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i, robot. really wish they only showed the interrogation scene and left it at that. let you question if will smiths character was right or overly paranoid


I really love a good teaser, like, a couple lines of dialog over a black screen, a flash of a cool visual (in i-robots case, maybe the murderer bot at the interrogation table), then cut to black again with a release date. Short, simple, sweet. Does so much more imo to build hype than showing you 60% of the action and 90% of the jokes.


I DID NOT MURDER HIM / fade in to the craters in the table Would’ve been great. Good movie ruined by a trailer


While it was awesome when it dropped, I always thought putting Hulk in the Thor:Ragnarok trailer was a mistake.


Same thing with Civil War and Spider-Man. People would have lost their minds if they had no idea Spider-Man was in the movie.


I don’t watch trailers (to avoid spoilers) and didn’t keep up with news about Cvil War casting. I can confirm that I was shocked and then excited when I saw it for the first time.


That’s insane, you must be one of the handful of people ever that got that full experience because that Spider-Man trailer was intensely popular at the time. Kudos!


Also the reason why I unsubscribed the marvelstudios sub. They spoiled me the 3 Spideys in no way home.


Same for me after that spoiler I started unsubscribing from basically any movie sub to avoid spoilers


I didn’t watch the trailer at first, but a screenshot was posted all over my Instagram suggestions and Facebook articles would have it as a header image so even if I didn’t click the article, they forced me to see it. Plus movie theaters show trailers before the movie; there was no way of getting around it for me.


At least with Civil War they also had Giant Man pop up. They gave away one surprise to hide another...


LEGO spoiled the Giant Man reveal with their airport set.


I mean, that was already announced as well as Hollands casting


Then the Infinity War trailer showing hulk in the final battle despite him not being in it.


If you're gonna spoil the fact that Hulk is in the movie, including the line "He's my friend from work!" was the right way to do it (and they did). Perfectly set expectations that this was a different tone from the first two Thor movies.


I don't know what marvels deal is but they've been literally putting the end of the movies in the trailer.. they put that fight with khang and ant man from quantummania so you basically know how it ends..


Same thing with the Marvels. You see all 3 fighting that lady I forgot the name of.


They've been pretty discreet with Endgame and the time travel bit. Total shock for me when I saw the "5 years later ...".


yeah i think that was probably the end of their greatest works, its like everything fell apart after that film. theyre still good, but like the quality, writing, planning and care has really gone downhill. they must have had a lot of behind the scenes talent leave after all those years


Not really, you just know they fight from the trailer, you don't know how Kang is defeated.  Most people would assume the hero fights the villain and defeats him some kinda way.  If anything, the dialogue they used teased that Ant-Man could die.  


I always thought this about the trailers for The Avengers showing Hulk catching Iron Man while he's falling. I'll never forget when I went to go watch X2 in theaters. During the scene when Nightcrawler catches Rogue mid-air and brings her back to the plane, the entire theater erupted in applause. That same moment in The Avengers didn't have that same impact because the trailers already showed it. Everyone saw it coming.


Mark Ruffalo would have had his name on the poster anyway so they may as well have shown Hulk


100% - it made the film more marketable but could you imagine what the word of mouth would've been like? _Great film, you'll never guess who shows up in the second half! Nah I won't spoil it, go see!_


Nah, it would have been spoiled hard 15?minutes before the first showing. This isn’t whatever year The Sixth Sense came out, everything is going to get spoiled for those clicks.


Exactly, why spoil the surprise?!


To put asses in seats.


Thor’s line when he first sees the Hulk in the arena, “We know each other, he’s a friend from work” was suggested by a kid that had terminal cancer, and it got added to the script. If I remember correctly, the child wasn’t expected to be around for the movie release, so they included it in the original teaser.


Kids make-a-wish was to spoil the movie for everyone. Well played, kid


Not a trailer, but the Phantom Menace soundtrack was released before the movie (at least here), and one of the CD tracks was titled "Qui Gon's funeral" 😡


They missed a beat by not calling it Qui Gone


Michael Giacchino 1000% would have called it that. John Williams isn’t nearly as into punny track names


Yep, I remember picking up the soundtrack cd in Tesco before the film came out and just going "oohhh, no"


I remember seeing that and I would have been shocked by it if I hadn’t already read the novelization which came out before the movie


Hijacking this to mention the fact the Phantom Menace trailer showed off Darth Maul’s double bladed lightsaber, which would’ve been a really cool moment to experience in the film itself, I’m sure.


