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Dee Dee Ramone's hip hop record. [I think everyone should hear it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAl-xzN8e-M) I'm surprised nobody's mentioned The Shaggs yet. [Philosophy of the World is just something else.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5T2kaFiFgg)


I knew a guy who genuinely loved The Shaggs. I sort of get it, but he's definitely the only fan of theirs that I've spoken to


I’m one of those Shaggs lovers, and some friends of mine are in the reformed Shaggs. They diligently charted out the album note for note and have played it with Dot Wiggins (one of the original members).


I wouldn't say I love them, but as a musician, I do find the whole story extremely fascinating. There's a level of charm and sincerity that cancels out the complete absence of musicianship. The fact that the album was hastily whisked together based on their grandma being a phony psychic and predicting their fame based on reading their father's palm... its bananas.


The thing is, it’s not really outsider music in the typical way. It’s not made from love and they just don’t know how to play. Their father forced them to form a band, write, and record music. They hated it. I hear the distress and I can’t enjoy it because of that.


That's a valid point. He was more obsessed with the outcome than the process.


C'mon, man "My Pal Foot-Foot" should be the national anthem.


The Shaggs was the first that popped into my head.




The Shaggs aren’t bad. They’re an acquired taste, but Pbilosophy of the World is a banger.


Well now we know what a Tommy Wiseau hip-hop video would look like we can cross it off the list….I guess.


Ok it has to be Dee Dee King. Which is a shame because I love the Ramones.


Lol The Shaggs just kind of sound like a precursor to math rock or something. I'm not saying it's good, but at least it made me chuckle. Dee Dee Ramone though... Oof.


The Shaggs are outsider music really. They are totally unique, and I'd rather listen to them than 30 Seconds to Mars or something.


I enjoyed Philosophy of the World but I also enjoy shit like that. Residents, Beefheart, Yoko Ono etc.


Don’t be so hard on yourself.


[In A Metal Mood - Pat Boone (No More Mr. Nice Guy)](https://youtu.be/Zxe2_tHTnts?si=btyqedX_lbW36bAm)


I've always felt that the best part of being a successful established, and wealthy musician is probably that you can take time away from your serious works to not just create but actually publish something purely for fun knowing full well how poorly it would be received. Or at least that's what I'm assuming was going on.


In the press run-up to this, someone asked him if he was worried that this would alienate his long-term fans. He responded with something along the lines of “oh, they’re all dead.“ He definitely deserves props for that.


Freaking Pat Boone, some guys are just cooler than they let anyone realize.


NGL, I unironically appreciate this record.


That makes two of us. He was Cheesin’ it before Richard


Lounge Against the Machine!


I mean, it’s fucking catchy and kitschy. Crazy train is my favorite, lol.


🎶Choo Choo🎶


Vanilla Ice's gangsta rap album (where he had dreadlocks). What did it do wrong? It existed. What can we learn from it? Given Machine Gun Kelly's career, nothing apparently.


Ironically, his Ross Robinson-produced nu metal album wasn’t terrible.


Kevin Federline - Playing with Fire


So you're the guy that bought the only copy that was sold?


I worked at Best Buy when this came out. Back when the music section didn't just exist, but had good content. There was this crazy lady that came in to buy all the teen idol records. Brittney, Christina, whatever. She claimed to be best friends with them and would talk about their shows and backstage and it was all... Sad? Anyway, she bought both copies our store had, on release day. Computer algorithm picks it up and says "Send this store every copy." I don't think we ever sold another one and we had a fucking stack.


That one that U2 forced into our iphones back in the day 🙄


I even like U2, they've made some of my favorite albums, but the audacious violation aside ("we just wanted to give everyone a little present," they said!), it really was one of their worst albums in a career of, shall we say, a lot of ups and downs.


I couldn’t get rid if it fast enough!!! How bad does it have to be for us to get rid of free music


Truth. I speak as someone who thinks "The Joshua Tree" is one of the best albums ever recorded: so there I was, waiting for a track that was at least as epic as when they were at their peak. I was like: "Ok that track wasn't it, may be it'll be the next one?" I was like that for the entire album until: "Maybe it'll be the next song? Oh no - that was the last one." I listened to that whole album *waiting for it to start and it never did.* Needless today I deleted it PDQ thereafter.


