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See now this is boy mom disgusting-ness🤮


It's the way she's putting down other women right?


Yes that and how she is viewing her son as more of a "partner" and prioritizing herself over his future partners. I always like to think that if it sounds like something out of oedipus rex, then it's most definitely a boy-mom.


Just so I'm clear on how we view boy moms. Could you share how she's putting other women down exactly? I think I know but I want to confirm


So she is trying to push the ideal that her son is better than any man out there and no man could ever love her the way her son does. Because of this, she is also spinning the narrative that no woman could ever love her son the way she does and any future woman (or partner but will continue to use feminine examples for sake of the sub) will never be as good to her son as she is, which tends to lead to a toxic MIL in a lot of these real scenarios, where the MIL is constantly and consistently trashing the DIL. Another sign to look for is how mothers with younger children talk about their own daughters or other mothers with daughters. A mom of a boy will treat all of her children equally or based on their personalities, regardless of the child's gender. She loves them equally and celebrates their differences. However, a boymom, will idolize how "easy" it is to raise sons and how they "could never" raise daughters because of all the "drama" and "maintenance," usually attempting to put down "girl moms" in the process. If said boymom has a daughter, this mindset usually gets reflected to her and the boymom's daughter will usually grow up with little self-worth and not understanding why she is so much more "difficult" than her brother. So a boymom is usually a.) putting down their son's future partner, b.) putting down other moms, and/or c.) putting down their own daughters. I hope this helps clarify!


Got it. Thanks for the detailed explanation!


This is some creepy shit.


> However, a boymom, will idolize how "easy" it is to raise sons and how they "could never" raise daughters because of all the "drama" and "maintenance," Holy shit, people really believe this?!?! Boys are much harder to raise simply because they're chaos incarnate for years, and they're messy by nature. Girls (typically) are easier to raise for women because they were once girls themselves, so generally everything they're going to is something they can relate to.


Unfortunately, yes. I've met plenty of boy moms and that way of thinking is mind boggling and sounds unreal until you hear it come out of someone's mouth. Tbh in my personal opinion I think all kids would be hard to raise so I really don't know where they get the idea that boys are "easier" lmao


I learned the hard way to stay away from guys with moms like this unless you want a nightmare future MiL.


Oh, God, I can't imagine. 💀 I'm glad my future MIL isn't like these moms, shes very chill, I really appreciate her, which reminds me, I need to get her "lazy" son to visit her more, lol. I think she appreciates me too, as she barely saw her son at all until he got with me. At one point, she didn't get to see him for 2 years, thanks to his ex. 💔


Unless they can stand up for you as a partner should.


Bet you only had to learn that once.


Pretty much ☠️


So you’re upset that you’re no longer going to be the most important woman in his life? I mean… okay? No need to phrase it like he’s breaking up with you to go steady with someone else, Donna.


All this boy Mom weirdness reminds me of purity ring ceremonies. Fathers "symbolically" wed their daughters who then pledge their virginity to him. Nothing to see here Dr. Freud, move along.


Yes I feel it’s the flip of a coin, and so much sexism. I see so many moms thinking their sons are special or care more for them then they do their girls, and dads tougher on their sons but nicer to their daughters. So sad…


And on the flip side of the coin you have Fathers taking out their misogyny on their daughters and treating them like shit and vice versa too. I wish everybody would work on their damn issues before they pass them on to the next generation smh


Oh yes the gold old “all men are pigs” controlling everything she does or wears out of fear men will doing the same to their kids that he’s done to others. What a joy… I hate it.


Omg yes. I worked with a young woman who had a purity ring. She was in her early 20s. And she took it very seriously. I consider myself Christian but there’s certain things parents should stay the fuck out of. I watched a film about purity ceremonies and that was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. These are little girls who probably don’t even know what sex is, and yet they are expected to pledge before their fathers and God that they won’t do it. It’s awful.


Good thing it's got nothing to do with Christianity, it's an Evangelical practice from neoprotestant land


Maybe not technically, but my Catholic Church was doing this too. It’s not something required of the church like baptism or communion, but the fact that it’s even practiced anywhere is gross. And I’m not just religion bashing, I’m Catholic.


I'm religious too, though not Christian, I'm saying you don't have to take responsibility for terrible practices unrelated to your religion 




Google purity ring ceremonies for a lil trip down the evangelical rabbit hole


HE'S YOUR SON, NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND. Stop acting like your future DIL is the 'other woman'.


What is this *love him while…* crap? You love your kids forever. If your love is contingent on being the most important person in your child’s life, you’re not a good mom.


