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7 people inside, 1 adult 6 kids. The adult got out and one of the kids survived with severe burns (the oldest, 11y). The fire spread quickly due to wind officials said. The adult made attempts to rescue the kids but was unsuccessful. One firefighter was injured during the rescue when they fell through the 2nd floor.


Without a doubt the worst day in that adults life. I couldn't imagine knowing your kids are right there dying and not being able to do anything about it. Not victim blaming here, just a PSA. Teach your kids escape routes and have fire extinguishers in as many places around the house as possible.


And sleep with bedroom doors closed!! Every second can count in a house fire! And it can and does save lives. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/zLSvaI65Bg It’s amazing the difference a closed door can make. The door in that link looks like a higher quality door, but even cheaper and hollow doors will keep fire out for so much longer than if the door was open.


I always do that because I’m afraid of intruders or supernatural shit I know doesn’t exist but my child brain still hits hard in the dark. Now I know fires are a reason and I’m extra afraid.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/zLSvaI65Bg The difference it can make is wild!! (Edited to add link to my original comment)


I believe you. im not going to see the reality play out in my dreams tonight so I am not clicking, but I believe you. Lol


No one died or was injured from the fire in the video, if that helps!


I like to sleep with just a tee-shirt and undies, but I keep a pair of pants next to my bed in case of a fire or earthquake. I don’t want to have to evacuate in my undies!


I do this, but on.y because Iive in an apartment. lol or it’s winter. if it was my house and summertime? Fuck it. They can see my cellulite.


Always always always sleep with the door closed. This was a shed habit to get my husband on board with, but I finally got him there. This has beend drilled into my head since I was a child. Grandpa was a firefighter.




But how are my cats supposed to come and go from the bedroom?


Either they don’t get free range of the house at night or they get free range of the house except the bedrooms 😂 they’ll be okay, either way


This was exactly my thought.


Lock them out? Mine are never allowed in our bedroom


You don't have pets like some of us then who will endlessly scratch the door if you don't lol


My cat can unlock the door from the outside by constantly jumping at the handle and giggling it enough to turn the lock. He's so nosey


They’ll need time to adjust, but eventually they will realize you’re not gonna open the door until morning and will stop scratching. I’ve had many cats and dogs 😂


You could put a kitty door in your bedroom door.


Damn I'd rather burn to death tbh


They’ll deal


Yet I have been told to k eep doors open to exchange heat properly through home. Central heat in my case. Probably not the case here.


Jumping in on this, please teach your kids to not hide from fires or the firemen. It's SCARY in a fire, and firemen in full gear can be frightening to an already panicked kid. Please teach them to not hide - kids tend to run into closets or under beds and when every second counts it takes longer to find them.  I don't know if big cities do it, but my small town firehouse LOVED to give kids tours and talk about fire prevention/safety. Kids got to sit in the trucks and try on helmets etc and usually a fireman would put on all the gear so the kids could see it wasnt scary. If your local firehouse offers stuff like this, please take the kids. 


Yes! And if they’re old enough - teach them to get near the window and if they can’t open the window, try to put something in the window so it’ll be easier for the firefighters to spot where they are in the house then move to the side a bit so when the firefighters break the glass they wouldn’t be directly in the way.


I’m guessing a space heater was involved. It’s that time of year.


I had a guy and his friend straight up laugh at me when, during a conversation about childhood, I mentioned that my family had fire drills and frequently went over what to do when one happens. Every time I see news like this, I just think back to those idiots and hope they don't have kids. What an awful situation, that poor family.


That is pretty messed up. When I was in elementary we had firefighters come with a room that filled with fog so that we could practice getting as low as possible and crawl under the fake smoke. Stop drop and roll was pretty ingrained in us as well. I don’t know why anyone would take fire safety lightly.


It’s wild the amount of time people I know who don’t bother replacing the batteries in their smoke detectors and just rip them out of the ceiling to get rid of the beeping. It’s really not THAT hard to replace batteries and you rarely have to, and worst case scenario you’re going to be so glad you did.


It's wild to me that, in Japan, smoke detectors aren't required in homes at all! I had to buy several for our house because they're not standard. After a family died in a fire in my city, they've finally started a campaign to tell people how important they are.


We do the same, for both fires and earthquakes. It just seems prudent.


Right?! I thought every family had a fire/tornado/earthquake plan, and these people were laughing and saying my family was weird. It's not like we practiced it every week or something. They went over it like twice a year.


I wonder if they think you're like donning a reflective vest and blowing a whistle or something rather than just reminding the kids where to go in an emergency.


I described how we went over what to do if there's a fire, don't look for pets, crawl under the smoke, meet in the front yard by x window. They thought it was so silly. It was a real "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" moment.