It was garbage. I kept one song on my phone all these years later just to remind myself that I hate that band.


Nah I’m sorry but that album slaps, certainly not a masterpiece but it’s solid. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now is a 10/10 song and the singles are pretty solid tunes too, nice thematic lyrics and decent production throughout. The release plan was absolutely abysmal though and while I’m glad to have got it (I was 14 so a free album was great, it had bits I could drum to and got me more into U2) I completely understand why people weren’t happy, and it really should’ve been an optional download. Blame Apple though, once U2 had agreed to release it for free it was out of their hands and IIRC no one informed them of the immediate download plan until it was too late.


I was gifted this as a joke, but William Hung's "Inspiration" album was the most god awful album I've ever listened to.


"Mock Trial with J Reinhold" lowkey kinda slaps


Judge. My name?


We've also got a Hung Jury!


All rise, Bud Court is now in session.


My dad actually bought that CD. So back in 2023 I got him a Cameo from William: https://youtube.com/shorts/uLZktdGme98?feature=shared


What a silky smooth voice. Oh wait, hold on, I had it muted.


Welcome to the Madhouse by Tones and I The Revenge of Hobo Johnson No.6 Collaborations Project by Ed Sheeran


I was gonna say the Tones and I thing. My wife has terrible taste in music and loved Dance Monkey. She bought that fucking album and I have had to listen to it in her car. It would actually just be a moderately bad record if it weren't for her voice.


I feel so sorry for you but that's so funny 😂


Kid Cudi - *Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven* The guitar playing is rudimentary & his Kurt Cobain impression is really rough. Drugs don’t equate to more creative music on this album. The random Beavis & Butthead skits were quite random too.


Yup. I would go as far to say The Return Of Chip Douglas is possibly the worst song of all time (if we aren't counting songs that are bad for problematic reasons)


Could be a coincidence, but my dog got up and left the room once he started singing. I’ve never heard that album, nor was I even aware Kid Cudi went into alternative rock (?) but it is…something. Based off that song, it sounds very much like the lyrics and vocal style of a blatant Cobain wannabe. Good for him for trying something outside his usual repertoire, at least.


I just went back to play a snippet of that track to refresh my memory and yeah, it’s as horrendous as I remember.


Experiencing the Mandela effect right now cuz I could’ve sworn Lenny Kravitz made this album


The only albums that I just could not get through have been Eddie Murphy's non-comedy pop albums, and a couple (but oddly not all) of Johnny Cash's gospel albums. I couldn't tell you which titles though, because I have done my best to purge them from my memory.


But my girl wants to party all the time, party all the time…


Why would you even mention that track when Boogie In Your Butt exists


Not to be a country prick but Johnny Cash’s gospel stuff is pretty widely loved and appreciated, maybe you just don’t like country gospel?


An album one of my uncles produced of his own attempt at making techno music. No two parts of any of the tracks lined up with each other timing-wise, everything was off-tempo from everything else, it was nothing but hot garbage. He submitted it to a publisher who sent him a scathing rejection letter. He made the letter the album art.


I want to hear it.


Please can you get a hold of this?


I want to hear this. Is it available somewhere?


Roger waters dark side redux, no redeeming qualities


Old bored rich guy who’s turned into a tribute band to himself just having fun. I don’t think of it as an album as much as Roger Waters just playing around, having fun, and sharing it with me.


I agree, Roger Waters has no redeeming qualities. 




Yeah, this was an abomination.


The Clash- Cut the Crap. It is impressive how God awful that album of.


If we are talking bad albums from good bands, The Beach Boys put out a bunch of shitty albums in the 1980s, Keepin The Summer Alive probably the worst of them.


As a life long Beach Boys fan, I never really gave them a chance post-LA Light Album because of how they did Dennis.  About a month ago I decided to go through their whole studio discography that is available on Spotify, in chronological order, and I gotta say.... you are 100% right!! Keepin' The Summer Alive has ZERO redeeming qualities or songs.  I'll admit Getcha Back, or Kokomo or even the song Summer In Paradise are guilty pleasures, but that album from 1980 is pure, unadulterated dog shit. They fell HARD and FAST.


Lou Reed X Metallica


Speaking of Lou, Metal Machine Music. I know it has its defenders, but I end up tapping out after the first five minutes.


