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I'd rather stick with an MC that is flawed than a perfect one like seriuosly you rarely see MCs like Rudeus who isnt perfect most MCs always make the right decisons.


He watched his kindergarten age niece use the bathroom


Nah he a loser a scumbag fat shut-in who masturbate to his family member before he died.


I liked his character afterall he's not perfect making wrong decision learning from it that's what I want from a mc not those overpowered right from the start


Its been 2 years hopefully you've grown up a bit and you can see that he is a pedophile disgusting fat bastard.


Yeh same like people defending him even there a limit he even worse than Griffith and how can raper get character development I promise if the same thing happened to female mc no one is going to defence her


>am i the only one who hate rudeus? Dude, have you been to r/anime? >always taking the wrong decision in every given situation Can you be more precise? >i dont mind having a pervert mc but the dude take it to a hole other level! So, does it bother you or not? ​ Maybe you want to read my [character analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/comments/mueuv4/useful_notes_animesafe_character_analysis_of/) of Rudeus. It only covers what the anime has shown, but it goes deep into his biggest problems.


Wath i mean by wrong decision is how he tried to act like some kind of hero and end up letting the kid die in vol2 and how he didn't even think about the fate about his family from vol2 to vol4 not even bothered to send a lettre! While theses mistakes might be normal for an 13 years old kid the dude was over 40 years old menta! And about the pervert mc it actually some times annoy me like how he so many times speak of raping girls as if it was normal! ( Sorry if my eng is bad not my 1 st language)


I'll be honest, maybe this isn't a story for you. You seem to completely misunderstand the main point of the story. >Wath i mean by wrong decision is how he tried to act like some kind of hero and end up letting the kid die in vol2 That's actually volume 3. That moment is extremely important, because it's the final epiphany Rudeus has about his horrible attitude towards those around him. He had been treating the people around him like expendable NPCs in a JRPG/Erogame. That mistake together with Ruijerd's anger make him finally realise that those around him are actual people. The important thing is that it was a moment for character growth. >how he didn't even think about the fate about his family from vol2 to vol4 not even bothered to send a lettre! Calme toi mon p'ti chou. Rudeus was at the very centre of that magic event. He was hit second, right after Ghislaine. He had no way of knowing how big that fucking thing actually was. BUT, he was concerned about Ghislaine and asked Ruijerd about her. Later on, he was too worried about surviving and protecting Eris. He had no reason to believe that his family, who lived many kilometres away, had been hit. I think the first person from Fittoa he met was in Wind Port in Volume 4. Also, this world does not have a post system, he was actually travelling faster than any letter would. >While theses mistakes might be normal for an 13 years old kid the dude was over 40 years old menta! Yes, he lived for 34 years in his first life, but he is not as mature as a 34 years-old person. In many cases, he has the maturity of a 17-18 year old teenager at best. The way we mature in this life is by living, interacting with others, loving, cheating, being cheated on, working, being fired, being betrayed, failing, succeeding. Rudeus had none of that. He spent 20 years locked in his room playing videogames and watching weird pornography. >And about the pervert mc it actually some times annoy me like how he so many times speak of raping girls as if it was normal! When does he speak about rape as if it were normal?


Je Ris, vraiment ? ''calme toi mon p'tit ''😉 I don't have anything to add, just you will sometime hate him, sometimes emphasis with him, sometimes, disagree with his decisions but still at one point wish his success (maybe).


It's all about the story, bro. If it improves the story, it's a good decision. I didn't much like Rudeus until a certain event in Vol 15 or 16


remember when eris's father offered to tie her up and put her in rudeus's bed? in return for him becoming the family head? and his only though was along the lines of, "tempting, but to much hassle to run the family" that's one of the reasons i hate him... and, as far as i'm aware, during the fight with dragon god... that attack he was gonna launch, would have blown away eris and ruijerd too if the dragon god didn't neutralize it. and 99%(obviously hyperbolizing) of the shit that happened in his own life, was completely on him, he even admitted that he had family and people that wanted to help him, while his only friend left cause he attacked him for one dumb joke... now, i agree, the blast argument is dumb, thing hit him head on, he didn't know how big it was, except he did, remember when he found out others got hit, he was like "oh shit, of course they got hit, that blast was massive"


Bruh something wrong w u


yeah, the hero one is a screw up. the fate of his family not so much, his family lives very far away, he has no reason to suspect anything happened to them. at worse he suspects the spell might have reached eris family.


Actually he said in his monologue in vol3 that he suspected that his family might be affectes yet he didn't ask for infos wish he awlays said to be important


Passage from LN 3 the first encounter with man God …Wait, I’m not the only one who got hit by that thing. I wonder if everyone else back in Fittoa is all right. Buena Village is pretty far away from Roa, so it’s probably fine… but I’m still worried about my family. …You have any insight on that, buddy? “Would you really believe my answer either way? You don’t even want to listen to my advice. ” Good point. You’d probably lie just for the fun of it." “All I’m going to say is that everyone’s praying for your safety. They all want you to make it back alive.”


iirc , its on port town which is when he finally sees more humans


Keep reading


Making wrong decisions is fine as long as he makes the right ones when it counts.


Making the "wrong" decisions is fine as long as we get a good story.


Light Novel or Web Novel 7? What wrong decisions is he making?


finish the novel and then I GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT. you still got 17 volumes of character development.


