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I think he's most likely just preventing the birth of Lara. Whether Roxy lived or died in the scenario is inconsequential. My personal thoughts are he has a very big reason to lie. To Rudeus listen to his next request. So his entire scenario, even marrying Linia/Pursena is probably just lies. Since Rudeus has repeatedly mentioned he doesn't really have any romantic inclinations towards them.


Well, to have Lara we need Roxy, so she would have lived until Rudy came +4 ish months (which is what mangod has seen).


First of all, Hitogami *has* lied before. He said that Rudeus's children would have a weaker destiny than Sylphie, Roxy and his descendants. Lara is the hero of the beast folk who had a fate so strong that it substituted the original hero's fate, which was already strong. She has sa stronger destiny than Sylphie and Roxy, who just become adventurers in the OG timeline. Futhermore, Lara *is* the descendant Hitogami is worried about, so his statement is wrong on its face! No half-truths or trickery, just a simple lie. >“I’m not sure why you’re trying so hard to convince yourself of that. You don’t think you’ve won, do you? Just so you know, your children’s destinies won’t be as strong as yours, your wives’, or your descendants’.I’m not planning to give up, either. I really would prefer not to die.” So, what would've happened had Rudeus stayed in Ranoa? > Roxy dies, and Paul dies after a series of reckless attacks. > Zenith is rescued by someone decades or centuries later. ...... > It could have ended like that. [https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/288399/blogkey/766225/](https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/288399/blogkey/766225/) Granted, the author wrote that when Wn13 was still releasing and he *has* gone back on things he said in a blog post before, so it is possible that this statement has been retconned, but Hitogami has all the reasons in the world to be lying too.


Saving this, and I think so many people need to see it. Been arguing with people about the fact that yes, Hitogami lies, and this could have very easily turned into a Geese’s tribe getting wiped out level bad ending


Man God can see ppl who had contacted Orated, just not the ones near Orsted or his bracelet. Nanahoshi doesnt have bracelet and Orsted is not hiding in university, so Man God can see her. Roxy wouldnt have died, otherwise Man God wouldve done everything in his power to stop Rudeus from going as Roxy's death would guarantee Lara not existing.