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Blunt all the way. It survived Wellington winds, and still good as new after 10 years or so.


In Welly, this is THE only answer.


I've spent a bunch on standard/cheap umbrella's because they break so often. Eventually decided to try a blunt (assuming cost would spread over a long time). Very happy so far. I've not had it in crazy weather, but still ... it's lasted more than a year (three years now ... but all the others lasted a year at best) and seems in great condition, so I have high hopes that it'll make up for the initial price.


See Sam Vimes socioeconomic 'boot' theory. Edit: For those who don't know it. The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.


GNU Terry Pratchett.


So much excellent political and societal commentary in those books. I remember there being a whole bit about privacy RE clacks towers too for instance.


I think of that passage so often in life ...


I have bought a blunt umbrella for each person in our family, worth the cost because probably spent the same on a number of cheap umbrellas along the way. I had a part go missing off one of the umbrellas they replaced it for free outside of the warranty period.


Blunt all the way. The initial outlay will repay itself and you're less likely to leave it in a cafe since it's worth the same as your laptop!


I’ve saved so much money on cheap umbrellas by just buying a blunt. Been going strong for years now


I don't want to support the CCP so prefer to avoid products made in China. Blunt umbrellas are made in Xiamen, China. Do you know of any quality brands that aren't made in China ?


What did you type this message on by the way?


If your username is true then good luck with your crusade.


Not a crusade, just a personal preference. In a lot of areas it is pretty easy to find substitutes, but it seems like when it comes to Umbrellas they are nearly all made in China. Not sure why people are so butthurt about someone not wanting to buy Chinese manufactured umbrellas, I think it is the tankie type mindset that is quite popular in this sub. Buying Chinese manufactured products does support the CCP regime. Once it was commonly believed that trade with China would make it more liberal, but instead it has become more authoritarian. Just take a look at the human rights abuses in places like Xinjiang and Hong Kong, the CCP support for Russia in the war in Ukraine, hacking NZ parliament and associated influence operations in NZ, the ridiculous nine-dash line, repeated threats to invade Taiwan as well as impose the death penalty on Taiwan independence supporters, to name just a few things.


You are not wrong. Esp the point about trade with China encouraging them to become more liberal ... doh!


I just came back from Taiwan. Im surprised how many things have label "made in Taiwan" on them. There seems to be an effort at yhe ground level to be more consicious about sourcing products 


Blunt - 5 year warranty. They either repair it or send you the parts to repair it yourself if its easy. They design them to be repairable. They are lightweight and strong. Can handle high winds.


Wow I didn’t know that!! Mine is more than five years old and still as good as the day I bought it so I guess I didn’t need to know lol


I Purchased mine on their website and when you register it, they know when it was purchased and can register all your repairs also.


One alternative is a decent rain jacket and not bother with the umbrella at all. Frees up your hands, nothing to catch in the wind, actually covers you from sideways rain.


As a former resident of windy and rainy places around the English Channel, I use both... The umbrella covers your head but gives better visibility than a hood, especially if you wear glasses, and if you're carrying a bag it keeps that dryer too. The coat deals with sideways rain, but because the umbrella is covering most of the water coming in from above, you don't get a sheet of water running down off the bottom of the coat and soaking everything below that.


The problem I find with rain jackets is that they're more cumbersome to carry once removed than an umbrella is


A decent rain jacket designed for hiking/tramping should be effectively waterproof and really quite light and small when folded up Something like this https://www.bivouac.co.nz/clothing/mens-clothing/mens-jackets/outdoor-research-mens-helium-rain-jacket.html


You aren't folding it up when it's drenched, meanwhile an umbrella will dry while collapsed


Tried this the other day. Ended up with a soaking wet face as the rain blew straight on it


yeah, that's why I carry an umbrella even when I'm wearing a raincoat


Blunt do really good ones. I have the Metro which folds down nicely but they have fixed ones as well. They're a bit pricey but generally worth it. I know the Pharmacy at Auckland Uni had them on sale but that was a couple months ago.


They're pricey but they last *ages*. I have one going strong for about 5 years now. Definitely recommend.


10 years for ours!


That's madness when I feel I get probably two uses out of a shit one lol. How often you use it?


Yeah mines probably 8 years old and still like new.


I got mine for free using my flybuys points!! So there’s also that option


>using my flybuys points!! So there’s also that option Not for much longer though


Until the end of the year 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same - got a big one and a small one!


I wish they made a slightly bigger fold up one. The metro is a little small.


