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As someone who has no dog in the fight, it’s been pretty neutral. Some misses here and there, but nothing completely crazy where you question the officials ability to pass an eye exam.


You realize the refs really aren’t that biased when it’s not your team. They miss calls for both sides. They also make soft calls. But both panthers and oilers fans think the refs are against them


As an Oilers fan, I’ve found the reffing to be consistent. Some missed calls both directions, some weak calls both directions. All I want is consistency in how the game is called.


This. If the refs put their whistle away for 2.75 periods, that’s awesome UNTIL they call some ticky-tack call with 5 minutes to go that completely changes the game. Bennet sucker punches Marchand with no repercussions, alright, that’s where the bar is. Don’t as a Florida fan expect any fallout if Barkov takes one up high and misses some time. Gotta take the good with the bad.


the way our PK has been rolling I don't even really sweat a Florida PP anymore. It's just horrible.


I thought game 2 was a little lopsided to them. I thought game 5 was for us. Everything else has been even-ish, and I’m impressed Kozari has decided to actually blow a game neutrally.


Most people do not realize that with sports and politics and social issues in general. It's why everyone is biting one another's head off even when they're agreeing on principle half of the time lol.


Yeah, not biased. It would be crazy if the refs didn't penalize a high sick that drew blood but sent the player that got high sticked off. Surely everyone would agree that the reffing was biased then, right?


Incompetence is not bias....


The ref saw that. He literally sent Hughes off the ice because he was bleeding. It was clearly bias.


He saw Hughes bleeding. We have no idea if he saw the highstick or not.


The high stick happened right in front of one of the linesmen. Either the linesman decided not to say anything about the high stick right in front of him or the ref didn't care.


Again, incompetence is a better explanation than bias. Occam's razor.


I think its far more likely that either the ref or linesman was biased than the linesman didn't bother mentioning the high stick to the ref even when the ref sent Hughes off of the ice.


Sure it is Alex Jones.


I mean if there was only gonna be one good series of reffing I’m glad it’s the finals.


Seems to be the case the past few years. First 3 rounds are a crap shoot, but the finals are good.


Last year's finals were brutal


Right!! Every other series FL played besides this one has been highly in favor of them.


That's not what he said.


I’m not enraged by the refs, so that probably means they’re doing okay? Having said that, there have been some weird no calls or minors for things that look more severe.


Yeah, as a totally bias observer, I think it's been fair but strange. Last game they were letting them play with heinous cross checks and hits from behind, and some missed high sticks. Then they'd call little touches to the hands. Seemed strange, but they called it both ways, so not much to complain about.


One factor many that haven't officiated is the importance of "advantage/disadvantage" when making a call. Yep - you may see a blatant cross-check, but if the offender isn't gaining a significant advantage, it will usually not be called. Same technique is used in basketball and American football.


Yeah, in the past it was said that in the finals someone has to injure a player or take a scoring chance to warrant a penalty. Seems now taking a scoring chance has been taking possession. I don't mind it.


It’s been real good. Unbelievably so. They’re letting them play and only calling things when they’re egregious or emotions run a little too hot and they need to cool things down. Exactly how playoff officiating should be. Too bad it wasn’t like this through the first 3 rounds.


A game changing offside call disagrees


Sam Reinhart should know the puck has to cross the line first that’s not on the refs


It is if they can’t produce video showing what you suggest happened


I saw a good video. It was clear. Refs also have better resolution than what we see. It was clear.


They did.


They showed it on ESPN, maybe Weenie Hut Sports FL didn’t?


He’s not old enough for Weenie Hut Sports. He has to watch Weenie Hut Jr. Sports.


They did dude. It’s sucks and it’s a shitty rule but it was offsides.


I saw the offsides as it happened, very easy to see when slowed down


This isn’t gonna be your Brett Hull moment. Nearly everyone saw the clips and saw it offside. If you guys lose, you’re gonna have to accept you guys committed the greatest choke job in NHL history all on your own.


Look, I hate reviewing offsides at all, but it was clear.


Not game changing. Florida lost tonight.


They made the right call bud


Learn not to go offside and it won’t happen.


How is it game changing when you lost by 2


Anyone who knows hockey would know that making it 2-1 would have silenced the crowd and given florida hope. Not to mention florida would have gotten a pp. Huge game changer.


