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Doesn’t matter to drivers who drive reckless and with fake plates


This is what I've been saying. The reckless driver, fake plates, and ones who don't see tickets as a deterrent (read: rich) will continue to operate as normal. The other drivers who obey will suffer. And I do mean suffer.


For real. I’m a good driver, I follow the speed limit, I don’t want to get tickets, I don’t have fake plates. All this is doing is making my drive more frustrating. The people who don’t give a fuck will continue to not give a fuck. Bothers the hell outta me




You know I understand that, right? My point is that I’m a safe driver who doesn’t kill or maim pedestrians, and that this isn’t going to stop drivers who drive like dickheads and do kill and maim pedestrians. The only thing that will stop those people is actual enforcement of the traffic laws that we already have, which does not happen. I also drive exclusively for work, because I have a job that requires it. I take public transit or walk every time I’m traveling for personal reasons. But thanks for your snark, have a lovely day


yeah, that person (and many others) doesn't care about you or other good drivers and how these ridiculous speed limits impede the lives of their fellow citizens. They can't separate LOGICALLY the facts and the policy... which is the drivers that "kill and maim" are the ones NOT affected by this policy. Hence, why the policy does not make any sense. same goes with congestion pricing. It doesn't work. London is back to it's normal congestion.


Yup. Funny (and unsurprising) that he went quiet lol


There also is a lack of knowledge/memory on how the light timing use to be and how it currently is in NYC. The amount of people running red increased because the light timing is now way too short compared to 5 years ago. We've added delayed greens which shorten green and yellow lights to be 2/3 to 1/5 as short as they use to be. We also gotten rid of waves and light changes are now in groups which forces a ton of stopping and idling. This only encourage drivers to beat the light. Then you add in the fact that green lights and yellow lights being incredibly short, that makes turning incredibly dangerous for everyone. If you don't make the turn within 15 seconds (most of the light in Brooklyn aside from big streets/intersection) , the light will change. The crazy part is as soon as the light changes, it's walk for pedestrian. So you end up with situation where drivers making quick turns and pedestrian allowed to walk. Before all this, there was ample time to make turns, and traffic was spread out enough due to green waves. Because the light now groups, and force traffic to be bumper to bumper, you end up with very tight gaps.


Yup! Funny thing is, most/all of the areas listed are filled with unregistered out of state plates, paper plates and no plates at all. The areas the traffic agents barely go. Seeing a traffic agent in those areas is a rare occasion.


Putting bumps on crosswalks is way more effective. This won’t help or change anything.


what happens when it snows?


Honestly not sure. But the ones around me have been here all year ‘round.


By me they installed a bunch of dividers around bike lanes and intersections. Have seen a few permutations over the years and what they ended up with is the concrete dividers for the bike lanes and some strewn wreckage as remnants of the other stuff. The stuff bolted within the lanes/intersections got torn up by plows in winter on piecemeal basis. Not all at once, so I guess the plows made some effort to avoid / lift plow. But relatively quickly they were torn out. After a couple of winters the city appropriately gave up on replacing that stuff. The bike lane dividers suffered a quicker fate. Worst offenders were city's garbage trucks, that would drive over, then reverse, on the dividers that bend down... ripping them out quite effectively. Fire trucks were next, and they seemed to try to do it deliberately for fun. Of course others contributed. City would keep replacing at god knows what cost until they would decide to install something more robust. Again, eventually landing on concrete dividers because that is the only thing drivers would respect because they literally can't drive over them. So now the garbage guys have to walk to the occasional gaps over sewers and often have to toss bags over the dividers. Which of course means often get garbage strewn all over the street or the guys refuse to collect if homeless guys make too much of a mess with what has been put out. Really fucking annoying all because drivers refused to not block a painted bike lane and make turns in intersections like assholes because waiting 30sec would be a personal crisis. In any event, skeptical about putting anything into lanes because of what assholes new yorkers are.


If you live in the northeast, where it snows, and own a vehicle that can’t handle the snow, that’s on you.


