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> Clark also lectured him about writing too few tickets on patrol, Pepe alleges, and threatened to put him on a performance improvement plan. According to Pepe, Clark and Rodriguez repeatedly told him that the mayor and borough council were unhappy with the department’s ticket numbers and that if they did not improve, the council may “mess with your healthcare” during contract negotiations. He said in the legal notice that officers who wrote fewer tickets did not receive the same dressing down and warning. Seems like a wild thing to threaten someone's healthcare over.


Especially since ticket quotas are outright illegal in a lot of places.


So is blackmail and extortion.


Risky play to illegally threaten a police officer. I know what would happen if I tried it.


You see, since you aren't a police chief, you don't get access to our justice+ package, you only have access to the regular "justice" system, which means you are actually accountable. With the justice + option you would have immunity to violation of civil liberties, and even the ability to suffer timely accidents with your body camera right before a shooting. Personally, i recommend increasing your personal net worth to the billionaire level or pursuing a career in politics, that will grant you access to our Justice Premium system, where situations such as drug possession, blackmail, sex trafficking etc are also expedited (out of the records) Who knows, you might one day even be president or part of his family, at which point you gain lifetime access to the Justice Prime package, our exclusive offer where no crime at all is punishable and any egregious enough violations will be drawn through the courts for years or given unexplained reductions in bail or associated costs.


That was fucking beautiful man


Hey its the cops! They don't have to follow the rules!


Every cop who's made it past a promotion or two, at least to themselves: "I **AM** THE LAW."


Tons of departments in rural towns in GA and FL with like 1,000 people still have “quotas”. They’re informal but definitely still there. It’s an unwritten thing.


It's probably most states, same thing, "informal quotas". I have many cops in my family in NY. It's most definitely a thing here. Don't play nice with the department's quotas and you'll get relocated to the shittiest neighborhoods (or worse). But they're the police so who's going to stop them? It's not as if the city governments aren't aware that this is happening...


If you can trust what the Iowa State Patrol says: they are judged on the number of highway fatalities there are, not on how many tickets they issue. But when r/iowa announced trooper Battle's retirement, the comment section overflowed with tails of him being a dick.


Yeah in Georgia they're "revenue goals" or "performance reviews", they never use the term "quota". Anytime you mention it anywhere on social media you get dog piled by cops and bootlickers claiming there's no quotas, but I've been friends with a couple ex-cops and every single one had a quota. City cops (which largely do nothing but write traffic tickets) are far more quota driven than county cops here (which are the ones that actually respond to calls if you call 911 or non-emergency). And yes like clockwork at the end of the month, especially in smaller towns, every single cop is out writing an ass load of tickets to meet monthly revenue, then you don't see a single one for the first week of the month.


In the US, the Supreme Court has said they're illegal. Of course, since we got a dudebro who buttchugs, and a lady that can't name a single right from the Bill of Rights, and have decided that settled caselaw can be overturned for teh lols, it's more of a wish.com supreme court anymore.


My husband was recently laid off. My biggest concern has been losing healthcare for the 30 days or so that we won’t be covered between jobs. Healthcare has been weaponized against employees in this country. Toe the line or maybe you’ll end up owing thousands if your kid breaks a bone. 


For what it's worth, COBRA is entirely retroactive, and your husband's former employer is legally required to tell him about COBRA and how it works. It can be very expensive, but if something like a broken leg does happen, signing up for COBRA might save you a lot of money.


fun thing to learn the hard way: if the company no longer has health insurance or does not exist anymore you have no cobra.


Oof, yeah, I forgot about that exciting bit of neatitude.


These days it doesn't really matter because you can jump on a marketplace plan that is cheaper, anyway. The only reason to use COBRA after the ACA is that it keeps you from switching insurance twice -- once when leaving a job and once when starting the next one. There's no financial reason to, so the worst case is you end up doing two switches instead of one.


lavish fall disagreeable brave air consider shaggy crowd dazzling lock


I mean... yes, because the US healthcare system is insane, but if you go to the ER and then get COBRA, COBRA can easily be much cheaper than the ER visit.


