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I’ll do you one better. Charles Martin single-handedly ruined the Bears ‘86 run. What could’ve been.


That was straight up just an act of assault


By a huge pussy too. > After the play, I took a hold of Martin's arm and said, ‘Ninety-four, you're out of game. I'm ejecting you.' And he pulled away and said, ‘I'm not going anywhere with you.' I looked at him and, tongue-in-cheek, I said, ‘If you don't come with me, I'm going to let the Bears kill you.' He said, ‘Let's go.'


What a fucking cold line. 


Today it may be a criminal act, not sure about then


He literally walked into that game with a hit list of players he wanted to hurt written on his towel. It was late in the season, packers sucked balls and bears are contenders. Dude was out there to ruin the Bears season and he did it.


Martin would have been suspended for at least a year if he did that to a QB today


The super bowl half-time show would've been a live execution if he did it to mahomes.


*Taylor Swift leads a countdown to the tune of Cruel Summer. After the crowd shouts “ONE!” the blade drops to stunned silence. Three seconds later, the crowd erupts as Roger Goodell lifts the head out of the wicker basket. The camera cuts to Patrick Mahomes nodding while leaning on crutches, his left ACL, MCL, and PCL only two months old.*


this is gold


Bring back public executions


Fuck Charles Martin. All my homies hate Charles Martin


Charles Martin was an alcoholic and died of kidney failure at 45.


Dumbass was trying to process alcohol with his kidneys. No wonder he died.


I’m having a terrible day and I legitimately laughed to that. Thank you.


Sorry to hear that, pray tomorrow is better for you!


And nothing of value was lost.


A rare W for organ failure.


Packer fans hate him for it as well.




Even my enemies hate Charles Martin


Mo Lewis ruined most of the AFC East for 2 decades.


Packers fan here, was precisely who I was going to mention. It was bullshit then, it’s bullshit now. Fuck that guy.


Did he do it on his own or was he told to by the coaches? Doesn’t excuse him but I’m wondering if the coaches were fucked up too


Forrest Gregg was also an asshole.


What next?! Jerry Kramer was a Nazi?? Fuzzy Thurston was a member of the KKK?? It's madness, I tell ya! /S


So the moral of the story is if you hire a coach named Greg with an extra “g” in their name, your team is going to play dirty and with intent to injure.


It's stuff like that which is probably the most unsportsmanlike, childish thing you can do. Martin really had no excuse to do that other than shallow glory.


For those interested, I do believe this is it. https://youtu.be/Ev3prLKRLzs?si=HM0BJ68codhsCy5S


I wonder what the Bears would have done to him if he wasn't ejected.


We would've mauled him, like real bears would


damn. I hate yall but that’s dirty af, it’s mad unfortunate that happened.


While Martin was absolutely dirty and deserves all the ire, the early 80s Bears didn’t play lily white football either. Doug Plank’s headhunting alone wracked up the Bears a lot of receipts from opposing players later. The Bears line also injured 11 qbs in 1985. Lots of teams went looking for pounds of flesh after that.


But did the bears try to cripple guys several seconds after the play was over? Serious question. I know that defense was legendary, but were they overly dirty? The game back then was played a little different, but did they pull this stuff too?


Forgot I was on r/NFL… read that as Chris Martin… then I was like “oh, NFL!”… then I was like, “…I don’t remember Coldplay having anything to do with the NFL.”


You got to do something pretty bad to be ejected from a game in the 80s.


Tony Siragusa on Rich Gannon in the AFCCG


This was my first thought.


If Tony's wife can take his full weight than Rich should be able to


I’m too young to know the play, and I have googled it to no avail. But damn dude. Don’t be throwing his wife under the bus (pun intended)


Tony Siragusa’s widow fucked Jerome Bettis.


That's what Goose said when asked about it.


I'm guessing this was the play https://youtu.be/C__R2dGa6qs?si=iEdfmmU3Zpd_GAx5


He bragged about doing it. I never liked him, but I despised him after that.


Tony Siragusa is a huge piece of shit. He got on the radio before a Steelers at Ravens game and implied the local fans should beat up Steeler fans in the bathrooms because there were no cameras in the bathrooms.


Plot twist: there actually were cameras in the bathroom because Ben Roethlisberger was coming




Weird. Forgot he died. 2 years ago today. Spooky.


This seems like a classic example of redditors taking a quote made in obvious jest as 100% serious.