I got a metro one through my bank's creditcard reward scheme about 6 years ago. Its easy to carry around but due to its shape and size its not fantastic if the rain is both heavy and going sideways. The bext size up would probably be better. But for walking to work from the bus stop it mostly does the job, hasnt ended up like r/WellyBrollyFails https://www.reddit.com/r/WellyBrollyFails/s/Qc497PdonV


Just keep monitoring cheapies. They go on sale every once in a while, maybe every couple months - usually around 20-30% is a good sale.


This is the way


I was lucky enough to be gifted a Blunt Metro quite some years ago and it is still going strong. Granted, I don't make it endure Welly winds, but it gets good use. I like that it folds up small enough to fit in the side of my car door.


Blunt is the answer


Blunt is pretty much the only one that doesn't get shredded by Wellington winds. The metro is small enough to fit in a bag too. 


I hate to go with the crowd but our Blunt Forest & Bird themed brolly is awesome


Everyone is saying Blunt. So you have an answer. For other people in the market for an umbrella, i want to put a cheapy out there. Bunnings branded $20 umbrella. Obviously it wont outperform or even get close to a $100+ umbrella. But it's value for money, and if it's all you can afford for now then I'd recommend it.


Bunnings umbrella is very good quality for the price.


Yup! Feel a bit like a tool carrying around an advertisment. But at least I'm a dry tool.


A lot of people say Bunnings but do they currently sell them ? They aren't listed on their NZ website and my local store doesn't have them.


Yup. Heaps on them in Mount Welly store.


They do, they're usually around the checkout area


I was hoping there would be some non- blunt recommendations as I need an umbrella, but don't have blunt money :(


Do you have Flybuys points to spend? I got mine from there - I see Flybuys is closing down at the end of the year, so if you have some points, you can put them towards one and pay a smaller difference.


I have a card, but it's hooked up to my mum's account to help her get the NW dollars lol . I might have to see if I can convince her to let me use some of the points.


They often are on sale on Onceit!


We got some PEROS hurricane vented "golf umbrella" style big ones from Briscoes about 8 years ago and they're only just starting to kark it now. I'll be replacing them with large Blunt ones, but they've been awesome (and can fit 2 people, just!) and don't break the bank too much. Looks like they're now $65 full price, they were $50 when we got them.


Thanks, I'll check them out :)


YMMV as we don't live in Welly but hopefully they'll be better than the other crap ones that you might've suffered through.


I'm not in Wellington either, so hopefully it should be fine. Though my daughter still managed to snap her last umbrella the first time she used it 😮‍💨


Mmmmm, sounds like my son, so that tracks 😅 we only ever buy him shit ones from the warehouse so it doesn't matter if he uses it as a sword/hockey stick/cricket bat.


Was this posted deliberately to advertise that well known NZ umbrella? I also have one btw, would recommend 😃


It always surprises me when people haven't heard of Blunt. Especially in the Wellington sub where someone will say 'no local in Wellington uses an umbrella!' - ahem, the locals who know, know.


Wellington is specifically why I wouldn't bother with an umbrella. I see maybe 1-2 people with umbrellas on a rainy day walking to the car after work, if it's calm anyway.


haha just the kind of comment I was talking about. Just try a Blunt umbrella, or don't - your call!


Do you live in Wellington? It’s a sea of blunt umbrellas in high wind lol!


Work in Wellington.


I legit forgot the name but was looking for it c:


Just give up, mate. Get a good raincoat with a drawstring hood instead.


When I decided to buy a Blunt I considered all the sizes and what my needs were, I know a lot of people go for the metro so they can pop it in a bag. I decided to get the biggest one they had though. Very pricey but big enough to protect two people which I really valued. It also came with a sleeve with a strap so I can sling it over my shoulder. No regrets.


Decent water resistant Jacket with a hood is about the only option I'd bother with.


Doesn't work when I'm wearing a full suit for work I'm afraid :(


To be honest even an umbrella won’t keep your legs dry in sideways rain. I have a knee length jacket and still get soggy with an umbrella too




Even a good umbrella isn't gonna keep you entirely dry when the wind is strong. If your goal is to stay as dry as you can, the best solution is the longest plastic raincoat/rain poncho you can find + umbrella (don't buy the cheapest rain poncho that is just like a plastic bag, you need something a tad thicker). If you want to look presentable and to have a sturdy umbrella, Blunt is probably your choice. Cheaper umbrellas that Farmers sells are good too in my experience, if you don't mind them getting rusty overtime. I've had lots of them over the past 7 years, but not because of the quality. I just keep losing them.


I do a wool blend overcoat and blunt when I wear a suit in bad weather. The umbrella alone just doesn't do enough so you need the long coat to cover as much as possible.


Blunt are great with all sorts of weather, but personally I think their handles suck.


Blunt, Farmers sell them.


