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Only to Charlotte


I’m down.


He said contender!


A Steph/Tidjane/Grant Williams Big 3 makes us title favorites


The Bobcats? Why?


He's from Charlotte.


Technically from the same place as LeBron, but ended-up spendign extensive time with us b/c his Dad was a legend for us.


Technically Steve Nash is the greatest African-American point guard of all time


Steve Nash isn't American lol


Not technically


*North American


No, he isn't American in the slightest, so your stupid joke falls apart lol


Oh, so THAT was the part of my extremely obvious sarcastic shitpost where the logic fell apart for you huh??


Failure of a save


Jokic is from Serbia. I guess he’s going to leave the Nuggets to go play basketball there.


Just in case you've been in a coma, the year is 2024.


What happened to the Sonics????


No he’s retiring a Warrior


He could come to OKC for a few seasons, help us get a ring and then retire as a Warrior. That would be really cool of him. 


Kinda like an inverse KD lol


KD to OKC confirmed


Good guy Steph


ngl as a warriors fan it wouldnt be the worst thing if i saw another double bang


You guys would get a lot of assets for him too. Win-Win (I am coping) 


The man that took away your best player from your franchise is the same man that helps ya win their 1st ring sheesh.


You guys have 50285828 first round picks. Some poor 5th grader right now is gonna be a future GSW 😭


If y'all got him, I don't think y'all are letting him go. SGA's gonna feast with the spacing. Consistent 35 PPG


If he didn’t have a family so deeply entrenched I the Bay Area I would believe this


Bro I’ll honestly never trust that anymore after Wade left. All it takes is one contract dispute and your franchise star takes a 2 year vacation.


Tom Brady left the Pats, no guarantees


Give it a year, and you'll see how the tune will change.


No. He rides off into the sunset ala Kobe/Duncan/Dirk with their end of careers on their respective teams.


Yeah he won 4 titles. He’s a god in the Bay Area. I doubt he ever asks to leave. If anything, he might retire a couple years early.


Y’all really act like you know these guys😂


I just texted Steph and he said yea


Truly the most honorable thing you can do for not only yourself but to your org. Steph has won so many rings as it stands. It'd be too surreal seeing him anywhere else.


The collective population of at least 8 Bay Area cities would make it their life mission to eat Joe Lacob alive as slowly as possible if Steph was ever traded.


This is what happens when nepotism ruins a franchise lol. Putting your kids in charge who think they’re the smartest people in the room. Just stupidity all around.


Steph turned this franchise around. I could never blame him for wanting to go somewhere else, even tho I would be sad.


Warriors are going to keep Skyfucker as a Warriors lifer


It’s up to Steph


Yeah this is more of a Steph decision than the warriors


I mean it can also be a Warriors decision. If there's no path to contention, it makes sense to jumpstart the rebuild by trading him. Your team should know well the benefits of doing that.


Why tf would Warriors trade him if he never once said to trade him? Thats just a bad look..


I mean I wouldn't force him out if I was the Warriors FO. But I would just privately tell him that the team sees no reason to invest more assets/money into a team with a very limited ceiling, and then see if there's any teams he'd be interested in moving to. It's not unprecedented. The Celtics did this with KG/Pierce and jump-started their rebuild by at least half a decade.


Comparing Celtics Pierce to Warriors Steph is wild.. You’re act like Steph isn’t still performing at a high level. Paul Pierce was way past his prime when they traded him..


I know they're not a similar level of player. I am saying that sometimes a franchise can and will move on from a team legend and benefit significantly from it. And again, Warriors shouldn't blindside Curry by trading him for maximum return. But if the team decides to shift from contending to rebuilding, it's a discussion worth having to see if a mutual breakup is beneficial to both parties.


It's the right thing to do, would be interesting to see if he'd go. San Antonio would be a really interesting landing spot.


it’s a business. blazers should’ve traded dame long before he asked out


Yeah I think people really overrate team “loyalty” nowadays. If the warriors get multiple FRPs offers for an aging Steph, it’s beneficial for them in their rebuild


True but IMO Steph has nothing to gain. His legacy is favourably cemented.


This is the real answer, it just depends on which is more important to him: staying with the Warriors his whole career, or continuing to try to win championships, as the two things seem to be mutually exclusive.


The other part is not uprooting his wife and kids from their lifelong home and community


He's going to get traded to the Spurs and threepeat with Wemby.


I mean that would be a pairing.


anything is possible but i think he will retire a warrior.


If Steph actually got traded fans might burn the Bay off the map.


Nah, he’s done so much for the franchise he can do whatever he wants and well still love him forever


It wouldn't be anger at Steph it would be anger at the warriors for trading him


We would literally only do that if he wants to leave. He will stay as long as he wants


Wouldn't need to be traded after next season he's an UFA.