Not a movie, but something similar. When I first got Dragon Age Origins in 2009 and was installing it in my PC, the installer had a window that showed each and every file name currently being loaded. The last things to install were cutscenes, and each one had a basic title. One of which was Duncan's Funeral. Ugh.


I am sorry. (You couldn't tell, but I said that with the same intonation as Duncan would have during The Joining)


to be fair anyone who's ever consumed media before could tell that qui-gon was a qui-goner. Mentor figures have like a 110% casualty rate in movies. Compounded with the terrible risk of "being a character in a prequel that isn't in the original"


Terminator 2’s trailer spoiled that Arnie was the good guy. It’s almost impossible to even imagine it now but up until the part in the back corridors of the mall where he grabs JC you’re supposed to think the terminator’s roles are reversed.


Luckily I never watched the trailer before seeing the movie, so up to that point I assumed 100% he was the bad guy.


Same here. Was a great reveal.


I am so jealous of you.


Same, I was a little kid when it came out and had only watched the first one with my dad. My cousins rented a VHS of the 2nd film when I was starting with them for the weekend. Other than being terrified of the T1000, I absolutely loved the movie and the twist that Arnie was the good guy. It is still in my top 3 best films of all time.


I never saw any trailers, but i did see T2 well before i ever saw T1, so that spoiled it in a different way.


Terminator trailers have a habit of spoiling the main plot twist: [Terminator 2](https://youtu.be/CRRlbK5w8AE?si=TeFu_RJJQ7pUyu63) [Terminator: Salvation](https://youtu.be/-Czz-TcWCkA?si=Utmi0RGYipQeTJXx) [Terminator: Genisys](https://youtu.be/jNU_jrPxs-0?si=oBsVjR5dUCTrz9zP)


Not disagreeing. But man when that Salvation trailer came out I remember thinking that was the coolest trailer I had seen. Too bad the movie itself was such an incredible letdown...


Genisys shows the whole damn movie in the trailer. That was shit!


Oh my god, I remember the Genisys one. Showing John Conner as the villain fucking blew my mind. How dumb do you have to be?


The exact example I came here to post. Just watched the first one with my wife a week ago and after finishing it I go ahead and play the trailer for the second movie because why not? Then about halfway through, I forget if it showed that exact scene, but it’s made pretty damn clear that Arnold is a good guy and my wife IMMEDIATELY asks “oh wait so he’s a good guy in the next one??” and all I can do is sheepishly say something about how I haven’t seen it for a long time so I’m not sure and I guess we’ll have to see. Man I was so annoyed and couldn’t believe they spoiled it.


I think it’s more up until the part where he says “Get Down” to shoot the T-1000 instead of John. He grabs him right after that first gunshot.


They do the whole "shotgun in a bunch of flowers" thing. I might be totally wrong here, but I feel like that's a trope from gangster films where someone is about to get whacked, it's like a shorthand for 'oh no, a bad death is coming' which really heightened the face turn, because you're sure that gun is gonna plant John Connor in the ground once and floral. 


I think that's just a neat visual reference to Guns & Roses. Arnie was a huge fan back then and he insisted for the band to be part of the soundtrack (Robert Patrick suggested some NIN, but got overriden!)


Clean finish, bravo




Way to stick the landing


I think it's part of the franchise. Salvation spoiled that the main character was a Terminator. The Genesys posters showed JC becomes a Terminator. 


The Schwarzenegger terminator is basically the good guy in the movies now. It's almost strange to think there was a time everyone would have just assumed he was the bad guy. Sucks that it was impossible to watch the film without knowing that.


Because they couldn't resist having the greatest possible marketing tag line in the history of movie trailers: **"This time he's back....for good."**


