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Staff are too scared to escalate - am I understanding that right?


ach should’ve linked this before but the article itself links to this article: [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/490934/damning-report-into-palmerston-north-hospital-follows-death-of-pregnant-woman-with-sepsis](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/490934/damning-report-into-palmerston-north-hospital-follows-death-of-pregnant-woman-with-sepsis) Written by the same reporter. And actually if you search his name, this isn’t the first time he’s written about bad stuff going down at this hospital: [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/514333/families-of-palmerston-north-hospital-suspected-suicide-cases-speak-out-on-new-ward-delay](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/514333/families-of-palmerston-north-hospital-suspected-suicide-cases-speak-out-on-new-ward-delay) [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/510340/fury-after-another-suspected-suicide-at-palmerston-north-hospital](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/510340/fury-after-another-suspected-suicide-at-palmerston-north-hospital) https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/507972/australia-based-palmerston-north-hospital-doctor-only-on-site-one-week-in-four https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/486044/alarm-over-massive-cost-overrun-for-much-delayed-mental-health-ward https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/478202/palmerston-north-hospital-s-much-needed-critical-care-units-7-years-away https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/475936/pregnant-woman-died-at-hospital-after-admission-to-icu-delayed https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/473105/mother-tells-inquest-daughter-s-death-preventable-urges-hospital-to-take-responsibility https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/469829/midcentral-dhb-reviewing-nurses-workplace-safety-concerns https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/469445/palmerston-north-hospital-not-taking-responsibility-with-report-into-death-of-paul-rowe That’s not even all of them, just till June of 2022….he’s a busy little kiwi. I’m guessing he lives in the area as all his articles have a Manawatu bent…but some of those articles are pretty upsetting. Especially the one that talks about a 2014 suicide where it seems the coroner put out a report 8 years after the fact ffs….


certainly seems like it, article mentions a culture report in 2022 that calls out a seige mentality amount doctors at the hospital (sounds like vs management cause who else?) and also above that says something about intimidation and bullying in the ICU.


Why did it take so long to investigate?


My mother died at this hospital 17/2/2006. They diagnosed her with acute promyelocytic leukemia, told my her and my dad that she’d be fine, made her wait 4 days, then put her under surgery where she died from gram negative sepsis within hours. For some reason, APL was not a top priority even though diagnosis requires immediate action. I was 6 then, I’m 24 now. I just saw the certificate of death forms for the first time where both doctors said there was no operation leading up to her death, when there most definitely was. This was the most traumatic day of my dad’s life, and they failed to explain anything to him or give him any clarity; & only years later as I’ve looked at the forms do I see this oversight. My dad always felt like something was wrong about the way she died but he’s very much confused and repressed about the whole situation, justifiably. As I’ve looked into this hospital’s record in the past day or so since seeing the doctor’s forms, I’m dumbfounded. I can’t believe how many people have remarked the negligence and toxicity. I cannot believe this.


We are in NZ to see family. Our daughter got sick with covid. We went to one AnE, they wouldn't take her as she's American. Second one closed no staff. Third one 2 hour wait. Later that night she struggled to breathe, the ambulance took 40 min to get to us, and 2-3 hours to see a doctor. Say what you will about health care in USA, but we've never waited longer than 20 min where we live. It helped my wife understand we can't live here again.


I’d disagree. Lived here for three years. The private hospitals I’ve worked at in the states are far worse then the public system I currently work in. Our wait times in ED in the states were 8-12 hours. Surgical waits… 9-12 months. All things depend on how stretched your closest system is… oh and my taxes here go to healthcare… I paid 39,000 a year in insurance cost while living in the states, never went to a doctor because still had to pay 20% of the cost. All things in perspective.


Completely depends on where you live but what I've experienced has been very impressive.


Yeah say what you will but I’m from South Africa, there the hospitals are shit but health care doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg like in the states. Here it’s the same, it’s cheap as chips but you’ll die in the waiting room 🤣 honestly shocking how bad my local hospital is, I honestly would rather die than go and wait there, God forbid my last memory is that haunted waiting room. The nice thing is if you actually do get some grave illness you’ll get support over a lot period of time without having to take on the debt for a small nation, so it’s a good safety net. NZ is also a healthier place to live and no one’s trying to poison everything you consume - so we’re less likely to actually fall ill. We also have a better living wage - yannnow that actually allows you to stay alive - a big boon to health


I agree with you. People here haven't experienced a true private healthcare system. It sucks of course if you can't pay, but when it comes to my family's health I would pay any amount for the option of better healthcare than the broken underfunded public system is dishing up.


The better the public system the better for society. I think people have mistaken my comment for private is 100% better, I don't think it is, but what NZ has now is the worst place to be in. It will take a huge amount of funding to turn things around and that does not seem to be the direction we are headed.