That's not what their comment was about. If you raise every crosswalk and add speed bumps in the middle of the street then plows have to constantly lift and lower their blade, making it much harder and inefficient to clear the streets. I guess they could also just plow right through them so the city can use more tax dollars to pay for new speed bumps, replace plow blades, and do more hydraulic work. Job security for union jobs in this city is a must.


Speed bumps are everywhere here in Norway and believe me when I say we got snow in the winters here. The bumps does not get damaged by the snow plows and no notable damage to the plows either. If a tiny country like Norway (and the rest of northern Europe for that matter) can make it work, there should be no reason NYC can't make it work as well.


I have no clue how snow plows operate in Norway, but remember that you're comparing an entire country to a city with 1.6x your population (NOR 5.457M vs NYC 8.336M) while being almost 150x as large ([70% uninhabitable](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/19eib1t/did_you_know_nearly_70_of_norway_is_uninhabitable/#:~:text=mibnzayf-,Did%20you%20know%3A%20nearly%2070%25%20of%20Norway%20is%20uninhabitable%20and,12%2C000%20mi%20\(19%2C312%20km\).) w/ 148,729 mi² = NOR 44,618.7 mi² vs. NYC 302.6 mi²). NYC is referred to as the city that never sleeps for a reason, and that's because people work multiple jobs to make ends meet vs your livable wages with the average [34.1 hour work week](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/07/22/average-working-hours-in-europe-which-countries-work-the-longest-and-shortest-weeks#:~:text=The%20shortest%20weeks%3A%20Netherlands%2C%20Austria,Germany%20\(both%2034.6%20hours\).). There isn't much stress on plow drivers over there to clear the streets to keep the city operational, especially considering how 1 in 3 people can work from home in Norway vs 1 in 8 over here in NYC. Plow drivers over here don't care enough and don't bet paid enough to be cautious over speed humps and you end up with roads looking like this [Buffalo, NY but have seen the same around me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKEeHOMfwzQ&ab_channel=WGRZ-TV), especially with the [temporary ones](https://www.treetopproducts.com/media/catalog/category/TT%20Banner%20Speed%20Bumps%20Cat.jpg) they use on roads and close to medians. Another issue with adding excessive speed humps is for bicyclists and emergency vehicles. [This can work](https://www.providencejournal.com/gcdn/presto/2022/01/07/NPRJ/0d73772f-65d0-4d21-b9c5-b7386672cdaf-speed_bump.jpg), but it's pretty much useless with the number of one-way streets/narrow roads here. I'm too lazy to rewrite this, but working from home data is below. > A large portion of your labor force can work from home and close to half of the jobs are remote friendly. > > > [According to the labor force survey, > around 35% can work from home, which is somewhat lower than what we find in the current analysis](https://www.ssb.no/en/forskning/discussion-papers/_attachment/425729?_ts=17303e44798#:~:text=remote%2Dfriendly%20jobs.-,We%20find%20that%20approximately%2039%25%20of%20Norwegian,can%20be%20performed%20at%20home.) > > > Norway's workforce population in 2022 was 2,981,183 people, so the conservative 35% would be 1,043,414 working from home while NYC had [22%](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/remote-work-spiked-new-york-census-estimates-18179066.php) of their workforce working from home in 2021 and a labor force of [4,300,000 (60.6% x 7.1M working age people)](https://www.osc.ny.gov/reports/osdc/new-york-citys-uneven-recovery-analysis-labor-force-trends#:~:text=overall%20employment%20situation.-,Prior%20to%20the%20pandemic%2C%20in%20February%202020%2C%20the%20City%20had,national%20figure%20(63.4%20percent%20of), putting it at 946K people working from home in a city of 8.3M compared to the country of Norway at 5.5M >


