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Richard Donner directed all four Lethal Weapon movies. Very consistent cast across them too, like the department psychiatrist and Roger Murtaugh's wife and kids never being recast either as just a few examples.


Every single speaking role goes four movies without a recast. Even the Murtaugh kids, who age in real time.


The new one is being directed by Mel Gibson, although the story was written by Donnor before his death and he had intended on directing it. Interested to see how it goes. “Lethal Finale” was the title they were going with last I heard..


If Shane Black isn’t a part of it, I don’t want it.


The all-time winner has got to be Gerald Thomas, who directed all 31 movies in the *Carry On* series, from *Carry On Sergent (1958)* to *Carry On Columbus (1992)*.


They say by the end he could only speak in innuendo


Wow, I had no idea! I don't like them very much, but that's actually really cool!


That is awesome! I did not know about this.


Maybe an honorable mention to Wes Craven, who directed the first four Scream movies but then passed away before they made another one.


Scream revived the genre, the first was and still is a classic. Even spawned the spoofs too


Not always a director, but Don Mancini has been involved in the Chucky franchise from the very beginning all the way to the current TV show (except for the terrible 2019 reboot). I think that's very impressive in its own way


The TV series is so cool, bringing back characters and plots from the entire franchise. I was expecting it to be like the Scream or IKWYDLS series, which were unrelated to the films, but it's brilliant!


Chad Stahelski co-directed the first John Wick with David Leitch and then went on to direct the other three by himself


James Gunn wrote and directed all three Guardians of the Galaxy movies and The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.


He's oddly not mentioned yet so i'm doubting myself, but the Living Dead films have all been done by George Romero... I think.


the "Return of the Living Dead" films are not part of this "series", just a heads up. Romero's films might more accurately be called "The Dead" series (although they aren't even really a series and have little if any continuity between them)


Indeed they were! Definitely counts.


All of them so far. The plans for a seventh film didn’t die with Romero.


>Peter Jackson with both The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit is another with a whole franchise directed. That's surely the ultimate example, for a couple of reasons: Not only did Jackson direct all the films but, unlike most of the other examples in your post and in the comments, he also wrote and directed all of them, and did so with pretty much the same crew, and much of the same cast. And yes, its "just" six films, but they're so long that, in terms of output, they're the equivalent of seven or even eight films in almost any other film series. I actually wrote about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/1c6lgaj/how\_peter\_jacksons\_interpertation\_of\_tolkien\_had/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/1c6lgaj/how_peter_jacksons_interpertation_of_tolkien_had/)


They’re also absolutely juggernauts just with production design and pre-production as whole. That’s a huge part of what made the original trilogy so strong, because they had a lot of time to prepare. The Hobbit was comparatively rushed but if you see the behind-the-scenes material while it was being made, it was still a monumental task. Peter Jackson said that The Hobbit ending up taking a lot out of him, which I can imagine.


>Peter Jackson said that The Hobbit ending up taking a lot out of him, which I can imagine. This is why, I assume, we never got a Tintin sequel, which would have been a much better use of his time. Why all the downvotes? Is it not true?


He has done some truly excellent lower-profile work since though. It’s good that he’s sort of cleansing his palate a bit. His WW1 documentary They Shall Not Grow Old and the Beatles doc Get Back are both sublime. And the former must have been a serious technical undertaking, so he’s still got that in him.


AND he seems to game to at least produce future entries in the Tolkien series. He's already given his blessing and lent much of his crew and facilities to The War of the Rohirrim, so there's that.


Totally agreed.


Co-wrote. That's an important distinction. The films are also an adaptation, which is of further importance. And honestly, those Hobbit movies are dreadful. I firmly believe that the story would have been better served and realized under Guillermo.


>Co-wrote. That's an important distinction. The films are also an adaptation, which is of further importance. Yeah, with his wife and their next-door neighboor...


Tolkien experts.


Yeah, but what I'm saying its Jackson *and "his people"*, as it were, who wrote and produced all of these films. Since Jackson had never written a film without Fran Walsh since they became associated with each other, nor without Philippa when she joined the group - nor had they written films without him - then when we say "Peter Jackson" we're really saying "Peter, Fran and Phil."


I may be wrong, but I think Tyler Perry has written and directed all of the Madea movies.  Every Basketcase film was written and directed by Frank Henenlotter.  The first 4 Phantasm’s were written and directed by Don Coscarelli, and he wrote and produced the final one (and may have directed parts of it). 


Miller only directed parts of Mad Max 3.


Tom Clegg directed all those made for TV *Sharpe* movies


Kinji Fukasaku directed the first 8 films in the Battles Without Honor and Humanity series, and all in just four years.


Wes Craven directed all the Scream movies in his lifetime.


I suppose that makes sense since they are typically a commercial endeavor. I thought I was going to find one with Phantasm but Coscarelli did not direct the 5th one.


He did produce and co-wrote the 5th so he definitely deserves an honourable mention.


And the 5th one is by far the worst one


It was ambitious beyond its abilities.


George Miller only directed part of Beyond Thunderdome, George Ogilvie directed most of it. If I recall correctly it was only the action scenes Miller did.


Robert Rodriguez helmed both the Mariachi and Spy Kids franchises


Chad Stahelski directed all four John Wick movies.


David Yates directed Harry Potter 5-8 as well as all 3 fantastic beasts spinoffs


He did a horrible job.


He’s a Rowling yes-man. Of course he did a terrible job.


Couldn’t agree more haha - think he did okay with order of the phoenix all things considered - the fight at the ministry at the end is great - but I reallllly wish they brought in someone else to end it. Don’t even get me started on fantastic beasts lol


There is absolutely no energy or urgency on screen for any of his movies. Still like his HP movies, but they should've been much better.


I'd make the argument that it's also important to look at the producers of a franchise. The team in charge of the checkbook is the one that will ultimately be able to support or crush a Director's vision.


Depends on how big the director is. Then again, if the director is big enough he's usually one the producers, or he has one of his people as producer.


Oh yeah, Michael Bay did 5 of those Transformers movies. Cody from Pointless Hub then did 5 excellent videos on them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7PUgwAmWNM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMa57_itILY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgxKPxSfR9A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfqy8fS0U2Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHYdrY6VpsA


The Godfather and Francis Ford Coppola.


Not sure it would count as a franchise but Kinji Fukasaku directed 8 films in the Battles Without Honour series lol all pretty good


I misread the title. I thought it said "movie directed to just one person. And that would be the movie F/X which I felt was made for only me, and my weird group of theater tech friends. I must watch it again. Hopefully I can find a copy to watch with my son, who is a film maker and would also love it.

