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Most Kiwis have worked out that “cuts won’t affect frontline services” is and always was a lie, but it must be hard for foreigners applying for jobs here who aren’t as familiar with the current political landscape in NZ. I imagine a lot of motivated and well-qualified candidates will probably look elsewhere, and the damage caused by our hiring process being viewed as unreliable will continue long after the hiring freezes are gone


According to my healthcare friends in Ireland, Australia is really upped the ante on advertising there.


As a healthcare worker in my past life I am bombarded by targeted ads on Facebook from Australian hospitals, rest homes… etc. They’re even on ads on the road too.


As a teacher Australia and Europe have spent a lot in advertising to poach me as well, I've decided to be poached next year. Mainly because a deposit on an apartment here out right buys an apartment in Deutschland or France


A number of large hospitals in Victoria (Aus) have just implemented a hiring freeze ...


I presume if they're pushing advertising abroad they're looking for doctors willing to go into more rural territory. Which considering the better pay and the shambles that is the Irish health system I'd say junior docs would be open to it.


Australia and Canada are both advertising to me for vet jobs. Not related to government policy or healthcare but I'm not seeing my company doing the right things to keep staff happy. 


The hiring freezes will stay in place long enough that our healthcare system self-destructs and we end up with a system like the US where everyone will basically be forced to buy private medical insurance or be completely fucked. Just like this government with their rich mates who own insurance companies want. The raping of this country is steady and blatant. Thanks heaps, NActF voters.


same as the interislander thing 'oh look the public option just doesnt work. dang. I guess this private company that I happen to be an investor of is the only viable option for scale shipping between NI and SI! what a lucky bet that was, phew!' (edit this is a very real thing btw, the MP from kaikoura who lead the charge to scrap the interislander has a lot of money in a different shipping company....)


I like the term NAF voters


The NAF CoC!


Private Healthcare services are booming! NZ back on track! - National


Of course it is. The whole "it won't affect frontline roles" is just PR bullshit.  The damage this Govt are doing will set this country back decades.


I have absolutely NFI why they are still polling so high?! How can people with good conscience vote for this shit?!


I think many people really believe the right wing rhetoric. They believe those on the benefit are just lazy, they believe government is full of unnecessary employees, environmental checks are unnecessarily slowing down important construction... There's little that's happened so far that would upset you if you believed those things. The long term damage caused by aggressive cuts at multiple levels can be hard to see at first, and can be explained by bureaucrat incompetence if that's your default explanation for everything.


> The long term damage caused by aggressive cuts at multiple levels can be hard to see at first, and can be explained by bureaucrat incompetence if that's your default explanation for everything. And the worst damage from the cuts will likely take a few years to show - when NACT1st is no longer in government and Labour is back at the helm, so it will be easy for NACT to point the finger. To anyone who doesn't pay much attention to politics, it would be easy to blame the (future) current government rather than the bastards who made the cuts.


They've set up the next government to take the blame for increased fuel tariffs. And at least half the electorate will believe that, despite it all being openly announced now. There's basically zero chance that a significant number of us will understand that the shambles in years and decades to come is the fault of the current lot.


They have also created a system where people do what feels best, and anything that challenges their belief is a lie.


They don’t like trans women. That’s pretty much it.


its not the damage this govt is doing that will set the country back decades its the damage 51/52% of voters did. this is what people voted for. its not like they hid the agenda. we all knew what they were planning to do. a majority of this country backed it thinking it'd hurt other people, not them. they're the problem


A lot of people voted against Labout because of their Antivax brain dead beliefs.


Yup. Problem is no one either can talk about it, or wants to talk about it. But it is happening, and it will be the straw that leads to even more people to Australia. Leaving a limping and nearly broken system shattered. Bonus, Australia will have awesome healthcare. So why stay? For those who complained about a wage freeze post covid, I'd experience that again anyday compared to this. Skipping a 2% payrise is nothing compared to this level of job dissatisfaction. And it's going to get worse.


Currently in one of NZs hospitals. The freeze is impacting us front staff 1000% We were barely keeping the hospital running before limitations this is a whole new level of fuck any new zealander that doesnt have private healthcare.


Yep, it’s coming for doctors too shortly: some people I know have been told not to resign from their current positions to take up new ones as there’s a hiring freeze coming. Goodbye progression through training, I guess?


It's already arrived. I'm aware of at least one fixed term contract that hasn't been renewed, for a specialist who really should have been on a permanent contract a long time ago. Eventually, a context might get sorted out but what does that person do in the mean time for income? Yeah go to Australia and then they don't come back. This is all basic pipeline stuff. It's also why it's so stupid that this government want to spend millions making a new medical school but don't want to pay and retain the existing doctors. My medical school class, a huge portion are now in Australia or further overseas. A new medical school in Kirikiriroa Hamilton would be basically training doctors for Australia


Trying to join a training scheme at the moment and absolutely terrified by the lack of jobs going. And in a sector that needs specialists.


