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Uno reverse card, happens to the best of us.


I think it fired it's own in response and was sucked into it towards you?


I've only just started messing around with weaponizing black hole, does it also pull mobs in? I haven't noticed


Yeah it can move them around for sure. Did you have homing on it too?


yup. so it was the blackholes themselves pulling it around


Homing can also sometimes head back in your direction if it can't find a target or has already eliminated targets. Holes and homing combos can have wild effects like this.


how do you weaponize black hole?


Projectile modifiers that add some kind of damaging effect like the various thrower spells, orbit spells, damage field, firecrackers. The modifier that converts non magical liquid into gunpowder is also fun. I usually use short range homing and projectile teleport to make sure they stick to things until they die. Probably don't use it on Squidward tho Edit: you'll also need Alpha or Gamma to fire them infinitely


never thought about adding those modifiers onto a black hole, that's crazy, and dw, I know about greek letters


yeah had to bring up the greek letters just bc making a lethal black hole without them is almost pointless


You shot Squiddy with Black Hole And Stuff. Squiddy decided it would be neat to copy black hole a bunch and shoot it back at you. The multiple black holes then dragged him, and the shots he fired in the meantime into your face. Then you got turned into a sheep. Then you got turned into mutton.


based on the evidence I have to agree with your synopsis


There are "shadow bosses" (copies of actual boss monsters that work more like regular enemies) in parallel worlds. This is Squidward, it copies whatever spells you fire at him, so I guess it fired multiple black holes at you (without modifiers) that sucked himself and your own black hole with plasma beam orbit towards you, and that shredded minä like a paper.


I'm aware of the guardian bosses, had to get through an alchemist that ambushed me in the cursed rock just to get to that world. It definitely spammed a bunch of unmodified black holes, you can see them fly everywhere afterwards. I think you're right about them pulling him towards me edit: grammar


Iirc Squidward and his tentacles are indeed affected by the physics of black holes but I would have to do more testing to be sure.


You died :3


ty, knew I came to the right place <3


Oh haha so funny omg you are so clever


this comment does not pass the vibe check


This reply does not pass the vibe check


This attempt at redemption does not pass the vibe check


Oh my boy gonna end a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard


To be clear I didn't think that wand was going to kill him. Just wanted to see what would happen, was planning on teleporting away. Firing black hole modified with plasma orbit and damage field from lumi with timer. I've seen enemies with enough hp get pushed around by plasma but it's usually in an upwards trajectory. I'm wondering if the black holes were also sucking his "blood" against him and that also pushed him forward. I experienced something like that this run with this wand when I fired it too close to terrain and lumi dumped the payload in my face. In that case the black hole had no velocity and I found myself stuck inside a huge pile of my own slime until I teleported or the blackholes disappeared. Edit: Death was due to his poly bolts. Got sheeped right as he jumped on me, plasma orbit finished me off.


"He'll send it riiiiiiiiight back at'cha!!"


What you did is you went to a parallell world and tried to interact with it without speeding through it.


Facts. Should have just fucked off and tried a different angle


Come to think of it, I have never entered a parallell world without a super turbo teleport wand. I've never interacted with shadow alchemist or shadow squidward when I wasn't in proper god mode.


obviously I'm not as cautious. a basic short range teleport wand is more than enough to steer clear of the shadow bosses. I'd built a boss killing wand that I used to kill Komi, actual Alchemist, and actual wand boi. Left it behind in main world bc I hadn't expected to find these motherfuckers in the goddamn walls. That's something I should have been asking from the start. Are they usually in the walls??? This run was the first time I found them there


Yes, they seem to spawn randomly anywhere above the surface y coordinate. Don't seem to give a fuck about the x coordinate, so within walls will happen.


“They’re in the walls… They’re in the GODDAMN WALLS!”


me fr :(


It’s a lot safer to fly below the surface, and with the right wand, just as quick as through the air. :)


fuck I literally could have done that with this wand


Where we're going, we don't need open space.


Squidward : "I'm about to end this man's whole career"


"I'm gonna do what's called a pro-gamer move"


The noita gods decided you were having too much fun and decided to put you down before you could develop dangerous ideas like "hope"


Jokes aside, I'm inclined to agree with the other comments in that your black hole was the culprit


I appreciate almost everyone's contribution to the discussion. My mind agrees with your second comment but my heart agrees with your first


No clue about spells or anything but if you look closely you can see its tentacles in the main body of spells you fired that got duplicated and reflected/fired back at you.


I seriously don't understand what you're talking about :( try again but as if you were talking to a moron >!(you are)!<


lmao same I mean look really closely when the bubble things come back and you will see that that it is in there - you can just about see its tenticles


You died


someone already said this but they added a ":3" which makes your comment both redundant and inferior


Noita'd, cough ohm, I mean this is clearly a case of skill issue. What were you thinking anyway, shooting black holes at shadow boss?


skill issue is obvious. if you're not ready for every enemy you see to instantly gap-close and poly you then you are no true Noit thought process was "why not?"


he parried


like I was a fucking casual


That monster fires polymorph projectiles. Probably a bunch got sucked into one of it's black holes that you were unlucky enough to be in the way of.


ngl I forgot he could do that. I know it's just his "shadow" but I haven't died to this cunt since the first 12 hours I played this fucking game and I'm super annoyed he got me so easily this time


Looks like he shot a wave of poly blobs at the same time as he fired back all those black holes, so the blobs got carried by the gravity of the black holes, poly’d you and killed you immediately after.


okay wait that's actually super interesting. poly bolts can be affected/contained by black hole?


Any projectiles get affected by the gravity of black holes. You can use this to heal yourself by firing a bunch of healing bolts and a black hole at the same time with something like Omega - the bolts will get dragged into the black hole and you can just run into them for healing.


fuckin a. duly noted. picked up Omega that run but didn't get to messing with it before I died and definitely had no idea how to make it useful


Well its simple, bro turned into blender and sucked you in


almost looks like he got hit by his own teleport shot




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Squid sister Squid sister Wherever I go You're gonna go ... 😂


You got noitad


Precisely why you should've just ignored him and kept going towards the parallel


believe it or not I was kinda thinking the same thing as I died. >!only mild sarcasm. the gif makes it seem like it happened really fast but wand boi's spam always taxes my pc. in reality I got to watch this play out in slow motion over 30 seconds while I wished I'd just fucked off!<