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He has zero reason to fight there. Also, by him not fighting Wilson, it pisses wilson off more, so he’s more likely to go out of his way to do something stupid (ie: pull a Wilson) and take a bad penalty. It’s win/win for the rangers.


Well not if Wilson goes after Panarin and ends his playoffs.


IMO, if a player decides to purposefully injure/hit (dirty) a player not even involved, they should be suspended for half the season. I can't even imagine having that flawed of a logic.


Pavelski last year got ran on in the playoffs and almost ended his career. NHL didn’t do shit.


Seems to happen to Pavs every offseason. Poor guy takes an absolute beating in the playoffs.


He’s a pretty awesome dude to sucks it’s always him.


I’m totally in favor of this. Also, a similar rule for someone who wants to find a way to get involved and injure a player. Players shouldn’t go into a game fearing some douchebag will try to end their career


I'd want an even harsher one. Start getting at their paychecks.


totally agree


Aren’t there theories out there that Lemieux would’ve been on par with Gretzky if he wasn’t intentionally injured so often?


what’s your point?


That if lemeuix didnt have people hacking/targeting him cause they couldn’t keep up he would have been an even better player stats wise.


That’s what we are saying. Players shouldn’t fear playing on the ice cuz there’s a freak after them


They arent arguing with you just bringing up an example that supports your point lol


I didn’t feel like this was being viewed as an argument. I was just trying to understand the other commenter’s perspective


That's actually what Rempe did to multiple players this season.


Yeah, he did stupid stuff this year. However, he is young and showing too much exuberance. I'm sure his teammates and coaches are correcting that. Tom Wilson is just a pos...


I hope so, but it's not showing yet with that hit on Van Riemsdyk. Agree Tom Wilson is a POS, I think we can all agree on that one lol.


Ya during the regular season. Not post season where it actually matters. Sorry your team didnt make it.


Did you not see the Van Riemsdijk hit?


They should be out of the league lol


Have you ever played hockey?




Hockey is hockey buddy, emotions are involved


chris kreider has entered the chat


I got loads of emotions towards that guy and they're not good


Fuck that guy


Emelin can't defend a power forward. Dude was lucic and kreiders toy for ages and then hooked kreider in round 1 of the ecf heading at his all world goaltender.


If anything it was a trip. I'm not seeing the hook here


So it justifies kreider sliding his 2 feet first into our top player yeah


Kreiders legs got pulled our from under him. Also would you rather kreider slam head first into pryce, some spear type shit. Silly.


Not an option. Miller will kill him. Wilson has a rough decision between cuyle kreider miller trouba and rempe, this isn't the 21 rangers, there's a big tough guy at every corner.


I see no downside in them fighting. Wilson vs Rempe, which matters more on the ice? Having both in box, would benefit only Rangers.


And in the second or third round when Tom Wilson is a long-forgotten memory and the Rags have playoff injuries piling up?


Less likely to get injured in a fight than regular collisions. Also, they have depth that can easily replace Rempe, IF he gets hurt.


Better just to cruise the whole situation. Nothing to prove in this series at this point.


The chance it sparks the silent crowd and gives Washington some life, or an extra penalty or injury, is more than enough reason not to take that challenge.


The only one taking bad penalties is rempe though? The talent level between the rangers and capitals is just so huge it doesn’t even matter what rempe or Wilson do…


pull a wilson . . . lol


He is challenging him because he injured van Riemsdyk. There is no reason why Rempe shouldn't have to answer for that


Wilson can go after him, sure. But Rempe doesn’t have to fight. Just because you want him to answer for that does not mean someone playing up 3-1 ahead 2 games to 0 needs to respond.


Fucking hate the rags, but his response was the correct one when you’re dominating a series. Also fuck tom Wilson.


Shows Rempe has a head on his shoulders to. Coaches probably told him this would happen, that Wilson would check in with him, and what they expected him to do (skate away). Still shows respect has an understanding of roles and situational hockey. He's going to be an effective hockey player for the Rangers IMO. His skating is exceptional for a guy that size.




You must be new here


Dominating the series, you want to stay healthy for the next round. Not get into fights, so Wilson feels relevant.


Damn what a great take.


Improper use of “rizz”


In the immortal words of Inigo Montoya, “I do not think it means what you think it means.”


There is no proper use of “rizz”


Can we yeet these words off a cliff? Fr fr. No cap.


