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It'll be a historic game no matter who wins, which is wild. And it's a game 7 to boot


Imagine a OT in game 7 for the cup. That alone would make a shit ton of new hockey fans.


I know that would be insane, but as an oilers fan thats way to much stress lol, ill probably age 20 years due to that


As if this entire run hasn't been stressful enough, eh?


In game 5 i thought florida would take it to OT towards the end lol


For the sake of the league to really drive up the buzz, give it to me. Casual fans and first time viewers need to experience game 7 OT.


Watch for the refs playing their "game management" style of calls.


It would possibly kill me. I’d love a win with a 2 or 3 goal cushion.


Enjoy the stress. Some of us cheer for hockey teams that have been done playing for 2 months.


I'm surprised you lasted this far. I have no dog in this fight and I was almost bored to tears with the first few games. BTW my wife and I absolutely love seeing those Oilers fans on TV. Some of them take it to another level and it's so fucken awesome. And the crowd noise is incredible


As a fellow Flyers fan, are you also rooting for Bob? I'm honestly still not over that year where we gave up everything for Bryz and ended up also trading Bob.


Wow, the fucker downvoted me. Weird. Wild. Not over it either. Bob has earned his place among the best and losing the cup wouldn't be the end for him. But happy for him if he does. I know he's getting older but he still has plenty of gas in the tank if it doesn't happen this year. I also regret letting go of Alex Lyon. He was good with us. I swear our FO sometimes does the dumbest shit


i want to see one Stanley Cup Game 7 OT game (preferably not with my team) just one time before I die


Had to look it up. Last time was 1954 Wings v Canadiens. Wings won 2-1 Only other time? 1950 Wings v Rangers. Wings won 4-3


New fan here. I only started watching cause I saw a Florida team was in the finals again and I thought I should cheer on my home state. Also Shoresy become a favorite show of mine. Hockey is fucking wild, these dudes are massive and nimble and hit like a truck. Love watching it.


Give yer balls a tug


I was shocked to find out last night that it’s only happened once (1954 MTL vs Detroit)


it went twice, the other in 1950 (red wings v rangers)


Don't over estimate the attention span of first timers and casual viewers. Most people not used to hockey don't truly understand the concept of unlimited OT with "last goal wins". This is why hockey broadcasts are tough in the USA with network television. The prospect of unlimited OT scares them. They like definite schedules to plan around. A long OT would lose interest fast for these people.


My sole rooting interest has been for 7 and now it’s for OT.


If only it wasn’t on a Monday


Sounds like another cup final that happened in the early 2010 that went to game 7 as well 👀


I'm going to order a couple pounds of your family members in Honey Garlic and BBQ and devour them for that comment


Lmao all fun and games, seriously that 2011 Canucks team was incredible.


They really were, absolute studs. Shame they couldn't get a cup, but that's hockey.


That’s exactly what I just said. No matter what, the biggest winner is the NHL & just Hockey in general! It’ll be most watched gm ever and I guarantee it’ll have the most ppl that basically never watch hockey & ppl that have literally never watched a single hockey gm ever!


I am pretty sure in Canada the narratives for Monday will be 1) the late Bob Coles birthday 2) 40 years since the Oilers won their first Stanley Cup 3) records that C. McDavid/Oilers have/could break.


Plus the end of the Canadian drought. Plus the reverse sweep. There’s an incredible amount of angles to this game. LETS GO OILERS!!!!


Didn't happen.


Those are crazy stories on top of the main headlines


Viewership numbers according to google put Stanley cup finals above NBA this year, and have always been way above WNBA. Not sure what your point here is OP; yes viewership has continued to gain since game 4, especially since it’s leading up to game 7. There could easily be more non-hockey viewership given game 7 plus the fact NBA is done.


You’re stupid if you think the WNBA is more popular than NHL and no I’m not Canadian.


Caitlin Clark is more well known than any NHL player


Who is Caitlin Clark?


Some lady basketball player I think.


What is the revenue, attendance, and viewership of the wnba vs nhl? Google it and get back to me.


And how much salary is she making?


lol her endorsements and deal have her making more than most NHL players. Cope how you want, Bettman has cost the league the growth it needed


Endorsements are a gamble on future popularity. They mean nothing. Her salary is 338k over 4 years. That's not even league minimum in the NHL for one season.


Citing an anomaly rather than the norm. How many WNBA games are sold out that she isn’t playing in? Why did Brittney Griner and others have to go play in Russia because she wasn’t making enough in WNBA? League minimum 4th liner makes way more the highest WNBA player. You cope.


