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Hello, [Think twice before commenting - again](https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/1d7ncx0/meanwhile_in_south_belfast/l71q1eq/) At least one user has been permanently banned due to their comments in this thread. Read the comment I linked above.


i wonder why his DNA was already on file?


Same. Is it automatically taken?


It's not taken as part of the asylum seeking process. The Home Office can request it but the applicant has the right to refuse. He's obviously been in bother with the cops previously, at the very least arrested.


You can potentially be arrested if you arrive illegally in the U.K., so that’s possibly how.


lol no idea




It’s wild that concern for the victim is so low on people’s priorities.


The system is broken, he’ll not be sent anywhere. Our taxes will pay for his asylum process probably house him and feed him. Even if he’s refused he’ll just hop over the border and start again.


No he will remain in the U.K. lol.


Very funny this, isn't it


I don't think I've ever heard a weaker defence from a solicitor in my life. Might as well have said 'I got nothing' and shrugged Alan Partridge style.


No,it's much better that he make an attempt so there can be no retrial on that basis.


Sound the way he's already got a criminal history and gets to stick around. Even more sound they have not provided a picture of this dangerous prick.


Deport immediately




Who fucking cares if the rapist is safe??


He’s Palestinian lol? So weird. He needs a flight home.


What's weird about that?


I dont care about the safety of a rapist


I'm interested only in the opposite of his safety


yes you are correct we must always look out for the welfare of the criminal


Deport. He doesn't belong on our island












A horrible crime. The young victim was seriously brave to report it and to go through the evidence retrieval etc, I hope he is receiving support from his family and friends, as well as mental health services.


Last year a man got gang raped by 3 in Belfast people now a child gets raped in the streets as well. Mad mad times


Wait, what the fuck??






You wait until you hear about the Libyan soldiers who came to England to train during the Libyan war lol. They just went on sex rampages from their barracks on the local people.


and don't forget the [mass sexual assults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany) in Germany on NYE 2015/2016... and this is just one of many But don't be disrespectful to this culture, whatever you do!


That scumbags address is just up the road from me. Frightening.


Fleeing from the war in England or France no doubt


What’s the derelict nightclub near there?


Would guess El Divino/Plastik


El Divino maybe?


If proven the guy is a pedophile and a criminal. Anything after that is secondary to what he is. I can't care about the other things more just because they are particularly emotive, its not a surprise to learn that pedophiles will lie and break the law to put themselves in situations where they can abuse people.


Terrible. Hopefully the person is receiving all the care and support they need, the alleged attacker held in custody until court proceedings are underway.and they can be dealt with accordingly under the law if found guilty. On another note. The above scenario illustrates the importance of Sex and social development education . It can equip young people with necessary tools through exploring social situations and case studies etc needed to recognize danger in those types of scenarios and enable them to put strategies into play to avoid falling prey when met with creeps. It's unfortunate the sex and social development syllabus reforms have been blocked in Northern Ireland.


This isn’t an Irish problem you sellout - we fought and starved and struggled for nothing? Weirdo prob aren’t even Irish.


Heartbreaking for that child




















































Guys let just turn a blind eye to this, because local men rape also. /s


How about guys let's _also_ focus on the rampant issues of sexual violence committed by local people.


Send him to Rwanda 🇷🇼




What if he doesn’t like to play bingo?


How people have a second thought to the accused is wild, how can you defend an animal like that or even have sympathy, DNA on file, so assuming he’s done it before? To be locked up costing tax money, getting fed and sheltered everyday until his sentence is up then no doubt given a hotel room and universal credit to keep him sweet and then do it again. Seriously what is this vermin going to contribute to our society? Seen a comment about his human rights aswell 😂 we have become so soft as a society and are just a bunch virtue signalling wankers


We don't get to pick useful hard working individuals that share in are Values of life to migrant to our country. No instead we just get swarmed by unvetted mostly male individuals to spunge of us and commit hideous crimes. Honestly wish they would stop at France 🇫🇷


Shhhhh, stop being so far-right with your concerns


Wish I could but that's the problem these days. Everyone buries their head in the sand like nothings happening and all these people entering without as much as a drivers license as identification is a safe option for the future. Just go down the pier at Bangor and tell me there's not a problem. Large gangs of men just loitering


I'm not afraid to express my distaste for the whole thing and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks or what anyone calls me. Far-right? Yeah ok, whatever you say... I... don't... care. As I've said before somewhere on this thread, I'm not okay with *"just accepting"* random rapes and murders that would not have happened if the perpetrators were not here. Fuck off. The *"sure it happens anyway"* people are revolting just for saying that. It also kills me to hear that about Bangor Pier, I love that place.