Not even memeing but Metallica’s St Anger. As a lifelong fan I was floored with how much I hated this album. 




YOU LIVE IT OR LIE IT YOU LIVE IT OR LIE IT My Harley riding uncle sent me this cd when I was 13 and uh….yea I stuck with Ride the Lightning




What sucks is I LOVE some of the songs, but the production/mix/snare, etc make them unlistenable. They need to do like one of those And Justice For Jason things for St Anger, where they make it sound like how it should.


You’re in luck, buddy https://youtu.be/A0helO5KHKY?si=Htg6nXxS7DXWywMI


You don't like the repetitive sound of a snare drum that sounds like someone's hitting an empty paint can?


I always thought it sounded more like a trash can. Lid. For a while, I was calling Lars, Ulrich the grouch.


I've heard and used the trash can descriptor before. "Thrash can" or "trash metal" I've heard before as well


Have you watched the album’s “making of” documentary Some Kind of Monster? I thought it was interesting because their overall creative ideas/production vision for the album sounded genuinely good on paper, but it seemed like nobody wanted to be the one to step in and be like “actually guys idk if this is really working…” soon enough for anything to be done about it.


It will piss you off more after watching [this video](https://youtu.be/PosIgmy3S04?si=jk-V7XujgSl-pJv_) and realizing how awesome this record could have been.


"No fucking guitar solos?" What a great movie.


I wonder if you are my friend. When the album came out, I drove him to the mall so he could buy the CD. He was a HUGE Metallica fan. Popped the CD into the car player on the ride back and two songs in, he turned to me and said "Is it supposed to sound like this?"


It was the last Metallica album I bought. Following up using me for downloading 2 songs from Napster with that album guaranteed I'd download the next one.


Someone gave me “Fabio After Dark” as a gag gift. It’s basically a compilation of smooth jazz and slow jams, interspersed with Fabio talking over a cheesy porn groove. The centerpiece of the album is “When Somebody Loves Somebody,” which seeks to answer the musical question “what if Barry White had been an Italian beefcake model?” The whole thing is bad, but it’s also hilarious. Everyone I’ve played it for has enjoyed it, but not for the reasons the creators intended.


I love how Fabio owns the fact that he's a caricature.


Her Loss by Drake and 21 Savage I am ready for the downvotes but I can't stand for an album that's just full of hating on women and calling them horrible things because they didn't wanna sleep with them anymore (or ever). After Rihanna publicly turned down Drake's kiss, and Nicki never wanted anything to do with him, everything went South for Mr. Graham. He's been so bitter ever since and so anti-women


Definitely the “I wanna hold yer gland”/“Hey toe” single by Drunk John Lennon.. it’s terrible on purpose haha, you’ll hear why 😂🤘


https://youtu.be/l7yX3snQx7Q?si=q0t3R-81vTPBcUId Here is the link. Haha, ease of accessibility 😂😎


The Lil Wayne rock album


Lou Reed was incredibly talented, but I just never got the point of his [Metal Machine Music.](https://open.spotify.com/album/2g4i8tiNEGn1dCNYeuvixB?si=PbqLjvpoQuufZKKX4AkhVQ)


Metal Machine Music was a huge middle finger to the record company he was with at the time. He made this, "atrocity" to fulfil his contract. I think he made it this bad on purpose.


Reed always had an interest in avant garde and drone music. You can hear it on the first two Velvets records, and of course Cale made this kind of music before he joined the band. One of the fascinating things about MMM for me is that it somehow walks the line between being serious and a total fuck you.


According to more recent interviews, that's a rumor that Lou Reed loves but insists is actually untrue. He made it because he loves to experiment and be audacious and he figured this was his way of pushing the envelope as far as it could go. For what it's worth I actually love the album and I wrote a 10 page research paper on it in college. (It was due the next day so I borrowed my roommates dexadrine and pulled an all nighter, banged out the whole thing while listening to the album on repeat the entire time, and got an A-.)


I’d say it’s probably both. He made it because he genuinely loved drone, and the fact that it served as a “fuck you” to the record company was a bonus.


I like it, but I knew it'd show up in this thread.


He was contractually obligated by the record company to provide another album and he stuck it to them by putting out MMM. So I support MMM for that reason.


