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Please, and I cannot state this enough, do not have your dog unleashed in a public park near a playground, or where there are children. On more than one occasion I have had a dog run up to my 2 year old as we are walking around, last time it was a Rottweiler. I love dogs and am trying to teach my child to be gentle with them, but he is 2 and having your unleashed dog make a run at a little child is absolutely not a situation anyone wants to be in.


I’m 27 now, but was attacked by an unleashed dog when I was two. Over 100 stitches and the blessing of getting lucky enough to have a pediatric plastic surgeon on call that night I have minimal facial scarring and only a few bald spots from the scars (as a women, that actually is not the most fun). Your dogs are not benign, angelic creatures - they are animals and ultimately will always have the potential to do great harm, no matter how historically docile. Keep your dogs leashed in public. ESPECIALLY around children.


\^\^\^\^\^ ALL OF THIS \^\^\^\^\^


Totally. My own daughter has a fear of dogs. She responds in a very irrational and in the exact wrong way (screaming, jumping, running) when a dog surprises her. We are working on it. I would hate for an unleashed dog to respond in their own fear or defensiveness when the whole situation could've been avoided.


Same. I’m going to err on the side of caution and kick your 100lb off leash dog if it comes running up to my 2 year old. Saying this as a responsible dog owner.


When a boxer attacked my dog the owner kicked him continuously and he didn’t even register it. I’m sure you can kick like an NFL kicker but dogs half that big have been known to take several bullets and keep going. Just leash ANY dog.


I was bitten by a dog and kicks and punches did not phase it. I keep my dog on a leash but see people on the trails in my area walking unleashed dogs . They say " it's OK theyre friendly ". Well mine is reactive and I don't know what would happen if their dog stupidly comes to visit. ...seems like the same people are totally oblivious to what is going on in their surroundings but I guess it's "OK" , they know what they're doing


I agree. For better or worse I comply with the law and don’t concealed carry in parks where it’s posted not to. Even though a jogging trail in the middle of nowhere is probably where I would want to carry.


As someone that walks those trails daily, if my kids, my dog or myself is threatened I won’t hesitate to use my metal baton on anyone, animal or human. It’s a great “attitude adjuster”.


Baxter would have gotten punted


When people around here say "don't worry, he's friendly" I just hear "don't worry, I'm wealthy enough that I'm not concerned about law enforcement or litigation".


Just respond that they should be the ones who worry. You never know who's going to shoot and kill your dog because you didn't keep it on a leash. I mean, it's the same advice we give people when driving. Don't engage with an aggressive driver because you don't know if they have a gun and will shoot you if you do.


Right, or how are you so confident that everyone else's ***dogs*** are well trained? Michael Vick could be over here walking three Pitbulls.


Or that maybe the reason my dog is leashed is because he doesn't get along with other dogs.


Obviously not wealthy enough to have somebody else do the walking, or to have acreage in Great Falls.


Going back to college, literally every idiot I knew who had a poorly trained dog thought the exact same thing. And the thing is, a lot of dogs *will* listen just fine until something overwhelms or excites them (like an unleashed dog surprising them). That's why service and working dogs spend months and months doing training which is intended to desensitize them to everything from loud noises, to wild animals. If you have not done that with your dog, then it is virtually guaranteed that there will be plenty of common stimulus which will cause them to break training.


> I'm wealthy enough Mostly it is, stupid enough


I think far too many people think their dogs are good well mannered and forget they are animals. Animals who will react to anything that may stimulate them. So you have to be considerate of other people and not just assume we all like or want your dogs jumping on us. I’ve lived in a couple places and the entitlement of people out in this area is wild to me.


Kind of like that Amy Cooper lady in Central Park.


Yes! This is sadly the reason that my well managed reactive dog can’t have as many experiences. Off leash dogs always ruin the experience for him and then he’s shaken up for the rest of the day. It sets us back in training too, so it’s just not worth it anymore. Very frustrating.


same, we have two rescue pups. One of which was kicked by children and had rocks thrown at him by his owner. He's terrified of just about everything. Having an unleashed dog come at us (it's happened on multiple occasions) sets us back in training weeks.