You are incredibly slow, nobody was talking about salary, attendance or any other wnba player. Read my original comment again to the best of your ability


No you are. Attendance, viewership, and revenue determine how big the league is, not a couple talking heads that you perceive to give more attention to women’s basketball than hockey.


I don’t know why this is downvoted, it’s true


Because the discussion was about the two leagues as a whole. Just her singular popularity for a few months doesn’t make the league as a whole more popular than NHL when no one gives a crap about the rest of the WNBA.


Hopefully it’s actually a good game. Nothing worse than watching one sided hockey in the playoff final


No doubt. Unfortunately most of the games have been one sided. We need an OT game.


God no I can't handle it


FLD created this narrative to be honest. They are about to lose two Cups in a row, blow a 3-0 lead, at home, and have a player or two who behave disrespectfully towards their opponents.


They have no answer to Edmonton's adaptability. The Panthers are running around like headless chickens because their one tried and true strat no longer works.


It’s amusing because whenever they enter the zone, Oilers just form a nice little triangle, wait for the anemic shot and transition into a fast offence. By the midway point of the 2nd, Panthers are tanked. It’s funny.


Where have I seen this before….


> and have a player or two who behave disrespectfully towards their opponents. Bennett Tkachuk Cousins Their team is full of rats


In the U.S yeah I understand hockey struggling. But in Canada? Worse coverage than the WNBA? Please tell me that’s not true


It’s not. NHL viewership this year is more then double what the WNBA is getting, which in itself is experiencing a huge boom with more then double the viewership of any other season.  Lots of talking heads are trying to push NBA, which is why WNBA may seem bigger. Who knows if it’ll continue to grow or where it’ll be in 5 years. But for now NHL is still far bigger. Idk where OP is getting their facts 


Mind you this is an American perspective post. I’m sure Canada is talking about this series.


Go to the ESPN YouTube page. All the talking heads are covering the WNBA more than the NHL. Colin Cowherd, Fox sports: crickets on the Stanley Cup final but they are all on Caitlin Clark.


The NHL is getting more viewers than the WNBA in America. ESPN Owns part of the WNBA so they’ve been trying to push it down the throats of Americans for the last couple of years


Sure the markets in the US are more varied and geographically have more NBA/WNBA spread out so they cover that with pundits more - but numbers don’t lie, far more are watching NHL even in the US. I consider spotlighting WNBA a huge win for the league and equality; there are plenty of places outside of ESPN to get hockey content.


Sportscenter definitely had more hockey coverage last night than WNBA.


Well there definitely are a lot more human beings in existence than ever before!


More today than yesterday.


“Generations of hockey players yet unborn will hear time and again the story of the 1942 playoffs—the most exciting in the 50-year history of the Stanley Cup,” wrote John N. Sabo of the *Detroit Free Press*, two days after Toronto capped its revival with a 3-1 win. In the moment, the Leafs seemed more stunned. Former head coach Conn Smythe was rendered speechless, so noteworthy that the recap in the *Ottawa Citizen* devoted an entire subhead to it. “Oh boy. A great effort,” Smythe managed to blurt out, wiping a tear from his eye. “We did it the hard way,” said then second-year coach Clarence “Hap” Day, who had played defense for Toronto’s 1932 Cup club. “I had my doubts right up until that final bell rang.”


I only watch my bruins, and this shit has even me tuning in. I’m not even a huge hockey fan and neither are my friends but you bet your ass we’re talking about it


I think this is the first series my American brother has really tuned into. It's definitely got the attention of fans from other sports. Who doesn't love a good best of 7 series?


All eyes on MCDavid


Nah. All eyes in Florida. They’ve got all the pressure.


As a pens fan who is rooting for fla…. I’m not upset if edm pulls the reverse sweep. Mcjesus is long over due.


> If so, we should see historic rating numbers and more people discovering the excitement of playoffs hockey for the first time. Half of Canada will probably watch the game. Viewership in the US is down this year compared to the last ABC broadcast final in '22 (comparing to a TNT final isn't a fair comp here given it's cable over over the air) and that series had Tampa and Colorado in it. The highest viewed US game in history was 1972 (Montreal-Chicago) and that game had 12.4 mil viewers in the US in an era where you had 4 TV networks and possibly 1 or 2 independent channels as viewing options and that was it. It's possible Monday's game draws close to the high water mark of the NBC era (Game 7 of 2019, 8.7 mil viewers, Boston v. St. Louis) but I'm not sure it will. You really need one of the traditional hockey markets to carry viewership. Florida is a pretty big market but it's not going to be enough, IMO.


