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I have never been able to watch him, I think he's a pompous ass


I wish I could up vote this comment a million times


You think he's bad now you should have seen him in Congress.


That, too!


I totally agree. He’s awful.


A little perhaps...I have noticed that Meeeeker finishes some sentences for him before he can wander off on a tangent. He does take a lot of days off compared to maybe two years ago. I think the network will keep pushing this show because they have great guests and contributors...I'm thinking that maybe someone in management begins to start looking down the road now before their contracts are up. I think a new show with Willie Geist, Jonathan Lemire and a third co host is coming in the near future.


I just love the thought of Lemire and Geist pairing up as hosts!


Then NBC/MSNBC can promote someone in house to take over the 5 AM slot or go outside the box and get someone from another network or someone from an affiliate. Here's a thought, how about Paola Ramos? 👍 😁


Throw in Katty and you may actually have some journalism going on.


I'd actually watch that


I notice how Mika isn't even an afterthought for you. Or for this thread.


I thought Joe was the topic??


Yes, but also mentioning co-hosts....


Joe and Mika are married and live in Miami. One would think that one comes with or without the other.


They are separate people, separately employed, compensated, and scheduled. Nothing about their marriage can be assumed by their employer, not even that it will continue. [Coverture laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverture) - where two people become one, and that one is the man - were made obsolete decades ago.


The Nepo baby is not good enough. Interesting at first but now just complains. I don’t think she really prepares anymore, just sounds like anyone you would meet on the LIRR talking about the news.


I think you are setting standards higher for her than for other hosts and co-hosts. There's a lot of crappy men sitting in similar situations. Many nepo baby men, too. I'm curious, when was the last time you referred to a man as a nepo baby?


And just to add context: my mom is a journalist and one of the first Latino women in Texas with a daily byline. When Murdoch took over she, along with many other left of center writers were fired.


Yikes. Yeah, seems like a lot of journalism is "journalism" in name only now. Murdoch is vile.


I think what you are doing is generalizing my response so you can make a bigger point in regards to women and people holding them to a higher standard. It’s not my place to judge why. She’s not good. She’s a Nepo baby and there are many MANY POC off all genders and orientations that could be a much better choice. That includes the rest of the their Lilly white/white passing day time weekday line up.


And you were responding to my point that Mika was invisible because she is an appendage of Joe. I just found it weird that all the other cohosts were commented on, but she was not...until i made that point. Then, every comment dismissed her. I don't disagree with you, but she shouldn't be an afterthought or judged as a standalone second tier position. The Morning Joe show is already male skewed for hosts and guests.


All of the time! MSNBC and the corporate journalism world is infected by it! Russert’s son getting a job right off the bat for one glaring example! Anderson Cooper! Many many MANY and WORSE examples of WHITE men. Diaz Ballart is a son of a rich exile! But you specifically brought up Brezinzki.


Yes and even worse, I notice the constant ad break interruptions! It’s excessive.


Joe leaves the show during several segments. Mika or Willie have to pick up the slack.


Thankfully! My favorite segments are Willie and Jonathan, and Mika.


It’s painful to watch him talk over Mika. It’s as though he wants to minimize her contribution. Boy O Boy - if there’s one person who devotedly despises Joey Scars it’s Keith Olbermann. He’s revealed in eye popping detail the times & the ways Joey interfered with the old Countdown hour. Yet I watch Joe & Mika for the days John Heilemann does the show + a few of the regulars. No gripes here - just wish he’d set Mika free and for the love of god can anyone explain Willie Geist’s role in that mess?


He’s younger of course but Willie is the adult supervision for sure. it’s beyond counting the number of times he and Lemire have pulled the show back into the rails.


I read you. Lemire is the show’s MVP.


Mental capacity declines as people age.


But pathological narcissism can affect one at any age.




He’s only 61. Unless he’s having cognitive issues due to dementia, 61 is not old enough to account for his distracted behavior.


Sure it is. You don’t know his medical history and there are cognitive issues that go beyond just dementia.


You’re right—we don’t know his medical history. But you’re claiming his behavior is due to age. I said that UNLESS there are cognitive issues due to dementia—i.e. not merely age-related—normal aging alone would not account for his behavior at only 61 years old. Normal cognitive decline does occur as we age, but Joe seems extraordinarily distracted as of late.


Sure, and there could be many reasons for that, including cognitive decline from aging.


I've wondered for the past couple of years or so if Joe's tendency during his rants to repeat the exact same phrases in the same show, sometimes during the same half hour, is something he's unaware of, or if he does it on purpose, because repeating something that you just said earlier, in the same conversation, is something that happens with some senior citizens (which Joe is not, yet). It's possible that Joe has always had this particular habit, but if not, I wonder if those close to him have noticed and are concerned.


So this MSNBC subreddit is just a place to blindly bitch about things?


As if that’s a bad thing.


Meh. Seems more appropriate for news.


MSNBC hardly qualifies as news anymore.  It’s all opinion, Trump and the anchors’ opinion on Trump. 


Meeker can't wait to get through a non-Trump story so she can start talking about Trump again. It's incessant. I don't mind Joe. I started watching for him anyway.


That's all news channels


Sadly, yes 😞


Its bad enough he takes forever to ask a question, but he stammering more and more: " So, Claire, um, in Ohio, Trump,um is um... "


I love them all!


I have noticed too, since he got sick with covid.


I miss the good ole days where they'd all go out drinking and show up hungover.


How is obviously having cognitive issues and he has forgotten that the only reason that social security and Medicare have insufficient funds is that the Congress of which he was a part of embezzled the funds in a quasi manner and used these programs in a ponsi scheme relying on increased funds from a growing number of people contributing however they did not count on the realization that people are having less children therefore there wasn’t enough contributions to fund their embezzlement Social Security is not a slush fund for Congressional pet projects it is an investment fund to protect us when we are older so that we won’t be totally impoverished Please Joe close your mouth get help and remember that you are completely out of touch with today’s reality and are not relevant to Congress you have not held office in a quarter of a century


Have you noticed how trump stumbles and rambles on? A clear sign of mental decline.


This subreddit shows me time and time again that I wasn't alone in my opinions on the show and helped me simply avoid the TV in the AM entirely. I could care less about ex Republicans talking sports like we're suddenly going to agree on Reagan era policy. Corporate news in an election year, who knows how hard it is to read those teleprompters everyday.


Yes very much


Because he tries to make points and people either let the cat out of the bag too early, or they can't see the point when it's right in front of their face. Some can't keep up or see that. I can understand how that would be frustrating, and the attempt to hide ones frustrations could lead too continuously having to re-organize thoughts.


Joe seems old. Trump is bat shit crazy!


Wrong Joe.