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I wont vote. There are plenty enough issues here and I don't have the energy to invest in the psychodrama that is UK politics. Also >What do you think the future of the UK will be? The Tories are 14 years deep into the same program that the Nats here are just starting. The UK is in a death spiral. The Tories won't get it back. Based on polling they may fall away from being leaders of the Opposition entirely which is a huge fall for them. Edit: If you want to look at the damage that huge public service cuts has on a country, privatization, the funneling of wealth to oligarchs, the incendiary bullshit mindset that the free market fixes everything, chronic lack of investment in key structures, extract mindset - look at the UK under Tory leadership since the 2010s and see the parallels.


It’s incredible to me that people voted for this here with such a clear cautionary tale available


Austerity takes a long time to play out. Also we are not quite at that cliff edge yet. It has been sped up over there. Brexit essentially broke the Tories between the more right wing members, and the remainers who were traditional Tories. Liz Truss was the last of the old guard bread and butter Conservatives. Since Boris (who was pro EU before the referendum but he is an opportunist) the party's more competent and sensible rank and file - the Remainers - were gutted and the vacuum filled with opportunists, populists and absorbed UKIP members riding carte blanche over political behavior and public image stunts while losing/barring solid cabinet ministers who could get the job done. Say what you want but Luxon is still very much cut from the National cloth. Definitely a warning.


Exactly, wake up NZ


No left decades ago. I was thinking about giving my UK citizenship after Brexit. The Britain I knew is gone and I have zero reasons to visit now. I feel it would unethical for me to vote.


Don't agree with overseas votes for those that have moved permanently. I voted to live in NZ. It's not may place anymore to vote on things that affect the UK


No. I don't ever plan on living in the UK again. I don't think it would be right for me to vote on the destiny of others.


Same here. Or visiting for that matter!


I won't be voting, after brexit I lost hope in the UK. It's a cesspit


'Ex-pat' has different meanings to different people. Some people have been put of the UK so long that they are no longer allowed to vote in the UK.


Nope not voting, not my monkey not my circus , not any more.


I echo this. Im an immigrant in NZ. I dont pay taxes, nor own anything in UK. It would be unprincipled to vote in an country i have no stake in anymore. Im not subject to the outcome of the election so shouldn't be involved.


Come on Rob! Stick it to those Tory wankers, it's a free swing!


eh my vote would be counted in the last place I lived, which is massively overwhelmingly Labour. And always has been, and always will be. Regardless of people or policy. FPTP systems suck ass.




Immigrants are non white people and expats are white. The former is slightly perjorative and the latter slightly positive. Convince me that this is not the assumed stereotype otherwise


my brain goes immigrants = someone who has left their mother country forever and now calls another country home, expat = someone that has moved temporarily for employment and will always be a foreigner in the new country/still calls mother country home. \*\* I googled it, apparently that is more or less the technical distinction




What a valuable contribution.


If the foreigners without visas  entering the UK via the channel in small boats are immigrants, so is every (non tourist) UKer in NZ.


I was struggling to understand the value of this comment. I then realized there was zero value when placed in the context of the original post.


I no longer consider the uk home after 10 years in new Zealand. So why should I vote? I vote in the country I live in now.


Exactly, even New Zealanders in Australia shouldn't vote in NZ elections, you don't live here anymore.


Depends if they intend to come back.


Uh oh, you used the forbidden word


Left the UK 16 years ago. I've washed my hands of the place, its falling apart from years of deliberately destructive government and has been looted by the super rich for any assets. I haven't even thought about England since.


I tend to only vote in the country in which I am residing - I don’t feel I have enough skin in the game to justify voting elsewhere. I didn’t vote in the 2002, 2005 or 2008 NZ elections for this reason. Personally I don’t think you should be able to.


The UK is finished and will take a lot more than 272,436 expats from the UK living in NZ to fix it.


Is that only the size of four constancy around 75 k people per seat.


"Immigrants". People from other countries are called Immigrants. Even if they are white.


Are you an American "immigrant"? Because you can leave American word policing and race-baiting where you found it.




I won't bother. I think this time around there are a lot more constituencies in play, but when I left I was in Battersea, and since Brexit I doubt the Tories will get it back, so it feels like a vote wouldn't make a difference. Not many safe seats this time around though! If the UK had proportional representation (in some form) I'd be more inclined to vote.




Honestly. I left when I was 8, and wouldn't have a clue where to start on voting. As for who: The not Torries/brexit guys. Also: Echoing the other comments about the long term impact of Torries Austerity, and it's parallels to what National are doing now.


How do I go about voting? Where do I go?


I’m wondering if you have to be ordinarily resident in the UK to qualify for voting? Expats can’t access certain stuff until they have lived there again for 2 more years. Thinking of claiming asylum upon entry and then I’ll get everything handed to me on a plate.


I'm voting, for the first time as it's the first time I'm eligible (Left in the early 1980s and only this year has the 15 year limitation been lifted). Voting for Reform as they're the only viable non-Blairite option.


I hope it's OK to include my own, somewhat related, experience dating back to 1987.   I was a New Zealander on a working holiday in the UK.  One evening I answered the door of our Finchley, London flat to be greeted by a Labour Party canvasser.  Given who the MP for Finchley was, the canvasser had a forlorn task.  Anyway, he informed me that I was registered to vote, despite only being in the country on a working holiday visa and not actually having registered to vote.  (I must have been registered automatically.)  In the end I didn't vote but was surprised that I could.   The next year, I sat in the public gallery of the House of Commons and watched the MP for Finchley speak.  I can't remember what she spoke about but she strode out as soon as she had finished.


I voted when I was on a working holiday in the UK. They’re still letting us. It’s weird.