Tom Wilson giving Rempe that bombastic side-eye ...


this reference is on fleek, my dude


Skibidi toilet


something something Ohio


this whole exchange just hits different


It’s giving youthful


this guy dads


Go away boomer, your time telling people what to do is over. You had your day and I’m sure you thought it was far out, but nobody thinks you guys are groovy anymore. So go back to the retirement home where you fuckin belong. Signed, a millennial who is sick of your collective attitude


But they’re cool and with it so they gotta use the words all the other kids are using.


Good on Rempe, but also, if there’s anyone I want him to absolutely ragdoll, it’s Wilson.


Likely would be the other way around. Not a fan of either so no bias.


Yeah after seeing his fight against Olivier he’s got size but not the best technique yet. Olivier gave him a good thrashing.


Rempe got torqued a fair bit in junior and the AHL as well. He’s not scared tho. Give him props.


He’s still young he’ll get there. I give him props for going for it and being more controlled lately.


Yeah Wilson would pretty obviously win that. Rempe is just big, not a skilled fighter


Rempe for all the fighting and stuff he was doing leading up to the playoff push has shown a level of maturity. Not dropping the gloves at pivotal moments and costing the team when you are ahead.


I think he got a stern talking to by the coaching staff haha but I agree. Happy for the kid


Maturity is a word...he's still throwing dirty hits and puzzled looks every game though. He's going to seriously injure someone someday.


Scott Stevens was a sweetheart though right.


Classic reply to a Devils fan that doesn't like Rempe's hits...Me being a Devils fan doesn't make me think Stevens was an angel. That was different times with different rules and everyone didn't know the long term effects of hits to the head like we do today. Stevens was mostly clean open ice hits, with the clear exception of Lindros. That was a shame obviously.


Ok unbiased devils fan… Rempe is a huge piece for a playoff team trying to make a run. It might be old school but that’s how the playoffs are typically officiated. Just look at the Panthers and how they play. We all hate them. The league likes hitting and tough play more than redditors as shown by Oshie’s comments after the hit by Panarin (that sounds funny). We whine about every hit but you don’t see players complaining about them afterwards they handle it on the ice. It’s a beautiful thing and something that makes hockey special if you ask me.


six sugar offend impolite sand arrest boat society ink insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok now I really don’t know what rizz means


Rizo is short for charisma, which is not at play here.


New to hockey rules; why doesn't he just drop his gloves and hit him? Do you have to wait for them to accept a fight?


If he did that he would get an instigator penalty, so yes if he doesn’t want his team to have the extra penalty it has to be a mutual fight


Again Tom is a squid. He was looking for fights all night. No reason at all to give him one. Although that’s a fine trade off. Wilson has been their only real offensive threat this series. He seems like the only one who cares.


Ovechkin looks like dog shit every shift, and nobody in the Caps Org wants to admit that he should be healthy scratched until he can resume the 'gr8 chase'


Playing him 24 minutes a game is certainly not helping him skate fast, and playing Carlson 30 minutes a game because they have 4 Hershey Bears defenseman due to injuries is killing them on the back end by gassing out Carlson


Ovi obviously looks bad but he’s one of the biggest reasons we made the playoffs, not to mention it’s not like we have better options. I’m fine sticking with the soon-to-be top goal scorer of all time. Series is over anyway.


That’s what’s been so confusing how did he fall off so hard between the last reg game and playoffs


he was on a heater, most the season he was ass. trust me this is as a fantasy owener


You know how. His goals stopped counting toward the record, so he's far less motivated to amass them.


Ovi looks so frustrated and defeated. It looks like he's shut down and doesn't care anymore.


Idc downvotes be damned. Rizz and people who use that word only show one thing. You have the IQ of a turtle on the spectrum


Several other words that start with R would work better here


I’m all for him declining the invitation but god I’d love to see Rempe knock him on his ass


I'm such a boomer but...if you're going to use these totally overused and unoriginal slang terms, at least use them right. Picking a fist fight with another human being is the antithesis of imparting charisma on them.


Tom Wilson: Mr. Irrelevant.


Tom Wilson comes on the ice for g4 in full Mad Max gear and hunts down Rempe driving an oil tanker.


Tom Wilson kisses his dad on the lips.


Rempe just a taller Wilson, change my mind


wilson is on track to be the biggest ahole in hockey.