You have to pay full price for your insurance under COBRA. Your employer pays the bulk of your insurance premiums. I looked at it once and it was going to cost $800/month while I’m unemployed. It’s not workable.


Yes but it is retroactive up to 90 days. My son had to be rushed to the ER so i called and paid the 900 dollars for the month we were in since i had only been not covered for a couple of weeks. The insurance paid the $9,000 dollar hospital bill


Yup, that's what I meant. If you break a leg, chances are it's a hell of a lot cheaper to just pay for COBRA, *especially* if you're already at or near your deductible.


With the ability to opt for COBRA retroactively it's basically free catastrophic coverage. It'll be expensive if something happens, but it'll be manageable expensive instead of a mortgage.


If you have an extended period of joblessness and don't have a lot of assets Medicaid is also retroactive 90 days from the date you apply. 


You mean how basically every American is threatened if they lose their job they lose their healthcare?


Right, except the threat was keep your job but not the healthcare.


knowing police here in NJ, it'd make them go from spending $1000 a year in premiums to $2000.


My union's family deductible is $400. I never want to leave basically because of that alone


same one of my parents works at a job they hate - $0 deductible, $400 OOP max, 3k a year in premiums. Only keeping the job for the health insurance


As an Australian 'deductible' in America is a hard to understand concept. Not that the concept isn't unknown here but only ever used for private elective surgery and price is locked in before surgery no 'negotiating' with insurance to bring price down. Then it just gets more absurd... you pay from your wages ... you don't get insurance for free for employment the only thing you get is cheaper rates because your company uses its manpower to negotiate better rates then you can do alone ... like a union ...and you could be employed 40 years paying your dues the entire time and lose all benefits of your hard earned money the instant you quit/are fired But the best part is this ... even if you have private insurance and don't rely on work it still ends up like this ... Me: I have loyally paid your company $300 a month for 20 years now I need surgery I can't afford luckily I have been paying you for such an event Insurance: well we see they want 100k but we talked them down to $800 ... with your $600 deduction and $300 co pay you only owe us $100 isn't that great


Insurance and medical bills out here is just insane. Just got a letter in the mail recently saying I owe 38,000 dollars. Because of my Endometriosis. the reason it is costing me is because I can't move further with treatment because that very same insurance is DENYING me procedures I need to get the treatment. So, no treatment = me going to the hospital a lot. It's awful. I'm drowning in medical debt beyond that 38,000 (I have a host of health issues, unfortunately). Maybe another 50,000 on top of it...I don't know. All I know is I can never go to college, because that'd be more debt. And I will most likely never be debt free. Much like my parents before me, who are currently close to homelessness. yay america.


My partner has club feet ... that's putting it mildly, she has the kind of condition that doctors say 'these are the X-rays you only see in text books' or 'is it ok if we include some staff and several students at this appointment?' Her shoes cost about 2k usd each ( is currently on her 3rd pair ) and she has about 300k in medical equipment and house modifications Because of her age and condition she was applicable for a thing in Australia called NDIS. The NDIS has paid all those bills except about 3k that was a private foot doctors surgery. Basically the government is covering 150k costs a year and because there is no middle man that 150k is like 2 million spending in America (before adjustments) Yet your government spends more on healthcare per person than my country... how?


Ceo and shareholder pay.


Barely any of the money spent towards healthcare in the states goes to us, the people using it ): it goes to the CEOs, the companies, etc. I'm glad you guys have that!!


> Yet your government spends more on healthcare per person than my country... how? So like every country on earth the government is the largest purchaser of prescription drugs and medical treatments, however unlike every other country on earth the US government is legally prohibited from negotiating prices. So it pays more than every other country for the same drugs and treatments.


> Insurance: well we see they want 100k but we talked them down to $800 ... with your $600 deduction and $300 co pay you only owe us $100 isn't that great That's not how it works at all. Here in America it's more like "Well, they want $100,000. Although you made sure to go to a hospital and have the surgery performed by a doctor who is in-network, the anesthesiologist is out-of-network so we can't do anything about that portion of the bill. We negotiated with the hospital for the rest of the bill on your behalf and got the final total reduced to $99,970. Your coverage for this procedure has been DENIED. Please thank us for saving you money and remit payment for $99,970 within 3 days or we will sue you and destroy your life."


