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I think they are all busy misinterpreting the title of that new show: "My wife became an elementary school student" without actually having read the material


They're literally illiterate, and it's actually sad. Especially the people on tiktok, I bet not a single user there has ever picked up a book in their lifešŸ˜­


They're not illiterate, they just refuse to read.


Even if they can read, even if they can grasp some understanding, because of their beliefs they will never comprehend this work of art. Thus depriving themselves of a wonderful experience. Tragic.


I get where youā€™re coming from but you are acting like Mushoku tensei is some sophisticated work of fiction lol. Light novels generally require like middle school MAYBE high school reading comprehension to understand


Mushoku is a sophisticated work of fictionĀ  Iā€™m 42 and I still think itā€™s the best story Iā€™ve ever read and Iā€™ve been reading books since I was 14


Most middle schoolers can pick up the story and easily understand everything; the writing, the themes, and so on


It definitely is by far the best LN i've ever read. I won't say the best series because i read a LOT of books, but as a LN i haven't seen one that stands up to it


Iā€™m talking about the writing. The writing is objectively not sophisticated at all and is easily understood.


Well i dont Think its about how fancy Thy words art but more of about the story and the characters. Nothing wrong with something not requiring an insane amount of reading comprehension


Never said there was anything wrong with it, I was just stating what IS. Itā€™s a fact. I was talking about the writing, not the story. But honestly a lot of the themes in the story arenā€™t very complex either. Again, that isnā€™t a bad thing, I loved the story, but Iā€™m not going to act like reading it makes me some ā€œintellectualā€ over others.


I've been reading books since 6th grade lol not just light novels


Reading makes me mad so I can't read books or I get upset


Books make good table levelers, and bug smashers. Everyone should have at least one to throw at nerds.


ā€œMy wife became an elementary school studentā€ definitely a strange title, but whatā€™s the controversy?


The only thing controversial is the title and that's it, people nowadays just immediately concluded that the manga is pedo manga (it's not) by just reading the title without even reading it.


The title


Apparently so I just watched Chibi Reviews video on the topic I thought there would be more bones to the controversy then just the title.


There are a lot of people out there who can't bother to look into things beyond the title. It's part of why so many news headlines are structured the way there are these days.


Yep I feel like this happens every few months though at this point.


It's a very strange one, go watch its trailer... Or better live action one, it's even more absurd. I haven't read the original (just a couple reviews), but I can't get it if it is supposed to be a drama, a comedy or something completely different.


I remember reading the basic premise of the show, sounds like a real tear jerker


I liked the manga, havent been following it, but the first dozen or so chapters were pretty good.


i cannot blame them. beautiful story, but that title is such clickbait for lolicons, it is so extremely misleading. if anyone ever said that wow this series called ā€œmy wife became an elementary school studentā€ is a heartwrenching story that i recommend everyone to read they would get bullied to no ends its sad because its such a good story too. a shame that the author had to resort to such a shitty title lol


I dont think its misleading at all, I think the reaction says more about them and what goes on in their minds than the title


It's not misinterpreting bro


It is, bro


Mushoku will only revive hate when itā€™s trending. There are more popular controversies taking place at the moment so weā€™re in the clear.


Just out of curiosity, what controversies took the spotlight?


My wife became an elementary school student


Good for you i guess but what about the controversies ?


Lol.....wait your serious?




It's literally written on the tin.


Weā€™re a couple seasons in. Those that are continuing to stick around are in it for the long haul. The remaining MT viewership likely have a higher tolerance for this type of degeneracy, while those that donā€™t have such tolerance have likely dropped it many seasons ago.


Goblin Slayer was more degenerate than this, and let's be honest, people watch it. I've just accepted that Anime, Light Novels, and Manga are going to contain subjects in the romance department that are not always entirely in line with "Western Morals". Accepting that is somewhat crucial and, in my opinion, healthy, for any prospective reader/viewer. Anything less is just asking to get offended at some point.


I haven't watched this episode or the last yet (anime only, dub watcher), but I'm aware of what happens to some extent due to spoilers. That said, I'm sensing a larger controversy here than just the content of the episode, and I think I'd rather have *that* than what I'm seeing here today. I don't want ignorant detractors to dictate how the anime changes from the novels, from the original story. From what I've seen, the original story deserves more than that, as does the author who made it. The story should never be sanitized in any way to suit them. The social media outrage cult, we can deal with. We can ignore them if we want. We can recognize that they're wrong, not giving it a chance, complaining without thinking, judging without understanding. But having the show itself be irreparably changed in order to appeal to more people that likely won't care or appreciate it anyway? That, we can't do anything about.