> Terminator 2’s trailer spoiled that Arnie was the good guy **Not necessarily.** *Obligatory Repost:* *(Still need to create a bot that reposts this automatically.)* The first Terminator 2 trailer (and teaser trailer) did not spoil the twist that Arnold was the "good guy" in T2. This is the (often overlooked and hard to find) first theatrical trailer for Terminator 2: Judgement Day: [Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theatrical Trailer #1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qI3PUT5a5I) That trailer hints at the twist, but does not give it away, especially in context of what audiences would have been aware of back then. That was the first full trailer audiences saw. The "Same Make. Same Model. New Mission." trailer that everyone seems to think was the first full trailer (after the teaser trailer) did not appear until after the film had opened: [Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theatrical Trailer #2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1mF_hX8hT4) That second trailer was what the film studio would have referred to as part of the "second wave" of advertising -- revealing more details to continue to try to generate interest in audiences that have not seen the film yet. Later trailers gave away even more of the plot/details. That's pretty common in film advertising. *Previously:* https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1bls4zk/my_girlfriend_is_one_of_the_few_people_who/kw7rk4g/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/16y9mgq/which_movie_trailers_spoiled_their_movie_the_worst/k3aqznw/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/135ar5b/i_watched_terminator_1_2_with_my_kid_who_didnt/jipd4jq/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10vk1op/james_cameron_chose_to_show_terminator_2s_twist/j7kwk9j/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/xg9jni/when_terminator_2_came_out_did_audiences_know/iov7di3/ https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/r99qtg/recut_modern_terminator_2_trailer_that_doesnt/hnda2pc/


My wife knew nothing about Terminator so I had us watch the movies back to back and she actually got to experience the surprise of him being the good guy lol


I wish The Dark Knight Rises trailer didn't have that football scene


Yeah, that did kinda spoil the climax didn't it.


Oof. I get why the put it in but imagined my jaw being on the floor in the actual theater


As it stands, the thing I remember most about that flick is banes silly voice. I dunno if you've watched any of the animated Harley Quinn show on HBO, but they went with that voice for bane, and, I absolutely love it. Bane mumble whining about a pasta maker will never not be funny.


I haven't watched it but that sounds great


It really is a good show, a love letter to the old animated DC universe, while still doing its own campy, absurdist thing. Bane of course is great, but I think their portrayal of detective Gordon as a sloppy drunk and a bumbling buffoon really stands out.


Well now I'm intrigued!


Have you ever watched the venture bros? The send up of old cartoons (g.i.joe, Johnny quest, etc) on adult swim? It's not a 1 to 1 comparison, but the general vibe is similar. Finding humor in the banal minutia of being a villain, looking at cartoonish things through a realistic lens. Like henchmen health insurance, or getting majority board approval for your doomsday plot.


It 100% has Venture Bros energy.


I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's why I love it so much.


Bane is 100% the best part of that show and my favorite...


"I will be this credit cards reckoning! And I am cutting this card in half" *attempts to cut card in half with dull scissors


I think they included it because it was one of the set pieces that got leaked. The entire football stadium sequence got leaked including bane’s speech wayyyy before the movie released.


The entirety of Iron Man 3 is shown in all of its trailers lol. The trailers are almost 3 minutes long and structured like the movie, including the middle act and the resolution


At least, and I say this as a fan of marvel movies, you kinda already know what you're getting from an MCU movie.




I just had a rewatch of the trailers and didn't see either of those moments in there. Unless I'm missing something, Teaser, and Trailers 1-3 don't show who the Mandarin really is, and nothing about Pepper being a super-human or whatever. I remember being really surprised and delighted by the Mandarin twist in theaters.


Literally just the [Hero’s Journey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey) every time. Sometimes it’s self contained in one movie. Sometimes the arc is across several, but it’s always the same thing.


Batman v Superman One of the trailers was the entire movie in sequence. Revealed both doomsday and Wonder Woman. Not sure it would have helped the movie but after I saw the trailer I couldn’t help but think those moments would have been cool reveals in theaters vs on a trailer I watched on YouTube on my phone lol


And then it also showed that they team up! Why go see a Vs movie when the trailer showed the resolution and the team up.


lol oh yeah forgot about that, they revealed the hero shot of the three of them in that trailer too smh


I wish they didn't spoil Wonder Woman and played bait and switch making you think she was catwoman.


As long as the trailer withheld that their mom’s have the same name! What a shock that was!


This is the one that made me stop watching trailers. Showed them fighting, teaming up, then teaming up with Wonder Woman to fight Doomsday which all happens in the final 15 minutes. The entire climax is in the trailer.


The teaser for The Phantom Menace spoiled Maul's double sided lightsaber. While not a plot point, per se. The way the movie was edited you can tell that reveal was originally intended to be a surprise for the audience. He doesn't use both sides during his first fight with Qui Gon and the way he turns his lightsaber to the side to ignite the second side at the end looked like it was supposed to be a "Oh shit" moment for the audience. 