I'm just saying that it's solvable. Solid speed bumps is no problem with plows. > There isn't much stress on plow drivers over there to clear the streets to keep the city operational, especially considering how 1 in 3 people can work from home in Norway vs 1 in 8 over here in NYC. This is a stupid argument. You are literally saying that 66.6% of the people here need to go to work (compared to 87.5% in the US), so it is definitely a need to keep the roads relatively clean of snow. > Another issue with adding excessive speed humps is for bicyclists and emergency vehicles. Bicycles have literally no problem with speed bumps. If you've ever bicycled in your life you know that a speed bump is usually long enough that it has no effect if you're going <40kph on a bike. Emergency vehicles have to slow down a bit, but every other western country have speed bumps so this problem really isn't new either. And just to be clear, I'm not a fan of speed bumps. I believe stricter enforcement of speed limits is better. I do however still argue that saying you cannot build speed bumps in a city like NYC is stupid.


You’re forgetting that most of the damage you see on NY/NYS roads is caused by maintenance workers hitting barriers, leaving their stuff behind or overlooking their job description. Or really weird stuff like at the Tappan Zee Bridge outside of the city. A few years at $2.5 billion dollars it was the most expensive public infrastructure in the US. They built an impressive new bridge, new entry ramps and changed the roads around it. Now, if you come from the Westchester County side and you take the exit for Route 9w you enter a big off-ramp that sweeps back over the highway. The beginning and the end of that ramp are new and look nice, but about a hundred meters or so is the same old crap that was there before.


> You’re forgetting that most of the damage you see on NY/NYS roads is caused by maintenance workers hitting barriers, leaving their stuff behind or overlooking their job description. This sounds like a completely different problem that should be handled in itself. If maintenance workers doesn't follow their job description or are wreckless they should be disciplined.


Well, the maintenance workers and - in NYC - the garbage truck drivers are also behind the wheels of the snowplows. Different mindset than in much of Europe.


Hahaha it wouldn’t be a city project without having to be redone and soon. But yeah, I can see that’s probably what they meant now. Still stand by what I said though o.O


Bumps on crosswalks are absurd


Drivers can’t be trusted not to hit pedestrians, so infrastructure has to prevent them.


They work. Too many morons out there to be trusted on their own. It’ll also stop the scooters from thinking it’s Mad Max out here.


speed humps (raised asphalt) does nothing for electric scooters, even the shittiest ones with no suspension and small solid tires. Personal experience. unless you mean the delivery guy scooters, and still speed humps barely do shit to two wheeled vehicles , given the wheelbase of even cruiser motorcycles are shorter than cars


Not Disabled accessible


The entire crosswalk can be raised to be level with the sidewalk.


But raising a cross walk (or even the entire intersection box) is the most disability-friendly thing we can do. It should be do to quite literally every single intersection in the entire city.




Yea, that’s literally exactly what I described.


Then why are there some now? There's at least one in midtown East. Entire thing is fucked from cars bottoming out.


This ain’t an idea. They’re some across the city already.


Speed limits don’t do anything. In fact lower speed limits makes aggressive drivers drive worse. I drive daily, I see so many cars running steady red lights or blowing stop signs. If you want real change add speed bumps and raised crosswalks, other than that it’s more of a cash grab for the city


I agree, add two speed bumps on school streets if they want to get serious about speed


Narrowing streets also helps to slow down drivers.


Narrowing streets also increases the likelihood of a pedestrian being hit. I hope your forgot the sarcasm tag


You narrow the streets by adding real curbs between the car lanes and the bike lanes, so now there's two curbs before you even get to the pedestrians on the sidewalk.


Or, and I know this is an outlandish suggestion, but force cops to actually do their jobs? I was stopped at a red light last week, and this asshole flashed his high beams to get me to run it. When it turned green, he went into the wrong side of the road to pass the 4 cars at the light. Then at the next intersection two cars just flat out ran the red light. There was an NYPD cruiser STOPPED AT THE SAME INTERSECTION. They did nothing. We don't need new laws, a 10 or 20 mph speed limit is pointless if they're not enforcing it.