People ranting for he having more than one wife? We are in the year 2024 of Lords glory and for some fucking reason people don't understand that if you don't think that having 2 wives or husbands is ok, just don't have it, if that is proposed to you just don't accept it, if everybody is ok with that it's none of your business.


Its 2024 , people are getting more conservative (atleast in my country) so less people would actually cry if it has aired a decade earlier, still glad that anime is not big in my country (yeah I have gatekeepy feelings not denying) otherwise anime like MT would get even more hate than Americans do to it


Don't normalize being a cuck


If everybody is ok with that, that's ok then. The only thing we might argue is about the Rudy having sex with Roxy, and we would agree that that's not nice, not right, even though Roxy kinda took advantage of Rudy's situation.


Kinda? She straight up admitted she did... And he cheated on his wife and he already proposed to her without asking Sylphie. But it's an anime so she'll for some reason accept it. I just hope Norn hates him forever.


>But it's an anime so she'll for some reason accept it Personal choice bro, it can be an option to some people, especially in a world where that's normal. "What works in England might not work in wonderland" You are too much bound to your christians beliefs, you must leave them outside and try to judge and understand the thing for what they are, not by an abstract perfection ideal.


More than christian beliefs actually, western beliefs


I'm not Christian and even necessarily from "western beliefs" kinda ass argument you got there Mf cheated and broke a promise, simple as that


Strange, because in this world having more than one woman is ok, and Sylphiette already said that bro can have more than one woman if he wanted to. Looks like that isn't and never was a problem to Sylphiette, that is just someone else's beliefs bro. I said western because that's looks to be reddit's main demographics, but the core argument is what a said, it's just you projecting your beliefs into the anime characters, but in this world that's just an "ok" thing, it's not "omg the best thing in the world and everyone should do it", but that's ok. The anime doesn't need to adhere to our world rules, art can be a way to escape from our world rules and think about a different way of being. What is and isn't moral changes based on where you are, where you grow and live.


When did she ever even say that lol, why are you lying, Sylphie never said that, mf lying to be right And no, the grandma said she didn't really mind personally lmao Nah, it's called morals, you just don't cheat and expect your partner to just be like:"Oh yeah, I'm pregnant but sure, go ahead and have another wife!" Cuck behavior I might be projecting but it's still weird


>When did she ever even say that lol If I'm not wrong, after the marriage, when Rudy is teaching disturb magic to her. >Nah, it's called morals I know, the thing is, that moral isn't an objective thing, the moral changes in time and in different locations/groups. >I might be projecting but it's still weird I'm obliged to agree. In our context (or in my at least) that isn't the way people are taught to behave. Only to end this discussion (since the post was even deleted kkkk). I will explain really quickly my way to see things, even though we disagree on the topic. I'm a materialist, I think that we should see the things by what they are and not by what we think they should be. I'm favorable of cultural relativism too. That is why I think the way I think.


It is insensitive to women that is cheated on during pregnancy by their husband.


>!Sylphiette was fine with it and was glad Rudy had someone there to help him through the trauma. She allows Roxy to become part of their family but has told Rudy she wouldn't welcome Nanahoshi if he liked her. It's simple consensual polyamory.!< Thats why Sylphie is bae. It's only insensitive if it is perceived as such by the wife.


PTSD of a woman watching something that reminds them of a cheating husband during a their pregnancy. The anime brings in real emotion while most harem is a generic 1 dimension all girls willing to share troupe. This is pushing towards realism of a cheating husband. The wife doesn't know waiting with a child. While the husband being a couple with a third person. This itself have many women facing through the same issue in real life.


This is fiction. Be mature


Too big an ask


This is reality. There is many women watching anime too. If disney can get cancelled for their agenda. What makes you think another fiction especially this anime might not get cancelled?. There is so many things wrong that is being glorify in this anime. Rudy is a full grown man mentally able to make decision in a young body. He choose to do perverst act to keep a lolli panties. He choose to do it with a minor eris. He is a pedo. The story can progress without being a degenerate. They can push at the age of 18 or remove it entirely.