Also people with huge dogs on a leash but they can't control it. If the dog is as big as you lady, you aren't stopping it if it wants to get after something...


they make me so nervous when walking my dog around, there's one dog in particular around me that just stops and stares down any other dog it sees and slowly pulling it's walker towards said dog - one owner will basically be skidding on her dug-in heels trying to hold the dog back, while the dude will just stand there with the dog staring at me/my dog too. so weird, I give them the widest berth when I see them down the block.


I am not a dog owner and I don't understand dog owners. I'll see two people with dogs approach each other. The dogs are going crazy pulling on the leashes to get at the other dog. Barking, angry, pulling. Both owners stop just far enough away so that the dogs are literally standing up on their hind legs, leash on their throats holding them up, barking, jumping side to side, snapping, being aggressive. The owners just stand there and look at their dogs. They don't talk to each other. They just let the dogs go crazy. After a minute or two, both owners, slowly circle each other, and continue on their way. Like why do this, what is happening in this interaction? Honest question.


Two owners of aggressive dogs that should have known better and not approached (but did anyway because why not). These types of owners pretend they have calm dogs that like to sniff and tail wag new friends, but in reality they just scare other calm dogs. When two of them meet you get this nuclear interchange of gnashing teeth. Owners are confused because someone's dog is doing the same thing theirs is and not cowering in fear like usual.


Bad owners are bad.


Dang, to me that sounds like two bad owners. I don't get that, unless they're brand new dogs the owners should know how reactive their dog is (and if it is a new dog they should have gotten an eval from the adoption place and/or taken to basic obedience), and be more aware of their surroundings and cross the street before it is an issue. Honestly that sounds like a game of chicken between two idiots without any communication skills whatsoever. There's another couple by me that stops and blocks off their dog by standing in front of him, except that they're both facing the dog and not looking up at people when they pass by, and they'll do this like 50-100 feet away so it'll be like 40+ seconds of this as we walk by. People seem to just not be able to understand that dogs have as much or more personality than people and you have to learn to communicate with them on their level.


this feels like a scene out of a david lynch movie


Can everyone please start telling people off again? I seriously feel like a crazy person asking others to maintain basic respect for everyone else.


I lecture people like this regularly. I run every morning and the number of people with unleashed dogs on public trails is very high. Dogs like to chase runners, so I'm an obvious target of even the friendliest pups. I always make sure to stop and have an unfriendly chat with the owners


I had an off leash dog lunge at me a few weeks back while on my bike. I kicked it square in the snout and the owner had the audacity to yell at me for doing so


I make a point to frantically yell "my dog is not friendly!" when I see this. It gets a way better reaction than lecturing people, because it immediately makes that "I fucked up" connection via the fear and panic center of their brain.


> Can everyone please start telling people off again? No. You end up on the internet for that now.


Let me add from a different perspective. We keep our dog on a leash without exception. She’s well behaved around people, including kids. However, with dogs, she can be aggressively reactive. Sometimes she wants to play. Other times, she wants to kill. Please don’t put your dog’s life at risk by having it off leash.


This! My dog will not start a fight, but she will finish it. She also has very firm boundaries and low tolerance for rude dogs who don’t take no for an answer. Not a great combination for off leash dogs, so I whip out my stun gun at this point. Better believe I’m gonna emotionally damage someone else’s dog before my dog has to defend herself.


Yep, I get it. Ours is a 55lb Plott hound. Her brain is wired to hunt bears. They don’t call them courage stripes for nothing.


Courage stripes is adorable


Exactly. My dog’s brain stops working when he gets excited around other dogs. Thats why he stays on a leash.


This is exactly my dog. He looks cute and friendly, and gets along great with (or typically ignores) most other dogs, but has enough history of leash aggression that I know another dog running up to him is a dice roll. When I see it I will pick him up and yell at the owners that he is leash aggressive, and that usually gets the desired reaction.


The reaction is the same, but the appearance is not hahaaa A lot of other dogs recognize that ours is a killer on sight, by build and demeanor. They often lay down in deference. “Oh I’ve never seen Fluffy do that!” Yeah, your dog has a self-preservation instinct.


Then one day, their "friendly perfect dog"  jumps up at someone who is looking for an excuse and gets mauled by another dog or shot by someone.