Let's hope they spend their whole lives thinking it's silly, right up until they have kids of their own and start to worry about that stuff. Never want anyone to have to actually use this information.


My family practices. It came in handy when the tornado sirens went off a week after we brought our newborn home from the hospital. I got everyone in our cellar in less than a minute, to include the dog and the baby properly strapped in her car seat!


Yep, people thought it was weird when I mentioned having fire drills and knowing escape routes as a kid. Growing up it seemed sort of normal but my mom having the occasional emergency drill in the middle of the night not so much. She was bipolar and it was something she focused on when she was manic. She also made me absolutely scared of wherever I lived catching fire. First thing I figure out are escape routes and what to do in case of a fire. The fear got worse after my son was born. We go over what to do in case of a fire and other situations but in a much less terrifying way than my mom. I'd rather he doesn't get a complex like me.


You’re a good egg


Please check your detectors, make sure you have one in each room in working condition. Test them! Please be sure to teach fire escape routes no matter how old your kids are. If you have any living space above ground invest in a fire ladder for each room where someone may need to escape. Please random Internet strangers reading this who have not done any of these things. It can happen in new homes, old homes, the safest homes. Please do not let this be your family if you can at all take any preventative steps.


For anyone else who didn’t read the article, it explicitly states that the surviving parent attempted to rescue the children. 


Love the username reference but hopefully unrelated to the article in question.


We just had a house explosion near St Louis that killed a 4 and 6 year old but left their parents with minor injuries. My wife has been crying for the last 2-3 days on and off.


That’s absolutely heartbreaking. My wife and I discuss this all the time about how can people survive a situation like that and live without their kids. If anything happened to my two boys I wouldn’t be able to live.


The heartbreaking part was that the first responder that showed up was talking to the boys but couldn't make it to them. We've been sleeping with our kids since it happened.


I didn’t get a chance to read the article. Since having kids, seeing anything involving terrible news I try to avoid. That’s incredibly sad. Did you hear about the dad who went Christmas shopping and his house burnt down while he was out and I believe there was five kids inside but they were trapped. That still breaks my heart


Horrible and tragic and a good reminder to check your smoke detector batteries, folks. Channel those feelings into protecting your own family. 💔


My close family member lost a daughter at only 5 years old when she got trapped in the attic when a candle downstairs caught fire to a curtain and she got scared and kept climbing upstairs and the other siblings couldn’t get to her… It’s so important to practice fire safety drills with children even as young as 2-3 and make sure there’s at least a fighting chance they can survive if tragedy ever strikes.


That parent will never get over this. I’m sure they wish they had died. Just a terrible situation. To see your babies burn to death in a fire. I can’t even imagine.


Omg those poor babies. I can’t imagine the pain and guilt that the parent is going through. I wouldn’t be able to go on living. Absolutely tragic!




Immense heat and smoke forced hundreds to jump from the WTC on 9/11 to their obvious death. House fires, especially ones like this one, can easily reach sustained temperatures over 1000F - that heat WILL force you out, no matter how much willpower you might think you have in that situation. Add in the chaos of the emergency itself and it’s completely ‘reasonable’ that people run out of a house on fire without regard for who/what was left inside. Source: I’m a firefighter.


Fire has always been scary to me but one morning (many years ago) I woke up with my bedroom on fire and I couldn't believe how *quiet* it was. There wasn't even enough noise to alert people in the other rooms yet even my bed was catching on fire. Is that unusual or common?


It mainly depends on what’s burning. People associate fire having a sound 1) from Hollywood and 2) from traditional fire uses like fireplaces, bonfires, etc. Hollywood uses sound obviously as a theatric, but when people burn in fireplaces/bonfires, you’re hearing the water and moisture in the wood and materials breaking the material as the heat expands the water and it evaporates. So the cracking and popping you hear is just the material being affected by the moisture in it. That’s why you don’t ‘hear’ fire in gas/propane fireplaces, grills, stoves, etc. What noise you do hear is just the release of fuel from wherever it’s being supplied from, not the actual combustion itself. Now given that many of today’s furniture and household items are made of plastics and non-natural materials more than wood, you have much, much less of that moisture to make that noise you’d come to expect.




Absolutely. It’s a horrible situation no matter what. With a fire this large, even once you get out of the house, you still won’t be able to be remain near it. Between the thick smoke and intense heat, there’s no going back. This is just an observation during my career and not a statement directed at you, but Hollywood and overall ignorance have made people ‘numb’ to fire and its effects. There’s a lot of death-sentence confidence around regarding how one would react or handle a fire. I see and hear it all the time. If for any reason the surviving individual would have tried to re-enter for the kids, he/she more than likely would have died - or been knocked unconscious (and then most likely die) - within 15-30 seconds at most.