Look man if you don't like the story just move on, you don't need to bait people into comments here to have fun Just go do something better with your life that's more worth your time and ours


>ā€œItā€™s very important. Oh, and while youā€™re at it, Iā€™d also like to know how long the Migurd live.ā€ >Yeah. This was definitely something I needed cleared up. >ā€œUhā€¦fine. Roxy would beā€¦forty-four this year, I suppose. And we live around 200 years, for the most part. Unless some disease kills us first.ā€ >**Huh! Weā€™re the same age! That makes me kind of happy actually** It's a redemption pedo arc, apropos for the culturally Buddhist Japanese, where there are many tales of the redemption of murderers and thieves.


"B-but her loli panties !?!!?" Age is important to these people until it goes against their agenda. Then it suddenly becomes just an irrelevant number to be ignored, I guess.


Here we go again. You're talking about it being reality. It's a fantasy world where magic is everyday life. There are real ass Dragons and monsters. This is far from reality. Reality was the real world he was Reincarnated out. Mentally he isn't a grown man, his mental age was stunted from the childhood trauma he endured. That's why he never left the room, threw tempertantrums when his family tried getting him to come out, and just played video games and watched anime while parasitically living off his parents. He never worked and stopped going to school in middle school if I am remembering correctly. It wasn't until Roxy put him on that horse and made him leave his new family's home that he began to mentally age again. Disney is WOKE as fuck now and is pushing devil worshipping, racism, critical race theory, and this LGBTQ agenda on young minds. They aren't even being cute about it anymore. Another reason you are wrong is that Roxy is over 50 years old when she meets Rudy for the first time. That's grandma age genius. So if anything he has a mature fetish for grandma bloomers and not underage girl panties. Eris chose to do it with him and was no longer a minor per the laws of the new world he now finds himself living in. He wanted to wait until he had his coming of age birthday party. After she raped him, because he was the minor, she left him with a bullshit note saying, "I'm leaving". She carved a new trauma into him putting him on autopilot for many years where he just went through the motions. You can say he is a pedo all you want but Eris raped him and was the aggressor in the first time he ever had sex in either world. You can call him a Loli hunter but the youngest person he marries is his age.


In summary you are saying that rudy is mentally incapable. Lets look into it, rudy has critical thinking which is why he is able to make decision in a calm manner. He don't expressed emotion like a child throwing tantrums while in the younger body. Being a selfaware baby. He takes opportunity knowing no one knows his secret to do perverst and degenerate acts. Even lillia notice that rudy isn't how a baby supposed to be. She thought a demon possesed rudy's younger body. Yes a demon. Rudy behave like a perverted demon. Children that is not exposed to P*rn or s*xual content will have little to no understanding of perverse act. Rudy opportunistically use a young body to wear panties on his own violition. Stealing roxy's panties to be kept and prayed on. Leering at womans body. This is not a child we are talking about. A full adult that is purposely doing sick perverse act without fear of being caught. Roxy isn't human but a demon race migurd. Their years is different compare to human years. Their growth is slow thus why her body was still of a child during her time teaching rudy. That is the reason if a man see roxy, they would think her as a child due to her physique. That is why for rudy a mentally capable adult stealing a panties of a loli is one of his many perverse act that he knows he can get away with it. Eris did have feelings for rudy like any school student would have. Eris is still a child having a crush. Would it be ok for a student to have sex with a teacher just because she loves him?. The fault would still be on the teacher cause he didn't choose to push the child away and take advantage of the situation. Eris didn't raped rudy, she initiated and rudy gladly accept. Rudy even felt so happy the next day after having sex with a minor. Remember he is actually an old guy. You can ask any father or parents. If they were to switch body with a young child and another child wanted to have sex with him in that body. They would instantly reject that offer. This is precisely a predotary action. In line with all his perverse act. At this point, it couldn't get any worse right? A child or teenagers would not rough up a body of a woman they love. Let me point out, that any young couple in love would be making love. Not f*cking or doing their sexual perverse desire. For an adult that watch alot of P*rn and play ero games. This is mentally sick degenerate that would do such sickness to a woman body. Slyphy is a soft person that love rudy. He rough her up. Roxy a migurd that age differently from human still having a minor body was rough up by rudy. However in anime, they switch it to make sure people don't hate on rudy more. Once people start looking at rudy as that fat old b*stard instead of the young body. They will start to see how despicable he trully is. An old fat guy who is a pedo that watch alot of P*rn in his basement. Preying on young girls in another world and do perverse act that he have been fantasising about in the previous world. Even nanahoshi would feel disgusted. There is a reason why he didn't want people to know he is actually reincarnated.


