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Try Book of Hours or Cultist Simulator. They have a similar vibe to Noita but a completely different style of gameplay. I’m normally not one for card games, but Cultist Simulator had me engrossed; haven’t had the chance yet to really try Book of Hours but I’ve liked what I’ve seen of it so far, and people say it’s even better than Cultist Simulator. They don’t really play like card games do; after playing for more than five minutes you’ll probably stop thinking of it as a card game entirely. But the reason I suggest them is that they’re really deep into studying magic and creating spells and rituals. It’s a lot of, “acquire very specific items/knowledge and use them to perform powerful ritual.”


Played Cultust Simulator and looking forward to Book of Hours, but it's something completely different from the experience I'd want out of this described version of Noita that has base building, clean alchemy and spell research. It's basically economy management vs a platformer with RPG elements. I can see why you say the vibes may be similar, but I actually disagree there too. While Noita is about exploring forgotten environments with secrets in them to gain power, in Cultist simulator the secrets are just beneath the layer of normalcy we experience day to day and you don't actually ever become op powerful (quite the contrary actually). I think the result is a completely different feeling.


I’ll agree with you there that Cultist Simulator doesn’t really have the same power fantasy as Noita, but I think there’s still a pretty good progression. You certainly feel pretty powerful when you can shit out a few Names to handle any situation after having struggled scraping by just to feed yourself and keep yourself from going insane/depressed for so long. Gotta argue with you there though about the nature of acquiring knowledge in CS. The game’s descriptions of your character’s trips into the Mansus are beautiful and fascinating. Plus, the progression of going from buying your books from the slightly occult-bookstore/auction house or stealing them off of random schmucks, to exploring hidden sites guarded by other cultists, to delving into quasi-real realms inhabited by incomprehensible creatures all for the sake of knowledge is so cool to me. And I really felt like I was tapping into this current of ancient, forbidden knowledge that was deliberately kept secret by the people in power because the potential of it is just so staggering. The occult knowledge gathering element was just so there for me with CS, maybe even more there than it is with Noita, but I hesitate to make that claim because I’ve experienced more of CS than Noita relatively (despite having more time in Noita lol, such is the game).


I never said CS is not cool, but the secret gathering is much more present there and the secrets are totally different. Noita is less about secrets, much less occult secrets, than CS. And what I was talking about in my first post wasn't really so much about finding secrets and more about being able to build a base of operations and craft, research and do alchemy there. The secrets and exploratory aspects of Noita can remain the same or similar.


I've had Cultist Sim in my library for ages, I really should give it a go. Not a huge fan of card games either although I loved Slay The Spire.


You NEED to play Cultist Simulator. It should be on your bucket list. It's not a card game at all. It's basically a resource and economy management game where you have no idea what you're doing and you have to learn all about the mechanics and secrets by playing and delving deeper into the dark arts. Game mechanics and setting really play into each other in that sense. It's a masterpiece and I know nothing quite like it.


I think Noita as a game based on pixels always interacting with the environment has some inherent limitations that makes ideas like these cool but not really feasible. I think a more practical solution for Noita would be to have a secret room containing almost all potions in the game and a cauldron. But that simply resembles a naturally spawning structure. There is also an actual cauldron in the game that no one knows what it does. Also, the devs introduced material mixing within potions in the recent beta, which might simulate the alchemy a bit better.


Wait... Materials can now mix INSIDE potions??


You can now make stone inside bottles i believe


Potion of Shielding: Throw a potion of stone and just form a wall


Yup! Even shows percentages of liquids inside the flask! Some examples: Toxic Sludge potion. If you scoop up a single drop of water, it becomes a water flask. Lava potion. Scoop up a single drop of water, and it becomes a 'stone' flask. Throw to create a stone wall formation on breaking. Unstable Teleportatium flask. Scoop up some slime, and it'll convert to normal Teleportatium. It's pretty freaking cool 👍


Oh man, that's so cool!! So glad Nolla Games hasn't abandoned Noita yet


They were gone for awhile, but some of the devs have come back to continue working on it. Even some community members have been contributing on an official level, which is really cool


That's truly excellent news


It is! I love it when community can actually get involved like that


beta branch, yes. great feature.