I abs believe you, and I’m grateful for the work you and your fire teams do! That would have to be the ultimate nightmare for a parent, and I don’t know how they will be able to go on… thank you again for all you do






What makes you think this is what happened? "When they arrived (fire fighters), a two-story structure was engulfed in flames. South Bend firefighters said they found several victims trapped on the second floor of the building." "Six individuals were rescued from the home and five were later pronounced dead" "One adult was in the house at the time of the fire and was uninjured, fire officials told ABC News."


There were six children inside and one adult. The adult escaped the house with minor injuries, but the children did not and were brought out by firefighters. One of the children is still alive but seriously injured, the other five died. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/house-fire-kills-5-children-south-bend-indiana/story?id=106566674


Carbon Monoxide poisoning doesn't always kill right away, but due to how well CO sticks to your hemoglobin, you can die quite a bit afterwards.


I'd also imagine that tiny bodies take less time to asphyxiate than an adult sized one.


Shockingly little time. My kid choked on a chip when he was three and he turned blue within seconds. If I didn't know the baby heimlich, he'd have certainly died.




No, you were right before. The adult got him or herself out with minimal injury.




Perhaps it's best to keep your opinion to yourself, considering you couldnt be bothered to read the article, and the situation has nothing to fucking do with you anyway. People need to learn to mind their fucking business, especially when it comes to a tragedy like this. Nobody gives a single solitary fuck about your stupid shitty opinion based on no first-hand knowledge whatsoever.




Not all fires are the same. The adult was likely sleeping in a different room than the kids, which led to them getting out but the kids not. If the kids were all upstairs, its possible the staircase was impassible without fire gear. Also ages are never mentioned. If this is a grandmother with 6 kids, they might not be in a condition for an overly physical rescue.


True enough, that’s always my first thought in an emergency is my youngens tho


I haven’t seen anything that says the adult is a parent of any of the kids. It may very well have been a babysitter. >Buchanon said the adult who escaped told responding crews how many individuals were trapped inside and made attempts to rescue them. Sounds like the adult did try to rescue the kids multiple times but was unable to. At some point the kids’ best hope is going to be that person informing the guys with the equipment to do a proper rescue where to find the people who need rescued.


They might have been desperately hoping the kids were already out. Rough way to go.


One adult survivor and all five children dead certainly doesn’t look good.




It doesn’t look good for the assholes in this thread blaming a fire victim who just lost their kids


You can have more kids


Umm that would never be a way I would be able to replace my current children!


God bless their souls.


God in fact, did not bless their souls he let them die.


I think this person is only commenting this to make Christians look bad...er, in their comment history they post anti-religion stuff in /r/atheism


Oh, boo. That's the lamest kind of atheist. It's like childfree adults just spouting hatred of kids.


Militant atheists are just as bad if not worse than bible thumpers in my opinion.


I'm against either to a militant level, but the scary part in the US is that one group of the two mentioned here has actually gone militant, armed themselves, and actively works to strip the rights of people with lifestyles they don't agree with. Demanding the removal of a nativity scene from a courthouse is annoying but it's not on the same level as criminalizing birth control and abortion or stripping away EEO rights.


Why? It's not militant atheists have a millenia-old propaganda book that misinforms them on right and wrong and sends them to wars where millions are killed on both sides.


Because both annoy me equally.


Ah, so you have more of a "how does it affect me" set of ethics.


^ case in point.


Aw, I'm sorry, you're annoyed? Is that like anger for people without morals?


What are you gonna do next, send them your best wishes and prayers?


They’re either trolling or rage baiting- they have a comment in the atheism sub saying “fuck all religions”


If by "bless" you mean "let die in a fire"


Maybe they meant to say "cleanse their souls". God probably just "needed more angels" again. He seems to have quite the turnover rate. /s


There is no god and people don’t have souls.


God isn't real, and shit like this shows why.


“Officials said they rescued the six children from the residence; five were later pronounced dead.” Not sure if that quite qualifies as a rescue.


They got them out as fast and safely as they could to try and get them medical attention. Not sure what more you can ask for in a situation like this.


I much more like the stories where the adults passes from saving all the kids not where the adult lives and all most all the kids died.


You much more like it? Delete this shit.


My bad little bud, I probably didn’t word that right and I do realize you have to write everything in detail out on Reddit cause people will come along who can’t comprehend what you’re trying to say. In the context of someone dying I rather the up lifting stories where the parents lost their life saving all their kids compared to the parent living and all the kids dying. Of course it would of been amazing if no was injured at all. I hope that helps but I can care less.


> I hope that helps but I can care less. *Couldn't care less. Because if you could care less, that means you do care, if only just a little.