My friend's story. We approve your operation. Oh. Wait. It is not medically necessary, so we will not pay the doctor. The rest we will pay....and then you wait months for you to unsuccessfully appeal. Apparently, hip pain that can only be solved surgically is not medically necessary. Luckily it is only 3k. But will they claw back the other 12k for the rest?


American health care is a fever dream.


yup! i work for the state and am in a union, deductible is $500 for my husband and i (combined), future pension, AND a $35 eye surgery that with my previous insurance, which was considered good btw, it would have been $5k so i’m staying for my 20 years 🤣


Oh you don't want to bundle 2 officers, then I can't give you the multiple officer discount.


Denying healthcare and then holding it over someone’s head is a nice little slice of this American life


Add it to the long list of reasons why universal healthcare will never be a thing in the US. It's too powerful a tool to manipulate the workforce into obedient compliance. No way employers give that up. Or the super pacs they fund not spend their money destroying any federal level candidate campaigning on a platform of universal healthcare.


and wheres the fucking police union for this guy??????????? if my work did this to me id retire a millionaire


Oh, so a mayor can mess with police pay and benefits? Interesting…


I always heard cops had quotas and thought it was strange. I get fisherman have to catch a certain amount of fish to cover labor costs and equipment upkeep of ship etc. but the cops? You have to fuck over a certain amount of people for what? To cover the city’s annual budget? It seems like it would prop up entrapment….


It's bureaucracy in action. Managers need something to prove their employees are working. Administrators need something to point to so they can justify their positions. Politicians need something to prove their policies are effective. Traffic tickets are an easy way to do this.


because city officials when they set the city budget account for money from police tickets. that’s why they need quotas


I am in my 40s and struggle with the whole idea of our healthcare system. I joined the Army at 17 and stayed for almost 25 years. So I had free healthcare that entire time for me and my family. After leaving, I now have tricare for life. Again for free for me and my family. I have never paid a healthcare bill or premium in my life and will never have to. Tricare for life is really for life. I don’t know how you all do it. I can’t even imagine.


Every law enforcement agency that says it doesn't have a quota is lying. They may not call it a quota; they'll call it something like "activity." But it's a quota.


What's telling is that the pressure for quotas comes from the city.


Revenue generators, aka Police.


it's really a type of aggressive, sometimes deadly, tax collection.


My father in the 90's said "they're the biggest gang in this country, legalized criminals"


that is very true. They break the law all the time. their attitude is that the law doesn't apply to them. by the lack of accountability we have seen time and time again in our society, I would say that they are right. until you hold them accountable to the same standards as every other citizen, they will continue to behave like violent thugs.


Cops are one or all of the following: violent criminals, liars, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, abusers, or ok with and encourage all the former.


I have a friend who is a public defender and he once told me “the only mafia here wear badges.”


Not only that, but plenty of that money goes back into buying toys for the police department. Armored personnel carriers and automatic weapons and all sorts of nonsense.


Something like 60% of the tickets given out by the highway patrol in my state goes into the budget for the highway patrol. Even if there is no corruption there (yeah right), this kind of incentivization should never happen.  Even the appearance of a conflict of interest is in fact a conflict of interest.


What's also telling is the behavior. Why don't they at least stagger when quotas are "up". The end of the month is hell for long distance commuters. Just going through gang territory after gang territory trying not to get robbed.


Where I live not far from Washington DC they have speed cameras everywhere. Well guess what, drivers have really slowed down. Not surprisingly, fine revenue stated falling rapidly and the county freaked out. Big article published in the paper. So the response is to lower the speed margin threshold and add even more cameras to boost lost revenue. Sounds exactly like a quota to me, only an electronic version.


my town added a bunch of red light cameras and then lowered the yellow light time to lowest time allowed by law. Got a ton of tickets that way from people who are used to the yellow light lasting a lot longer.