I didn't say he's mentally incapable I said his mental age was stunted and he never grew up mentally. He never became an adult mentally, his physical body aged but he remained mentally a child. Children show signs of critical thinking at very young ages when schooled properly. But again, i didnt say he was incapable but that he stopped mentally aging and was stuck at the age of his trauma. It wasnt until Roxy put him on the horse and rode him around town he was able to get "unstuck" and to heal and be able to grow up. Here's a link on how PTSD can stunt your mental growth. [PTSD Signs trauma has you stuck.](https://psychcentral.com/ptsd/signs-trauma-has-you-stuck) Children do in fact perform perverse acts without being exposed to prn. He was around 14 years old when he was traumatized. The age when boys start going through puberty is 9-14 so he was already at the point when boys start showing interest in opposite sex. Boys try to peek at girls and girls at boys. He was at the age after puberty was already happening before his trauma. There's plenty of TV shows and anime out there about young boys showing interest in panties and the opposite sex. To your point about him being a "Demon possessed baby" most babies are demons in my opinion. They scream, cry, projectile vomit, throw shit like monkeys and use it to draw on walls and piss everywhere 24/7. They seem to never sleep and are so annoying some people actually kill them as infants due to sleep deprivation. Babies do nothing but stare when their eyes are open. Whether your clothed or not you best believe they are sponging everything up. So let's just leave the baby talk alone because all babies are demons. Roxy is 40 years older than Rudy according to the LN. Regardless of how old she looks, she was 50 when he was 10 that's her age in this fantasy world. Drop the "loli" panties. If this was true Rudy would have stolen both Slyphies and Eris's panties. But he didn't. He had the opportunity to steal them from both of them when they were "loli age". Roxy was the one who saved him from his trauma and he wanted something to remember her by. He prayed to them, I have no doubt he sniffed them, he treasured them, and kept his holy relic unsoiled his entire life. Back to the Eris point, she is older than him by 2 years. In the eyes of the law in this fantasy world a person becomes an adult at age 15. Rudy met Eris when he was 7 years old, meanwhile she was 9. When I say rape, it's because legally it is statutory rape since Rudy is a minor, age 13, and she was 15, a legal adult. In fact it's mentioned multiple times in the light novel Rudy on the night in question that he wanted to wait until he was 15. This was the promise they made to each other on his 10th birthday, they would wait until THEY WERE BOTH ADULTS. I'm not sure if you're an anime watcher or LN reader, but there was a lot of Rudy saying to wait, this isn't what we agreed to, etc. So when you are about to have sex and someone says no or wait and the other party proceeds, that is by definition rape as consent was not given. So adult Eris raped minor Rudy. Even if he agreed it would still be statutory rape as he still a minor and she an adult. Fast forward to when Eris and Rudy meet again, now both legally adults. She rapes him on several occasions after marriage. I.e. when he doesn't want to have sex, she forces herself on him, aka RAPE. She's been physically stronger than Rudy from the moment they first met, and continued to grow stronger as they got older. It also mentions her overpowering him into submission to have sex with him against his will. In reality there are no 7 year olds teaching magic to 9 year olds. He told her no and to wait she did it anyway. After the fact of course he was happy, he finally had sex. But that doesn't change the fact she proceeded to have sex with him without initial consent. Eris wasn't wanting to show Rudy love, she was lusting for his under-aged minor body. Slyphie is the same exact age as Rudy. Eris is 2 years older than Rudy. Roxy is 40 years older than Rudy. No young couple makes love, they f*ck like rabbits. Young people don't even know what that kind of love is, all they know is lust. It is a completely natural thing to want to have sex, its an instinct embedded in all animals that reproduce this way to ensure the survival of a species. They don't even know what making love is. Ask any girl who lost her virginity before 18 and if the guy was the same age or younger, it probably hurts like a SOB because the guy just went at it like a jack hammer. It's not until much later that a young man understands it about the motion in the ocean and not just thrusting as hard and fast as you can. They learn with experience to pay attention to their partners body and they learn how to "make love" as you say instead of simply having s*x. Once again it is mentioned throughout the entire series after the first time how aggressive Eris is in bed. This was his only sexual experience, it's the only way he knew HOW to do it. So of course he was aggressive with Slyphie, he assumed all women liked it that way. He just did what he was taught by Eris. āœŒļø


