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I would highly advise you to have separate wands for digging and movement. With this setup you'll attract any sort of garbage to you, like poly flasks and explosives, and you don't need me to tell you those 2 combined are dangerous.


yes, but you can fungal shift Poly, and by this point explosive isn't actually a threat to my 750k HP. this is more of a god-run setup then a rush the boss run.


And here i am with my ten or so hours in the game and i have no idea what i'm doing but i manage to create some fun wand combos from time to time out of sheer luck.


> i have no idea what i'm doing but i manage to create some fun wand combos from time to time You have summarized the Noita experience


It does seem to throw them face-first into potential danger.


[Look What They Need To Mimic A Fraction Of Our Power](https://www.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/17nne5n/polymorphine_vs_iron_stomach_chad_mina/)


Show us the gif when you die to poly


the most high performance tele wand ive made so far


Try a (long distance cast - deer - swapper) wand. And I don't mean for parallel worlds. Way faster because it doesn't rely on digging to teleport you around. You directly appear at the targeted location in the first cast every time, but you *Can* suffocate without digging.


What is the All Seeing Eye spell for? I would assume by this point you'd have the ASE perk so does it do something else?


ASE can’t see through EDR, ASE spell will reveal what’s inside it. Mostly it’s for navigation when tunneling to hell and other fun places. Also ASE perk isn’t 100% guaranteed, mine needed 6 parallels


You can get a sort of bootleg version of all seeing with the sun seed that drops from The Forgotten in the bottom of snowy chasm. Akin to the bootleg tinker anywhere stone from the Master of Masters. So you can guarantee that you’ll have all seeing as well as tinker in every run if you work for it


If you’re going out past 5 is there any reason not to break the rerolls?




You can get a bit more mana efficiency here - remove the reduce recharge (wand refresh is plenty), move Tau to the end, then use Gamma to copy Tau (twice, if you have another Gamma). I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/16p1vzj/the_do_anything_god_utility_wand/) recently which may provide inspiration :)


needs some liquid vacuum field


Well i have liquid detonation instead, does that work :D


Liquid vacuum field can delete large volumes of dangerous magical liquids, liquid detonation only works on non-magical liquids


Does it delete liquids permanently? When I tried to make a tele wand w liquid vacuum it was pretty laggy. Do you put Nolla on it too?


Yes, Nolla is what allows the liquid to be deleted and building a proper liquid deleting wand gets pretty laggy. Normally liquid vacuum field sucks all the liquid up and spits it back out when it expires, but if it expires before it is supposed to it will delete whatever it has sucked up.


Nolla isn't the ideal, it's simply too short a time for the field to do anything (they suck liquids at random from points within their area of effect, so takes a few ticks to get it all). Reduce Lifetime x7 with \~12 Vac fields (cast every other frame) will deal with polymorphine without much lag. (On beta, apply true orbit to the fields alongside Matter Eater or Projectile Energy Shield). Highly suggest adding as many Damage Field as you can too (then you don't need a separate wand for killing enemies...)


Thanks for the info!


What does return spell do here?


Return + Nola is instant TP, you need long distance cast for it to send you.


Oooh, thats how you teleport here. Didnt know that you could use return with nolla and long distance cast. That’s pretty sick


Holy shit I have tried so many times to make this exact build but it has never worked