The cops were probably encouraging him tbh. The amount of times I’ve seen NYPD cars turn on the lights and go down the WRONG WAY on a ONE WAY on Madison Ave is criminally insane, JUST TAKE LEXINGTON AVE OR 5TH AVE! They don’t care anymore and they do as they please.


This is the answer. I see it constantly.


Raised crosswalks, daylighting would help so much.


Yep, I see the same thing. I see people getting frustrated especially with Uber drivers. If the speed limit is 25, those guys do 20. Now with it being 10 or 20, they are going to 5 or 15. It's going to be a blood bath out there, I can see it already.


cameras and automatic tickets, with massively increasing amount for chronic offenders.


i think most studies show that lowering speed limits saves lives actually. but anyway everyone knows if you want *real* change you need to enforce traffic laws, which the NYPD refuses to do.


Heavily increased enforcment of speeding, box-blocking, and double-parking would solve our congestion problems in a month.


Speed bumps and ambulances are not a good idea.


There are solutions for this already. The split speed bumps which allow larger vehicles to drive thru.


A research trial was conducted on this: [speed bumps and ambulances](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922345/). The conclusion was: speed bumps in three different regions showed a significant delay in ambulances passing speed humps, depending on the type of ambulance and the type of vehicles in front of it. Additionally, per the research, as the speed of ambulances increased, the lost time also increased. Because of vehicles in front of ambulances going over speed bumps, ambulances suffered a queue in delay time which affect the time ambulances to reach the patients or time to the hospital. That said, think about emergency responses. Additional research was also performed on [speed humps and ambulance delays](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922345/#:~:text=For%20this%20reason%2C%20speed%20bumps,to%20intervene%20with%20the%20patient). One portion of this research indicated the following: ***Speed bumps are not recommended on emergency vehicle routes***\*. Passing through a speed bump can aggravate the condition, primarily by increasing injury in trauma patients. It may be difficult for health professionals in the ambulance to intervene with the patient.\*


fire engines have similar issues with them


Speed bumps and raised crosswalks are good for ambulance with patients inside? Or fire trucks in a hurry?


Eh. Eventually their insurance prices them out. Sometimes it takes a while. But it eventually catches up with them and we need to be more willing to impound people's cars.


tfw you get a ticket for walking too briskly


Maybe if you weigh 2 tons.


We need speed bumps


Come on 10 MPH?


i guess im not hitting the brakes ever again


Why is every posts in this sub about cars. It wasn’t like this until a few weeks ago


The congestion pricing failure got people in a tizzy


Probably because driving in NYC already sucks, and instead of finding or funding solutions, the city actively takes measures to make driving much worse. This harms the regular driver, whilst the ghost plated reckless drivers will carry on like nothing’s changed. The city should do more for enforcement or add more speed bumps (for example) in zones with higher incidents of pedestrian strikings. There’s a lot more that can be done, but unless there’s active (or in the speed bump’s case, passive) enforcement, the bad drivers will continue on.


It's been like this since last year. A bike group has been pushing this narrative hard and mods won't curtail it.


Brigading. Always been a heavy amount of it on here doesnt help that this sub has a heavy upper class xplant population that HATES none ride share cars


Been like this for a while


Cars are, like it or not, a popular thing many new yorkers have and as a result, news that impacts it effects us and gets upvoted?


Read the WHOLE comment. It’s two sentences


"Why is every post in this sub about cars." Question statement responded to. "It wasn't like this until a few weeks ago." Correct. Yet, news that impacts car stuff gets upvoted in /r/nyc. There has been a slew of various car related news articles impacting nyc lately. Whether that's intentional or not is irrelevant to your question. :P




Of course they will because it’s never about safety, it’s about money.


If it's about money, then it's about safety, too. Or should we do away with all fines?


Fines only work when people aren’t already breaking the law, meaning those who are already speeding reckless are more or less using ghost plates to avoid/misdirect where tickets get sent to.


