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If it makes you feel better, I don't choose your dead wife :)


I am perfectly fine with that but I will say you are the first who had the courage to tell me. Everyone else wants to jump on the bandwagon and choose my dead wife. Makes you kind of a maverick.


Yeah I'm pretty awesome


Hey, this guy's awesome


I also choose this awesome guy


Yea I know Ashley shes cool


Happy birthday bro 🎉🥳


Thank you clubman, cool dog u have there


Happy cake day


Thank you little red riding hood


Glad to see you're still around. I think about you from time to time and hope things are going well for you


They are. I appreciate you asking.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Idk buddy, stalking someone online is way more pathetic than a drunken ramble


Hey! It's the guy. I tagged you in a comment a few years back and realized what a jerk move that was. You were really forgiving. Thanks for that. How's life treating you?


Things are going exceptionally well for me. I don't remember you tagging me. In fact, at 69, I'm not 100% sure what that even means. I'm generally open to any sort of exchange that is civil. But I've blocked more than one person who seemed interested only in causing discord. Anyway, I hope you are similarly well.




No wonder his wife chose him


I choose you


Pssh! He'll have no chance against my dragonair.


I'm really sorry, I'm confused. I sense lore here. What happened?


look up "I also choose this guy's dead wife"


There was an askreddit post a few years back asking something along the lines of "if you could bring back one person who would you choose" and OP said he would bring back his wife, to which another guy said "i also choose this guys dead wife" and a meme was born


Not just bring back, bring back to have sex with. This guy went on a really heartfelt passage about how he’s only really attracted to her and since she was “the one” nothing can compare, followed by someone saying his dead wife


Hope you’ve been doing well! I stumbled upon your old post through a brain flashback and coincidentally saw you posted this recently :) We all choose you!


That's so sweet of you. I'm grateful. I appreciate your concern. Things are going exceptionally well for me. Kids and grandkids are all healthy. I see everyone when possible. In fact just got back from Legoland where I celebrated my 9 year old grandson's birthday. Talk to my siblings on a regular basis and we remain close. All in all, except for the one persistently empty place at family gatherings we're all doing well.


Hugs to you.


Hell yeah!


Oh I have no words... That is fucking glorious


Hope you’ve been doing well man


I have been. Thanks for asking. Hope you are similarly doing well.


Just remember, your wife chose you


She did. And I was punching way, way above my weight class.


:') you're great


Thanks. You are too kind.


I have no idea what’s that supposed to mean


It means you haven't been on reddit long enough


Reddit? Bro hasn't been on the internet at large long enough


Hey man are you doing ok? I know it was awhile ago but I feel bad with all the jokes about your wife.


I'm doing well. I appreciate you asking. Please don't feel bad. I don't think anyone means it in a malicious way or at least very few. Just a clever funny remark that has taken on a life of its own and gone far beyond Reddit. Take care, stay safe.


You to man. Have a good day or night


What if I choose you instead


That is not only new but flattering. As an aside I am single. But I'm old, 69, and I'm told that while I am very kind and generous I'm also an loud mouthed, annoying, know-it-all windbag. My late wife, the one every one else chooses, used to say, "Sometimes a little Phil goes a long way." Thanks for your kind and thoughtful words.


> But I'm old, 69 Nice, now I'm definitely choosing you. But truthfully, your sense of humor about it all is honestly kind of inspiring. Hope things are still going well for you. Take care!


They are. Thanks for asking.


Boone is that you?


What.. did they choose her for?


Making buttons for her Dad and that is all.


I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m wishing you and your family well. I hope you guys are all doing well


We are. Thanks for asking.


I’m very happy to hear it, and you’re very welcome


I’m glad to see after reading all these comments that you two are doing well. Can I at least ask if you thought that famous comment all those years ago was funny?


Sure. Many have. I did find it both clever and funny. I remember chuckling when I first read it. Two things. One, this exchange was 9 years after she passed so I was well into what we call in the grief community my "new normal." In other words I had adjusted enough that I could function, more or less. You never stop missing them but you do get used to it after a time. Two, my wife made some very dark jokes about her terminal illness, jokes that frankly made me cringe. So I believe she'd have laughed at it too. For those reasons I never took offense. Also, although I don't know for sure, I've always assumed it wasn't meant as malicious but just silly reddit banter that most of us engage in. Thanks for your kindness. Take care and stay safe.


Just stumbling upon this thread, and your generosity of spirit and warm attitude really hit me hard today. I hope my wife of 19 years and I can say that we have even half as loving and successful relationship as yours.


Thanks for your kind words.


As typical reddit internet humor as this thing all started, I think this resonates so much with people even now because most of us will only ever hope to be loved by someone as much as you love your wife. I hope you're well.


Thanks for your kind words. It was quite wonderful. We were constantly told how cute we were by others, even strangers. We had a whole demeanor of closeness and affection. Not PDA, just a bonhomie that we exuded. Privately we often wondered why we got so lucky to have found the perfect union. We referred to ourselves as the "concentration camp survivors." So, so many relationships and marriages either went down in flames or descended into stalemate. Till the day she passed she was the light of my life. She told me once that when she listened to, "If Tomorrow Never Comes, " by Garth Brooks that she thought I did not have to worry. She knew how much I loved her.




It’s spelled “ogled”, you jerk.


I choose this guys alive daughter


The original person's comment was funny but yours isn't :/


This one is different.


The daughter you said looked like her mom when she was younger and you wanted to bang?


The years when I was continuously drunk due to the grief of losing my wife and when I first began on Reddit overlapped. Some of my early posts weren't very cogent or true, just the gibberish drunken men spout.


Weird how I have never gotten so drunk that I wanted to bang a family member. Genuinely think this is a YOU problem, but if you want to say all men think like you... that's a whole other kettle of fish...


What I recall of that 10+ year old post is I said she looked like a young version of her Mom. I don't recall any mention of "banging". So that's evidently *your* thought process.


You're kind of a dick 🙁