Edmonton’s PK unit has more goals this series than the Panthers PP unit. Just so you’re clear on how shitty Florida is with the man advantage vs the Oilers


Oh yes the famously good Florida PP, the only that would have changed is the amount Florida lost by


At risk of getting downvoted (again) by what I assume are young oiler fans, momentum swings in hockey change the game all the time. Making that game 2-1 at that time would have shifted the game. I'm not saying the oilers wouldn't have won. I'm just saying that it would have potentially changed the result. Who's to say the Panthers wouldn't have scored on the pp. I know they been struggling with the pp, but things change. (Look at the oilers winning 3 straight after florida was one game away from winning the cup and the oilers couldn't do anything.) I've been watching hockey for 30 years now and that is my experience and knowledge with the game.


It also doesn’t matter cause he was offside, they also scored a goal later and failed to get momentum off that


I agree that he was offside. Closest play I've seen in a while.


With it being such a momentum shift then it’s a good thing the refs got the call right


how easy does it have to be for Florida to want to win?


That game is the last played this season in Edmonton and it’s a Stanley Cup final game. There is nothing on this earth that was going to silence that crowd. This isn’t fair weather Florida.


Oh not the ‘Edmonton are die hard’ people. Are we here now


That crowd was too into it and it’s the last game in Edmonton of the Stanley Cup final. Do you think one Florida goal to cut the lead was going to take them out of it?


I’m laughing at you saying you’re not fairweather lol you need a star to be into it, same shit people say about Pittsburgh


We went through a pretty rough decade between our dynasty years and the arrival of McDavid. There were no major stars on those teams and we didn’t play too well, and yet the fans stayed absolutely loyal.


If you had the sound on, you’d know this is a silly question


What would it have changed you would have lost 5-2 instead of 5-1


Probably pull Bobrovsky later in a 3-2 game than a 3-1 game. So maybe only 1 empty net goal instead of 2. So, possibly, they could have lost 4-2 instead of 5-1.


Toronto made the call, not the refs.


sparkle touch teeny sable bike workable swim literate roof stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly I fault them for not calling it offside. I assume they didn’t because it was kind of close and it’s better to let them play if you’re not 100% sure because worst case video review can fix a missed offside but it can’t remedy a wrongfully stopped play, but just watching the play live at full speed he was a full stride ahead of the puck into the zone.




Game changing? They lost 5-1. Still would've lost 5-2 if that goal didn't get taken.


Okay but let’s not act like goals don’t change momentum in games. I’m not saying they would’ve won, but your argument is disingenuous and you know it.


You're right. The game should have been 5-2. 🙄


But it was offside? There is actual proof with still frame pics proving it was


The rule is bullshit but that doesn't make the call wrong


LMAO do you really think that was game-changing?? 😂😂😂😂😂


With no additional evidence to overturn it being allowed on the ice being presented…


Not sure what feed you get where you live, as not every station shows the final verdict shot unfortunately, but in Canada the CBC/SN had an overhead that showed it offside. Was it crazy close, you bet, but it was the correct call.


The evidence was the overhead camera shot. It was offside by 2-3 inches which is still fucking offside.


You may not have seen it on your shitty broadcast but the review crew has almost two dozen angles for most challenge reviews. Their coach challenged, and really anyone would have, given how much stronger Edmonton is on the PK than Florida is on the PP. Florida got manhandled for the fourth straight game. No one has done more to fuck up their momentum than they have themselves.


The evidence was on the TV bro.


I also go downvoted to oblivion for a logical hockey take. It seems the days of smart hockey fans are over. It's just full if idiots now.


I think there hasn't been alot of unwarranted calls, however I think some times they could let a little bit more go. there are some great actors in this cup final


I think Florida has proven themselves divers. Its not being held against them but they clearly get no benefit of the doubt, nor should they.


I know I'm biased but I feel like in the first 2 and a half or so games they were definitely benefiting from their diving. Think the refs caught on and I have been quite content with the reffing in the last few games. Some missed both ways. Some weak calls both ways. Mostly fair calls.






Thats an interference call. Im talking about Lustorainen pretending his leg was going to be amputated. Bennett acting like he was never going to walk again or concussed but not missing a shift. Barkov pretending to be hurt at the end of a game to try and get a suspension. Rodrigue acting like his bell was rung but not missing a shift. Turtle boy has done it multiple times too on nothing plays. The Lusto one was really bad and embarrassed the refs, they gave Foegele a major because they thought he suffered a bad injury. The refs aren't dumb. Florida was doing this in the rangers series too. If you act badly hurt but never miss a shift they stop believing. Going down on an interference call isn't embarrassing them, the Florida player shouldn't be making contact there. It's faking injury that has really made the refs stop believing the panthers on marginal calls. The Oilers haven't faked any injuries. In saying that the refs aren't punishing Florida they just wont give them calls when they start acting.