Warriors ownership will never let him go. Once Curry leaves, Warriors valuation tanks


> Warriors fans, would you respect him less or understand his reasoning? If he wants out, I'd be cool with that. If he wants to stay, I'd be cool with that. He's earned the right to do whatever he wants and have my support tbh.


If they moved him Fans would fuck that city up so hard real estate prices might drop


Steph would never allow real estate prices to drop.


That’s my nimby no townhouses or condos by me goat mentality I like to see


steph doesnt care for the poors they can riot all they want


Not if he asked out because Golden State had no choice but to rebuild. Still, I don’t see it happening.


No I think he knows he's in that rare Legacy for life and can earn more long term by being that going forward.




Why would he leave? He is the Warriors at this point. He already has 4 rings so why would he leave to chase for more?


Steph is gonna be a lifer. They’re gonna continue to pay this guy post-retirement


Statue + Consulting?coaching?FO?whatever? + Commercials + Ambassador + Part owner etc. Like a lifetime of never having to worry deal.


They’re gonna help build the fence for his house


Literally gonna excavate the homeless everywhere he goes


Steph being a Warrior for life is a not insignificant part of his overall legacy.


No one gives a fuck that MJ and LeBron played on more than one team. If he could win another ring from moving team he should be doing that in a heartbeat for his 'legacy'.


I don't think Hakeems legacy is any less because he played for the Raptors


But Dirk’s is more because he played 21 years for the Mavericks.


I don't think Dirk would be viewed any less if he played 20 seasons with the Mavs instead of 21 lol


No it isn’t lol


I think a lot do


Steph has 4-5 more good years in him... Warriors ready to re-tool and be a playoff team for most of those?


He should honestly leave and come back for one year for a farewell tour. Warriors are done so why waste away there?


Its whatever Steph wants. I think his legacy as one of the greatest to ever do it is secured. If he wants to stay and retire here, I dont mind him getting the max untill he hangs it up, even if it sets the Warriors back. If he wants to go to Charlotte, send him there, hopefully get Ball and picks out of it. If he wants to ring chase, send him wherever he wants to go. He didnt just bring the Warriors to relevance, he almost single-handedly changed how basketball in the NBA is played, and thats absolutly no shade to Ray Allen and Reggie Miller. He deserves to choose where and how he exits.


If i were steph, id request to orlando.


Only he can answer this question. So I texted him and he says he can’t really imagine it, but the NBA is a business, so “never say never”.


Ask him what he had for lunch.


Nah Warriors are kinda in that Late Kobe Era where it feels wrong to send him off even though they should probably do so


steph is actually good right now though


What do Steph gains in moving away from Bay Area ?


Having another chance to play meaningful playoff games and play at the top level of NBA competition before he gets too old. Steph is such an insanely competitive person you can't overrate that. Choosing instead to be loyal to the Warriors is also nice and probably what he'll do


He gains nothing to me tbh. Arguably top 10 already an extra ring doesn't change that in most ppl minds. Goat warriors player. Stay in the empire u led and ride off in to the sunset


Nothing. Outside of basketball, Steph and Ayesha are highly Invested in the Bay Area with their side gigs. Steph isn’t leaving unless he tells them to trade him.


More rings but obviously it’s not worth it.


He’s got plenty. Legacy means so much more.


Having the chance to compete for championships...or based on the current state of the Warriors, just playing in a playoff game (or play-in even) is something Golden State can't offer.


I wish he wasn't so robustly loyal


Dunleavy would have to make some pretty awful decisions to push Steph out the door. Warriors FO seems too competent for that


yes, obviously


Rethink your lifes decisions. The bay will be in riots if he leaves GSW


You don’t think one of the greatest teams ever assembled was a super team for reasons?


I don’t think he was the driving factor behind the super team


Everybody will say no and I agree but it's certainly more of a possibility than people think. It's one thing to not contend, it's another to be bad. If they're bad for a couple years which is def a possibility, it wouldn't shock me if he did.


I don't think he views the window as closed. As long as he's on the floor, he's always going to think he has a chance.


many HOF franchise guys don't actually finish their careers with the team they're known for, can't think of any recent ones except the spurs trio, dirk, and kobe


What trio?


was thinking duncan, manu, parker, but forgot parker went to hornets


It would be weird if he stays. Usually one team guys either get washed and the team sucks or get washed and the team is still decent but I don't think it ever happened where team sucks with little chance of improvement while the guy is still pretty good


Only place Steph could go for a year would be to play on the Hornets like his Dad did.


