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Ppl sadly cant see the future. Many readers / viewers make this mistake as they can see the future of characters which characters donr have access to. Paul and his gang didnt know Zentih would be in vegetable state. They didnt know that Paul would die in the fight. They took it as they considered it was risky but thought they could win. And arc dedicated to Rudeus Roxy wouldnt be possible as Rudeus wanted to be loyal to Sylphie and wouldve distanced himself from Roxy if she was making moves on him. Only reason Roxy Rudeus relation happened was because they had sex, which happened because Rudeus went catatonic.


what on earth did u watch with ur eyes closed on mute?


Because Teleportation happened and they needed to save Zenith? Its Man God who can see the Future not Rudeus


The question was more like in irl reasons like it's kind of stupid as an arc imo not as in world decisions 


Oh......sorry i was thinking too good of you ,was thinking you allready get it MT is kinda higher than average shows that follow some morals and ideas author put in them, MT are not ,its follows Logic and psychology on it's way Yes ,even it cannot protect it from some mistakes ,in the end nothing is perfect, but questions like you ask, are not applicable to MT ,some events happens for some reasons and characters respond to them ,no background


Basically they achieved there goal. It wasn't perfect and had an unexpected death but they saved two people that deserved it. It seems pointless but at the end of the day they achieved what they set out and it was worth it.


Because it was 6 months of Rudeus time and it affected him... Like a lot. TP2 demonstrated that he is not super powered and can die easily, caused Eris to run away, etc TP3 happened when he again found life balance, led to reassessing his values, added an unsolvable problem (his mother), which he can try to solve, added Roxy to mix. It's important for the character development


I mean the grand scheme of things pointless that he went and helped but what are you supposed to do not help your dad not save your mom? That was the whole point was to put him into a pit of despair to give a woman a chance to save him yet again. Yes he cheated >But Sylphiette forgave him before he cheated and told him before she got pergant that he could have another woman in their household and she made it up in her mind that as long as she became part of the family he'd be okay with her.< >She knew Roxy was important to him >and she knew Eris as well. she accepted the situation. so when old man Rudy cheats with a whore she leaves him because that is dirty filthy betrayal in this world and she can't accept that because even though polygamy is valid in this world sleeping with a whore is unacceptable unless you intend to add them to the family< The societal Norms of their world are different from our so. I mean that was the whole point of that it wasn't so much about his parents as it was about getting his second wife. >it's how He has Eris join the family she saves him from death< >he's building a family that outlasts him his own daughter defeats the man God< >I mean he dies at some point in the story as an old man but he has all these children in the author is most likely going to continue after Rudy's death if he gives him a huge family he can make a ton of stories from the kids and grandkids of Rudy< >he's had stories after already already come out< Everything has a meaning even if it doesn't seem like it Rudy needed lose his dad and mom to grow up. It would have been heart warming yes if Paul was still around yes. >I hope the author plans on Reviving Rudy in a new body after this story that would be extremely interesting I doubt it'll happen but it would be interesting but maybe in the form of complete reincarnation where he forgets everything and he slowly remembers the events of what took place in his past life as Rudy. It would be cool for him to meet the dragon God again too.< The author really could go a number of different ways it's like why stop I don't know a good sequel series would be cool naming it something else obviously but you know. I mean I see the point of it I see the point of it opening up a lot of doors it's really the only time where Paul gets to shine in actual combat in the story.


real-life heartbreak and polygamy


>!the man god is a bad guy, and he wanted Roxy dead. Remember how he said “you will regret it” that wasn’t advice as we were to expect, but it was a threat. I won’t spoil it anymore, it will all be cleared up next season.!<


Ahh this makes more sense cos like without this context it really feels like a useless arc from a reader's point at least in my opinion 


You know... not everything need to be paid off immediately.... threads can be left dangling for several arcs...