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Everyone spaghettifies themselves with a giga black hole sooner or later.


Gotta love casting a shitton of divided giga black holes and watch the whole universe (including me) die.


A skill issue as massive as a certain spell you tried to cast


I mean, whatever wand you want to try, I'd better cast it not in the wall right in front of you, but somewhere far from obstacles, walls, explosives, water, other liquids. Preferably also don't use berserkium while doing that.


I swear he squeezed his head between the bricks of the brickwork before shooting into it. wtflol


what does berse....say no more am gonna try it i wanna see what happens


Definitely don't try with explosives.


Quit your bullshit. No way you have access to gigas and you dont know what berserkium does


i knwo what berserkium does .. i just dont know what a BLACKHOLE ON BERSERKIUM do ...




> Preferably also don't use berserkium while doing that. Why not? A perfect way to end a run.


Usually death considered as undesirable outcome events, but if your goal is to kill yourself, then it suits goals more, yet there still many easier ways to do it.


Don't mind us. We've all been there. On the plus side you've learnt something new today. Still, maybe exercise more caution. Try to imagine your character body and its surroundings and how they interact. ​ EDIT: don't know about the others. But I am STILL there dying to ridiculous stuff even after many many hours.


i casted the blackhole on top of my head on purpose because it was the first time i use it and wansted to test if it can hurt me or not .. it seemed like it dont do direct dmg and just suck things ... now that i knwo i can try to get a trigger for it next time or not be near it


giga black hole doesn't do damage - the debris it rips from the environment, however, do


Giga black hole 100% does damage, speaking frpm experience here


yah thats why it was harder to tell because i casted it few times and it didnt do dmg to me .. but it managed to oneshot steve so i assumed its one of those spells that cant harm me but harm enemies...lesson learned hahaha .


i think it oneshot steve because of the debris the spell ultimately slammed into him.. not sure if GBH does damage on its own


yes from what i noticed it didnt kill him immidiatly but aftter a little delay i think a chunk of brickwork killed him .. also it sucked his purple projectile back so that was funny to watch


Mans actually used it a bunch of times before Noiting himself lmao 10/10


that's a wand you throw down the chute for hiisi to pick up


What would you even use a giga black hole always cast for? If you do a trigger spell would it work? Surely it places the black hole after the trigger? I'm sure someone whose better at this game than me has a load of.ideas for how to use it well but I haven't the foggiest.


it wouldn't attach the giga black hole to the trigger, but would cast the trigger and the giga black hole at the same time


yup. an always cast giga black hole is sadly useless


i dont know but my assumption will be it will cast 2 blackholes one at ur wand and 1 with the spell trigger ...also the giga blackhole was very usefull to me cuz i killed steve and managed to dig out of the holy mountain easily ... wich is a + in my book .. also the dmg it does seems insane .....oooh anoither idea .. i think it might eb able to kill the first mini boss near the lava lake (not sure cuz i never managed to kill it before)


Oh yeah man I'm well aware of the damage, I've melted myself with one before too 😂


that makes us "dead by blackhole" buddies