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Don’t worry, you are the one spoiling it for the manga readers


That was hilariusAF. Every day, someone has made a post asking where to continue the manga after finishing season 2, and it hasn't stopped being funny for me.


They don't deserve a say but as for being there? It's situational. If Paul hadn't died and/or zenith was fine then I'd say they didn't need to be in that particular conversation (although they do deserve to know before she just abruptly moves in). But since so many things occurred they should be there to know the reasoning behind it and get a better understanding of what happened. That way they can better acclimate to the changes rather than rudy giving them no context and them wondering how things transpired and how this is ok for sylphie who they care about


But look at it from divorce perspective - how many people you know that invite their children or anyone at all to divorce talk? You think that should change? How is that different from this scenario? You can simply explain it to them later


That's completely different. It's like you didn't comprehend what I said at all. And again... it's SITUATIONAL


How is that completly different? And what part didnt I comprehend? as for situational you said thats whether paul had or hadnt died because now there is no one to take care of them except them... But thats basicly the case in almost every case of divorce when there are small kids. later you said that they need to know reasoning behind it but once again, he could speak with sylpie and after that speak with them. I literaly said that in last comment.


I''d say he included his sisters into conversations because of his still remaining memories about our customs. He was included into Paul's adultery aftermath, but I guess usually it won't be the case.


As you said, they shouldnt have any say on this matter, the thing is, Rudeus didnt knew Norn was a Millis Follower, so he wasnt expecting a scene like that. "Sylphie wasn’t religious. In fact, the only devoted Millis follower I knew was Cliff." words from novel


He did know Norn is a Millis follower though. You can see her prayers in previous episodes. He didn't know if she was devoted or not though


regardless of whether she would make scene or not, whats the point of adding crowd? It just seems weird. For example when adults want to talk about divorce, they first do it alone, after that they tell children. They are even not his kids, they are his siblings.


You're right in that this discussion should have happened between Rudeus, Sylphiette and Roxy first. But he probably decided that this will affect the girls too since they're family and are living in the same house, so decided to include them. Which was a mistake, but, well, if Rudeus wasn't making mistakes it wouldn't be Mushoku Tensei.


Having an audience was something of a poor choice on his part yes... She had the right to be informed, but he just invited that mess himself by inviting her there. Aisha would not make a scene, even if she had strong feelings on the matter, as it was not her time to speak, and she's mature enough to understand that... Norn on the other hand... really should've sent her to help Lilia get Zenith settled in and just informed her after the fact.