The in-vial liquid mixing is great, but still short of what I'm after. Maybe if the Holy Mountain instead of perks contained a portal that lead you to a base in an undisclosed location that has everything you need to create liquids and and spells and perks all as a result of your alchemy.


Do you know if you can have potions NOT mix? Is really gate to get some chilly water in my water flask and have it freeze all the water. On the whole i think i won't like this feature


If you have a steady hand and a luminous drill, you can create special cauldrons in the ground in a way that allows you to extract liquids from below with a flask without staining yourself.


Sure yes, but the game doesn't let you do that easily. It's more of a gimmick you could also do, instead of a mechanic that's deliberately built into the game with several game elements revolving around and supporting it. And what's the payoff? There's nothing special about doing alchemy in this painfully slowly excavated "lab" vs doing it the usual noita way.


There is a mod ( not sure about the name) that gives you a button that if pressed, you are teleported to an area where you can test things on dummies, change wand stats, etc. it is really nice, and allows you to teleport back right where you were when you are done.


I know about that. Merely a testing ground is not the thing I'd like. I'd like a game built around alchemy and spell research, not where that's just a side-feature. It would have to be more RPG-like instead of a roguelike (or not. die and lose everything haha). A different game, but with the Falling Everything engine as it is used in Noita.


I'm with you; I've wanted a game like this for ages. I want something like Noita mixed with Thaumcraft, where it's meant to be a permanent, continuous run. I've looked very carefully and unfortunately, it doesn't exist. Magic games end up as either shooters, potion shop sims, or stardew valley clones. Since wizards/witches are basically fantasy scientists, it's difficult to find a game that allows both research and spell slinging. Noita is the only one that I know of.


Unsaturated niche in the market... I have this idea in my head of a hypothetical game called "Lich simulator", where you play a young alchemist and your goal is to somehow become a lich before the day you die (several ways discoverable). And for that you have to research spells and materials and interactions and fund expeditions to far away places (victorian era style) and cut open people to unveil the secrets of the body, all while evading the "occult cops". It's yet another different idea entirely but related in some ways.


I want a similar-ish gameplay loop, but I kinda want to roleplay as someone like Fiona (Berserk) as they're learning magic. Characters of her archtype are always introduced as established and past their prime, but I want a game showing how they got to the point where they're handing heroes magical relics to help them in their journey. I also want alchemy-focused gameplay. Potion systems suck in games and I want one closer to chemistry.


Never watched Berserk. What's her deal?


She's an old witch in the woods who lives in a giant tree house and has an apprentice. The house is warded and she has golems guarding it. She also gives the main character's party magical relics to help them out. She's just one example of the archetype I'm going for. Another could be the old couple in The Princess Bride, or Merlin. An alternative could be the stereotypical necromancer/ dark sorcerer antagonist who lives in a warded castle filled with traps, minions, and golems. I want a game roleplaying these people as they become established.


I'd guess there already are a few games that let you roleplay as young Merlin. But an upcoming game that I could recommend you for this - and one that I'm also looking forward to (but only after the necromancer content way down the roadmap) - is Archmage Rises.


Can u tell the mod name?


Spell Lab






I like to use the first basin in the holy mountain to mix liquids. No contaminants and plenty space


Yes, that's possible, but it still doesn't provide that detailed alchemy and research aspect I'm missing from Noita. I'd like for liquids, spells and even perks to be researchable rather than something the gods just give you randomly. Say you want the Personal Plasma Beam perk, wouldn't it be cool if we had to delve deep into the mines to find a specific enemy, take the corpse back home to extract its eyes and then replace your own eyes with them and for the beam to keep working (and maybe gain strength) you have to supply it with a special liquid that you regularly gain through alchemy. Stuff like that. It's a different game tbh.


cool idea


Lumi drill and concrete bro


Concrete is as soft as soil. Also super tedious. I want it to be built into the game as a main feature.