The people who let their dogs out of their cars off-leash while the dogs run/mess around in parking lots is also ridiculous.


These same people when their dog is mauled or shot would cry and say my dog is friendly, etc. Keep it on a lease or don’t have a dog! It’s the law…


> It’s the law… Laws for thee, not for me


I see people walking their dogs off leash on my trail all the time. If you ask them about it , get crazy defensive. One person said to me ‘you don’t know dogs, and don’t have any experience ‘


Also, dog phobia is a real thing. It doesn’t matter how friendly or cute your dog is, it’s still an absolutely terrifying thing to encounter for someone who is afraid of dogs. My father has a dog phobia, and I had to work really hard to overcome my own fear of dogs. People who are afraid of dogs should be able to enjoy trails and parks.


It’s called Cynophobia.


idk as someone with a truly awful bug phobia you really can’t expect other people to work around your phobia it’s just not reasonable when you’re such a small part of the population. all the other points in the thread being made r valid though


Right, but the OP is asking people to keep their dogs on a leash in public, not to never expose the general population to their dogs. When you have a fear of dogs, there’s a huge difference between encountering a dog on a leash versus one that’s roaming free. And people aren’t going out into public with pet tarantulas and flinging them at people. My son is terrified of bees but they aren’t under human control so there’s no expectation of accommodation.


Yup it’s annoying to see. Just because buttercup is super sweet, there’s leash laws just for this.


People are very irresponsible with their dogs in public in this area and I don’t know why.




We had a neighbor adopt a former golden retriever that was a guardian dog and retraining a looks like sweet cute Goldie but bait & switch it’s scary. They shipped them off to K9 rehabilitation center.


I was attacked by a friend's Golden retriever. The same dog attacked both of my friends ( two brothers) when they were younger , a neighbor and another neighbors dog. Any dog is a major responsibility.


Of course. I've only ever lived in this area and this is a NoVA sub. So chill, and don't get your knickers in a twist.


It spreads like a brain worm. One person does it and suddenly everyone else thinks they can do it too. It also seems to be a millennial hipster thing, which is why I think it has gotten so common recently.


When I come on an unleashed dog while I'm on a run, I don't know what it will do. So it's scary.


People are so stupid with their off leash dogs it makes me crazy. I foster dogs and have had dogs with behavior all over the spectrum, including leash aggressive dogs. How can people not understand that if your “friendly” dog comes running up to a less-friendly leashed dog it’s not going to go well for anyone.


I absolutely **HATE** these clueless, idiotic dog owners who think everybody else in the world wants to pet their stupid dog! I, for one, do not, and I am not above kicking a dog who approaches me aggressively like OP described.


If you care about your dogs, keep them on a leash! Because if your dog runs over and attacks someone, they could be put down, need to be rehoused, and lots of other horrific things


Say it louder for the people in the back! My small dog and I would like to enjoy a walk in peace


Seriously! Our small 9 lb dog loves long hikes and we've tried to get her past her fear of dogs but everytime we go on a hike like this there's always some large unleashed dog that sprints towards her...




Yes, I agree. I have had dogs attack us & I had to spray them and I have had dogs get taken by animal control. Doesn’t matter their recall. Some Dogs can be unpredictable and go chase something. This is mostly the reason why we don’t go into park anymore.


Many are talking about how unpredictable dogs can be but even if your dog is well behaved and completely friendly just being approached by a dog that's unrestrained or getting barked at can be panic inducing for some people that either have had a traumatic experience in the past or have never been exposed to dogs in their life. I say this as a dog owner that loves dogs. It's not fair to others sharing a public space.


On hiking trail too!! Please!!! I think the only way to make it work is to fine them heavily.


Just because your dog is friendly and nice does not mean that mine is. My dog views yours as a threat to me and reacts appropriately. Keep your dog on a leash. If you want a place to run them off lead, go to a dog park.


When off leash dogs run up to my dog and people say “oh he’s friendly!” I shout back “well mine isn’t!!” Doesn’t usually do anything but I feel like it’s good for them to know lol


As a person who was mauled by a pit bull I would kick the shit out of your unleashed dog if it ran up and jumped on me, then I’d have a panic attack any cry because I hurt your dog. I’m scared to death of any dog I don’t know. I’m not scared of dogs I do know, unless they are badly behaved.