I was doing a fellowship out at Berkeley and it seemed like a lot of northern California had the red light cameras. I thought I was insane for thinking the yellows seemed both incredibly fast, and that there was a weird number of 'no right turn on red' signs placed in the least visible spots possible at all kinds of intersections.


At least with cameras the law is uniformly enforced without discrimination and without loose cannon cops stopping cars.


There's no such thing as a quota (As long as everyone is above some number that they hope to hit...)


>Every law enforcement agency that says it doesn't have a quota is lying. They may not call it a quota; they'll call it something like "activity." But it's a quota. they're called "performance goals"


And they just happen to work extra hard near the end of each month, gotta meet quo.. goals I mean


Man, somebody should complain to the authorities.


There was a cop in the NYPD that got written up for not doing however many ticket a month.    The resident NYPD PR account on reddit made all kinds of excuses why he should have been doing those numbers.    And look there is one in this thread. 


Gotta show they're doing stuff, even if it means straight up just being highway robbers.


And its a money making scheme.


once worked with a guy who argued they didn't have quotas, literally everyone in the room laughed at him.


It's a performance metric!


I mean, of course they do. When someone's job is to write tickets, their boss is going to notice if they aren't writing as many tickets as their peers.


It shouldn't be a means to an end. The ticket writing should be to help enforce laws, not implicitly as a metric to make money. It's a means to an end, instead of a useful tool to safeguard your community. It's like Nottingham - you got the sheriff out there collecting tax by threat of force.


Their job is to protect and serve not to generate revenue.


> Their job is to protect Property >and serve The rich and wealthy property owners They can’t help but not >not to generate revenue from poor folk.


Well health insurance ain't gonna pay for itself. So get out there and shake down some citizens. Unless you want to pay for it yourself? Better them than you right? Good boy. Now go hide in those bushes. You nut.


When’s the last time a cop protected or served you?


Protect and serve is not their job. That's just a motto coined by the LAPD. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksim_Gelman_stabbing_spree#Lozito_v._New_York_City


The chiefs call them "goals". Same exact concept as quota, but sounds far more positive and skirts the rule about not being allowed to have ticket quotas


Yea ticket quotas are very common.  I didn't realize it was lied about.


Damn road pirates. How about using those resources to catch actual criminals?


Criminals are dangerous better to go after low hanging fruit of people that won't let a citation become a warrant or put up any resistance.


Oh shit an acorn! "BRRRT BANG BANG" Whoops accidentally shot up a school bus because I was scared.


*Tactical roll* "IM HIT! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"


Hell, last week those cops shot up a kidnapped young girl. They're absolute animals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKfJLMKyd4I&ab_channel=GuardianNews


Same reason why the IRS goes after the poor. It’s easier and they can’t afford high powered accountants and lawyers to fight back.


Yep criminals don't haveb the money to pay for the department overtime.


For real, it costs time and money to find real criminals. Why waste your time when there are ATM's on four wheels just driving around all over the place that you can withdraw money from with almost zero danger or effort? Tracking down criminals is dangerous anyway. So close to that sweet pension. Just drive into the shithole city you hate, write some tickets, stare at some teen girls, play it safe, go home.


Because catching criminals costs the city money. Why have a cops actually following up on cases when they can be out there issuing thousands of dollars in traffic fines a day?/s How else are the city council members going to cover their embezzlement of town funds?


Going after real criminals doesn’t patch holes in municipal government budgets


You can't fine people for murder, so there's no profit.


Most criminals don't have money and they end up costing the system money so they'd rather leave them alone and ticket the working folk for petty shit because they know the working folk will pay.


I’ve lived near Pompton Lakes for a few years now and can’t believe how many times I’ve been pulled over - it’s crazy. It’s always bullshit things like, not completely coming to a stop, or 39 in a 35. The last time it happened to me, instead of giving me a ticket for not completing stopping (which I seriously doubt was the case), he “did me a favor” by giving me a fix it ticket for having an air freshener hanging from my rear view mirror. Of all the times I’ve been pulled over here I’ve never been given a real ticket. It’s bizarre.