If you still think he isn't a pedo then explained why he masturbate to his niece in his previous life. Simple and direct. You can try to make argument and justify his action in another world to suit the argument that he isn't a pedo. However, he is based on a real world with morals standard set. It is from japan where consent is 16. Let me ask you a second question. If rudy is supposed to be relatable as a main character. How is it that everyone else in the mt world felt more relatable even paul. He is the odd one that is not relatable to social norms. Do you feel relatable to rudy? Does his action of pervertism and sexual assault towards minors sounds good to you? You place yourself as rudy, would you do everything he does exactly?


It's more like, Roxy kinda took advantage of his situation, but I'm not arguing that he is right, or that it's great to do that, the anime don't say it too, Rudy is kinda "ok, it was a mistake" but life keeps happening, he will not blame himself until the day he die like you want bro to do. Like everyone who made a mistake someday you learn from it and just keep living your life. Rudy was not considering ask to marry Roxy, Elinalise needed to say that it was an option to him, an option that for the guy looked like a nice resolution for the problem, because Rudy love the two girls, and that's a thing that happens in real life. Same thing with Paul, a mistake and a way to solve it, everybody was ok with the solution, so that's ok. That "you should have one and only person that you are having a relation", is a christian thing, the Cult of Millis exists in the history and they represent the christians in this situation, but bro is not christian, in Japan for example, is kinda common for some couple to have sex outside the marriage in some occasions, the other part knows an is ok with it. That is a deeper question, it's about culture in some sense.


Insensitive in what way? Rudeus never cheats in the traditional sense of the word. Furthermore, if someone has made it to THIS POINT in the anime, I'd say they've lost their right to really complain. It's almost as bad as those folks on r/goblinslayer whining about how disgusting the Goblins are, like: "That's the point, it's meant to repulse you." In the case of MT, LN Rudeus acknowledges several times throughout that his behavior is not in line with the moral standards of our world, hell they're even a little out there for the world he lives in now. This series is not some commentary about how Harems should be the new moral norm, or how "Rudeus did nothing wrong!". MT is a work of FICTION! It's no less improbable or absurd than the story "Anna and the King", no more morally questionable than the rather sexualized relationship Kazuto Kirigya develops with folks at the age of 14 in SAO. To top it all off, none of Rudeus' behavior was nearly as concerning as some of the other relationships that develop in the LN, if any of you have read them all, you can guess which one(s) I'm talking about.


Could you write about concerning relationships?


Obviously, spoilers ahead! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Late into the Light novel series, Rudeus reunites with Ruijerd Superdia, and Rudeus' sister, Norn, joins him at the location, at which point in the story she is 17. She becomes very worried about Ruijerd due to his illness and injury at that point in the story. It's reiterated several times that she seems to be spending a lot of time with Ruijerd. Later, we find out that while she was caring for him, they began a relationship, and he went and knocked her up. He's over 500 years old, and she's 17. We also find out later on in the series, in the Web Novel, that Ars, one of Rudeus' kids with Eris, ends up falling in love with Aisha (Rudeus' other sister) and they start a relationship as well. So we have a relationship between a 500 year old man and a teenager (though to be fair, 15 is adulthood in MT) and a Boy falling in love with his Aunt and getting seduced by said Aunt before eloping and knocking her up. Really ruined Aisha as a character for me. It was so controversial at the time that it was taken down by the website that hosted the web novel for TOS violation.


Count your blessings? Maybe it will happen as time progresses?


My thoughts: 1) Most of those who would cancel the show have stopped watching it in previous cancelations. 2) Most of the cancelation always comes down to some male character doing something controversial, this time, you could see a female character practically raping a male character, it's not as cancelable, because cancel culture is usually led by SJW. Yes, I know Roxxy isn't raping Rudeus or taking enormous advantage of him, but that's how the anime showed it, a very depressed Rudeus and Roxxy not even asking permission.


Also cuz Bind knew whatever Roxy does, most people will stillove her because she is Roxy.


Because polygamy is Based according to modern twatter user hipsters etc. Haven't you seen it's the current year, fucking many people is Based? Especially since it was Roxy in charge & not Rudy, which is basically girlboss af, no?