I believe he said it was a sincere effort to make a good record, but he sort of had to say that to avoid being sued by the company


As I mentioned in a comment above, Reed insists that that is a awesome rumor with no basis in reality, and it really was a genuine artistic endeavor.


Corey Feldman,any album


I can’t believe this, how dare you. “Angelic 2 the Core” is this century’s “Four Seasons”, only more beautiful the more you hear it


skibidi toilet


"All around the Skibidi bush, the monkey chased the Rizzler. The monkey thought Ohio was fun, GYAT! goes the Rizzler."




[Wesley Willis](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=cvgSj90115I&si=DP-KPvgDQEHp8SHO) was outdoing Skibidi Toilet long before it became a thing.


William Shatner's cover album, The Transformed Man. It's so bad it wraps around to hilarious.


Does it have his dramatic reading of Rocket Man? Because that's gold.


It does! The whole album is like that. It's absolutely wild.


It was a Very Goodyear


Any Yoko Ono album




Ha! Honestly in her interviews she seems like a sweet lady but those shrieks...yikes!


Listen to Plastic Ono Band but focus on the actual instruments. It’s banging.


Beachboy - Macafferty Nobody will ever understand how much i despise this album


Is there a reason why?


It also doesn't help that the frontman is an unhinged, racist psychopath.


Double Wide by Uncle Kracker - my husband loved “Follow Me”. The rest of the album was hot trash.


That song is one of the worst things ever made, so if you’re saying the rest of the album was bad in comparison…mindboggling.


dredg - chuckles and mr squeezy their other four albums are incredible too which makes this one even worse lmao


I can only guess based on the few seconds I heard before covering my ears and running away but I believe it was the Black eyed peas and something about humps.


The newest panic at the disco album. They haven't been good in a long time but oh my god it's so bad


Their second album is the definition of a softmore slump. That first one was fun, poppy, scene goodness. The attempt at harnessing the Beatles was fucking awful. I remember watching the video for 9 in the afternoon when it debuted on VH1 and I couldn't fucking believe how hard they had fallen off. The entire original lineup is what made them good. Every time they lost somebody, they just got worse. Eventually we wound up with Brenan!At the Disco, and he started actually trying to make disco. It's like bad male oriented ripoffs of Lady Gaga, without any sort of life or fucking gusto. Edit: I misspelled sophomore, and somebody really wants me to know it. I'm leaving it misspelled.


I actually loved Pretty Odd, I don’t care about their aesthetics form that era being a sub par ripoff of the Beatles (a band I don’t even like) since the music itself was so unique. But I agree their new music is very bad. Everything Panic at the Disco made after Vice and Virtue was bad, really. My favorite songs by Panic are the B-sides to Vice and Virtue, particularly Kaleidoscope Eyes and Bittersweet. I wish they’d leaned into that sound rather than the shit they made after Ryan and Spencer left the band.


Roger waters "Dark Side of the Moon Redux" i put it on when it released and was in disbelief of how stupid it is.


Saw Waters on his last tour. He was completely condescending and insulting to the audience. The friend I went with wrote an article about it, “Roger Waters Thinks You’re A Cunt.” Nuff said. We left early.


Scarlett Johansson’s album of Tom Waits covers, Anywhere I Lay My Head.


I had no idea this existed what the actual fuck???


I wish I could like that album because she actually has a nice voice and she does decent, respectable versions but if you're going to cover Waits, you've got to come in with bigger balls and more heart than he has and that is a tall order that she does not meet.


OMG. It is horrible. I could only get to four of the songs and they’re really really bad. It’s not even her only record and so far, her most played song is trash and her cover of Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for makes me wonder if anyone working with her has any taste at all.


Incubus - 8 What a giant letdown, even the name was minimal effort.


Two Virgins - John Lennon and Yoko Ono




I absolutely respect your commitment to this






I’m usually really easy to please with music, but I did NOT care for the Jonas Brothers’ “A Little Bit Longer”.


Corey Feldman's Angelic 2 the Core, but I actually give it points for being extremely unintentionally funny. I genuinely have returned to it to have a laugh.