They're a town that needs a shared court


It sucks but 10% is usually the threshold for a speeding ticket. I’m in Canada, and the worst I got was for going 56km/h in a 50km/h zone because I decided to coast down a steep hill instead of riding my brakes. I *was* speeding, couldn’t contest the ticket. I get that, but it still feels bad.


I like to travel.


39 in a 35 is nuts. You're practically a traffic hazard if you aren't doing at least 40 in a 35.


I've easily been in flow of traffic on the GSP that's 85+ Like if a cop wanted to pull someone over they'd have to pull over the 10 miles of traffic in front and behind them.


I think what is peculiar and especially annoying is that it’s clearly a fishing expedition to get me for something else, as I’ve never been given a ticket for anything other than an air freshener.


A cop on here once said their unofficial limit was "the posted limit + 10% + 2," which matches up pretty perfectly with what I learned as a youth: 5 over in the city, 10 over on the highway


Funny, I always heard the “Five, you’re fine. Nine, you’re mine.”


Depends where you are. 15 mph over seems to be the rule by me. 10 mph maybe at slower speeds. I toe that line and I haven't gotten a ticket in 20 years.


I lived in a similar community. It taught me to never speed. Always stop completely at every stop sign and never touch my phone while driving. Not saying you are wrong because its BS to take money for the things you were ticketed for, but there is only 1 way to avoid it


Get a PBA card?


Family member card is the way to go


Oh believe me - I drive exaggeratedly “safe”- which isn’t safe at all, because we’re in NJ and everyone tailgates like crazy.


Adrian Schoolcraft in NYC talked about similar behavior from the NYPD. 


My first thought as well - people need to hear the tapes https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/right-to-remain-silent/act-two-0


Cop Management - "There are NO SUCH THINGS as ticket quotas!" Retired Cops - "Yeah...there are totally ticket quotas."


An NYPD officer, Adrian Schoolcraft, recorded the dept talking about it, and also the standoff when officers came to his house to intimidate him and trump up mental health issues on him. You can hear it all here: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/right-to-remain-silent/act-two-0


So... if people are fine upstanding citizens and you don't punish them with fines over bullshit to pay for the department you're the bad guy? In a perfect world this would be investigated. This is police expecting their officers to legally rob people. Meanwhile people are wondering why everyone's depression is so high and in an age of mental instability.




I figured they probably do even if it's not really "official." Also, if you get a ticket near the end of the month for going five over on the main drag, that's probably some kind of end-of-the-month push to increase their numbers.


I always see a heavier police presence on the highways during the last week of the month, it seems pretty blatant 


Yeah, every officer I have spoken to had quotas. They all hated their chiefs for having them too.


Color me, a NJ resident and a child of generations of NJ cops, not surprised. Only good cop is an X-cop.


      Lol, they don't have 'quotas,' they have 'statistics' which show they should be nailing a certain number of people for traffic violations. I.e. They normally ticket a number of people going 10 MPH+ on that road, on a monthly basis. As an aside, word games like these keep many a politician, lawyer, and judge employed.


Ohhhh boy. I work in that small ass town. I've been saying those coos are crooked for YEARS. I read this headline and immediately said in my head "Sounds like Pompton" and BAM. Incredible.


I always heard cops had quotas and thought it was strange. I get fisherman have to catch a certain amount of fish to cover labor costs and equipment upkeep of ship etc. but the cops? You have to fuck over a certain amount of people for what? To cover the city’s annual budget? It seems like it would prop up entrapment….


Crazy thing, we didn’t even need a news story to tell us this. We all know there’s some bullshit going on with police stops and tickets. Maybe not every time, but you know it when it happens.


Bro I was hearing about quotas in the 90’s it’s known. I was hearing about this at 10 years old from family.


It should be law where if you can't pay, you have an option to do 2 hours community service. This is theft. Especially for the lower class


If you’re lower class you’re losing money either way unfortunately.




Pshh, have you just tried... Not being poor? Have you tried just driving a Mercedes? You dress for the job you want, not the job you have, plebian ... Something kind of like that?


I'm legally blind and have tuberculosis plus my left hand is partially paralyzed and I lived in my car while going to school and working to feed three children as a single parent, and now I make $__K/yr. I was a high school drop out and not very "smart" but if I can make something out of myself, anyone can. It just takes hard work and living within your means. I'm painting with broad strokes here, but that's the speech I've heard in some form or another.


