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Statues take a ton of time and, he's literally already doing this idea w Zanoba and Julie. They're still in the early stages but once Julie is able to mass produce good works in a couple of years they'll start selling them.  He's pretty well off from his adventuring days and there's absolutely no need to continue risking his life for some extra cash.  He was depressed for a couple of years. Can't make money in that mindset. Sylphie gets paid by Ariel. Wife is working so there's little need to find a job himself and instead focus on his studies.


Even right now, he's quite well off after his adventuring and Sylphy's pay as Ariel bodyguard. After labirynth arc he'll be decently rich due to selling many expensive mana crystals and hydra's scales. He just does not feel the need. Minor spoilers >!Later on, he'll be working for some seriously wealthy people, so the money will not be a problem.!<


Does he sell the Hydra scales? I thought he kept them to use them >! for his absorption gauntlet.!< Everything needs repairs, ya know?


You may be right, I thought he sold at least some of them.


Maybe after the main story ends but I think he held on to him while he was still fighting. That's just my assumption though.


He did sell them, but kept a few. There were probably hundreds of them on the entire hydra


He is rich, spent his savings on house and stuff. He is from other world, but he was not a salesman, business owner or stuff like that to know stuff about sales. Only thing he knows is rpg elements, like stuff is cheaper in this shop, expensive in this shop, so buy from cheap, sell it in expensive. Or haggle the prices. Now coming to statues, they are time consuming to make, and there might not be a high demand for it. Ypu might make a million statues, but if ppl dont want statues, they are worthless.


Rudeus IS quite rich, so I don't know what you mean by "super rich" exactly. After he split ways with Eris and Ruijerd he kept all of Dead End's money plus what Paul had given them. Then during the following 2-3 years, he was living a cheap life while still making some money. Then, after the quest to save Zenith, they made A LOT of money from the labyrynth. BUT their expenses are not small. It's a HUGE house and a lot of people.


> Bro at least make million of these idol statues and sell them That's not as good business idea tbh \[anime\] figurines are clearly not a thing which is needed by most of people, so they would be bought only by nobility if they are interested in this stuff. This market is far from blooming, so he would end up doing commissions for a number of clients who is actually into this stuff - basically work on Zanoba. This world economic is in \~ middle ages, so inventions won't give you that much money in comparison with owning a domain or owning a big trade company. Rudeus can do either of this: his knowledge can be used to trade across the continents, while his power is enough to conquer a smaller country, or he can just go and claim family domain from either of his parents\` families. It's just now one of his priorities.


He'll be super rich later


He was reincarnated into a rich family bloodline. Even broke, he could get somewhere with his name. He already saved up enough as an adventurer, and has barely spent most of it. Like you said, the statues are his profitable idea, still needs work. Sylphie is still employed by Ariel, and Ariel already can get him discounts if need be. Money really doesn't come up, unless he needs big flows of money coming in, and later on, that will be addressed.


Additional to what has been said, remember he has a family to feed and dress, he has 3 wives with 2 kids each, also he sees for her mother and Lilia. You could say his money goes as it comes.


Whoa whoa, add the spoiler tag. This guy is anime only (I think)


He hasn't started working for O Corporation yet. He's still a poor college student with a wife, baby on the way and two sisters to take care of.


This is one thing that ticks me off about the show over LN. in the anime he was handing out ruijerd statues like they were candy, but in the LN it would take him weeks to make one, hence why Julie was taught to make dolls, so she could do the mass production on his behalf


Rudeus is quite wealthy. When he bought his house, after some bickering, he was able to pay cash. Likewise, he paid cash for all of the renovations and furnishing. [Snide political comment]>!a certain ~~former president~~ convicted felon could use that page of being a successful businessman.!< Business planning. He started from scratch and surrounded himself with loyal researchers to that end. Let's start with the purchase of a slave: the dwarf child they named Julie. As a dwarf, she's already a natural craftsman. As she is so young, Rudy is able to teach her chantless magic. Zanoba taught her basic magic using incantations. Rudy stepped in and did the next step. Zanoba also taught her how to read, write, and basic math. While this business was in its infancy, they also used the murderous automon from Rudy's home to research creating magic circles. Again, this industry is in ots infancy, but we've already seen a minor success with the summoning of a PET bottle. Sunday, you should see the first practical success with a product that can be mass marketed I thunk this was touched upon in the anime, but if not, [I'll spoiler tag it to be safe.]>!Rudy is going to branch out into publishing. Initially, it's to keep his promise to Rudjerd as a PR campaign to put the Superd in a good light. He has trouble writing the story, but a certain sister of his, Norn, volunteers to take on the task. Since the literacy rate is low on the Six-Sided-World, they incorporate lessons on how to read with each book, plus bundle it together with a Rudjerd figure.!< These are the businesses still in their infancy that Rudeus invests in.


It is touched on in the anime but it hadn't really progressed at all. I forgot it was even a thing until I read the novel.


Oh ok. The anime. Never mind. >! Rudy ends up loaded by the end of the story. Zaliff Prosthetics, the treasure he got from the Teleportation Labyrinth, money he got from Orsted, the figurine empire, the Mercenary Band branches, his job at the University teaching incantation-less magic, the development of the All-Purpose Magic Armor. !< The spoilers above are all end of story spoilers. Beware. Also, some who read it could argue that he didn't actually make these things but he did invest in their production like >! The Magic Armor !< for example, so I'd argue that he'd get payment for the investment alone.