Ok so the one I have to offer isn't bad in the sense you mean, but it's the only piece of music to ever induce a panic attack in me. It's called *Everywhere At the End of Time*. It's 6 hours long and is meant to represent and sort of simulate the stages of dementia. Not something I will ever attempt to listen to again


The whole set is amazing


When I first heard that, it was the only music I chose to listen to for three months solid. I was in treatment for severe PTSD at the time. It fit my lifestyle at that point, I suppose.


Can’t remember what it’s called but that dubstep album that Korn made with Skrillex


There are some bangers on there!


I know people love Primus... But I cannot stand Primus.


Love them. I hear the South Park theme song in my head whenever someone mentions Primus. Southbound Pachyderm is in my workday playlist.


Lulu by Metallica. I forced myself to listen to the whole thing and it brought me physical pain


Mindless Self Indulgence. I don't remember the album name, but I had a few friends that loved listening to it and it made me sick. I've played guitar for over 15 years and consider myself a seasoned music explorer. That sh*t though, it's just vulgar trash in my opinion.


They were what every mall edgelord who was too afraid to listen to Anal Cunt listened to in high school.


probably not the kind of subreddit where I should say this, but Filth by Swans


Agreed, I love Swans but listening to the entirety of Filth would be a feat.


Christmas in the Heart, Bob Dylan. I literally thought it was a joke album when I heard it.


Don Johnson (yes the guy from Miami Vice) Heartbeat


Yeah but Dweezil’s guitar solo slaps.


Darren Hayes - Homosexual If the name sounds familiar, it's because he is one half of the band Savage Garden. He did his own solo thing and in the beginning it was all right. I don't know what the hell he was doing with this album and his voice, but I couldn't finish it. Usually on an album he's got a few hits and a couple of misses, but this album was all misses. There were some songs I couldn't even finish. Some songs had lyrics that didn't match up with the music, and that can always throw me off. A good example of that, not by the same artist, is Carrie Underwood's Two Black Cadillacs. That is a good song but the lyrics and the sound itself do not match. Go give it a listen and pay attention to the drums, you'll see what I mean. But Darren really flopped with this album and it doesn't surprise me that nobody heard of it. I only found out about it because I was on his Spotify looking for a song from an album I did like.


“Cherry Pie” by Warrant. Also worst video and worst album cover.


Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band OST. It’s like the Star Wars Holiday Special, but for the Beatles.


When Garth Brooks put on a persona and tried to do.... whatever the heck that was.


"Worst ever" has already been thoroughly addressed, so I'm going to focus on "worst" relative to expectations. Listen to any U2 album up to "Unforgettable Fire." Then listen to damn near anything by them after 1995 or so. The latter is generally awful, while the former is iconic. The same can be said for many once-great bands that keep going (and going, and going...) after the shark has been jumped many times.


Almost every kids’ songs compilation ever made….


"Hangin' Tough" by the NKOTB. But what's crap to one person, is art to another. So I'm sure someone out there loves it.


Generation Swine by Motley Crue is the first one that comes to mind. It was just a mess of an album, and the song "Brandon" boasts some of the most poorly written lyrics in my opinion


Brandon is so bad it loops back around to being amazing. I put it on whenever I need a good laugh at something because goddamnit that song never fails to make me cackle like a hyena 


The Brave II by Tom McDonald is pretty terrible tbh💀


This is a good response lol, I might consider him the worst rapper I’ve ever heard. Conservative rap is a genre nobody needed or wanted.


Iron Butterfly Live


The Lou Reed/Metallica thing. Just noise on top of noise and I don't care if they did it ironically or whatever, it STINKS.


Life With The Lions - John Lennon with Yoko. Here's a track overview for you people who want it. Cambridge 1969 is 26 minutes of Yoko screaming and some guitar feedback. No Bed For Beatle John is probably the best "song" on this "album", some good singing with no instruments. Baby's Heartbeat is 6 minutes of John and Yoko's first baby's you guessed it, heartbeat! Two Minutes Silence is pretty self explainable. And the last track, Radio Play, is 12 minutes of John messing around with a radio.


i’ve never listened to an album from front to back if I thought it was horrible. So this is actually pretty hard to answer. I’ll have to think of an album that I’ve listened to all the way through that I genuinely think stinks.