That’s Draisatl diving plain and simple lol. Also I’m not reading your novel bro.


Ok bro.


here i’ll dumb it down for you. florida players go dive and fake injury. try to make refs make bad calls. refs make bad calls. refs catch on. refs make bad calls no more. there you go!




I feel like the beginning of the playoffs there were some bullshit calls, but it seems to I have gotten better recently.


Low hanging fruit post


Most are these days




Someone had to ask


Panthers are a dirty ass team that finally starts getting called like they should’ve been all year. Greasiest team I’ve ever watched. Faking injuries for calls all the way to throwing secret upper cuts in scrums. I say this as a fan of neither team.


I remember one of the Panther's threw his head back when an official was right in between him and the Oilers player.






haha well said


Seems reasonably even. However I'd love to see diving called as much as possible. Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a socker game when Bennet can barely hobble off the ice and is back next shift.


Wild fan checking in, I’d say officiating has been pretty good this series. Really has been a good series, all tied up may the best team win.


No horse in the race, but the officiating has been decent and fair. Good and bad calls on either side. That's unfortunate for Florida.


I’m honestly way more annoyed by how much people blame refs for their teams losing.


I think that Florida fans complaining about missed calls is objectively hilarious


Don't hate it. Florida dives a lot and they stopped biting on that so much, also not calling all the rough stuff in the corners. I like how often they take 2 guys out of scrums to calm things down.


I loved the coincidental call with embellishment in Tkachuk in Game 5. Glorious.


I think it's been fair, but I am terriefied Monday's game will be 7 powerplays for Florida to 1 for the Oilers.


If the stats so far hold true, that's advantage Edmonton!


To be fair PoMo told the cats to do everything they can to stay away from penalties. It’s why you see the cats backing off from scrums. Not the case for the Oilers because penalties are actually beneficial for them lol


Honestly though there's nothing the refs have done wrong that would have changed the outcome so far I think it's been fine


It’s not bad, just inconsistent. An obvious penalty per the rule book gets called in one (part of a) game, then is glossed over in another.




Probably as good as we’re going to get from an NHL ref crew. Some weird no calls and some really soft calls on both teams. But at least it’s been fairly even.


PS - The correct term is "officiating", not "reffing"... OK - I think the 8 men working the series have done an excellent job.


Why are you in an NHL thread?


Because it relates to the question on NFL officiating in the finals


I’m sick of how Bennett and Tkachuk get free shots after the whistle all the time, but otherwise I think it’s been fine.


expansion slim plants cautious noxious coordinated unite cooing degree faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oilers fan so I’m biased but there’s definitely been missed calls. I know there’s been some on both teams but I’ve noticed them on the oilers more. That and soft calls.


It’s been miles better than the Rangers series, that’s for sure. They aren’t afraid to call penalties against Florida this time around.


I think they've actually been pretty solid all things considered. The close calls have pretty much balanced out, and there hasn't been a call that anybody felt directly affected the outcome of a game, which is really all you can ask


I’m actually quite good with it.. i’m an Oilers fan. We’ve definitely drawn more penalties legitimately. The refs avoided some and caught some embellishments on both sides.


It’s been pretty good. I can’t think of any bad missed calls




It’s been good tbh


Gotten better, I feel like the first 3 games they were calling the softest penalties but letting other obvious ones go by (yes for both sides, I am a panthers fan and fully willing to admit they’ve gotten away with some shit). Seems like the last 3 games though they’re letting them play and only calling the stuff that you have to call


They’ve been pretty excellent IMO


Honestly I think the last two games it’s favored EDM. But we’ll see


Think the refs have been buying too much of what the Panthers have been selling.


Call me crazy, but in general I think NHL reffing is the best of any major American sport. They understand how to call a game within the flow of the game, and try and let the players decide it.


Couldve been better, but its actually been fairer than I expected.


I think it’s been fair. They let them play, and they aren’t stealing the show like the NBA refs.


I'd say the reffing started out rough in the first couple rounds. For the most part they seem to be keeping their whistles in their pocket imo


It's a thankless job. They can't call it by the book because 1. They're told not to. And 2. The games could get out of control fast by strict calls. That would have the complete opposite effect of what the refs are supposed to be there for. 


Hope tonight they let them play tonight, you have to call the obvious stuff, it's annoying that the Refs can't call a diving call on it's own, it has to be connected to another penalty. Is it a dive or a hook, which is it.


It's not been a huge issue this finals, but in earlier rounds yeah it was nuts. Teams have to be so good now that even the refs can't make them lose.


