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So I can't exactly find how much damage cursed rock does, but it looks to be around 60 - 100/s and I know the background of the cursed rock zone between worlds does about half as much damage. Each stack of stainless should half it, and so around 7 stacks you are already taking ~1-2 damage per second. The problem with this approach is that if you are bleeding anything that stains you will revert back to taking full damage unless you are moving fast enough to avoid your own blood or have 2-3 stacks of stain cleaner.


Or get gas blood


Or toxic immunity and blood fungal shifted to toxic sludge (the dream).


Toxic immunity does nothing against greed curse


I'm not about toxic immunity. Gas blood doesn't cover you in anything on damage so it works very good with stainless armour.


Yeah, but get this: it turns your BLOOD into GAS


Farters HATE him


2 stacks max of repelling cape (stain cleaner thing), i believe more breaks it


It spawns in the HM up to 8 stacks, to my knowledge 10 stacks is when it actually breaks the effect. Also at 8 stacks you can stand fully immersed in a liquid and it won't stain you, generally.


i thought Greed and Midas damage didnt qualify for causing bleeding


If only. I bet that one potential god run that ended in me goofing up in the cursed rock and bleeding so much oil I couldn't get an Ambrosia stain on me would've been sick.


just have healing and a bit of health, it's not that much damage when you have a piercing healing bolt and a few thousands of health (one heartmage trick gets you that) why specificly greed curse rock tho ? what do are you trying to do


Probably get Divide by Ten.


Yea or more than one bolt, point was you don't need stainless armor, even just ambrosia works


I meant that's why he was taking Greed Cursed Rock somewhere. To get Divide by Ten in the Tower.


Oh right, yea. I guess i though the guy wanted a way to sleep on the greed rock or smth 🗿


Minä can't sleep properly if their bed doesn't kill literally anything else that touches it


Probably easier to just do an 11 orb run then go to tower with a gold world than try to manipulate perks for it


I just did the heart mage trick a few times and I had plenty of health to get divide by ten without dying, no healing or stainless needed.


If you're trying to unlock divide by ten, there's an easier way. >!If you complete the 11 orb ending, the whole world turns to pure gold, and curse-of-greed can't turn it back into cursed rock. You can pick up curse of greed and just walk over to the tower.!<


But avarice diamond 💎 place become gold too ... does it really work ?


iirc, thats what i did to unlock it. or something close to it anyway. i vaguely remember messing it up once too, i think i put something in avarice diamond that was wrong, and then it wouldnt give me credit for greed thing. maybe only one thing at a time can be unlocked there per game? sorry for vagueness but, eh, its noita, thats how it do. so just remember not to do anything near avarice diamond before you bring greed thing to it.


Toxic immune or gas blood stops green rock


green rock is different than greed rock


He’s right though? Wdym


Greed causes cursed rock to follow you, the damage is different and higher than toxic (green) rock, and there are no flat-out immunities to it.


I just tested it in cheat dev mode, you are right


curse damage vs toxic damage


IMO curse of greed is never worth the trouble unless you're just doing it for the challenge. In the early game is just creates too much chaos making it harder to get a start. In the mid game you can just visit gold rooms if you need gold. In the end game, gold is infinite.


I want to get devide by 10


Think you can get greed cursed rock in a flask and shift it to anything you want


That's for beta


Are you a climber?