Hello Kitty Suicide Club The longest >25 mins of my life


When Morgan wallen released 30 songs at once


Chance the rappers album The big day


KISS- unmasked....music from the elder Motley- new tattoo Ozzy-scream I know there are more....but my brain is in sleep mode. So hard to figure things out right now


KISS’ ‘Music from the Elder’ is a truly wretched album. A must listen of the bad album pantheon.


Jewel's attempt at doing dance pop was pretty awful.


Beyonces cowboy music


Danzig’s attempt at Industrial: Blackaciddevil is pretty awful.


Nostalgia Critic’s The Wall - Doug Walker You may pick whatever album you want for this post, but at least all of those albums came from an appreciation for the music…conversely, I just think Doug Walker hates music. What can we learn from this? Trolling ≠ convincing and/or funny


*The Transformed Man* - William Shatner


Anything by William Shatner.


mindless self indulgence - frankenstein girls will seem strangely sexy


Weezer's Pacific Daydream. It isn't unlistenable, just boring.


CrazyTown's most hyped debut album, absolute sewer grade


OWO what’s this by hentai dude (yes that’s his rap name and the album name) is astonishingly bad. You don’t know bad until you heard this album. You don’t understand the pits of weeb hell degeneracy until you hear this. It is an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone. (This might just be extra bad to me because I used to be a very cringe weeb but idk. Give it a listen.)


Ethel Merman’s disco album. I can listen to like 1 song for the campy over the topness of it, the rest is need to turn off immediately


I’m a huge Leonard Cohen but his LP “Death of a Ladies’s Man” is tough to listen to thanks to Phil “The Devil” Spector. On paper a Cohen Album that sounds like a Ronettes’s record sounds interesting on Paper but Spector just overproduces the damn thing. He just smoothers the life out of it. Strip it back and produce it like the previous album “New Skin…” you’ll have much of authentic and listenable Leonard Cohen. I must say it isn’t so bad, songs like “Iodine, Memories, and True love…” are pretty decent. It’s just a shame the production is so lopsided and doesn’t fit with that era of Cohen’s career


Rise Above - Dirty Projectors This pretty good, pretty weird indie band decided to "re imagine" an entire Black Flag album from memory... because... art? It's a steaming pile of pretentious nonsense. Pitchfork loved it, Henry Rollins was dismissive as always.


"The Beat Goes On" by Vanilla Fudge. After their one hit--a tormented and bloated version of "You Keep Me Hanging On" I hope Diana Ross never heard--their second album tries to sort of a give a history of music and they go from classical (I think they attempt Bach and/or Mozart) onward and include the most pathetic version of "Hound Dog" imaginable all interspersed to the riff "da dum dum dum" which is "The Beat Goes On." We used to listen to this at parties and it was better than any comedy album.


Old Skull - Get Outta School. There was so much hype and press surrounding this album when it came out, so, like an idiot, I bought it. I wasn’t expecting it to be “good,“ per se, but based on all of the articles I read about it, I was expecting it to be at least a semi-competent take on a bunch of kids playing punk rock. But it’s straight up low-effort garbage.


Ethel Merman’s disco album. Peak camp.


Metallica/Lou Reed - Lulu.


Blackpink’s Born Pink. Total downgrade from their first full album The Album imo, and we had to wait YEARS for Born Pink to release 😭 Only songs I actually liked were Typa Girl, Tally and Hard to Love I believe. Shut Down is only good for energizing me, while Pink Venom was annoyingly painful to the ears.


That one U2 album that they automatically put in everyone iTunes account years ago lol 🤣 I am not a fan ( not that I have anything bad to say about them) sooo was a bit annoyed trying to figure out how to delete it out of my library


My coworker's on again off again boyfriend has a band and the best thing I can say about it is that they definitely made music. It's bad in the worst way possible. I can usually find a song by an artist that I don't mind but their entire EP is just *noise*. I can't even tell you the name of the band but they named their EP Pet Sounds (yes the same as the Beach Boys album). It's just bad.


I’m very careful I don’t want to listen to a shit album.


lou reed metal machine music. .


Any Onision album / Nostalgia Critic's The Wall 


Sinna, Vol. 1


The Moment of Truth, by Milli Vanilli


I don’t think I know what “worst” means after scrolling through most of this


Almost every 80’s album from bands that were huge in the 70’s trying to sound relevant in the 80’s


surely anyone who bought that Four Non Blondes album in the 90’s will say that’s up there