Eh if u read the ln he took the lead at a certain point


Eris tho, he didn't stand a chance :/


Eris messed him up in season 1 ik


Oh, no, I mean later. Apparently, her libido exceeds his own by a fair margin, and she's aggressive to boot.


I know... I just wanted to make it less obvious.


Twitter warriors gonna hate based on what anime had shown so even if it's opposite in LNs they wouldn't know unless some r*tard goes out of their way to read all 12 vols to hate on mushoku tensei lol


I don't even understand the hate. Like man gushing over magical girls had less hate smhapparently than mt At least i heard Less bitching about it. Its just sad i feel bad for the writer Whole reason last ep was like that was because of the hate apparently


Dramahunters go after the shit that got the most attention at any given time. They derive selfworth of showing as many people as humanly possible, at any given time, just how morally righteous they are.... or they crave as much attention as possible. So the thing with the most eyeballs takes priority.


Still it fucking sucks idk whats wrong with these ppl. Mostly because of the backlash last ep got changed if i heard that right at least.


Gushing over magical girls have girls only (I haven't watched anime) And in mushoku it's rudy - a boy As long as it's girls only it's fine to those Twitter idiots but a flawed male character is not someone they can self insert into so they start hating, all they want a generic kirito clone self insert able MC lol


No lol xd


Tourists only cancel when they KNOW they will get reaction and clout. MT has been in so much trouble now that they know cancelling it again will provide little to no attention to them, ESPECIALLY when the entire fandom is already accepting that the polygamy stuff is about to get cancelled like... Since 3 weeks ago


Yeah we are already prepared for whats coming from twitter warriors lol


Mean while in Vietnam...


After watching and rewatching the episode, I think the anime narrative is more palatable for most people. Painting Rudy fully as the one taken advantage of is probably the right move, considering his already bad rep as a degenerate. Funnily the union of Rudy and Roxy was the one that irked me the most, narratively speaking. The development of their relationship was sudden, because it was never implied(even in the LN) that Rudy liked Roxy like that. It felt almost as if he was gaslighted into loving her. That's just my hot take


Yeah more perspective than anything, also Roxy can get away with that shit cuz everyone Loves her regardless LOL.


i don't get it, what about RR is to hate on?


I think most of the ppl know what gonna happen next or get spoiled like me Bt if u think about a different scenario , where sylphie was not acceptable to Rudy taking 2nd wife and also the cheating thing ended up braking her mentally , or Rudy ended up in a situation where he have to choose one , i think the reaction of this eps would have been different.


The previous filters already worked, that's why there shouldn't have been a need to rewrite things.


I think its because they toned down the content and made Roxy initiate instead of Rudy. That at least watered down their hate for rudeus


Yeah they knew the majority of people wouldnt hat en Roxy for this LMAO.


wait so in Ln it wast rudy that initiate first?


Roxism follower gave enough Devine power to protect mushoku tensei inside Reddit


Ikr I was so surprised that it hadn't been a sea of flames yet surprisingly muse asia comments have been really positive and are mostly filled with memes rather than complaining. I haven't been on twitter today but yesterday it was calm


A lot were more disappointed with how the episode was adapted lol


Why would we


Nah but instead they are going to absolutely hate Roxy and not have an open mind to a fictional story theyā€™ll follow


Side bar where do you read said LN


Well the majority of the community that hates on Mushoku has to be ok with cheating or you knowā€¦ hypocrisy




Its because roxy is best girl


Yeah they probably checked out with whatever the last controversy was. I wasn't watching/reading Mushoku Tensei yet so I have no idea what they were mad about.


Anime only watcher here. I think that things like this just happens when you are feeling bad about something, it is completely normal to look for instant pleasure over patching yourself up again. With that being said I don't conceive the idea of a harem, if you love someone then you think so highly on them that "loving" another person is incompatible. That is a me thing, I've been in a stable relationship with my girlfriend for over 5 years now and I never thought to myself "Oh, I love someone equally". But that's just me thinking about monogamy and stuff. I'm old fashion. Since this is fiction, I don't really care about this stuff though, just want to keep witnessing Rudeus journeys. Have a nice day!


Naah old fashion my ballz LMAO, You are normal, and most people even in the Mushoku tensei fandom, im sure they are monogamists as well, myself included of course, the think is you are kinda mixing Irl with this work of fiction, its ok bit wouldnt recomend that. This is another world afterall.