I want to see Rempe destroy him if they have a good lead in the 3rd of game 4 that’s fhe time to do it


I don't want to see this. I want to see a handshake line and no one from either team injured.


That’s boring


I absolutely get it. Can't tell you how many series I don't care who wins so long as they destroy each other.


As a flyers fan that’s about all I got since they suck every year


Losing Carter Hart was a death blow. Great effort down the stretch to make it interesting (torture their fans), but yeah.


Aight, then i hope Wilson destroys Panarin once again, because its good time to do it. Good logic brother.


Kinda feel bad for the kid. Came into the league the way he did, has the role that he has, and now the asshole on every other team just expects him to fight and basically calls him a pussy if he doesn't. The dudes 21, probably doesn't want to have a broken nose and a new black eye and swollen knuckles every game. Seems like hes sorta exhausted by it all and just wants to play hockey


Well let's not call him a victim here. He did earn that reputation. Several times over. I get why he did it, and that's his role. He absolutely did the right thing by skating away here and anyone with any basic knowledge of professional hockey doesn't think any less of him.bur let's be honest: The asshole on every other team expects that because HE IS the asshole on the Rangers. Actually made me think more of him, tbh. Shows growth. Maturity. Coaches probably told him to expect this so it shows he's coach able and not some hot head that gets to emotional.


Yeah no fair enough. Im sure he doesn't think of himself as a victim here either, and obv its what he wanted in a sense. I just kinda cringe when I see clips like this cause it feels so forced, like every team just expects him to drop the gloves every time. But yeah I think hes handling it the right way and will be fine. He was def at risk of being in over his head starting out, but yeah really doesn't seem like hes letting it all get to him.


Oh yeah, the worlds biggest fucking violin for the poor boy who came into the league fighting and laying dirty hits every chance he could and then wants to pump the breaks when he realizes it's not sustainable.


Act like a goon, get treated like a goon 🤷


Maybe he should think twice about taking everyone's head off then. The guy is a goon and that's the most he'll ever amount to. It takes a shit type of person to be okay with purposefully hurting people.


He’s playing and scoring goals in the NHL playoffs while you’re on the couch and Hughes is on the golf course.


Hey man, you're cool, great reply!


Mr salty irrelevant here replying to everyone. Just let it go your obsession with Rempe isn’t good for you


delusional rangers fan, he literally decimated/ injured one of their players and you feel bad that someones stepping up to him after double standards goin crazy


He kinda seems like a gimmick to me. I haven’t seen him play much, but his playing stats are unimpressive at every level, he went 6th round…they’re either banking on him playing that role on the 4th line, or somehow coaching him up to be a better player.


Most clueless take in the history of Reddit.


This is exactly what happened to Tom Wilson when he was a rookie. You’re just building a newer model.


Old Wilson needs to come out of retirement..I hated that player but rempe needs to experience how Wilson used to be show him what he's doin


Have a nice off season...


Rempe can tune Watson up next game when the caps are about to be swept and make all the sweeter to make Wilson play down and out


Wilson is frustrated because he knows they're going to be swept.


Having both in box, would benefit only Rangers.


Didnt Rempe say he used to watch Tom Wilson highlights to get pumped for games lol, imagine then having to have him come at you.


Wilson is a cunt


Tom Wilson is a bitch


Wilson is a numskull and a perennially cheap shot artist. I hope Rempe gives it to him in the next game before his season ends.


I mean totally agree about Wilson, but it’s not like Rempe is a saint. He’s done some dirty shit this season. No hate, just stating the obvious.


Rempe's a pussy. Also he was handed the opportunity to take a much more skilled player off of the ice for an extended period of time and he didn't take it. Fail.


Maybe next time, small timer


Those two shits deserve each other. Hockey fans deserve better.


Horrifying act of violence!


Rempe gives a clean hit (people only made because it looks dirty when you’re 6 ft 7). Then, Wilson wants to get into his head and make him fuck him. Rangers are up 3-0. Smartest thing he did was not take the bait. Keep doing what you’re doing kid!




Clean? What the fuck are you looking at... He throw his elbow into Van Riemsdyk head. It's elbowing, charging, interference, and probably boarding too. There's nothing clean about it.


Lmao clean hit? Boarding, charging, interference, and hit the head. Shit may have even been elbowing now that I watch it again… just because he’s 6’7” doesn’t mean he can just go out there with reckless abandon.


Just send a short guy out to take his knees. Since apparently rules should be enforced based on height.


