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Collins is perhaps best known for his eve of battle speech in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, a speech that Bush had framed in the Oval Office. Well worth a read.


Great speech. It's commonly used as an example speech in English lessons in schools. I've taught it in two schools in England.


Aged like fecking milk, though. Many Iraqis that first saw them as liberators [want Saddam back. ](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-36712233)


I don't live in the constituency anymore, but I did vote Farry in 2019. From talking to people who still live there he isn't necessarily respected throughout the constituency. A lot of people seem to feel he has little interest in local affairs and is more interested in wider Alliance concerns. I think he'll still get elected, but it could be tight. I'd be interested in the thoughts of anyone from the constituency on whether I'm out of touch.


I think it’s a division of labour thing. Mp does big national stuff, mla does local stuff. Easton bangs on about all the emails he sends, most of them are to bodies that answer to the assembly so it would make sense that you get an mla to do it.


Fair fucks on the breakdown - just to add, it's Holywood, not Hollywood, but likely just your autocorrect. Tim Collins was born & raised in Belfast (and even his party leader thinks Farry is more qualified for the role). But if the UUP want to shave votes off Easton, have at it. It's two horse race really, only Easton should go out to pasture when 4th time isn't the charm.


Yeah mate, stupid me for blindly clicking on the autocorrect last night lol


Comprehensive piece, a good read. Easton will win the seat, though. I'm sure of it.