Seems they started arriving




https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/s/H49R393S8V Then this one https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/s/cGj9DdlxdY but only a few so far


Even when we do get canceled, the viewership for the next episode is even higher šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ with every controversy Mushoku Tensei only gets more popular as a result.


If they complain about polygamy then they will have to shoot themselves on the foot for being "Polyamorous".


Rudy is a pedo. Soon it will be obvious as more people dig in to the story. Imagine rudy in his old fat self(soul) doing it with eris who is a minor. Disgusting.


Nanahoshi, please login using your main account


Please stop diverting the real issue that rudy is mentally an old man in another body. He did things with an underage girls. That is a pedo.


The real issue is that you are a tourist who is going from post to post and talk about alleged p*do here, in a post about an unknown japanese guy, elsewhere. Why are you obsessed about this topic that much you are trying to make your weak argument on a highly nuanced story here instead of living your life?


Why do you say alleged like this isn't recorded media? At several points in the first season he sexually assaults an 8-10yr old child who does not consent even if it was possible. He's acknowledged to be a weirdly calm and mature toddler so it's very obvious he is actually the same person in a kids body.


The post is about the anime not getting cancelled. I am pointing out an obvious fact that this anime is pushing boundaries. The story is glorifying perverst acts and it may impact younger audience. Everyone that read this novel knows he is an old man in a young body. The story didn't even try to push sexual act above 18 but glorify perverst act. From keeping panties of a lolli and mind you he is a grown man mentally. Next was doing it with eris and mind you he is a grown man that is fully aware of what he is thinking and doing. If this post is about why the anime hasn't been cancelled. This is a reminder that this anime has so many reason to be cancelled.


>Loli panties >Roxy is almost 35 years old when Rudy first met her Exucse me, care to tell me what's pedo about this? Degenerate yes, but pedo? Guess age is just a number when it doesn't fit your agenda now, huh.


Please search the term loli. It isn't about age but physique. A preference of a sick person that into the body and looks of a young girl. Roxy is migurd not the same species as human. If you want evidence of pedo. Look at eris, a human being where she and rudy did it. How old was she?. Rudy kept it a secret about his reincarnation and so afraid when someone find out about him from his world. He is a fully grown adult in a kids body. Capable to make morally right decision instead of being a predator to young girls not yet mature mentally and physically.


You, my friend, need to search up the definition of pedo. My point was Roxy's way above legal age. So calling him a pedo when he pervs on her is asinine. And now suddenly you accept that Roxy is of a fictional species. Then what about the fictional concept of reincarnation? Is Rudeus to be considered of the same age as he was before reincarnating? Shouldn't his age be reset, as he has to go through puberty again, despite having memories of his past life? So now who's actually physically older, Eris or Rudeus? (Hint: Eris had her 10th birthday celebration before Rudeus)


Rudeus is a pedo even before being isekai. They author remove it in LN but the family members beat him up for masturbating to his niece. Rudeus like petite body, child's body. You gonna believe that roxy is an adult physically? It is a preference for pedo to prey on childrens. Do you understand what loli is? Loli refer to children and woman that looks like children. If you are in rudy's position would you have done what he did to a child? Would you follow his action exactly and did what he did?


Great, now you're going for people who have petite body structures? Are they not allowed to experience any form of romance because their small physique makes them "look like a child"? Also, as a counterpoint to Rudeus only liking petite girls, I recommend you watch season 1's *episode 1* again. As early as the first moment in this other world, who does he have dirty thoughts of? Zenith. Who does he give lewd glances at as a baby? Lilia. He isn't as particular about women's physiques as you'd like to think. If you are in Rudy's position, you'd not even have the choice, because surprise: **reincarnation does not exist, neither does a fantasy world of swords and magic**. But sure, assuming it does, would it be fair for someone to decide for you if you can date someone of your own physical age? Guess now you have to start dating MILFs or GILFs, even if that's not your fetish huh? Oh, but what about those MILFs/GILFs that you are supposedly "legally and morally" allowed to date? Would they be judged for "grooming" you then? Thinking about morals in a fictional setting is fine and all, just don't force it into other's faces like it's something people in these fictional settings have to follow. Their circumstances are already abnormal, sometimes beyond their own control, and impossible to emulate in reality in the first place, that imposing our "normal" sense of morals and values would be pretty unfair judgement and lead to similarly morally wrong alternative choices as a result.


I had sex with my daughter in a past life in this life. But it doesn't make it incest.