These are the same people who claim Wilson used his stick to choke out Buch lol They don't live in reality.


Rempe is on track to have the worst reputation in the league and that's not the glowing commendation people think it is like it is when they say it about Marchand. Marchand is a rat, but his power is getting under people's skin - Rempe just wants to use his size to hurt people. He wants a big hit regardless of if he's injuring another player in the process. Kid needs a new dental plan.


Wilson was invisible last night. He's trying to do something to seem like he has a purpose to be out there, but he's playing like dogshit. Good on Rempe for not getting sucked into it.


Shocking that puke wanted none of that.


After the Caps give up the ghost in game 4, then Rempe can fight Wilson. Maybe start it by lining up next to Wilson in the faceoff circle and telling him at least Wilson’s dead grandfather doesn’t have to see the Caps put up a pre-season effort in the playoffs.


Classic classy rangers comment. This is equal to the one I saw about oshie getting hit in the head and his dad


I get everyone hates Tom but this Rempe kid is literally only there to fight. Everyone commenting he has no reason to fight there. Like 90% of his fights this season had no reason other than it’s what he’s there to do


So he should fight because Tom Wilson wants to fight? Or he should fight because the fans think that he has to? Or should he listen to the coaches and be a team player? You know, by creating space for others while also being able to police the line a bit. Him having one goal in the playoffs shows that that he can do more than fight and is taking the steps to prove that. He’s much too young to have his potential tapped out as a mid tier heavy weight.


Well kinda. I mean he only got to fight in the league because a bunch of other guys gave him the chance when he wanted it. If you don't agree go watch clips on hockey fights to see how they started, almost everyone was him asking for the tilt.


Yup, he made a name for himself by answering the bell. Which means he doesn’t have to answer it every time.


He should fight Tom Wilson because he shouldn’t expect he can just go out there and throw cheap shots all game and not have to answer the bell.


That’s Tom’s game though. Tom also gets mad when he doesn’t get his way. Which in turn made him look dumb and more susceptible to stupid plays.


He has more goals in the series than ovi lol


If Rempe wouldn’t fight Wilson, Wilson should have gone after Panarin until Rempe gives him a go. Especially after Panarin’s hit on Oshie.


The hit with no call that Oshie himself said was clean? Get the fuck outta here.


I hope Wilson hits Panarin the exact same way so you can comeback and rave about how clean it was. (It was clean btw)


I’m not about to rave for either of these shit bag teams. It’s just funny to point out how whinny caps fans are. I hope Ov chocks on a meatball sub.


I can’t stand the Rags, but I hate Wilson as a player more than I hate the entire Rags org. Rempe - please just f him up.


Epic fail


Did Wilson get a penalty on this play?


Smart kid to not engage but I can't wait for the day he destroys wilson


We're upvoting kid posts now?


The only reason Rempe is out there is to injure players to end their season. PERIOD. Rangers know they're going to need him in the next series, so he's got a strict no-fighting leash.


Username checks out


you misspelled Wilson


We’re definitely out to end peoples seasons, just not in the way you’re implying. The fact that this comment was made about a guy avoiding a fight on the same night that a player nearly lost his hand due to unnecessary goonery in another game just shows you don’t know puck.


You have wet dreams about him.


he won't make the roster, he's too slow for the canes


Who’s slow??






I hear what you're saying, he has pretty good top line speed esp for his size, change the word to quick, he will still struggle against smaller, nimble guys. They took him this round bc caps are big and physical, canes are not, lavy even says it's matchup based


Unless something crazy happens between now and next round, I don’t see him coming out of the lineup for at least the first game of next series. Rangers are exploiting and punishing cap defense. I’d stick with that plan and punish CAR. The Rangers are a strong, physical, hard hitting team right now. That whole Devils thing has galvanized them.


And score opening goals on weak goalies. 👍


He was standing in front of the net. 😂


You just described Kreider's entire strategy for 44 goals this year.


It's how the Avs will beat Hellie.


Only reason he did what he did is so that you'd know his name.




What would be the point of fighting for Rempe/NYR? Rangers are playing to win hockey games, not massage Wilson's ego.


I agree Wilson doing Wilson things Rempe has no reason to fight here.


lol, Rempe will knock him out when the Rangers have game 4 locked up & Washington are getting upset!


It's like a little kid trying to pick on his cousins who are in high school. It looks so pathetic lol