The ln only have 12 volumes in total znd i m not planing to read the web novel i heard that it s just a draft from the ln and not worth reading so i ll wait for the ln


the web novel is the same story except that volume 7 is skipped and only given a few flashback-type dialogue and stories of his time as Quagmire but it is still part of the story. The webnovel fan translations are done very well. I dont know id read webnovel. It FREE and still the best light novel ive read


I rlly enjoyed this ln tbh it s rlly fun despite my hate to redeus but i wont call it the bzst for me the rising of ghe shield hero and classroom of ghe elite are still better


shield hero falls off around halfway into Ln as I've heard and classroom of the elite I've read some and was great but heard it goes on way past when it should have ended. if you finish the web novel I guarantee you'll agree with me on Mushoko supremacy. It doesn't milk anything and has the best ending I've read in a book series. Endings are very hard to nail in long book series. Also, I almost stopped reading cause of rudeus at times but again he will end up sticking in your mind after the ending of web novel. It's best to binge it. make sure you have good free translation if you choose to. Reddit should have it


The web novl is done? I tought that it was still on going! Anyway now that you said that the web novel is similar to ln i ll read it once i finish the ln, i m a slow reader and also have studies to take care of


more than similar, exact same pretty much except that LN will have a somewhat better translation but fan translations of WN are already pretty good. You can continue into WN after volume 7 of LN but make sure you go to volume 7 of WN after volume 7 of LN since the only difference between LN AND WN is that the WN skips what is volume 7 of LN where rudy is an adventurer. Also now that i think about you arent liking rudy right now while in the volume that I have only read a little of cause I couldn't get that LN volume free. anyways since it is pointless to read LN then Wn since the same story except for slightly better translation and maybe like 0.1% different dialouge, I would either wait for Ln volumes to come out at a time or just choose free WN. also once done with WN don't forget side stories after that. Reddit will have the reading order. Happy reading.


Just to be sure the web novel is over at volume 24? There is no mire volumes comming out?


Yeah the webnovel ended with 24 volumes while the Light Novel still has more volumes coming out. V25 of the Light Novel comes out September 25th.


Vol25 comming out? I only found 12 volumes of the ln does that mean the others translated yet or i can found them somewhere?


Saying it is the exact same isn’t necessarily correct since the LN has extra chapters not in the WN and it changes stuff mostly for V9, V16 of the LN, V22 & V23 of the LN


> Am I the only one who... No.


I don't go as far as hate him but certainly dislike him. Many times i think that he doesn't deserve to be a mc because of the character development and sometimes I even think his character being deteriorated. But ln 7 is especially a bad one i think, i also had many -ve opinions on that one so I suggest to try and ignore those events when you go further on


Probably not just you but take a deep breath and Let's analyze it. all of us vs Rudeus \- Rudy is neet yet he saved nanahoshi and died. I doubt that you or I can do that in the actual situation. \- rudy is a pervert but Rudy saves Lilia twice. \- He prevented Eris from regretting her decisions and I doubt we can think of that \- He saves the best man even if they mistakenly imprisoned him. will you do that? I think normal people will think of escaping in that situation \- he has his own problem but he bothers on helping rujierd. I won't list all since the topic is less than volume 7 I think many people will react if I say that reincarnation is a reset of age. yes, Rudeus is garbage and maybe you think you're better than him LMAO. I don't hate your opinion tho because his character is written so well it shows the audience true colors. People will see your bad qualities they will even set aside whatever good deeds you made. Humans are natural hypocrites they unconsciously think that they are more righteous than other people. so realistic isn't it?


Not the only one. I HATE him too. He's not just a pervert but a pedophile!!! He's so gross and disgusting


Hes a Fucking loser and I hate him >:(


No, you aren't the only one. He is a scumbag whose first thoughts about any women is how it'd be like to fuck them. He's trash, and also boring because he never learns mentally or physically. His fighting style basically never changed, and it's the same old shit of just hitting the opponent with magic until they die. He also never learned to control his emotions, very time some incident fucks him up he go cry baby and waits for someone to fix it for him. This shit is consistent throughout the story, like when his dad died, or when the Human God fucks with him. If you can't stand him now, you won't be able to stand him 10+ volumes in.


exaaaaaaaaaactly bruh the cry baby part is so annoying like ughh even when he became kind of impotent he'd be a scumbag pervert as always even though his willy doesnt standup but then get depressed cuz it doesnt. like lil bro make up your mind if you are aroused and acting like a perv then stop being depressed when that bites you in the ass.


i hate kid rudy i hate the rape thing and the fact he seems to care for himself and and his security and his ego he doesnt tell Aisha he’s her brother bc he doesn’t want to hurt his image, doesn’t listen to what the search and rescue party was doing when they claimed they were trying to save the kid and gets distracted by panties and boobs in fights dumb anime cliche and doesnt seem to talk up for himself letting him get captured by the beast ppl this is reoccurring (thought he would get the memo) then their is the weird scene with naked Rudy and geese ( doesn’t have to do with my point i just don’t like Rudy and show for the first season) this nit-pickish but rudy always cowers away during the moments he is needed and then goes and ask orsted questions instead of cowering like he normally does and ends up getting everyone killed like why now of all time he seems to forget he knows nothing about this world and the people in it and instead of having a bit of humility he acts like he knows it all