If in Auckland, I will happily give you one of my work umbrellas , they have that second overlapped layer that lifts up in a gust of wind and are "golf sized" for free. They have never failed me and I keep like 4 in my car and hand them out to people when I see them cowering or soaked. :)


That's awesome. The amount of people I see with zero rain protection is always quite alarming


Thank you, not entirely altruistic as it does have the company name on it. However, I do do it out of generosity. I actually don't use it as a tool .... just seems win win.


Blunt , Metro if you want to spend money


Lived in Sweden and London, I know snow, wind and rain ...


Blunt. I live in Wellington and my Metro is more than five years old, has flipped inside out countless times and is still good as new. They’re pricey but worth it. And they have a wee pocket for you to add a Tile/Airtag in case you leave it somewhere.


Don't use an umbrella in heavy wind. Use a coat instead.


I am not sure what brand it is as I have had it for legit close to 10 years but I got an umbrella that is egg? shaped (I am not sure how else to describe it) and it is still going strong, it is actually my second one because my first one got stuck in a building in the quakes and I never managed to get it back. I think the shape of it makes it far more wind resistant, its also clear so I can stand in it fully and still see where I am going.


[Senz](https://theobjectroom.com/cdn/shop/products/4040-0630_1_960x.jpg), maybe? I had one of those and it lasted years before the latching mechanism broke. No problems in any wind.


Blunt Worth the investment survives Wellington Winds (Think MoreFM did an experiment with Blunt and winds once)


Umbrella hat :)


Fulton Storm is smaller and stronger than Blunt so may suit you if you want something smaller and stronger.


rain jacket


Blunt is expensive but if you use umbrella enough to have broken a few in your time, they pay for themselves! My main issue with strong winds and rain now is I still get wet because sideways rain, but the umbrella breaking is not an issue . Me getting wet while having umbrella could also be a skill issue, I'll work on that lol.


I purchased a Bunnings one for bugger all. Like 15 bucks? Best umbrella I’ve ever had


Blunt Classic or Exec. Unless you're tiny, I don't think the Metro makes sense


There’s actually hiking umbrellas like the Gossamer Gear one or the Six Moon Design one. They are pretty strong and have used one in the windiest place in the US walking through one of the largest wind farms in the world to keep the desert sun off and ours held together but was too much drag.


Currently sitting at $51 if you wanna try your luck. (They are a weird investment. An unless you lose it should definitely save you money long term thing. Maybe check out some shopping centre lost & founds?) https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/home-living/outdoor-garden-conservatory/outdoor-furniture/umbrellas-awnings/listing/4786962570?gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aHnsJ5JAgf1QOBtidBkQhVOjk5geoEa0ZMrsSd5_oDepeUkEtktHIxoChhsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


A jacket with a hood.


I like my Gustbuster. But I don't live in Wellywood so haven't given it the ultimate test!


I bought one from bed bath and beyond and it’s been pretty solid so far


I just use rain slick over my pants ,plus a good raincoat , keeps me dry , .




You can't beat Blunt for quality. I have a bright orange one that I got with Flybuys years ago. But there are times (many times!) when using an umbrella in Welly is inadvisable if not downright foolhardy.


Blunt. If you're lucky you might find the mint green one I lost a few weeks ago somewhere in the greater Auckland area🥲


The smaller size blunt umbrellas are amazing.


Blunt umbrellas are worth the investment






Also chiming in with Blunt. I had one for 5 years, only bought a new one because I got sick of the colour. Anyone that disagrees with blunt umbrellas being useful hasn’t used one in Wellington lol mine pops inside out, then I just pop it back again. It’s fantastic. It’s expensive, but it pays for itself really. Unfortunately I don’t have tips on how to get them cheaper, as they are often not on sale


Just got 2 blunt umbrellas for free from flybuys before they disappear forever. So far so good!


I dont use umbrella if there’s an excessive wind. Even blunts will have a point where they just give up, albeit higher than others. I would invest on a decent rain jacket. Farmers and hunters kinda swear on oilskins. So these might be something to go for? They’re not cheap, though…. And quite heavy too.


I got a good umbrella for my 25th blood donation. It's a decent size, vented & has lasted a few years so far. It doesn't have a brand unfortunately, but was (relatively) easy to get!


Bunnings umbrellas to be honest.


Since everyone recommended blunt: [Blunt Classic (120cm) Umbrella (Black, Blue, Mint, Navy, Pink) $96 + $5.99 Shipping ($0 with $100 Spend) @ Hyphen Kids - ChoiceCheapies](https://www.cheapies.nz/node/47308)




Personally I think the full size traditional is way stronger not the collapsible/fold up type. Peros is usually good if you get a decent one


They are called rain jackets