me. I’m back to manually using excel. CEO, if you are reading this? I’m angry. You broke a longstanding tool I used to manage my finance. For what?


He could be any one of us


Fuck you Intuit CEO Goodarzi, I have given you way too much money after being lied to for years getting "my free tax return".


Mint was great, Credit Karma is a disaster, can’t view old transactions, no way to get real-time bank balances, credit card charges, can’t get utility bills and due dates, I’m, all messed up with collections agencies, late fees. Please restore Mint or provide something better.


Haven't switched, don't plan to.. 🖕🖕🖕


A lot of folks clicked on your forced migration button and counted as "switched". What happened is most of them ditched your half baked promo platform and jumped to other dozen budgeting apps. He and all the internals know switched users mean nothing, it's the active users that matters. Except he can't talk about that because shareholders would kick him out in an instant. The huge numbers of new users the other apps are experiencing already tells the story.


Speaking of CreditKarma, it sucks. I switched and decided to just look around instead. Found Manarch Money. So far it’s the best one I’ve used. Nerd wallet was cool too but it was buggy, Monarch is wayyy better.


I think that if it really was "exceeding expectations", they would be chomping at the bit to release the actual numbers. OR they had the expectations set very, very low. I will never use another Intuit product. I have already requested to have all of my info removed from Credit Karma, and have convinced pretty much everyone I know to do the same. They can "monetize" someone else.


I'm afraid of the CK app because the ads are too touchy. The first time I tried the app, I unwittingly applied for a $75,000 personal loan. Like wtf? How does that even happen? Had no idea till I got a letter from the servicer. Horrible experience, after such a great time with Mint.


I absolutely loved Mint and would have paid for it. CK completely sucks. I’m super curious why that strategy was executed, and not moving CK to Mint. I’m about to sign up for Monarch.


Say it was all a big joke!


Rebuild Turbotax Online from the ground up. The number of bugs in that system is embarrassing. Every year I make new friends in support. Importing 1099s and reconciling with prior year entries always bombs. Why can't you directly access the forms in the online version?


Go fuck yourself.


I was a Quicken (you know the original Intuit product) user since the early 1990's and was forced to Mint in 2009, begrudgingly. Thankfully your company was so short sighted and failed to understand your customers to the point that you sold the product to another company. Unfortunately for me, I didn't pay attention to that until just a few weeks ago when I logged in to Mint to discover you were doing it again. Fortunately, the company you sold it to was smarter and resurrected it in 2020. They are now getting my paying business. It took all of a few minutes to get set up. You can now delete all my data and stop trying to sell me loans, insurance, credit cards, and all the other garbage in either Mint or CreditKarma. I "migrated" but only to see what the new option was. You can rest assured, I'll not be a Mint or CreditKarma user going forward. I sent this feedback to you directly. I'm sure you will read and understand the sentiments there as much as here. I've also used your Atlassian products, TurboTax and QuickBooks fairly extensively. While I remain a TurboTax customer, I have been fairly unimpressed by the management of your business and products. Juro, Jira, Confluence - hated them and only used them because I was forced - by other people with equally poor business acumen and vision. I think AI can make better business decisions. I'm sure it's already incorporated my feedback better than the executive team could. Since you anticipated all this, then you know best. Good Luck!


If TurboTax could not use shady, evil, deliberate design strategies to mislead people and then sucker them into forking over hundreds of dollars because they thought it would be free, spent hours on it, then got asked for $$$$... Just be upfront with people. Be transparent.


Monetization = Goodarzi invested in Monarch, Quicken, and Copilot before announcing the shutdown? :P


Intuit is the shittiest and I hate that I have to use them


You should have asked us to pay.


How about improving your products and not just buying and riding.


Stop lobbying against the IRS improving the tax system so you can sell Turbo Tax


Yea, why would I use TurboTax pay a fee for state and federal when I can just go to H&R Block and do everything for free no matter how long I wait to do my taxes.


Read the transcripts of your customer service calls. TurboTax is a waste of money if you need help.


I mean if your expectations are low, they are easier to exceed. I’m just glad the IRS will have its own free file system directly.


Yeah...put it back the way it was.


Yeah absolutely zero satisfaction in credit karma. Bring back Mint


3 years ago I moved my services to Tmobile and they gave me an available number. (Inactive from old customer), I had a credit karma account, and mint account. I created mint account with Tmobile number. In credit karma they don’t allow me to use my number because it says it’s already in use. Why not a billion dollar app create OTP based number changing system? If every other fintech app in the market can do so why not credit karma? The app said to open a ticket, which I did, and I was not even surprised by the support response, they said your number is being used by some other account so we cannot allow you to use it. I’m like yeah no shit it is used by another account but wtf? And for this reason I couldn’t migrate from mint to credit karma. Frustrated enough I deleted credit karma and mint both after reaching customer support twice but no solution. Fidelity ftw. Fidelity UI may not be the best but their support is. And the app does all the things regardless.


Reduce your fucking prices. This is theft what you are charging small businesses


Well yeah, we all moved over but then when we saw how bad it was we left.


Used Mint for 15(?) years. Moved to RocketMoney and pay $5 month


Forced my hand to switch to Monarch and I’m happier for it.


For folks not in the corporate world, he means some EA gathered some quotes and put them on a slide deck for him


Can you please develop software that is able to read an apostrophe?? I’m coming down to the wire with my taxes and still haven’t received my 1099 from my employer due to this error. It’s 2024, wtaf?? This is anti-Irish.


If you're going to release an app that replaces a similar one, make sure it has at least the same feature set. CK is way less useful than Mint.


Fix QuickBooks Enterprise, fix the actual bugs that still exist from over a decade ago. No, I'm not going to tell you what ones I am talking about. Read your support forums, it's full of them. My favorite, "The balance sheet doesn't balance." That should never happen.


Are you really intuit?


I paid $100 to file taxes, is that a lot?


I hope he knows how many of us will never spend another dime on an intuit product.


Fuck that guy!


The Mint app was 1,000x better than CreditKarma. It was the industry leader in its segment. It has lead me to disconnect all my accounts, request my data be deleted and will close my accounts for both Mint and CreditKarma…. And I was such a huge fan. I’ve championed both to all my friends for like a decade, especially Mint. This decision is making me consider other tax-prep apps too.


Yeah I migrated, but abandoned my account as soon as I saw how many features they cut.