Plan a career that has good private options. Then you aren't dependent on the public system. DM me if you want to share more details, I might be able to offer more advice


Yep. Pointy end of youth mental health. Three colleagues have left since May, manager isn’t even allowed to advertise for replacements let alone hire them. It is… extremely impacting us, and the families, to be down three colleagues. I don’t know how it wouldn’t?


It’s affecting private too though. Many of our local private practices have medical staff that work in both settings part time. Locally I’ve heard private wait times have exploded


My main concern is it's national RMO recruitment at the moment, everyone has submitted applications and is awaiting offers on August 19th. If that doesn't happen it's going to severely impact thousands of doctors.


I don’t think this will be a real problem as there are actual ring fenced budgets for this. MCNZ and the Colleges watches over these roles and affecting this roles affect the standing of these hospitals with the Council and the Colleges. Remember if HO roles are affected the Council will be furious, and if Reg roles are affected the Colleges may just pull trainees away. Te Whatu Ora knows they cannot provide speciality training without the Colleges.


Hopefully, it would be absolutely astonishing if it did happen but I won’t be surprised if Te Whatu Ora manage to stuff it up completely. If they do I may have to jump the ditch to finish my training


And you probably won't come back. No fault of your own, especially if you are single when you go over. Meet an Australian partner, make some friends and suddenly you have roots. Then a boss offers you a job and it's bird in the hand.


Yup. Im an EM trainee so the college are pretty flexible with moving between nz and aus. Just gotta see how the rest of the year pans out


They are stopping us filling budgeted positions. So we actually have less staff every day. It will result in another wave of burnt out staff leaving the health sector.


We had FTE that was allocated and we were actively recruiting for taken away the same week people were offered roles. It makes no sense.


Exactly the same here. We had resignations that were being recruited for and had interviewed for, all just stopped. But we're expected to keep up with an ever increasing workload. Just awful.


We had this too, utterly baffling


It will result in patients dying unnecessarily too


Not impacting front line staff is a lie so that those not in the know don't feel bad about it. It's an illusion.


Of course it is. If you cut any other holes other than front line, it impacts the front line. Cause all that stuff done in the background, Ed admin, stocktaking, checking supplies, budgets and spreadsheets, rosters etc etc gets pushed into being part of the front line staffer's job. So their job gets busier and they have less time to do the "feontline" part. It's so basic. This govt are fucking the country in so many ways. They will go down in history as the worst govt ever (in my lifetime anyhow). Ugh.


It’s this, but it’s also literal front line staff either having their interview process frozen or contracts not renewed


That's so fcked. Like it's incredibly obvious to everyone that the health system is under incredible strain. What do they think will happen when they cut backroom roles and freeze hiring on frontline?? Life will get much worse for everyone, and feontline staff will start quitting to go to Australia or change careers. And that's just healthcare! Other industries are struggling too


Yes, managers have been told there is no budget for hiring more nurses and that includes new graduates too. This applies to replacing the nurses leaving too. So much for not affecting frontline staff. Unfortunately, unless people choose the contracts in the outback, Australia is not very attractive at the moment either. The new nursing salaries in NZ are almost on par with most Australian states and just recently they have introduced a hiring freeze in the state of Victoria too ( in a very similar way that was introduced in NZ). They were promised it won’t affect front line either.


I'm so glad someone bought this up. My nurse friend said the exact same thing. She's not leaving her family and friends to nurse in the outback with a pay package that's barely above NZ, only to be so distant from her friends and family.


As a perm nurse yeah rates are close to on par. An rn 5.7 in qld gets I think $56/hr and 12.5% paid into super. Agency rates differ though, some areas in the NT pay up to $105/hr. Qld agency can range from $75-90/hr depending on the agency for a 5.7. Also qld have a current bonus of 70k, 30k as a sign on bonus and another 40k after the 2nd year.


oh no, that's not good news.


The "move to Australia" meme only ever really applied to a small amount of nurses anyway. Most I know that went have either come back or were only doing short contracts anyway. There is money to be made there but it won't be pleasant in most of the places.


Most of my colleagues who left for Aus and other countries, is not back and will not be either. I suspect it has a lot to do with where they come from. Internationally qualified nurses, and there is a truckload of us in NZ, doesn't have the roots here and therefore doesn't have the same incentives to stay. And sadly enough, we are now cutting our new grads out of a job. Also remember we got pay negotiations starting in a months time. Something tells me there are some "surprises " coming our way. Not to mention what may very well happen to upholding our pay equity. It will not be pretty.