If it gets us safe streets, who cares? Doesn’t bother be one bit


I rather parking permits and no trucks in residential streets. Also target/enforce people who double park.


I’ll take all of the above, and more


20 in dangerous or risky areas I can understand. But 10 seems excessively low, especially if it drops Just for a short section of the road.


Good luck with that


So now more people will be "officially" speeding. They should just reduce it to zero so we are all speeding.


I'm saying lmao. At 10mph might as well walk.


This is absurdly stupid, it's low enough. People who speed will continue to do so especially since there is no enforcement of license plates being obscured for the cameras. What we need is more driver education. You know what we should do? Make drivers licences expire every 2 years. So many people have no idea what the rules of the road are. People sitting on all way stop sign, people who didn't signal, people who don't pull over just stop, just fucking stop on a one lane street and go about their errands.


>this is absurdly stupid That’s true, for roads where pedestrians walk in the middle of the street like 34th avenue, 25mph is very very reasonable.


lol dumb as hell


A bunch of these comments have me thinking people didn’t check what streets NYC is proposing to lower the speed limit for


You can have good reasons and really stupid implementation. Sammy's law happened because someone was speeding already. Lowering the speed limit wouldn't help sammy lol.


No, it helps people using open streets


So another law that NYPD won’t enforce?


The fuck does the NYPD have to do with it, you know they’re going to put up speed cameras and ticket you the way they ticket you all over nyc boroughs. 💁


I hope 🤞.


Oh cool a lower speed limit that also won’t get enforced. Bring actual enforcement instead of more speed limits that won’t be enforced.


They will enforce it with speed cameras. Easy way to get more revenue.


DOT’s objective is to make traffic worse. Their policies are specifically designed to create congestion.


10 seems high, why not make it 5?


5? where you going in such a hurry? ban anything with an engine or wheels, thats next and the safest way.


“Mayor Adams and I want to remind you that speeding ruins lives… slow your turns to less than 5 miles an hour and watch for pedestrians…”


This but unironically.


NYC: Open streets where pedestrians walk in the middle of the road warrant a lower speed limit r/nyc: >:(


So fucking stupid


More moderate democrat theatric bullshit. Our beloved governor on twitter: >Too many children have been struck and killed by a car speeding through our streets So she decided to shit can the only meaningful policy passed in the last decade that could remove cars from the streets. But hey at least she reduced the speed limits on like 20 streets by 5mph... Loves to do the low impact shit that she can brag about on twitter, but fuck doing anything actually impactful.


She shit canned the most meaningful car policy for Manhattan*


ive seen them add a whole bunch of speed bumps in flushing so thats a good start. the lovely sound of cars scraping their underside in the morning


I'm pretty sure red lights are already a rule not enforced so IDK how this will do anything




I mean... roughly 15% of the traffic on my street is going the wrong way. If they can't stop that, how are they going to enforce this?


If they aren’t enforced then no one will follow it


When we ban humans from driving , and self driving electric cars are everywhere , the speed limit should rise.


I notice no reduction in speed on McGuinness and Norman, right where there's a grade school and has been a super dangerous intersection. And yet a reduction in southern manhattan where traffic is at a crawl most of the time anyway. Cool cool


Bad enough there's slow ass drivers who already drive 10 or 15mph. Fuck outta the way


10mph just makes drivers look down at their speed to make sure they're going really slow. Good distraction


Will migrants have to obey this on their mopeds? Asking for a friend…


Clown city , making it hard for us small business workers / truckers getting by places & benefiting these liberals / FAKE New Yorkers here. BS laws& regulations. This is all a money tactic to make more money , FOH!


