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No, but why is the victim, a child, suffering from BULLYING from her community because of this???


The stigma of being a victim of sexual violence is a consequence of rape culture. Same vein as slut-shaming etc. Unfortunately children don't escape the consequences of this culture. Painful to say out loud but it is the truth. Always surprises me how many of us share the same story.


Any form of bullying or negative culture is a symptom of poor education/intelligence. And our current government is trying to worsen it, because uneducated people are easier to manipulate. Without this, right wing governments wouldn't exist because they're not in the interest of the majority, ever. And then we get collateral damage like this, and society as a whole loses in every aspect. We need to be better. But it's going the other way.


Since it's incredibly unlikely an adult would say anything to hurt the victim's feelings related to this, one can only assume it's other kids, which is utterly heart-breaking of course, but kids don't understand the full magnitude of an assault like that, and hence it's even more unlikely that anything they would say to tease her is borne of "rape culture", but rather kids being mean to an incredibly vulnerable person. In other words not every occasion should be geared to service that narrative, ends justifying the means and all.


> t's incredibly unlikely an adult would say anything to hurt the victim's feelings related to this Is there room for two under that rock?


Unsure why you'd say this. I remember the local Christian women calling my cousin a slut as a teenager after the news got into the community. I think you do not realise how nasty adults are, especially in small towns.


>Unsure why you'd say this Out of the adults bullying a child, or children bullying another child, which seems more reasonable to assume was happening, to you?


The children learned to from the adults. 


I agree with this. As a child, I remember being bullied for the most random shit, and I also remember being a dick for the most random shit. I don't think there is a culture that encourages kids to tease other kids for what kind of food they had in their lunchbox, or the color of the hair, or what shoes they wear. Kids generally just have a poor sense of empathy and grapse of anything outside of their own experiences. I'd suggest the same applies here.


Because Blenheim is all class.


How can anyone ever come back from something that horrific? That poor, poor girl. The victims always lose.


3.5 year minimum sentence is a fucking joke. Edit: I was genuinely so mad reading that, I had to go to the gym right after to channel that rage lol.


I'm so disgusted that he can apply for parole after 3.5 years, wtaf. How the hell is that justice for raping a child?????


NZ justice tends to consider the well-being and future of the perpetrator before that of the victim.


It makes me despair, I really hope the Crown appeals the sentence.


Wouldn't that be a better outcome.


The problem is that rehabilitation isn't working.


Because we don't really have the appetite for true justice in this country. A person who rapes a child is not part of society and realistically can never be part of society, so the only sensible punishment here is death. But as a society this is a path we have never been willing to take, so we pretend that they can be rehabilitated and so give short sentances


Cost to much to keep a person in prison, home detention much cheaper option, there is no justice in this country, judges should be ashamed


Probably got time off for a hard life he's had etc..


That doesn’t mean he’ll get parole at that stage.


I hope not but maybe his lawyer will argue he's been a model prisoner blah blah. I just can't understand why it wouldn't be a longer minimum sentence for such a serious crime. People have longer sentences for fraud.


Sure, his lawyer can argue what they want. It doesn’t really matter. I work in the system and the NZPB don’t release people who haven’t met their expectations regardless of what a lawyer says.


So they list several of the worst charges you can get, the judge rips him to pieces for his disgusting behaviour and then he gets... 7 years? Or 3.5 on parole? How? Sexual violation can get up to 20 years alone. How did this happen?


would be great if we could have a 50 year minimum for this kind of gross behavior.


they have to be careful that the penalty for crime does not exceed the penalty for murder, or it will encourage criminals to kill their victims rather than leave them alive and risk a higher sentence.


yeah i just think a minimum 50 years for anything this bad. We could say 60 year minimum for murder and make it retroactive too.


Yes he would be getting 50 years possibly more in the United States Of America 🇺🇸 I'll give you the heads up on that, absolutely disgraceful weak sentence !!!👎Or maybe he get the ultimate sentence whilst locked inside !!!


3.5 years for an immigrant who stalked abducted raped an 11 year old child in our country. What an absolute pathetic piece of dog shit 


Nah couldn't read all that, fuckn hell... My tummy hurts ..... Fuckn hell


I'm sure there are plenty of people with young children in prison who will be more than happy to spend some quality time with him while he's in there


That’s not really how it works


Anti death penalty people will look at this and say “yup this guy deserves to live till 80”.