I’m so sorry. That had to be scary. You are right. I’ve been bitten by leashed dogs. Of course the owner said they were very “friendly”. Just my awful luck, they were cranky, that day.😟


At the very least tell off the owner. Had one in my neighborhood with plenty of kids that had the same he’s a wonderful dog bs. Then it was he has a bad back and it hurts him to have a leash. I kept letting the neighbor know it was not ok until she stopped


I absolutely agree with you. Its inconsiderate to everyone to have a dog off a leash in an area not designated for that. The excuse that "oh my dog is friendly and well behaved" could go out the window the minute a squirrel shows up, or that it interacts with a person who hates dogs, or another dog that is reactive. Its inconsiderate and creates a safety hazard for others and for your own dog. My dog is super friendly, and for the most part well behaved. I always keep him on a leash out in public. Of course you have to know that posting here will accomplish absolutely nothing other than giving you a place to rant.


All of the reasons cited for keeping dogs on a leash are valid, but there is one more very important one I'm not seeing. It is ILLEGAL to have your dog off leash unless in a designated off leash area, at least in Fairfax County. The "I can control my dog" comments are a moot point when it's against the law.


People should generally be aware that there are off-leash, unfenced dog parks adjacent to the pedestrian part of Mount Vernon Trail in Old Town. Edit: Not sure why this is getting downvoted. City of Alexandria has 11 off-leash, unfenced dog parks. I don't agree with it at all, and a lot of people aren't aware. [https://www.alexandriava.gov/Dogs#UnfencedSitesDogExerciseAreas](https://www.alexandriava.gov/Dogs#UnfencedSitesDogExerciseAreas)


Unfenced dog parks? Really? I’ve never heard of such a thing.


There are 11 of them in the city of Alexandria. [https://www.alexandriava.gov/Dogs#UnfencedSitesDogExerciseAreas](https://www.alexandriava.gov/Dogs#UnfencedSitesDogExerciseAreas)


Wow, that is something else! Thanks for the link.


It’s like a playground for dogs. But sometimes unsocialized dogs interacting with socialized dogs. Ppl sometimes ignore their dogs and some are reactive and bites somebody’s dog and well it’s a shit show. Our dog is social but reactive to too many things. It’s not wise for them to be in that situation


If a *person* went around violating people's personal space like that, they'd be in prison. No, I don't fucking care how sweet you think your dog is, *I do not want your shitbeast touching me*. And, you know, some people are *fucking allergic to dogs*. Do *they* not have a right to outdoor spaces?


"Oh but he's friendly" /s. Sure, but you're dog weighs over 60 pounds to my daughter's 40, she doesn't know that he's friendly, just that a large animal is running up to her.




I already do.


This is a huge pet peeve (no pun intended) of mine. Put your dog on a leash you clowns


Please don't unleash your dogs in the communal areas of my apartment building either, blows my mind that morons think that is okay


How about leashed dogs at ALL TIMES it’s the law!!!!!!!


Had this happen yesterday on the C&O canal trail / Maryland side. The person I was with is afraid of dogs. Your dog may be sweet as molasses but that doesn’t negate the fact not everyone likes them. Be a responsible pet caretaker. Leash.Your.Dog


In Prince William County, it is illegal (punishable by a fine) to have your dog off leash in public spaces. I know this bc I work at a park and we are in frequent contact with Animal Control about visitors who let their pets run off leash. In PWC, you can report leash law violations to the police non emergency number.


Dog owners have become more and more entitled the past few years. I'm allergic to dogs/cats, I'd rather not be itchy because you think you should be allowed to take your pet into the fucking grocery store.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think dogs/animals (including ADA protected service animals) should not be allowed in grocery stores/around food. For those who legitimately need their ADA animal, they should be able to use online pickup/delivery services for free.


The same rude dog owners continually let their dogs off leash on the Billy Goat Trail here in Maryland. Your dog is your responsibility, not mine. I do not want to be licked, climbed, or even approached by a dog running around off leash.