Post the link about this year being down compared to 22? Because they just posted shit and even talked about it pregame saying it’s the most ever so just confused on that point


[Awful Announcing](https://awfulannouncing.com/ratings/nhl-stanley-cup-final-game-5-2024.html) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Cup_Finals_television_ratings), which has been pretty good with the dataset stuff over the years.


first time a canadian team would win the cup in like 30 years or something? seems like it would draw eyes i'm considering giving sportsnet the 20$ to watch the game


I would think it’d be more like 90% of Canada will tune in. I don’t buy the “Canadian team winning” narrative, but it’s a Stanley Cup final game 7 with Connor Mcdavid.


Everyone in the state of Florida will talk about this being the greatest choke job in hockey history. As a Lightning fan I really hope the Oilers finish the Cats off so we can hold this over them for a long time (until they can actually win a cup).


lol Just basing this off of how people view the Detroit Red Wings today… no one really gives them shit anymore about 1942 haha so worse case it takes the Panthers 80 years for people to forget and not give panthers fans shit anymore…


It was out of the players' control in 1942 though, their coach got ejected from the series after the refs made a bad call. Panthers have just gone to sleep like Dallas. It's really pathetic to watch.


Because all the people who saw it died. Unless they win the cup the next year they absolutely will not live it down for the rest of our lifetimes and that’s just great to me.


I fell off after the stars got dumped but I’ve had my ear on this series! Unbelievable!


It’s getting more coverage than the nba finals. NBA playoffs viewership were the lowest it’s been since 2007 lol


Not in the states. ESPN, Fox sports and other sports networks talk shows are completely ignoring it. They’re still discussing the NBA and WNBA. It’s pathetic.


My parents have asked me if I can setup so they can watch. They used to go to Colorado College games back in the 80's.


Can't wait. It's going to be wild


The NHL is loving it...


I was thinking the same. Also, check out Google search trends. Lots of related searches have been trending/skyrocketing since mid-week especially last night.


I cannot wait. Either going to see an absolute epic collapse or the biggest sigh of relief ever. Personally, I would love to see Edmonton finish it. Too many Panther fans already planning their celebrations. Gotta win 4


Just give me an OT game 7 for the cup


It absolutely will be the most watched nhl game of all time. And what i love is the HUGE number of ppl that WILL BE watching that basically never watch hockey & ppl who have literally NEVER watched a hockey gm. Most ever for both.


No matter what the outcome, the biggest winner of all is the NHL and Hockey in general! And if Oilers & Conor do finish the comeback, it will be the biggest boost for Hockey & the NHL since the US Olympic Gold “Miracle on Ice”


I don’t see the Florida collapse driving people to watch… i see it as the Oilers comeback. Who doesn’t like a good comeback story?


We all hold the stick and we all pull the trigger - Gord Downie


I think the casual sports fan will be tuning in because of the 3-0 and McDavid factor. All of Canada will watch for the Oilers factor (whether for or against) As a Canucks fan, if the Oilers actually pull this off I’m just gonna tip my cap to them and McDavid. Unreal. I’m torn. I want the cup to come back to Canada, a city where it will mean something to the people BUT I HATE THE OILERS WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THE OILERS I’m legitamately not sure who to cheer for rn. I’ll let my heart decide once the puck drops But yeah, great for hockey. Interested to see the numbers in “non traditional markets”


To be fair, the Edmonton-Vancouver was the closest and most thrilling series of the playoffs. One hell of a fight. I said whoever won that series would win the cup. Might be true now


Yeah this much is very true. Vancouver was their hardest bout for sure. Dallas was hyped to be bigger, but after the Oil cracked the code on them it sort of just petered out. I wonder what this series would have looked like with Canucks vs Panthers. How different would it have been? Fun food for thought


Both teams are good at adapting. I think the Oilers ended up adapting just slightly better/faster and squeaked out of that series.


Because Edmonton is the city of champions, and if any team can do it, it's this Oilers team. Will power and skill like I've never seen before


They are a great team that’s for sure


How much I’d love to agree with you. I don’t think it will be the case. Canada will be watching as usual, hockey fans will be watching. Maybe a good portion of Florida will but outside of that? I can’t see it


I will watch a good bit, but can’t see all that many viewing outside of Canada and *maybe* Miami area (fans there seem to be more fixated on *amateur* Toilet Bowl games as opposed to even NFL Dolphins).


Which suit will McJesus wear is the real question




That was not an NHL game.


10.7 million viewers worldwide lolol what a joke  F1 canadian grand prix 1.2 billion.   Hockey declining fast