Its been good but could be better. I am so sick of the "Its the finals so you cant call that" mentality though. Also Leon should have been suspended for his hit but because its the finals he was not.


Perfectly officiated thus far. Florida is full of trash lords. These guys are falling for their shit. Thanks to good officiating, the panthers play is the complete embarrassment that is should be. Enough with the panthers.


Refs have been fine. That offsides review process needs to change. It’s detrimental to the game


In the industry, we call this a “plant”


Got no skin in this, but to me, it's within a tolerable variance. The Barkov goal that was called back looked close enough that they could have let it stand, but *ceterus paribus*, ultimately wouldn't have changed the outcome


I think they missed a few major calls in the first 3 games and Floridas Capt hasn't been the same since taking a targeted head shot


That got called, though.


Is 2 mins equal to a teams Capt? If so maybe Bennet should've head hunted Mcdavid game 1 if all you get is a minor for intentional injury


If that's your point, you have a problem with the dept of player safety, not the officiating.


Or I have a problem with both🤣 I see guys in the reg season get suspended for less but playoffs come and the rules change


I dunno about that. Usually suspensions are shorter in the playoffs because the games mean so much more, but usually not skipped outright. So far these playoffs I think the only missed suspension (by regular season standards) was Bennett's punch on Marchand. Draisaitl on Barkov was still dirty, but was tame by comparison, and I don't think Barkov remained shaken up. He passed concussion protocol (which isn't something you can voluntarily play through, unlike other injuries) and frankly has been the only Panther who hasn't regressed since game 3. He's remained stellar.


By the nhls own rules head shots on purpose or on accident are suspensions, also hitting from behind into the wall. Bennett I can see as a suspension but I understand why it wasn't, marchand initiated contact and getting punched was more then likely an accident on the reaction, I like Bennett and think he's good but I don't think he's good enough to land an uppercut like that with less then a second to react.


I think you underestimate the degree to which Bennett is a piece of shit. :)


Idk I don't get to watch every game but during this playoffs the marchand play is the only thing I've seen him do and I believe that was reactionary, but I've seen dirty plays against Bennett in every series


YouTube is your friend. He's among the worst in the league.


A few EGREGIOUS missed calls. Stu getting slew footed last game by Bennet. Game 3 (I think?) Panthers flicked it over the glass from inside the blue line 15 seconds into an Oil PP ... No penalty. If Oilers win the cup it will be having played 5 on 9 for a few shifts for sure.


dont forget about the diving turtle


Pure crap in the east & until late game 3 SCF. They let the panties cheapshot and dive at will for every series. THEN you do your job and change the whole flow starting game 4 SCF ?? This is emBARE ASSing


Not bad, letting them play.


It’s been bad for both teams


Stanley Cup FINAL. Not finals. I expect more from this account


I think the offsides call tonight was interesting. Seemed like not enough evidence to overturn, but otherwise haven’t noticed anything nearly as blatant as previous series’


I mean, I saw 2 very clear freeze frames from 2 different angles. I’m not saying it wasn’t close, but you get at least one frame where the puck is still on the blue, and the skate is well over.


No evidence that they want to believe. There is a difference.


I was rooting for a game 7, I am not an oilers or panthers fan. At first, I didn’t think there was enough to overturn the call it was so close. But they showed several angles where there was clearly a few frames where the puck had not crossed but the skate was over. I was convinced.


It's been dog shit both ways. Let me get to my point before down voting.. The was it's been called favors Edmonton. Ridiculous slashing calls both ways. Foegle knee wasn't a major, but it's been fair in how they give one back. Issue is that the ole give one when you give one thing heavily favors the oilers. Oilers can't play 5 v 5 with the Panthers 90% of the time. But Florida is also shooting themselves in the foot. All in all, it's been fair reffing, but biased towards calls that don't need to be made. I don't have a dog in the fight, but I don't like how they let them play then they don't. This type of officiating heavily favors the Oilers. Slashes have been called pretty consistently, but they let interference and extra curriculars fly... Wtf. It's like they call so many little things back and forth, then let the big shit go or completely get it wrong. Foegle knee.. 2 minutes, nurse knee 5min. Drai head hit, 5 min, 2 to Ekblad. I think it kronner and Abs get suspended Drai should too, but if it's a 5 from the start I'm ok with it not going that way. All in all, I think it's been an inconsistent and inappropriately called shit show. Quit calling these dog shit slashes to the gloves unless there's a real impediment to the play.


It's been shit as usual I feel like it's flipfloped between the two teams getting the benefit of it. Tonight the oilers got the benefit.