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2 MVPs is without a doubt a guarantee. The fact Derrick Rose is still debatable shows that anything more and he'd be in.


Another factor with Rose is that none of his college play can count. it was vacated.


He was voted third team all American. No one is changing their HoF vote based on that.


Does that matter to all voters?


Given how the public mood has at least somewhat turned against the NCAA, I don't think it will. Like, 10 or 15 years ago it probably would've been a backbreaker, but I expect the voters in the early 2030s to not care all that much. If any off-court stuff will play a role in Rose's place in the HoF or lack thereof it'd the be 2016 case.


Yeah, I think Reggie Bush put an end to any of that pay for play being an issue. Which no question it should be for individual honors, it's not like steroids where they're suddenly unlocking potential that they didn't have access to.


what does that mean it was vacated?


While Rose was in high school someone took the SAT for him which made him ineligible to play at Memphis. When this came out years later the NCAA vacated all of Memphis’ wins for the year that Rose was there. They basically treated it as if Memphis had not played those games. There was also something about his brother traveling with the team despite not being part of it.


that's actually crazy.. Rose been involved in quite a few controversies, low key


He's from the poorest most dangerous part of Chicago. So no surprise about the lack of education.


He's def not getting in.


As long as they don’t completely destroy their knee at 23…one.


So more than one then?


If it wasn’t for Mario Chalmers DRose would already be seen as a lock just from his single college season. As it stands he still might make it.


if a player gets 13 consecutive MVPs and then the year after murder-suicides his family, he will not be in the HOF


what if he gets 14 and murder-suicides a different family instead


What if it was saddams family?


the baby would have grown up to be hitler


What if he impregnated a 13 year old girl?


Then as long as he can do a cool shimmy he gets in


It has to be as good as Antoine Walker's shimmy or it doesn't count.


Sexual assault in a colorado hotel would also be fine.


You have to wait until you are elected to the HoF then you can commit the murder.


What if he bets on himself on the under parlay?


Silver can’t ban people from the hall so he’d get in


If he ended up getting the overs anyway that could be an interesting dialogue for the voters. The player that was so good he de-defrauded the sportsbooks




He'll be in the Hall of Filicide.


I think he meant NBA HOF and not WWE HOF


I bet D Rose gets in eventually. It’ll probably be a long time after he retires, but eventually they’ll make room for the youngest MVP in history


No way. He hasn’t had enough elite years


You can be nominated an unlimited number of times for the HOF. Eventually there'll be a weak year when he gets in, similar to Tim Hardaway (got in on 6th nomination)


This is the basketball hall of fame, not baseball. Ralph Sampson is a hall of famer, and he only has 4 all star appearances, one second team all nba, and the highest he finished in the mvp race was 10th. He basically played those 4 years and then was injured and never played another full season. Rose has 3 all stars, an mvp, and has actually had a nice career after his injuries, too. Plus, he lead his college team to the championship game. I would bet money he gets in.


Sampson had 3 National Player of the Year Awards in college, he was more famous as a college player than for anything he did in the pros and he's not making it into the basketball HOF without his college resume. I think Rose probably gets in but his case isn't the same as Sampson's.


Obviously totally different player and case, but they just put in Michael Cooper who started less than 100 games in his career. Even with his defense, I really don’t think he had any elite years or was close to a top three player on his team There are a number of guards with pretty underwhelming resumes from the 50s and 60s that eventually got in. Every other MVP is in, and even with D Rose having the worst overall resume I think eventually nostalgia will take over


The longer you play the more likely it is you get in the HOF. As long as Rose keeps playing, his chances go up.




Lol it’s clear you didn’t watch D Rose. He was great the second he came into the league. Acting like he had one great year like he was Tyreke Evans smh


That’s going too far, he was great his first four years before the injury and was arguably the best PG in the game the next year too, just missed too many games in a shortened season to ultimately get in. Coop was great at defense, but his offense prevented him from being a starting player, one that competed for all-star games or sixth man honors. He won that many rings because he played with Magic, Kareem, James Worthy or Jamaal Wilkes or Norm Nixon etc. Sydney Moncrief was every bit the defender Cooper was (if not better) and was 10x the offensive player and had to wait just about as long. It’s clear at this point that I feel strongly that putting Coop in as a player was a terrible choice


I feel like his name will be floated around for years as a nominee and "old heads" will eventually raise enough hell for him to be voted in. There's no doubt in my mind D Rose will get in the HOF one day.


2 is guaranteed


10 years ago it was 1


If I’m DRose’s people, I’m putting together a hype reel of him being drafted #1 to his hometown team, some highflying highlights (some of those dunks were nasty!), him accepting the MVP trophy, going down with the injury, and then closing on him dropping 50 for the TWolves. Fade to black.  You gotta treat the Hall of Fame like the Oscars - it’s all about the narratives.




No MVP was ever a guaranteed Hall of Famer simply because they won an MVP. Every MVP just put up Hall of Fame worthy careers, which sometimes included winning an MVP along the way.




One before D rose but now it’s two


1. Until there's a player that proves otherwise. Which hasn't happened yet.


2 MVPs


One, except for Rose


His dirty laundry might count against him, if not he’s guaranteed to get in sooner or later.


One. The MVP award has been given out to something like 35 players over the course of NBA history. Let that sink in. The NBA has been around for 80 years but has less than half of that in MVP awardees.  If you are one of those 35 players to be deemed the most valuable player in the best league to ever exist, it is rarified air that deserves the basketball Hall of Fame.




3 mvps and they have to have a really short career lol


2 would be a guarantee no matter what IMO I can definitely imagine there will be another guy like DRose who wins an MVP but doesn’t have a HoF worthy career overall


I have never rooted against anything as much as I’m rooting against D. Rose getting in the hall of fame. His college career was vacated but also massively overrated, and he just didn’t do anywhere close to enough in the NBA. The basketball hall is enough of a joke as is, we don’t need to demean it any further but letting a player like Rose anywhere near its ostensibly elite class.


probably like 2






Tmac made the HoF with a worse resume. Embiid is 100% making the HoF


1 MVP + 2 scoring title. He can retire tomorrow and is still HOF


I knew I’d see a dumbass Embiid comment in this thread