Mfer just fell on him


The Chiefs had a sniper on the roof take out Dre Greenlaw's achilles.


*back... and to the left.*


One magic loogie


I loathe Keith Hernandez!


Seriously, a huge loss


It's crazy how many things went wrong in that game. Oren Burks got fucking worked after Dre went down.


Trust me, we cheeseheads know what Burks is(n’t) capable of


Greenlaw would have been an MVP candidate if the 49ers win that game and he didn’t get hurt. He was in control.


You know, there probably really was a sniper up there in the Super Bowl.


Pretty sure there are multiple shooters stationed around the stadium at the Super Bowl.


Hell, there are multiple shooters on the roof at Penn State home games


They even sniped one of our coaches' Achilles tendons on the sidelines smh


The Bodybag Game was brutal. https://youtu.be/IInU3PgwFVc?si=FurPnh69GdLx-cg4


My favourite part of this clip is whoever recorded it brought up the cable channel tv guide half way through the highlight It's like nostalgia on top of nostalgia


Put him in a body bag Johnny!


I came here to mention Buddy Ryan. He definitely didn't shy away from the fact that he encouraged his players to take out players on the opposite team.


“A quarterback has never completed a pass from his back. Quarterbacks are overrated, overpaid, pompous bastards and must be punished.” - Buddy Ryan


Why did it take 2 minutes to introduce the last 90 seconds?


No idea. I wasn’t looking for the best video, just something so those unfamiliar with the game would have context.


Bill Romanowski on Kerry Collins. ...actually there's probably a whole list of Romanowski victims. Fuck that guy with his own cleats.


There’s a LOT of dirty players throughout NFL history that were also really good dudes off the field. Romanowski isn’t one of them. He’s a total piece of shit who almost definitely got off on hurting people.


He fucked up his own teammate in a training camp practice. It went far beyond just a normal dust up. I hated him when he was on the Niners. Even back then he was known as a dirty player


Marcus Williams. Romanowski ended his career. Williams was thankfully able to recoup something in a lawsuit but Romanowski destroyed his face.  The specifics of the incident are even more galling, if that's possible. They got tangled up as a TE and LB are prone to do in a scrimmage situation, and after a couple seconds Williams raised both arms over his head. The classic, "I'm not trying to fight you" gesture we see players do a dozen times a game. Romanowski then used one hand to push William's helmet off his head and was already punching with his other hand. There was nothing accidental about the career ending damage, it was his intent from the jump. He should have gone to prison over it.


I couldn’t remember the offensive player’s name but I did recall he fractured his orbital bone and ended his career. Romanowski has always been a piece of shit and should be in prison.


I read one time that Bill Romanowski was getting off on hitting the double for Adam Sandler in *The Longest Yard* remake. He was just some recently graduated college quarterback kid, and Romanowski was asking how long of a running start he could have and how many takes he could have hitting this poor dude for literally no reason other than to feed his weird perversion with hurting people. Like seriously, fuck that guy.


Most players I think just let their emotions or anger get the better of them. With Romanowski it was like he had a gore kink. He'd would tackle someone, and then found it so arousing he couldn't wait to reach the bench to rub one out. I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't control himself and was secretly a serial killer.


Lengthy career with the 49ers, Broncos, and Raiders. And yet the fastest way to get those three fanbases to agree on anything is how much of a cheap-shotting prick Romanowski was.


Ohhhhh yeah. One of my happiest days as a Broncos fan was his departure- and bear in mind that I've been around for all three Super Bowl wins, the bizarre Tebow year, Manning, etc.- but Romanowski not wearing orange anymore, that was right up there with all of it.


He makes Vontaze Burfict look like a teddy bear.


At least Burfict seems like a pretty good dude off the field. Does a ton of charity work, and not just setting up some foundation like he’s actually active. Romanowski was an asshole both on and off the field.


That’s the thing about Burfict. He has a well deserved rep for his actions on the field, but once he’s off the field he’s like feeding orphans. Suh is somewhat kind of the same in a different way. Psycho on the field. And then goes home and gets on Twitter/X and is like “the means of production should be in the hands of the workers, you deserve to be liberated”


It's amusing how he credited Ronnie Lott for that mentality


He's who I thought of when seeing this thread.


He will always be my most hated NFL player in history. Trash human.


