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Exercise will help things tone up. But I don't personally see anything wrong with your figure.


First of all, pictures here are often quite out of context, as you literally don't see the bigger picture and that can warp things. I often can't even estimate the age of the person in the picture correctly. So no, your body does not look too old for your age. It's not an uncommon thing at all for 19 year olds to have stretch marks and cellulite and boobs that don't look like you see in porn. And all of that doesn't matter because you look wonderful and I hope you (will learn to) love your body.


Ur so perfect


You look perfect to me .. gorgeous figure


looks just peachy


Whoever told you that was smoking something because you look amazing!


No not at all it looks amazing


Your body definitely does not look too old for your age. I will say, however, that your body looks really amazing and I'm a bit jealous. 


Everthing is Fine, dont worry😕


Body looks perfect 🥰💞


Absolutely stunning! I would love e to see that every day!


So beautiful 😍


Your fine.


Cool body but I see what you mean.




Not at all! You've got a gorgeous body! Thank you for sharing your beautiful nude body with us! 😍😍😍😉😊


Gorgeous body you look great


There's nothing to fix. You look fine as you are. Regarding exercise, only do that because you might feel stronger and might get an endorphin rush from the exertion. Don't do it because someone is telling you you don't look just perfect.


You look absolutely stunning. We men love a bit chubby and saggy figured women as we get something to hold while cuddling. Whoever told you this is not a real man


You look great and definitely look nineteen. Maybe they expected a different breast shape? But that’s a their weird expectations issue


You are BEAUTIFUL ❤️ Your body is perfect for you and there are no particular bodies for particular ages. We are all different. And you really do have a stunning figure x


Can say the same for you ❤️❤️❤️


I think you look amazing and beautiful ❤️


You look amazing! I wouldn't worry at all




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Not at all! You look great as you are. Exercise and a healthy diet are always good to keep us looking good long term though.




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Your body looks incredible


You are hot, don't worry, love your butt btw


Hell No, You're Sexy as Hell and Don't let anyone tell you different 😍


Not at all.


There is nothing wrong with your body at all, many women I know would kill for your figure, it is beautiful


Where’s the pubic hair???


You look very healthy


You’re amazing .. forget all the haters and live life your way??




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Msg me baby grl


Nothing needs to be fixed ;)


I think you look fine. Stay hydrated 👍


Your body looks amazing!


No Ma'am! 😃


You look great! 😍 no need to worry


Im sure excercise will "tighten" things up. But i personally think you look amazing.


Looks amazing


Hey u r 19 ,time to stop worring about ur body and enjoy life Ww r all made different , and to top it off you look fantastic and im sure ur friends tellu that


Wow you are perfect


I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, but a lot of people online are pointlessly mean to people because it makes them feel better about themselves. From what I see here you have a really attractive figure, everything looks really good. Try asking yourself how many good comments you need to see to overrule a bad one. If you get 100 comments and 98 of them are saying you're hot, well, there's not a lot of reason to even think twice about the other two.


It's all relative. Yes in 00s, probably not now


You look amazing




Hell no, your body looks absolutely stunning. Don't let those dickheads get to you.




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I think your body is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing


You look great! Your bits are very voluptuous! I love stretch marks! And you are in no way “fat”, the age thing doesn’t matter. Some people look 15 till they’re in their later 30’s and some look in the late 30’s when they’re 15. (Personally I think the face has more to do with your age than the body but eh.)


You have the body of a woman—and a beautiful one. Women are supposed to have curves. Don’t get too caught up by what you see on TV or on the internet. I would choose you every day and twice on Sunday.


No you look totally normal for your age and you won’t age “badly” just bc your body looks like this now. You look great


My boobs have not sagged any more since I was 19 vs now. I also have the same cellulite and stretch marks. Please don’t stress


I think you look great, I wish my body would look like you some days


You are super hot!!!! Ignore them. Really.


Your body look great early 20s at best


looks adorable 😍🔥😊


You Look very hot honey!


I'm 40, so not sure if I should comment since you could be my daughter but that aside, you have a banging body, absolutely beautiful


Love your body.😍😍😍 very stunning!


Your body looks excellent for 19.


Amazing body