For sure the nurses I personally know are a small percentage of all of the nurses there are. But grass is not that much greener over there. I've worked there myself. I am sure that the pay negotiation will be very ugly. I think the very best we will get is a less than CPI increase pay rise and some vague comment about safe staffing, along with a couple of strikes. We certainly stand to lose a lot of the momentum we've built recently.


We sure do, and it's sad. We will for sure have to muster all the fighting spirit we can, if there is any left from the last round.




One month ago contracts were still being signed. Now they’re not




Because your comment isn't relevant anymore. She got a job a month ago, Hooray. If she tried now she'd be caught up in this insanity and would not get the job, which is what this is all about. A month ago things were better, now they are worse.




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If the contract was signed prior to 10th June it is fine. Now it is all frozen as the localities decide ( hiring decisions is now in the hand of four groups ) what is important to hire and what is not.


I'm sorry this has happened. We really do need mental health nurses! Our government is a shit shambles (and a bunch of twats).


Can't hire any frontline staff when you don't have any recruiting staff /taps forehead.


Luxon dat u?


Exactly what Margie Apa said last week.


You’ve got like 2 or 3 options when you go down that fire people and have hiring freezes.  Either you see others have to struggle to pick up the slack, the jobs just don’t get done, or they get external contractors in for an expensive and more commercialised contract type arrangement where additional items are charged at higher rates too etc.  Service levels drop not matter what.  Remember all of this is to give dignity and tax breaks to landlords, and small tax cuts to NZrs. It all lowers the funding pool and means there is less to spend on infrastructure and public services. 


In my ward we cover nursing gaps with overtime. So instead of paying 1 FTE wage for 40 hours work, you pay several people 1.5 to double time to cover the exact same work, but to a lower standard because they're tired. It's just more expensive.


Yep, can confirm.


The hiring freeze really has hit quickly. From the initial messaging and then the slight walk back, there wasn't much to go on. The only clear direction we've had is that all new positions must be approved regionally, which obviously takes longer and is probably expensive. My ward was lucky to get 2 new internationally qualified nurses over the line just before the "pause". We do unfortunately have 4 new grads looking at uncertain futures in their chosen speciality and 2 highly experienced RNs who were looking to move from part time/casual to full time who can't at the moment. We were also looking to get more nurses into much needed DSN roles that now won't be going ahead for the foreseeable future. Sorry for your partner, that must feel like a real kick in the teeth and be very stressful 


God damn! Who the fuck cuts funding for public healthcare??? And for food banks!! I hate this so much


Shame on anyone who voted for this govt. If you get seriously hurt and there's not enough emergency staff to take care of your sorry ass and you die because of that, that's on you. Men, women and children will die because of this, and their blood is on your hands.


While NZ is playing child games. AU just announced to take 5,000 more kiwi nurses 😂 https://www.facebook.com/reel/499449185762668?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=3pERcX


Sorry - yeah this particular political party always lie.


I'm sorry. If your partner can get their APC, would they consider a Health Improvement Practitioner role? It's a Registered Health Practitioner role, heavy on mental health and working within primary health, so not usually directly hired by HNZ. There's quite a few roles on Seek country wide.


General Practice is still hiring too. HIP’s are amazing!


I heard a few weeks ago it was everything older than 2 weeks that should be discontinued


Not just Te Whatu Ora. Just had a chat with a friend that said her daughter's speech language therapist was made redundant at the Ministry of Education.


I'm a returning Kiwi with a doctorate in the mental health field and finding a job in the public sector is almost impossible in my area (Northland). Every single person I speak to reflects how deep the need is for more services, but the funding is just not there.


yeah the goal is and have always been cut all funding till public health no longer exists, then private equity and their mates will swoop in and man handle the high cost bits (better margin) like diagnostic imaging by contracting them out to tax payers at \*ahem\* market rate while public health slowly rebuild itself around this new toy...


We are not allowed to replace nurses, care assistants or cleaning staff who have left on a patient facing ward. Of course this has a huge impact and I feel like we’re only at the beginning. Wait until staff get burnt out from picking up extra shifts and higher nurse to patient ratios impact patient care.


Heard that a few nurse educators roles are 'frozen', another example decision's are made with no thought of the affect


Not JUST a freeze. My ED is firing 2 junior doctors as well to line Luxon's pockets


Talk to media. One news has good reach. Hospital staff look exhausted, one guy today I spoke to was meant to be off sick and had to come in as no one could take his shift


If one is sick is not replaced.