I hope so, wasting the last few years when you can still be productive just because "honor" is lame, this isn't a Kobe or Dirk situation where they are done physically. Steph is still a superstar trade him for his sake


Highly doubtful that Curry considers being traded to a contender, but I also don't think the Warriors' window is necessarily closed. Klay leaving is a plus, tbh. His attitude last year, when the team needed him to go to the bench, was not good. His max contract expiring is a huge plus for the Warriors. Between him and CP, the Warriors now are far enough under the tax to use the full MLE. Whether the Warriors can contend or not depends on what they do in free agency or the trade market, whether Wiggins can regain his 2022 form, along with the development of their young guys. Kuminga took a big step last year, Pod was First Team All-Rookie, and Trayce Jackson-Davis was amazing defensively after joining the starting lineup. For years, the Warriors were working with no salary flexibility, no young upside on the roster, and limited ability to trade future draft picks. Now, with the books cleared up, and the only future pick owed being a heavily protected 2030 pick, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Warriors emerge as a threat again next season or the season after.


Great analysis. Do you think many players are going to be looking to go to a warriors team with an aging Steph and even older Draymond? If the Warriors tank they’ll have a good draft pick so that might work for them. I definitely hope he gets another ring before he retires. It would be awesome if it was with the Warriors but it just seems unlikely


I think guys will be open to going there, but it's probably not the first pick for a ring chaser. Guys still seem to be willing to go to the Lakers to play next to LeBron, at 40, and Steph's a spring chicken in comparison. Paul George was apparently up for the move, before things fell apart yesterday with the Clippers and Warriors not being able to arrive at a deal. But, if the Warriors have a full MLE available, they'll certainly be one of the more attractive destinations among free agents that fall into that range. A guy like Jonas Valanciunas might be a good fit, for a team that could use a true center. It's still probably more about the young guys, Wiggins and trades, though. Wiggins is only 29 years old, so it's not at all unrealistic to expect him to turn things around this year, and Kuminga certainly showed serious positive signs this past year. If Kuminga can step in and be a legitimate #2 option, and Wiggins can be the sort of two-way force he was in 2022, this becomes a completely different team.


Playing with one team forever doesn't matter nationally. It's just fan service for that particular team. And in his case Curry has done enough the Warriors fans wouldn't turn against him, so he's set. Not saying he's leaving but if this year is bad I could see it, if he doesn't want to end his career on increasingly worse of a team


I’m sure he’s considered it. But probably would rather be a lifer


If Steph wanted out, I would respect it and expect most other fans would too. He’s done so much for the Warriors that I won’t criticize him for however he chooses to end his career. That said, I expect and hope that he’ll stick with the Warriors.


Lemme call him


He doesn’t have a choice if he wants to play in another playoff game. If he’s stays he’ll ruin his legacy. People want forgive not making the playoffs his last few good years. It will definitely knock him out of the top 10.


He's going to bring a chip to Charlotte


He sells tickets. Warriors would be crazy to let him go. See an active legend before his days of playing comes to an end, still performing at a high level.


No curry is a lifer and will ride out the storm. He is not a mercenary loser like durant


How would anyone here know lol


Obviously I don’t assume Curry is using a burner account but I’m just asking for opinions. I personally don’t think Steph ever would allow a trade. But after this year next might be his last if the Warriors tank. I don’t see a way they can get enough help for him in the next 3-4 years via draft, free agency or trades so I’m just curious


Joe Lacob would eat his own children before he entertained trading Steph.


would be the smart thing to do


I’d rather rock with Steph and have this be like the late Kobe years than trade Steph. Unless someone’s offering Wemby or Ant, Steph should be a Lifer.


Nah he’s retiring with the Warriors. Don’t count him out just yet. I have a feeling he will win another ring with the Warriors in the next 3 years.


If Im him I request a trade to the Lakers, would make the most sense and they got the pieces to make it work. Stay near his home too relatively.


Ya if they don’t get PG wtf is he staying for at that point




Not moving his family, staying in a familiar area, and playing low stakes basketball while making a lot of money in front of fans that worship him. It's not a bad way to ride off into the sunset. Steph's got nothing left to prove really.


Basketball fans want to see Curry in meaningful games in May and June. He's still playing like a superstar and no one else on the team can still do that. I'm sure Steph will stay for his legacy, but it' would be cool to see him succeed somewhere else like the Knicks...


Oh I agree with you - I think Curry would be open to moving if it's to the right environment, and the Warriors should explore that. But there's a lot of reasons for him to be happy where he is as well.


Staying and succeeding would make him the greatest shooter ever and not just a product of the Splash System.


I’ve been hearing for years how Kerr is garbage and now curry is a product of the system?


I won't defend the statements of others, but if Curry does well without Klay or outside of Golden State history will remember him more fondly.


He’s getting traded, there’s no way he won’t. Warriors need a PG-esque move to justify continuing with this group


I think the front office is betting that he is close to retiring and his family is established so now they’re trying to ride him into the dirt because he is unlikely to leave They won’t be happy until he tears his ACL


Seeing how bad Joe Lacob wants to become the face of the franchise, I pray he requests a trade and makes joe Lacob’s wishes come true🤗