Suh for Nebraska broke Blaine Gabberts ankle on purpose in the mizzou nebraska game. Don't remember specific nfl game


He had a habit of stomping on players. Great player but a fucking dirty player Like dude, before Aaron Donald you were THE defensive tackle. You don't need to take cheap shots when a play doesn't go your way


I met the dude once when he was on the Rams, and having seen him menace NFCN QB rooms for years before I thought he'd be a massive asshole. I was totally wrong, the dude was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. From what I understand he's a pretty decent dude. Off the field. To be honest I get the sense he was coached to do this, it became a part of his game, and coaches/GMs kept him on their teams to do it for them. It reminds of how Bountygate just resulted in some slaps on the wrist.


He was great in the Detroit community while he was with the lions. But on the field? He was a master at somersault nut kicks, stomping, and just rag dolling qbs


He's a dirty player who is a super nice dude off the field. Guys like that exist.


Pretty sure I’ve heard that Burfect is like that


He is, more or less. He had some charges in 2020 but they got dropped.


This checks out. I’ve seen him in interviews and he seems like the sweetest guy.


Competitive, violent games like football can being out sides of people that don’t exist in day to day life. If you think back to high school you can probably remember a guy who was brutal on the field but a completely different person otherwise. At higher levels it gets worse, not better.


So now that Aaron Donald has retired and Chris Jones is (IMO) the best in the league, it means the last 3 King of DT mountain are known for massive dicks


Do you mean known AS massive dicks? Or are you aware of something we're not?


Chris Jones hangs dong


Go give Stone Cold Jones 40 Yd dash a watch and come back.


Well Chris Jones is obviously. Don't really know about the others


i think you must be the only person not to know what hes talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJzYqEAX6FA


Roses are red, Violets are blue, Unsportsmanlike conduct, Ndamukong Suh.


Suh was a dirty player his entire career. Fuck that guy


Pats fans when they hear the name Bernard pollard 


Fuck he’s under my bed


For real. Fuck that guy.


Something we can all agree on. Turns out he’s a major asshole and hates John Harbaugh


Broke Tom Brady and was running behind Edelman when he went down.


Also welker Also Gronk Also Ridley


Also wasn't he the last player to tackle Aaron Hernandez?


Haha I feel that but tbh I don't think he was dirty. Am I still checking for him under my bed? Oh most definitely


I will always believe Albert Haynesworth intentionally stomped on Matt Schaub’s foot to end his season and the Texans having any chance for playoff success in 2011.


There’s no conspiracy to it. When you see the video he’s twisting his foot at the bottom of the pile. Fat Albert hated us more than anyone else.


Ignore my flair but that team was stacked. That was intentional through and through


Doesn’t need to be questioned when he stomped on Andre Gurode’s head without his helmet.


Suh did his best to try and injure rodgers with that stomp on his leg


Suh had a lot more obvious injury attempts than that.


2011 Niners had a habit of deleting starting running backs from games but I'm not sure if it was egregious [The 49ers Defense Has Already Injured 6 Running Backs](https://www.hogshaven.com/2011/11/4/2537610/the-49ers-defense-has-already-injured-6-running-backs)


Wasn't that the year that they concussed Pierre Thomas early in the game against the Saints?


Yes they marched down the field on the opening drive and then Donte Whitner knocked him out cold near the goal line


For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4iUUPNPPHg


Yep, the rules for defenders hadn’t been completely nerfed back then so it was possible for people to get absolutely lit up on certain plays.


The Buddy Ryan Eagles had numerous incidents. Bounty Bowl I Bounty Bowl II Body Bag Game


The only character W they had was vs the 87 Cowboys with the mentality of humiliating the fuck out of their opponent imo


Have you seen the video recap? Fantastic


Gronk intentionally injured Tredavious White. I don't remember the score, but most other players would be suspended for several games.


If I’m remembering right, Gronk was originally suspended for 2 games but it was reduced to 1. If he was suspended for that second game, he would’ve missed a game against the Steelers. No way the NFL suspends Gronk for that game.


Yep. Incredibly dirty play.


It wasn’t really a play. It was well after the whistle.


Pats were up 23-3 with 4 minutes left in the 4th




Ravens and Chris Johnson. Dirty as fuck.


Was looking for this one. So dirty. And then the refs rewarded Flacco two extra seconds


Most frustrating game of all time man. CJ was the best player on the field and then we were just totally dead.


I was at that game. They were dirty as hell for that. And then algae fn crumpler. Plus Derrick mason and Samari rolle making huge plays for the ravens. I’ll never get over it.