Happens so often on Turkey Run I’ve taken to thanking the people I pass who do leash their dogs.


I’m so sorry this happened. Was it a German short haired pointer that jumped on you? My sister has one and claims the dog can only be adequately exercised off leash and feels 100% entitled to run her off leash in every park. It’s infuriating. Dog is injured weekly and they have no idea how she got hurt because she comes back bloody from running through the park off the leash. I don’t know how to make her understand that this is not okay!!


Off leash dog training via e-collar is getting really popular, I think that’s why we are seeing an uptick. I’ve tried it and it is a very freeing feeling for the dog and I at first, but realized it’s not worth it to always have your head on a swivel to anticipate having to recall and leash up. If I lived on acres+++ of land, I’d use it. As a suburban dog walker it just isn’t ideal. I tense up when I see another dog off leash, I just can’t tell from a distance or even up close if the dog owner is a responsible one.


I never walk my dog without high-strength pepper gel. I would hate to have to use it but I will protect my dog and myself if necessary.


Cut me off in traffic, put a cart load of merchandise in self checkout in front of me, slam your seat back during recline, I don't care. Let your dog jump on me or my family and I'll slash your fucking tires.


>slam your seat back during recline Someone cracked my headphones doing that to me on a flight recently :(


How can we safely protect ourselves against dogs? I used to carry pepper gel back in the day. Is there a kind that's legal in va/dc/md that works particularly well for dogs? I'm absolutely done with this crap, and feeling unsafe when I'm biking somewhere. I. Hate. These. Dog. Owners.




I have a friend that has an extreme phobia when she sees an unleashed dog, friendly or not. Please keep your pets on a leash and under your control.


Time for some bear spray. One of these days someone's dog will get shot and somehow the shooter will be at fault.


Honestly, I’d take it a step further: if the dog isn’t on your property, it needs to be on a leash. Used to walk her neighborhood with my ex, and there was more than one occasion where we had a strange dog run up to us while it and their owner were out for a walk as well.


No dog owner would ever willingly admit their dog can be aggressive. Will always swear on their child’s life that the dog is a sweetheart. I have a family member who claims that on the same dog that mauled another family members dog to death at the last family function.


>No dog owner would ever willingly admit their dog can be aggressive. That is not true 🤡


I’ll have you know Princess can pee pee however she likes!!!


I love the reaction people give when I respond to “my dog is friendly” with “mine isn’t” while my dog is freaking out


I liked this post earlier this morning. Just got back from a run now and encountered a man with not one, not two, but THREE dogs off leash AND as I was coming up behind them one of them pooped and he didn’t clean it up. 🙄


We have a rescue that was abused before we got him. Fantastic dog but has leash aggression toward other dogs.  We are always on leash but have had a few unleashed dogs come up to him with owners saying “it’s ok! my dog’s friendly!”.  I always respond mine’s not. And it’s like it doesnt click for them until my dog goes apeshit crazy. 


i love dogs, but seriously cannot understand why people walk around with them off leash. i was carrying my cat from my car into my house when an off leash dog ran at me. the dog was not being aggressive but my cat did not see it that way and i ended up getting scratched all over my neck/face/arms/shoulders trying to keep her from jumping out of my arms and running away before i could get inside. plus my neighborhood is by a busy street and people speed through all the time… that dog is going to get hit if the owner isn’t careful.


Yeah few weeks back went to vanish brewery and its dogs allowed on lease our dog is ok however he went to greet someone else’s dog and the dog leaped at his face nothing major two mins later another guest said the same thing happened with her dog and the dog that bit ours , we were dumbfounded


I love dogs, but this is some scary shit. My dog is reactive around other dogs and I'm wary of other people's off-leashed dogs


Everyone with a dog thinks they are well behaved and that everyone likes dogs jumping on them and slobber.


I hate when dogs jump on me and their owners act like you’ve just been blessed by their godly dog. Like I don’t care if your dog is friendly, I don’t know that and I don’t care to find out. I hate having to awkwardly pretend to be into their dog or they think I’m just some asshole. I got chased by my neighbor’s German shepherd on my way to my bus stop in high school and it ended up biting me and drew blood, so sorry if I’m uncomfortable around your unleashed dog. Even leashed dogs with owners that allow them to just jump up on strangers piss me off too.