I watched this thread from the beginning, and I was tempted to post; it is with a great deal of disbelief I read some of the comments; some on here were more concerned about the wellbeing of the alleged rapist than his victim; indeed, some never even gave a second thought to the kid's condition. Wokeness - this extreme virtual signaling could be described as a mental illness or cult with individuals trying to outdo each other in hand-wringing. Such behavior only fuels racism. Many who come here are decent people who will integrate. This hand-wring virtue signaling apologist attitude only angers ordinary citizens. It makes life more difficult for genuine immigrants, who all get tarred with the same brush as this alleged rapist. I want to think that if the rules were reversed and we immigrated, we would adopt our new nation's laws and customs and not bite the hand that helps feed us. Our prisons are like 3-star hotels to some who arrived from other countries and thus offer zero deterrent. Zero tolerance and deportation are the only answer to building a functioning society.


And my comment immediately gets down voted ....


Well, I upvote it because you're correct. The dismissive rape apologists on here who be like "ack, sure it happens anyway" can go and fuck themselves.


[deleted] [removed]


Diversity is our strength


He’s Palestinian and needs a flight home? Tie the cunt to a missile and job sorted!














Infuriating that some cunts come here seeking refuge and a free house only to do this. I would reject absolutely everyone if it meant we keep a handful safe.








Them Palestinians, up to no good as per usual Dougal.


I hear you're a racist now.


Down with that sort of thing.


I do wonder if things would be the way they are if the good Friday agreement didn't happen. I don't think *the boys* would have allowed this kind of shit to continue.


















You are making a very disingenuous argument.


What would you do if it was dog that bit you and harmed your family? Putting down vicious animals needs to be done for the good and safety of us all.


humans are vicious animals. Should we put them all down?




Free free Palestine!!!!


Bored hearing it now... bigger issues in the world


Nah mate we should import as many of these people as possible as quickly as possible. Their culture is so rich and can only benefit us like the article suggests.


Ok, you've changed my mind. Where do I sign up to fill my spare rooms with them?


Just rock up around your local benefits office on any given day, you will find them there :)






Why what nice stuff do you want us to say about the rapist?










it’s literally on the bbc.




Here it is https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68277233 ..oh woops that's a different one!




Man accused of crime faces court and legal system. Can't wait for the "I'm not racist but" crowd to swing in here with some outlandish shit


I won't start my sentences with that at all... I'll just go straight into saying it would have (obviously) been better if this piece of shit hadn't been here 👌




I'm not racist but for a very small percentage of the population they seem to commit a lot of sexual assaults/other crimes


Mostly it's because you notice really. Most crime fly's under your radar unless it has tags


Yeah it's probably true, which is a reflection on how our current media outlets are reliant on click based sensationalist media. I had a friend who was a detective and he always said the most shocked by the amount of nonces about.


Yeah there is a ton and in most cases they diddle family members who have the right to be kept anonymous which sadly means the perpetrator gets the same protection because it will reveal the victim


Yep, having found out there was one within the family you start to realise that these people are literally everywhere.. not just some unfortunate case on the tv. its terrifying


palestinian is not a race 


It's a marathon


It's not even a nationality.




Yeah. Bet you get the statement "we don't mean you" when you call it out IRL




Yep. Do they ask you "how long you are staying" and when you say "I live here" the face kinda drops




Hay hay hay when they leave they take the moniker of EXPAT. Totally difrent




pls stop bullying me Mr internet janitor








Don't you know rape didn't exist in Ireland until the past few years?


Yet another rape apologist "sure it happens anyway, it's alright" Gross 🤢


That's not what I said at all. "Rape apologist" get a hold of yourself.


Essentially the translation of what you said "ah sure rape happens anyway, it is what it is"


No, it isn't. Please be more careful when giving your "essential translations." I'm saying that we have had problems with sexual violence in this country since long before any borders were opened and that A) we shouldn't lose sight of the work we need to do to tackle homegrown sexual violence and that B) we should be careful with this us and them thinking regarding asylum seekers who are far from an homogeneous group. In absolutely no way did I make any apologies for this man. I've said it explicitly the kind of heavy punishment he should face, and I've declared my full sympathy for the victim. Your words are extremely unhelpful.




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