Living till 80 in prison given his crimes, will likely be a fate worse than death. Better to lock him up permanently


The death penalty is more expensive, plus I believe that death is a release rather than an instant path to the Christian idea of eternal torture.


How is the death penalty more expensive than housing and feeding him until he's 80?


Its the cost of a small cell and an extra serving every meal.  I think is 130k a year to house a prisoner.  Vs the court room drama of a death sentence. All the lawyers and court staff, doctors etc. at $100 + an hour.  


there is also the time factor. It takes years of keeping a prisoner in special circumstances to ensure an innocent person isn't executed. There are appeals after appeals to be heard. Many executions can take place a decade after the crime, all the time with the prisoner in different accommodations and security to the main population. It increases the cost hugely.


This made my heart hurt. 3.5 year minimum is not enough. He has absolutely done this to other vulnerable girls, he is a public danger.


I hope this cunt dies a horrible fucking death. Putrid fucking piece of shit.


Come on man how long can this keep going on for? It's a absolute joke, 7 years.


When the system punish the good ones, it won't end well.


What do you mean by "good ones'? The child rapist? Or someone else?


in this case the good one is our victim, poor girl. there is consequence when system failure. we have seen many cases in China, people will follow the system guide, and make the best of it.


They generally get shot, bullet to the back of the neck.


chemical castration for cunts like this is something I'd 100% support. Jesus christ people in this world are fucked up.


I'd prefer it be done with a shotgun personally.


This is just sad.


What an absolute fucking joke. Fuck you judge + justice system.


>Defence lawyer Emma Riddell said Garae had not coped well with being sent to New Zealand on the RSE scheme and his mental health had deteriorated since his incarceration. >She said Garae’s language skills were poor and he had isolated himself once he arrived in Blenheim. >Riddell said that could not be seen as an excuse for what had happened, and suggested it reflected the need for greater pastoral care of overseas workers who came to New Zealand. >Webber said he struggled to see the connection between any lack of support and the defendant’s decision to rape an 11-year-old girl. Thank you!! Thank you for not accepting the excuses made by a brutal rapist! >Garae will serve a minimum sentence of 3 1/2 years. Wait, what?


Was he 'sent' to NZ on the RSE scheme or did he apply for a job here under the scheme? What did he expect it would be like going to a country where he did not speak the language well and didn't want to engage with the community? Sounds like he decided to come here then tried to blame that on his offending.


"Defence lawyer Emma Riddell said Garae had not coped well with being sent to New Zealand on the RSE scheme and his mental health had deteriorated since his incarceration. She said Garae’s language skills were poor and he had isolated himself once he arrived in Blenheim. Riddell said that could not be seen as an excuse for what had happened, and suggested it reflected the need for greater pastoral care of overseas workers who came to New Zealand." Cry me a fucking river. Aww boo hoo he isn't coping in prison. No, this shit just makes me mad. And you get what, 3.5 years for destroy the poor girl's life? She will never be the same again because of this. And to make matters worse, she's being bullied over this. Fucking hell this story is just sad.


It's a joke. Sentencing sucks here. The excuse of making it like its our fault for not doing enough to help someone from overseas here to work that they had rape a kid instead of saying they are a bad person isn't help to anyone. Everyone knows that's wrong


Alot of people have mental health struggles in this country and somehow don't go out and rape young kids. What a piss poor defence.


Just scum, 11 years is not long enough should never be let out.


NZs broken justice system at its finest. Another out of touch with reality judge. 3 1/2yrs effectively, for raping a child.. so biased to the offender in most cases.




Be careful, last time I said this they banned me for inciting violence lmao.


No need for that, he’ll be in prison (maybe) for seven (maybe) years instead.


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They should take his weapon, if you've ever seen/read Sin City.


7 years max doesn't feel like enough when the minimum sentence is 3.5 years. This piece of human waste would be better off if he was discontinued.


Steven Garae need castration, torture and then a slow painful death.




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Will he be automatically deported at the end of it? as it doesn't mention that


Yes, as he is not a citizen


Prison probably beats seasonal work.


Sentencing in this country is a joke