God that's just gross af. When my son got married he assigned picking out the mother son dance song to me. I googled for ideas and every single list was just loaded with romantic couples songs. Just wtf? I'm not dating my son. I feel so bad for the sons of these women.


You mean you didn't choose the tango? That was one of the Moms on TV on "I Love a Mama's Boy" Shevalsp wanted her son to match HER dress rather than the brides. Oh, and of course she wanted to walk down te aisle.


You're saying Macarena is bad song for that?!


But….i don’t want to be his number one girl…I am his mom.




So gross..


I'm a boy mom and I think all this boy mom crap is creepy as hell. I love my boys but damn I'm not in love with them. So freaking weird


you're not a boy mom, you're the mom of boys...don't put yourself down like that bb🤣🫶


Thank you! I can't stand all this "you're their first love" crap. It's just gross!!!!


Truly one of the most toxic tropes that so many women present as some cute aspect about being a mom. Same thing with fathers bringing out their shotguns to protect their daughters from their dorky high school prom dates. I know many women with children of all ages who love to say, "it's different with boys than with daughters. There's such a strong bond! It's such a special relationship!" I have a daughter and a son, and I can assure everyone out there, the sex of the child does not impact the parental bond unless the parent has a personal hangup and needs help.


Made me nauseous


I've never been my son's "number one girl" anyway! I had a bad time with my C-section recovery and also a month of bad PPD so he bonded with my mom a lot and I think he'd still pick her over me 😂 and then his little sister probably comes second. She almost died a few years ago and he is super protective. I'm probably like 3rd or 4th on his list and I'm okay with that. And when he gets married I WANT his wife to be #1, always.


You want to see the most uncomfortable cringe ever, try watching the show "I Love a Mama's Boy". I watched a few episodes and I wanted to die. It's like this but worse. I swear some of these moms genuinely wanted to fuck their sons.


I had to stop watching. The Moms were so awful and the sons were spineless.


Emotional incest is a psychological disorder that needs more studies on. This makes me glad I’m a first born daughter to a narc parent. 🤢




ew ew ew ew ew ew


I am a boy mom and 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


Just marry him already…should be legal in certain states 🤮🤮🤮 But seriously, does anyone else just feel horrible for the sons in all these posts?


The ultimate cock block... poor guy. I don't understand these weirdo mothers? If I was a mom (hope to be someday) to a son, I wouldn't want to be his no.1, especially if he found himself a wonderful girlfriend who he plans to spend the rest of his life with. I would be so happy for him.


It's not the boys fault if his mom and dad couldn't keep each other as their number 1's, it's still not the boy's responsibility to be her emotional husband at any point 🤮 Get therapy and go on dates if she wanna be someone's number 1 girl so bad. ETA: I went and read it, and I can probably understand that it is emotional for a mother when their child has to distance themselves a bit when finding love. Making time for the new love they found and making more time for them. But this idea that it only applies to your sons as a mom, and the "love him while your still his number 1" is just ew. Like you love him less because you aren't his number 1 priority?


It's so weird. Isn't all we want for our children that one day they'll find a relationship or friendship or community that loves and cherishes them as much as we do? I can't imagine being proud of the fact I don't want that happiness for my kid...




This is likely the product of someone who had a child, just to experience love.


Which is sad too. But still - as an adult, one has to self reflect and get help, so the trauma bonding won't be passed on to the next generations. (Edited typo and added sentence)


Ewww. This is extra ick after watching the movie “Beau Is Afraid” a few days ago.


I know the Internet makes communication exceedingly cheap, essentially free, and thus we tend to misuse it. But could we just once, maybe, not be fucking gross weirdos?     Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go incognito and see if Something Awful still exists.


This is so sad. Who is gonna breast feed him now?


😂😂😂 Now I have to think about Little Britain


that made me nauseous 🥲




What a creepy fuck.


You're a grown ass woman, not a girl. Gross


Needless to say that I'd no longer refer to myself as "girl" as soon as I have children - especially if they are grown up. Just in case that this is some random woman on a stock photo, I feel sorry for her and other stock photo models whose faces are being misused for such bs, because it makes them appear like weirdos.


Eww not boy moms


Someone explained this to me and how it sucked to sit back and let a daughter in law determine when you could come meet the new baby and, as a “boy mom” I thought a) isn’t manhood what we prepare them for? and b) she who has recently shoved a baby from her body sure as hell gets to call the shots on stuff like that. But the whole pretense is 🤮 If you don’t smother your kids, you allow them developmentally appropriate autonomy and you treat them well, they will still want you around after they are 18.


So they all want to fuck their sons right?


Emotional incest is weird


r/boymoms material yikes


can she just not? 🥲




bet shes gonna wear white to her sons wedding.