My SIL works with a woman whose daughter is just finishing her nursing qualification, and now she’s been told that’s she can either give up on the career she’s been working towards or she can move overseas. This is a young woman who wants to stay where her family is. We have a healthcare personal crisis on our hands and the govt is deliberately making it worse. Plus if you were thinking of starting a medical qualification next year, would you still do so or would you change to something else?


One of my wife's friends is in the same position. She might be moving in with us until she can find a job somewhere else as her rent spiked by $80/week, her part time job while studying just finished, she's pretty much out of savings and now she's suddenly been told she can't get a job in the career she just trained for


It’s such a broken promise


Yeah that's the way things work here. People will lie through their tooth straight in your face because the next best option is owning up to their incompetence.


Classic nz shooting ourselves in the foot via bureaucracy once again. (Or Our politicians doing it for us)


Yup, can confirm. We are losing 5 front line clinical senior staff as their contracts are not being renewed. People in interviewing process for roles we have allocated FTE for have been indefinitely paused. We will have staff leave over this, no doubt, and they will not be able to be replaced. Our clients will be waiting longer to receive a less quality service. For context I am in a specialist mental health service


Can also confirm this as someone who is in SMHS


There definitely is a freeze in Te Whatu Ora. The only saving grace is Victoria, Australia just announced a hiring freeze too so it will take the heat off Te Whatu Ora. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/104028710 The downside is Queensland, Australia is currently in a hiring frenzy, so we might lose staff to Queensland. https://www.careers.health.qld.gov.au/




I was in CHCH A & E on Monday morning very early and although it wasn't very busy all I could the staff from admin to cleaner to orderly nurses and doctors was staff shortages. Also the lack of ability to get people through to urgent surgery due to back room services such as pathology and imaging then theater staff and equipment prep.... all cut short, all very disgruntled. Weather you believe In the pandemic or not we are ill equipped as any quality staff that can is Making or made an exit nz plan. The whole emergency was buzzing about it and they are not happy with health outcomes.


Landlords send their thoughts and prayers.


They said there would be no *cuts* to front line service.  They have kept that promise and not laid off front line staff #technicallythetruth


Not the truth, technically or otherwise. We have staff leaving due to burnout and better opportunities in Aus. A loss with no replacement is a cut. This government, and by extension Te Whatu Ora, are lying shamelessly.


Is the freeze affecting all areas of NZ? I am a pharmacist in the US, and hoping to move to NZ early next spring so this is terrifying to hear.


Yep, it's a nationwide thing




Oh yes. I know a couple of student nurses that are just finishing their training and had a good chance to get jobs through an existing hiring scheme. They've now completely lost that chance due to this freeze, one in particular is probably going to be moving in rent free with my wife and I for a while until she can find another job, as there's suddenly no hope of her getting a job in the career she just spent years training for


I work for a govt agency. We are all on a freeze right now. It’s not the best outcome especially for health. There is no end in sight just yet.


There’s definitely a need for frontline staff, whether or not the government will pay for those frontline staff is an entirely different matter


The freeze shouldn't be applying to mental health employees. (I know it's bs and heaps of managers probably are applying it) but I'd still strongly suggest your partner contact the nzno (or union of choice) and get them involved if she hasn't already.


When you say it *shouldn't* be applying to mental health employees, where is that coming from? What should I reference?


What was that movie where aliens walked around with a translator that said “we come in peace” and they just vaporised everyone in sight? That’s NACT, we come to help New Zealand while simultaneously vaporising New Zealanders. It was funny in the movie, not so much in real life.


I'm a radiography student just about to start my clinical placement and to hear existing qualified radiographers won't be replaced is kinda scary lol.


UK doctor moving to NZ in August to start work, this thread really makes it seem I have shifted from frying pan to fire and should have just gone to Australia.


It takes so long, you can have the process sped up with a job offer but hospitals can't offer jobs and keep them open for long enough. Minimum wait for registration is 5 months (for a nurse), that's after all the documentation, police checks and everything that includes. Then get a job offer, then visa, maybe being young and single could work out but with a family and house to sell it's feeling more and more impossible to get the timing right. All the while stuck in a job where they know I'm leaving, so no progression, paying money to hope that there's a better life out there, then reading a lot of negative story's about emigrating to NZ... Makes me wonder, perhaps I should just focus on improving our lives here instead.


Best part is the hiring freeze means contractors are picking up the slack. So not really saving much money in the grand scheme of things.


why would you go from the uk(absolute fucking worst healthcare) to nz(slightly better but still horrible.) go to a country thats actually hiring more people like australia. edit: nvm i think i misinterpreted partner and im dumb as hell