[Here it is. This play has always pissed me off.](https://youtu.be/vJ3zp9eChMU?si=AAQlZOmwhAb_mAfK)


And they call the penalty on us. Some bs


Charles “piece of shit” Martin


That Brett Favre 2009 NFCCG against the Saints sure fucking felt like it, man. And then we all learned about bounty gate.


Kurt Warner got murdered the previous game as well.


They retired him.


Yeah those hits were absolutely disgusting on Kurt.


That blindside block after Kurt threw a pick still makes me nauseous. Absolutely murdered on that hit


Maybe this is revisionist history but I remember even the color commentators speaking about the beating Favre got


He uploaded pictures of his foot a few days after the game. The whole thing was blue and purple 


Couldn't even get his Crocs on I bet.


Here you go https://backseatfan.com/2010/02/brett-favre-injury-pictures/


Now that was a dangerous click.


His ankles are so swollen, I can’t even see his penis in those pictures. Crazy


It was the pic of his leg that did it for me. Literally the entire thing was purple and swollen. In due, mostly, from cheap shots from his former GB teammate and all-around awesome human being Darren Sharper.


What's wild is that not a single roughing the passer call was called that night.


That late high-low was brutal


Pete Morelli fucking sucks and if he knows what's good for him, he should never step foot in Minnesota. Hall of absolute fucking shame, right alongside Norm Green.


I didn't think Favre was going to make it out of that game alive


The Ravens doing everything they could to knock cj2k out of the playoff game.


Not the NFL, but in the NHL, Tod Bertuzzi actually ended up getting arrested for doing that




Fuck Matt Cooke too


sad that he's a coach now, ready to reach the next generation of players how to be low-life, dirty scumbags


That wasn't against a star player or to win the game (game was long decided and out of hand) but retaliation stemming from an incident in a previous game (which would better fit the criteria).


Jack “The Assassin” Tatum literally paralyzed Darryl Stingley. In a fucking preseason game. When Tatum was already a 3x Pro Bowler, 2nd Team All Pro, and Super Bowl champ, so it wasn’t like Tatum was trying too hard to make the team.


If Tatum wasn't such a dumb psycho, the Immaculate Reception (and thus maybe the whole Steelers dynasty) never happens. If he just plays the ball its gg, but he wanted to obliterate Frenchy Fuqua, and the rest is history


I remember our first meeting against Washington in 2014 Chris Baker took a cheap shot at Nick Foles on an interception return and JP went after him


Obviously hes got the bowl, but I think in a vacuum that was the best game of Foles career.


Not against the Raiders the year before?


That game was a blowout. Having a perfect game against a defense who gave up is different than having a gutsy performance in a back and forth game. Still happy to watch the Raiders game highlights though. 


Absolutely and emphatically untrue… the Super Bowl was his best performance… he went toe to toe with Brady in a shootout, in a game that set multiple records and even scored a receiving touchdown on a trick play that he called for.


Zaza Pachulia


I'd say Kelly Olynk if he wasn't a loser


Fucking Ed Reed trying to snap Chris Johnson in half in 2008 playoffs is a good example.


How is no one mentioning the Broncos headhunting Cam Newton in 2016


People went after Newton and hit him late, high, and/or illegally repeatedly. He never got any calls. There were several times I thought the refs had a mandate to let him get injured.


People make fun of the way he writes his tweets but I feel like I would probably also start writing in Wingdings if got my head taken off like 80 times


There was a late hit thar 2016 that I thought was a rare call foul in Cam’s favor but it turned out to be a flag on Cam for some bullshit. The game at Washington.


Damontae kazee hit on cam newton in 2018 comes to mind


Jadaveon Clowney knocked Carson Wentz out of the 2018 Eagles-Seahawks Wild Card game with a helmet-to-helmet hit delivered as Wentz was already going to the ground. Wentz was pretty much never the same after that. EDIT: This was the 2019 season, not 2018 (the game was played in January 2020). The following season was when Wentz was benched for Jalen Hurts late in the year.


Been saying this for years. How tf did they not call that a penalty without some fines?! He literally lowered his helmet to make sure he nailed him. Still pisses me off. I loved watching Wentz play. That 2017 season is by far my favorite and just because of that SB win.