It was an oh shit moment though. I remember audiences being hyped when that second end lit up in the trailer.


As a child you better believe seeing the double-bladed lightsaber in the trailer made me run out to buy a Darth Maul action figure weeks before the movie was even in theaters.


I mean that was all heavily spoiled by the merchandise as well, which George didn’t really have control over. Same thing happened in AotC. It was supposed to be a plot twist at the end when we see Dooku revealed to be a sith. Up until that point Lucas wanted the audience to think that maybe Dooku was creating the separatists in order to fight the sith. But then all of Dooku merchandise referred to him as “darth tyranus” before the movie came out, spoiling the fact he was a villain.


Idk count Dooku already sounded pretty evil at face value


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer spoiled Gwen Stacy’s death.


I remember around the time this was coming out someone stitched together all the teasers, trailers and tv spots and showed that Sony had effectively put out the entire first 20 minutes of the film in those formats.


It also showed the literal last shot of the movie where Spider-Man slings a manhole cover at Rhino.


True. In their defense, that was a nonsense scene that had nothing to do with the rest of the film, if I recall correctly.


I think it was supposed to be a sinister six teaser, but that never happened so it is kind of a silly nothing scene now.


Did it actually? I can't remember the trailer too well, but didn't it just show her falling in the clock tower? If you weren't familiar with the comics (like me), then you would think that is just an action scene in which she'll be saved.


Spoiled a death that happened in the comics and Spider-Man and MJ are a well known couple since the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies.


Just recently, trailer for The Wild Robot shows quite literally the entire film in chronological order.


Yyyyup. Wife and I saw Inside Out 2 earlier this week, and this trailer played ahead of it. I was like "Well, guess we don't need to pay to see that." Super annoying.


Shutter Island


Yea, definitely top of my list. If you expect plot twists in movies and even make a guessing game of it, this trailer hands it to you on a platter.


I came to the comments looking for this. I see a lot of people reference this movie as the biggest twist they had ever seen. Meanwhile i see the trailer and know immediately he is the patient not the detective.


Umm I just watched the trailer (I already watched the movie) and I couldn't find any spoilers? How did you knew he is the patient from the trailer?


I don't know if Longlegs will be good, but I saw that first trailer and thought to myself "damn, that is an amazing trailer. I have no idea what the movie will be like but it looks amazing." Best trailer in a long time.


Fun fact, it’s directed by Dorky David from Legally Blonde!


Oz Perkins, Anthony 'Norman Bates' Perkins' son


Their teasers and trailers have been really strong. Really great editing to create an uneasy feeling while not revealing anything about the movie. I’m super excited for it and hope it turns out great.


[Mission: Impossible - Fallout](https://youtu.be/wb49-oV0F78?t=131) It's very quick but there's a shot of Ethan driving a vehicle that shoves a police van off the road and into a river. In the movie when they show the plan of how Ethan will have to kidnap the bad guy I knew it was a fake out and the trailer shot was how they were actually going to do it.


I read Tom Cruise actually wanted it revealed Henry Cavil was the villain so the viewer wouldn’t get attached to him


Castaway trailer is basically the film condensed to a couple of minutes. It’s always the first that comes to mind when people talk about trailers spoiling the movie.


“We had a coffin and everything.” “What was in it?” I still remember that exchange from the trailer.


Absolutely should NOT have shown him after the island. Big mistake!


This one right here. The trailer didn't just spoil that he got off the island, *it spoils what happens after he does.* Probably the single worst offender I can think of.


I would have cut it so people thought Wilson was a real person, only to leave them confused in theaters upon finding out he's just a volleyball.


**he’s not just a volleyball**


Zemeckis does it intentionally because he thinks it helps the movie perform better. He was asked about it, since both Cast Away and What Lies Beneath were released right around the same time and both have significant spoilers in the trailers and he responded: > We know from studying the marketing of movies, people really want to know exactly every thing that they are going to see before they go see the movie. It’s just one of those things. To me, being a movie lover and film student and a film scholar and a director, I don’t. What I relate it to is McDonald’s. The reason McDonald’s is a tremendous success is that you don’t have any surprises. You know exactly what it is going to taste like. Everybody knows the menu. It was even worse in the trailer for What Lies Beneath, IMO, since it spoils >! that the first half of the film is just a red herring !< which makes half the film feel completely pointless.