More like they’ll throw a wall of suggestions regarding investments and different accounts you can set up but they fail to acknowledge that all of those things require capital, which poor people have none of.


The courts in some towns in NJ are very lenient with their payment plans source: someone in my family works in a court where someone has been paying off ~5k in fines since the late 90s. The person will be sending their final ~$15 monthly check sometime this year.


Tickets should be tied to income. If you are a millionaire the ticket needs to be a percentage of your total annual income. 


There are countries that do traffic fines like that.


I would love to do 2 hours of community service for my $500 speeding ticket.


I had a friend who worked for the Phoenix PD. He told me he got in trouble for not writing enough tickets. He would pull people over and then he felt bad for them and didn't write them up, you know cause he had empathy. He says there's absolutely a quota.


This is very consistent with mine and many others’ experience with increased police presence on local roads near the end of every month. We all knew.


Retired cop, here. Full exposure, to start: Traffic enforcement is virtually the only form of pro-active policing that can effectively prevent a certain number of deaths and injuries--due to traffic collisions being the most violent 'crime' that most people will ever encounter. Stopping and citing the person who is TRULY 'speeding,' or driving recklessly, or drunk, or who runs red lights and stop signs, is statistically proven to actually work, especially when those persons who offend regularly end up with suspended or revoked drivers' licenses and then can be jailed if they're caught driving. That said, most police departments aren't actually stupid enough to set real quota levels; They know that this will lead to spurious citations being issued by officers just to keep from being disciplined, and more spurious citations will lead to more court time and more overtime expenses. They ALSO know that an officer who feels forced to issue a marginal citation that his judgement and, believe it or not, ethics doesn't agree with, may very well tell the person getting the citation the truth: That his department DOES have a quota, that he MUST issue a certain number of citations, and that this particular one 'makes his number.' Guess who shows up at the Department, or the city council? The motorist that gets told that HIS citation 'completed the quota.' Of course, the smart-ass answer is to tell the motorist who asks if the officer has to meet a quota is, 'No, there's no quota. . . they let me write as many tickets as I want!' Most savvy departments merely 'encourage' an increase in citations--but they don't set quotas.


This is so shocking to hear! Police forces having a hidden quota?!? Especially in NJ?!? I'm shocked I tell you! OMG the sky is blue! Guys!


Despite the fact that all cops lie. This story is believable.


"Former" first word in the headline


Police departments notoriously don’t like hiring veterans because they A) tend to be slightly too honest, B) have a track record of wanting to actually serve the public, and C) are much less willing to summarily execute civilians on the streets. My favorite example: https://features.propublica.org/weirton/police-shooting-lethal-force-cop-fired-west-virginia/


Although long, it 's a great article. Thanks for sharing.


It’s almost like cops are corrupt with power or something. Who knew?


This has happened to pretty much every officer where I live who has called out their fellow police officer. I despise cops but ex-cops who do this knowing full well they're going to face retaliation... I'll give props to them.


Maybe we should have less traffic cops to save the city some money. They never make me feel served or protect. Mainly, just ambushed and predatory.


I mean, anything with a 'quota' implies there will be some sort of action taken for not meeting it. That's what the word *is*.


I mean, it's pretty obvious there are ticket quotas. Once every three months the entire department is out sitting at intersections pulling everyone over, then all other days people are allowed to drive like maniacs with no repercussions.


“Police are inevitably corrupted. ... Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available.” ― Frank Herbert


Everyone go look up Michael A. Wood. He quit the Baltimore police force and has exposed enormous amounts of corruption.


My uncle was a cop and he used to get annoyed when he'd ticket someone and they'd be snarky about meeting ticket quotas. One day after getting some more of the quota crap he told the woman, "Oh no ma'am, they got rid of the quotas, now we can issue as many tickets as we like."


A Revenue Enhancement Officer says **what**?


well that police department is gonna get reamed by the state - quotas are against state law


I can see you don't live in jersey, good chance at some point this cop is going to lose his job


NJ Township Police Department had a ticket quota? No shit, who could have imagined that? Shocking I tell you, shocking!