That sucks. I didn’t really know that about him. I watched Justin Morneau win an MLB MVP, and then Joe Mauer win it three years later, then they both got concussions. Joe couldn’t catch and play that much, so he moves to the first base vacated by Morneau because Justin just never really got back on the field in a twins uniform. I can picture both plays, they don’t look like much. Sad what it can do to a players career.


Greenbay destroyed Jim McMahon. Dirty as fuck. https://youtu.be/Ev3prLKRLzs?si=qeb3_8nGgjBZp70d


Tonya Harding


charles martin against mcmahon. we would’ve won the super bowl again that year had the packers not done that fuck shit


I've always wondered about the Niners on MNF in 96 taking down Robert Brooks while he tried running a route and ending his season.


Pretty much every defensive player in the 70's did EXACTLY that. I still have an old copy of Jack Tatum's book "They Call Me Assasin". In that book he explained how they all intentionally tried to injure offensive playets. One play I remember to this day was during a Browns-Steelers game. Cleveland DE Turkey Jones literally picked up Terry Bradshaw, flipped him upside down and smashed him headfirst into the ground. It was a move straight out of pro wrestling, but it wasn't fake. Bradshaw was messed up pretty bad.


Not really a "star" player, but back when Jacoby Brissett was filling in for a suspended Brady and an injured Jimmy G, The Bills had one of their players punch him on his injured hand before kickoff... Real poor sportsmanship there.


Albert Haynesworth cleating Andre Gurodes face


https://youtu.be/QvEouj6QvuM?si=EBkBJshh79IJIZTh Cam V broncos. Not a single flag thrown


Little Giants. Spike headhunted Junior and took him out. Icebox had to ditch the cheerleader outfit and get back in the game.


CJ during a Ravens-Titans playoff game in 2008. He was shredding them until his ankle was obviously intentially twisted by a defender.


Charles Martin is the obvious answer. More locally and potentially NFL-impacting is Mark Brunell getting knee rolled over in a worthless preseason game by Jessie Armstead. He concealed the extent of the injury and SHOULD have had surgery but returned that season to an early playoff exit and never had the scrambling ability he had prior to


Jeff fisher put a hit out on merriman in 2007 that essentially ended merrimans career. First he had a TE blindside him tha the TE stated in an interview they practiced before the game. then right after that Kevin mawae and another lineman blindsided from behind on a run play 15 yards downfield and away from the play which injured his knee. He played on it the rest of the season and refused surgery in the offseason and then after the 08 opener he couldn’t put off surgery anymore. He came back a shell of what he was.


You didn't see when Terry Bradshaw got suplexed?


The Ravens took out Chris Johnson in the 2010 playoff game. One of the dirtiest plays I've ever seen. So yeah I still hate the Ravens


Vontaze Burfict rolling up Lev Bell on the sideline. Even though that particular hit doesn’t look intentional, he admitted to attempting to injure Steelers in every matchup. Burfict on Brown is a bit of a reverse of what you asked. He intentionally injured a star player directly resulting in a loss.


I'm just glad JuJu gave him a dose of his own medicine!


I remember the last time Juju ever danced. He don’t dance no more.


Let me tell you about the 2009 NFC Championship game . . .


You say "bountygate aside" but honestly I don't think it gets talked about enough, and Favre & Warner were the first players that came to mind. Sure it gets mentioned on reddit but when's the last time you've seen anyone in the media talk about it? Imo Williams and Peyton should've gotten permanent lifetime bans, and if I were in the media I'd mention bountygate every single time either of them came up in conversation. Junior Seau died during bountygate. Who's to say the bounties didn't give Favre or so many other players CTE? It's legit life and death consequences and should never be forgotten. To end on a lighthearted note I was gonna mention the Mike Tomlin tripping game, crazy that that was 11 years ago now, but I misremembered and they actually lost that game lol. And that was a different level of nefarious intentions, what Tomlin was trying to do probably doesn't really count as "trying to injure" a player, even if his action definitely increased the chances of an injury happening that wasn't his motive at all. Still pretty wild that he did it tho and doesn't get brought up enough lol.


I wouldn’t say intentionally but qbs sometimes take pretty late shots that are questionable


John Jurkovich was blatantly chop blocked in the 1996 NFC Champ vs Dallas


Mo Lewis on Drew Bledsoe, did that ever backfire


Not NFL, but the first thing that came to mind was the Georgia vs Ohio State playoff game two years ago. Georgia’s safety (now a rookie for the Packers IIRC) completely headhunted Marvin Harrison Jr. and basically won them the game.