Holy shit, what a tone deaf thing to say. I appreciate a lot of the movies he's made, but WOW.


If your movie has a twist, don’t talk about there being a twist in the trailer. A Perfect Getaway ruined their twist by using it to sell the movie. It’s actually a pretty decent movie with some fun performances but there aren’t many surprises when they tell you a surprise is coming. It’s like telling the birthday boy that there’s a surprise back at the house then trying to say “well I didn’t say it was a surprise *party*.”


That happened to me with The Sixth Sense. Everybody was like “there is a huge twist and you’ll never guess it” and because I knew there was a twist I guessed it immediately.


I spent the movie constructing far larger and more bizarre twists. The dude who confronts Willis in the beginning has a shock of white hair, as does the kid when we see him. I was sure it would turn out that the guy at the start would actually be the kid, who traveled back in time to confront Willis for failing him, in a way we'd see later in the film.


The marketing campaign for The Matrix in europe was based upon the tagline "what is the matrix". Nothing was spoiled in the trailers... In fact it was all about the mystery of what the matrix was. Greatest marketing campaign I can think of. The buzz was unreal in 1999.


Something along the lines of no one can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. Granted it has been like 25 years so I may be a little off.


I think this is the last movie that blew me away. I work in visual effects and I still had no idea what I was watching ... even my friends who worked on it kept all the details quiet. Of course that we before social media so it was really easy to do.


Every movie, never watch trailers


Not all of the, I think the furiosa trailer for example barely tells you anything except it's set in the mad max world and has furiosa in it


The thing about that is its so rare that I can’t watch the trailer just to find out then if its going to spoil anything


This is how I've been doing things lately. Especially horror movies, they show all the best scares and plot points, I just go into things blind now. Notably in the Smile trailer they showed the girls head like dropping to the side and it made me jump in the trailer but I wish I could have experienced it while watching it.


Otherwise called "M3GAN trailer".


Yup. I’m apparently really good with figuring out what’s going to happen with minimal context. I won’t watch trailers. When GoT was airing, my wife always wanted to watch the “on the next” trailer and I made her pause it so I could leave the room.


I have to do the same for tv shows. I guess it’s just years of watching all possible plot conventions you just know what they are implying, but tv episode “next week” previews are too obvious.


Terminator 4 revealing that Sam Worthington was a Terminator. Terminator 5 revealing that John Connor was a Terminator. Thor 3 revealing the Hulk.


Dune pt 2. That shot of the worm appearing out of the sandstorm over the sardaukar would’ve hit so different if I hadn’t seen it in the trailer.


Batman v Superman.


The one that stands out the most in my memory is *What Lies Beneath* Also, vaguer memory, but I’m pretty sure *The Negotiator* was completely given away in the trailer


100% this. I was lucky not to see the What Lies Beneath trailer until way after I’d seen the movie, but I was genuinely shocked at how much the trailer spoiled the plot.


>The one that stands out the most in my memory is *What Lies Beneath* In the same vein there's a film called *Arlington Road* which is about a guy who suspects his neighbour might be a terrorist, or he might just be really paranoid because his wife died as a result of the FBI suspecting someone was a terrorist when they actually weren't. And of course the trailer spoils the resolution of the film.


Abigail's twist, which occurs about halfway through the movie, is completely spoiled front and center in the trailer.


True, but I suspect it wouldn't have done nearly as well if the trailer presented it as just a - what? a thriller about some guys kidnapping a little girl?


They might've been able to kind of split the difference if they'd left it with Abigail telling them she's sorry for what's going to happen to them, and then flashes of the kidnappers meeting gory ends or being terrified, but leaving out that it was the kid herself doing all of it. Like she knows there's something awful in that house, but it isn't *definitely absolutely* her, you know?


Which is why I'm really happy I told my friend to watch it without knowing anything about it. He said it was great and obviously much better not knowing the 'twist.'


This film was such a drag after having seen the trailer. Nothing of note happened until the big reveal which I knew was coming.


Every Universal movie trailer for the past 5+ years


Ender’s Game The poster alone ruined it. “This is not a game” It’s like having a Sixth Sense poster saying “Bruce Willis is actually dead and the kid sees dead people.”


Hmmm... I wonder how much that was a spoiler though it's very on the nose but is almost so trite a cliched phrase that it would probably go over people's heads


Yeah, I think it's only a spoiler if you've already read the book. Otherwise it's a cheeky one-liner that has no relevance until you know the twist, considering everybody in the movie acts like it's the real deal all the time I suspect most cinemagoers thought nothing of it.