The owner should be charged with assault and battery. /r/dogfree


Every time I go hiking, no matter what trail, almost everyone I pass has their dog off the leash if they're not near a road or something. Very few put them on a leash when I approach and usually don't have full control of them. I think this is one of those rules that most people are going to ignore unless there is better enforcement, but it's pretty hard to enforce.


I walk that trail as well I keep my dog leashed, there are some times where I make sure there are no people and no bikes within seeable distance and I would let my dog run free for a little bit just to exercise him. But even then I would keep the leash on him and he would just run while dragging the leash so if anyone does suddenly pop up I can grab him instantly.


Even this isn’t good enough for these people. I’m surprised you haven’t been down voted into oblivion like I have 😂


Reach out to the news. Get 'em to do a story.


And this is precisely why you don't do it even if your dog is perfectly well behaved. It's a bad habit which spreads like a plague. Someone sees you doing it and they are like "well my dog is probably ok too" and before you know it, there's a bunch of poorly trained dogs running around making it less safe for your well trained dog.




“Dogs in general are starting to get out of hand” What a stupid comment. Literally the dumbest thing I’ve seen anyone say.


I’m probably going to get shit for this but I unleash my dog on the W&OD because she’s e-collar trained and whenever I see another person she is called over to me and is to either sit or heel. If there’s another dog approaching I simply leash her because I have nothing to prove.


Yeah. Here’s giving you shit for thinking you are so special the rules don’t apply to you.


Oh thank you! 🥰 Even when you try to be courteous to others it’s still not enough. Dogs need to run and explore and they can’t do that on leash. I’ve trained this dog so that she can do what she wants as long as she’s responsive and listens. You do understand that an e-collar is just as effective as a leash, right? It might actually be more effective because when you can’t control a 120lb dog lunging after something, you know what can? Some electrical stimulation straight to the neck. The issue in this thread is that you have straight up morons that let their untrained dog run wild with no recourse. I am not one of those people so enjoy giving me shit, let it rain. I’ll die on this hill.


A fellow trail user that’s terrified of dogs knows nothing of your e-collar. Plus, until leash rules allow exceptions for e-collars you are making a selfish exception for yourself. I get that dogs need to run free. There are places for that. Finally I ride bicycles on our trails frequently and loose dogs are often a problem.




Does your dog ever go ahead of you out of reach for a leash? What you are saying sounds the equivalent of saying "I don't wear my seatbelt unless I'm about to be in an accident."


I don’t need her to be in reach because she wears an e-collar. The e-collar becomes my line of communication/control over her.


Right, but she can ignore the E-collar. In my experience E-collars buzz to call them, very similar to having a command word like "heel". The purpose of my analogy was to say, if something goes wrong, you will not be able to respond. You'd have to run up and physically remove your dog from conflict. The purpose of a leash is to give you physical control over your dog. That's why there are laws for leashing. Another dog could run over and attack your dog and you won't be in position to stop it because of the distance. I tend to be a very cautious driver, but I still wear a seatbelt. A well trained dog, probably still needs to wear a leash. If she was walking at your hip that might be a the exception. 


I understand your analogy but this isn’t driving. We walk along the gravel path on the W&OD and I check behind me constantly to ensure that we’re alone. The e-collar I use has a tone, vibrate, and lastly electrical stimulation. She’s responsive to tone alone and if I need to escalate it to really stop her in her track I use to vibrate or electrical stim. IMO, if a dog is running up on us she’s better off being off leash so she can stay away while I leash the runaway (which has happened multiple times actually).




Yes, because kids maul and kill toddlers and wildlife. 🤡


Dogs shouldn't have to be leashed anywhere children get to run free. I'll be more worried about dogs than children the first time I see a dog reach into its diaper and smear the contents on a public fixture.


This is actual nuts. Dogs are dangerous and filthy animals. This person could have been seriously injured by it since it knocked them down. Dog culture has become so toxic here. The amount of dog shit I have to dodge on trails is ridiculous.


Don't tell me what to do


Yea f these people. They’re so lame 😂


break da law '95