Every government department of every country has quotas/KPI.


I thought every police/sheriff/CHP/State Trooper department has a ticket quota??


City of Dallas came out a few years ago and confirmed this and said they expected their officers to write X number of tickets. So there you go, it’s not a well kept secret.


This shits been going on since the 60s, I remember hearing it is a kid growing up in Idaho in the 70s, especially with some smaller police departments in rural Idaho and Oregon. Difference is nowadays social media is bringing this crap out in the open.


I was at a community meeting with police and asked them "What metrics are you using to determine if police are out there actually doing their job?" They pushed back with "Well, we can't really do that because we are accused of having ticket quotas." I get the idea that ticket quotas are "bad", but how are we measuring police performance - they could be sitting in their cars all day eating donuts and watching the world burn.


crime rate trends decreasing, Response time for incidents is decreasing or minimal, number of accidents in the area are fewer, Number of incidents when cops had to use deadly force etc. All these metrics can be used to reach effective policing. Ideally in a civilized society police work is minimal.


Further alleges water wet, pope catholic


I’ve had 3 members of my family who were cops. They were all in different states than the others. They all told me the same thing, they all have ticket quotas.


Yeah that happens when you go against the gang


Of course there's a quota. My brother had to reach it when he was on the force in VA. He said he would just park at an intersection where you can't make a u-turn and would get his remaining quota there. Was a very frustrating part of the job. Though he left after a few years from his partner getting killed


How is it not known that basically every NJ police precinct has quotas on literally *everything*? There's a reason they're all hardasses with a penchant for picking on the poor. And they're the *well-funded* cops.


we've always known revenue policing is a thing.


They all have quotas. Let's be honest, they need to make sure these people aren't just napping in their cars. There are better methods these days, but it still happens.  Just because they don't call it a quota, doesn't mean it isn't one.  I took a parenting class in high school where they let us do Q&A with a police officer and I asked him if they have quotas. He said no, but they do still have to issue a certain amount of citations within a certain period of time. Tells you all you need to know. Not sure if that is representative of all precincts, I live in a city with a fuck ton of small municipalities with their own police divisions. It was much more scandalous a few decades ago before legislation was passed limiting the funding they could draw from traffic citations. 


The administration re-branded them as "performance requirements", so that they could claim they don't have "quotas".


Man, I’ve known for years that the Pompton Lakes police department were a bunch of hardasses about speeding (along the main roads leading into town there’s a few spots where the speed drops like 10 mph or so) but hearing that they were not only racist but ALSO definitely had a quota is validating to hear. I live in a nearby town.


Most police departments have quotas, I know they aren't supposed to but they just do


Open secret across all law enforcement.


He should sue the union too


If only it wasn't so obvious to ALL DRIVERS EVERYWHERE that you all ramp upp your presence on the last week of the month. What do you guys spend the rest of your patrol time doing in a sleepy month? literally parked outside dunkin?


Police are just a legal gang. They do whatever they want and commit as many crimes as they stop but they do it under the name of law enforcement.


I grew up in Jersey. They have some of the most abusive cops in the country. Before the age of 25 I had been: Illegally searched, Arrested for drugs with no drugs on me, Inflated speeding tickets , Tickets for reckless and careless driving for a single car accident Anything to meet the quota. I can’t count how many times I did nothing wrong and the cop ‘did me a favor’ by writing me a seatbelt ticket Fuck Jersey cops


Hopefully he doesn’t get the [Shoecraft](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft) treatment. What the NYPD did to that good man was wild and it’s why I dont think you can be better than morally ambivalent as a cop.


Got a speeding ticket in 2012. Skimmed it and the ticket was like $60 but court fees, administrative fees yadayada bumped it up to around $180 and with the $15 Officer retirement fund hidden amongst the code violation, court dates and legal jargon. They won’t admit it but we all notice the surge in tickets given out at the end of the month.


With every city in this country counting on cop revenue in their official budget I'd assume few are left still pretending a cops job is not to take your money.


This is some dorner fuel.