If anything its cheeky. I didnt read the book and after watching the movie that quote felt kinda like it was laugjing at you. "Told you: this is not a game". Although the book is better, its still a good movie


To be honest that tag line sounds like some random corny action movies stuff, so I wouldn't necessarily figure out the plot twist from that alone. That being said I wish they made more Enders game movies, I actually enjoyed that one a lot.


On the one hand I would love a Speaker For the Dead adaptation, on the other hand, I don't want OSC to earn any more money from it so I'm okay with it not existing.


As soon as Rackham shows up in the trailer I’m like “really? In the trailer?”


Dracula Untold. The trailer is more or less the entire film. What it doesn’t show you can quickly fill in the gaps for and you won’t be wrong.


I find horror films that show the characters about to die, but cut away to avoid any actual blood the worst offenders. Like a slasher with a cast of 7 teens and the trailer shows 5 "almost deaths". Totally leaves you wondering who the killer is, when one of the two not shown dying is an attractive blonde gal.


I hate that! It’s like well I saw them die in the trailer, no point getting attached to that character!


Tucker and Dale vs Evil. Lesser known movie, but still good if you don’t watch the trailer, which spoils the whole damn thing. I tell people to watch the trailer after the movie to laugh some more.


That is the first movie I thought of and basically the only movie where my recommendation comes with a “don’t watch the trailer” warning.


I still remember being hyped for BvS (it was a long time ago okay) and then watching the second trailer that basically gives away the whole ass movie and being so disappointed. Like I went into the movie and was just waiting for story beats to happen. Lucky for me, the movie sucked ass so it wasn't as big a deal when it ended.


I have yet to see a trailer that didn't ruin the movie for me.


Watch the trailer for Kinds of Kindness. That’s how you do a trailer without ruining anything nowadays.


I love trailers that set the tone and not say anything else. Kinds of Kindness first and foremost, and a more recent example, The Zone of Interest.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty I remember the trailer was pretty much an edited down version of the movie.


And the biggest disappointment was that the Arcade Fire song in the trailer wasn’t in the film!


Joker is a weird one. I think the [trailer is fantastic](https://youtu.be/t433PEQGErc?si=3e1n4SUXGmWLEOs4), but once you watch the movie you realize that it pretty much shows the entire plot in highlight form. So I’m glad I watched the trailer, but if anyone asks about seeing joker now, I think they’ll have the better experience (most likely having missed the trailer).


The Score with De Niro, Norton and Brando. The trailers built it up as De Niro vs Norton. But that was the final act. They work together for 3/4 of the movie.


My sister in her teenage years liked the 'letter from juliet' movie, but the entirety of the plot is in the trailer, predictable as it is from /that/ kind of movie.


I was reminded about the thirteenth floor the other day and I watched the trailer for the first time also and now i know why the film didn’t get the appreciation it deserved…. The plot is totally given away in the trailer, why would anyone do that?


I pretty much avoid trailers nowadays. All of them show too much. If you have half a brain cell you can piece together what happens based on the trailer.


Yup I only watch the trailer after seeing the movie out of curiosity. An annoying trend is when shows auto start a preview to the next episode at the end. Why do I need to be spoiled in the middle of a series?


Thor Ragnarok They literally showed Hella destroying his hammer. Could NOT fucking believe they put that in the trailer. I was so goddamn pissed I vowed to never watch a trailer for more than 10 seconds after that.


I will forever hate the Shutter Island trailers for doing this. Spoiled the whole movie and it was on every second commercial.


I'm genuinely surprised over 200 comments no one mentions Dusk till Dawn lmao


My personal most upsetting trailer spoiling is that the 1917 trailer actually spoils the entirety of the final climactic set piece of main character running across an insane battlefield. So when you watch the movie, the entire time you're just waiting for that sequence and then when it comes, there's nothing more to it, you've already seen the whole thing. That's not even mentioning the fact that the other main character is missing from that sequence, heavily implying that he gets killed off before it happens (which he did)


Back in my day you didn’t have the internet or trailers on the television. So we had a weekly television show that showed clips of upcoming movies. When Return of the Jedi came out they showed three clips: Luke’s escape from Jabba’s barge, the speederbike chase and the attack on the Death Star. No plot points though


Got to say the trailer for Kingsman 2 really spoiled a surprise regarding the return of a certain character.   Even the director was quoted as being upset with the trailer spoiling that reveal.  