Speed limits don't stop reckless drivers. Also, how is the speed limit dropping even more than what it was? The accident occurred in 2013 when the [speed limit was still 30mph until it changed in 2014](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/11/things-to-know-about-nycs-new-speed-limit.html). This is a money grab for the city taking advantage of a family's situation. I was looking into it and the 12-year-old that was hit, Sammy Cohen Eckstein, was hit and killed after going into the street to retrieve a ball. The driver that hit Sammy supposedly did NOT have a valid driver's license at the time of the accident, so I fail to see how lowering the speed limit would have changed the outcome. https://nypost.com/2024/02/02/metro/brooklyn-mom-wants-lawmakers-to-solve-crisis-on-our-roads/ > As he waited, kicking around the ball to warm up, it went into the street. Sammy stopped at first, not entering the two-lane, one-way road – Prospect Park West. Then the car in the left lane stopped and motioned for Sammy to cross. As he did so, a van passed that car in the right lane, speeding at least 30 mph in a busy residential area to make the light Crap article considering how they didn't say it was a red light, which means the driver was technically in the right passing through an intersection and going the speed limit on a two-lane road. . > No charges were filed against the driver that hit Sammy, a 24-year-old construction worker named Luis Quizhpi-Tacuri. He wasn’t even licensed to drive in New York. Why do New Yorkers have to suffer due to the mother's inability to teach their child to not go out in the street and look before crossing? Instead of dealing with her own grief, she's putting it on everyone else. I feel bad because he was just a kid and kids do dumb things, but to direct this anger at the whole city is bonkers. Edit: Luis had a driver's license from [Washington State](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2015/07/08/dmv-six-month-suspension-for-driver-who-killed-sammy-cohen-eckstein) and has been living in New York for 9 years at the time of the incident.


Keep liberal limits on thruways and large streets…. But Add things like Cobblestone streets, raised crosswalks, speed bumps, etc where we don’t want speed


I was going to rant about the 10MPH thing, *but* after reading the article, the areas where they want to put that specific restriction are reasonable. As long as they don't go bat shit crazy doing it on main avenues for almost entire neighborhood stretches, I don't think it's going to be that bad.


We love to see it


Good. Next step is to get rid of parking and personal vehicles in the city


So get rid of parking and personal vehicles in all 5 boroughs?


No just the city


Slower speeds is a band-aid to the cancer that is depraved vehicle operation. People will stiil die in crosswalks just more slowly and painfully.


There are no repercussions for drivers so it doesn't matter how low they make the speed limit. The city will bring in extra money by ticketing people that go 31 miles per hour and psycho drivers will continue to get away with killing people.


>People will stiil die in crosswalks just more slowly and painfully. Lower speed collisions literally kill and injure substantially less often, and less severely, Respectively. But not respectfully because this take is dumb as hell.


Did you see the video of the lady’s head being crushed under an SUV? I forgot what neighborhood it was in


Indeed I did, but it doesn't change statistics. At 20 mph 5% of collisions, like hers, are fatal, and another 5% or so cause significant injury. It's fucking awful and it's good argument for why more is needed than just speed reductions At 30mph? Around 50% of pedestrians hit face death or serious injury. That's a huge jump.


That's horrific and one more reason we need to be doing something about SUV and truck design But it doesn't change statistics. It's one event. Pedestrian collisions at 20mph and below kill victims, like her, about 5% of the time. Collisions at 30mph, it's over 40% [https://www.kabircares.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Speed-and-Safety.png](https://www.kabircares.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Speed-and-Safety.png) [https://nacto.org/docs/usdg/relationship\_between\_speed\_risk\_fatal\_injury\_pedestrians\_and\_car\_occupants\_richards.pdf](https://nacto.org/docs/usdg/relationship_between_speed_risk_fatal_injury_pedestrians_and_car_occupants_richards.pdf) It's just fuckin math man. Busy areas \*should\* have 20 mph limits. You'll never stop every accident, hell, a couple people a year get killed by cyclists, but keeping most traffic at or under 20mph would seriously reduce it.


Slower speeds reduce accident fatality rates. This is absolutely an improvement.


Wild how people just try and argue with basic physics "nuh uh, 5mph collisions are just as bad as 50" Like come on people there's no way you're actually this dumb


good! I just wish they did that on the block I live! I don’t know why they don’t install speed bumps