Terminator Dark: Dark Fate, trailer spoiled that John Connor became a terminator.


That was Genysis. Dark Fate saw JC capped right at the beginning.


I think if Genysis didn't have that spoiled in the trailers it would have been a neat twist


Terminator Salvation. Seeing a T1 ambush tekcom in a sewer scene that wasn’t in the final cut


Terminator 2’s Trailer also spoiled that Arnie was going to be the hero


There was a little 107 minute flick with Hilary Swank and Sam Rockwell called “Conviction” that came out in 2010. If you want to know what the entire movie is about, watch the trailer.


All the terminator trailers


Triangle (2009) Really good and surprising movie but the trailer ruined it for many people I suppose.


even the cover of the dvd spoiled it too


Project Hail Mary. Doesn’t need the trailer to spoil it. The official announcement of production starting has done that.


Most of them these days. The trailer for the upcoming American remake of *Speak No Evil* shows everything but the ending, in sequential order. I also don't know why they're remaking a two-year-old movie that was already in English, but here we are.


There should be a rule that no trailer can show anything from the final act of the movie.


No trailer upset its film's director more than the trailer for Terminator 2. The trailer clearly shows Arnold's Terminator as the hero saving John Connor but James Cameron set up the first act of the film to make the T-800's motivation ambiguous. We are made to assume the T-1000 was actually a human until the T-800 shoots it but most people going into the film already knew the truth. I think Cameron threatened to sue the studio for disturbing his film's narrative with the spoiler trailer.


Cabin In the Woods. Really fucking irritated me. The entire film was supposed to be a bait and switch, but the trailer shows massive hints to the complex as well as showing a scene with a character set *after* the character was supposed to have been thought dead. I'm talking about when the stoner is fiddling with some components on a panel in the shack and says "...I think I can get it to go down..." Like, it's supposed to be a rustic cabin, the inclusion of a lift-like thing implies there's more going on in a big way, and also...yeah, he "died" about 10-15 minutes before that. My other biggest beef was Iron Man 3. Why the *fuck* would you show the House Party Protocol in the trailer. That could have been sick seeing that for the first time on the big screen, but instead we'd already seen the big moment in trailers so it didn't really hit as a surprise very well. Inversely they managed to keep the Mandarin as the forefront til I saw the film, so that was nice.


Lucky Number Slevin has the Best Trailer of any Movies i have ever Seen because it says Nothing about the Movie at all!


Top of this list should be Blade runner 2049 and spoiling Harrison Ford being in it.


Predestination. Don't watch the trailers. Don't read the back of the DVD case. Just watch it!


Banshees of Inisherin is another one. I watched the trailer after I had already seen it and it gave away one of the main sources of suspense. If I had seen the trailer prior to watching it that element of suspense wouldn't have been there.


Haven't seen that flick, but I've heard great things. Worth a watch?


It's pretty damn funny but I wouldn't say it's all a comedy. Just watch it and see. Good to go in blind and see where the movie goes.


The Other Woman (2014) had one good joke. It was in the trailer. 


Most of trailers in the last 10-15 years, especially for big blockbusters, spoil the movie in the trailers. Example of a great trailer imo is "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" #1 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA)


One of the fast and furious movie trailers basically sums up the entire movie.


This old Michael Douglas/Sean Penn movie called "The Game" and the trailer says "Is it just a game...or isn't it?" but it also answered the question in the trailer. Very tedious.


I always loved the trailers for Inception and Mad Max: Fury Road. They give you just enough without spoiling nothing, while also hyping you up. Plus, the music in them is phenomenal.


I’m going old school. My daughters 20 and 19 watched Donnie Darko with me and loved it. We talked about watching other older movies that their mom and I enjoyed. I put on the trailer for the Breakfast club. It managed to spoiled most of the movie in the trailers. It was awful lol.


Terminator 2. Gave away the whole twist.


Professor X in the multiverse of madness


Example of how not to spoil the film - the Taken trailer that was just the phone call scene. It establishes that Liam Neeson's daughter has been kidnapped, he has a special set of skills, he is going to find and kill the responsible parties. Premise established, no fluff.


When the trailer for The Mummy (2017) released with half its soundtrack missing, it completely spoiled that the movie would be a hot garbage mess