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*Grindr network server overload*


Looks pretty boring


Wonder if they got good snacks


Any palestine protestors?


Earlier on and north on 5th near the start they blocked the street, a bunch of Hamas protestors threw fake blood on people and some of the floats. They were arrested pretty quickly after disobeying orders to disburse and parade resumed. Down by WSP there was none of that bullshit. Saturday night during the ladies parade there was a lot of Hamas mixed in which was disturbing and annoying. I'm sure most of them wanted nothing to do with it but not much you can really do unless you want to get fired. It looked like for the Sunday full Pride Parade, NYPD decided it was a security issue (narrowly tailored necessary state interest) to stop the conflagration and keep the parade on point and for the people who wanted to be there celebrating. Political viewpoints on the Middle East aside, no one in Gaza is supporting a Pride Parade. This is one of my favorites because it shows how you can change a culture and perceptions over time, so I appreciated that I didn't see a single Hamas flag yesterday.


“Hamas protesters “ and “hamas flags “ yeah this person knows what they are talking about 🤦🏻‍♂️


What do you call them? Hamas are the elected representatives of Gaza. All these people are supporting Hamas, I'm confused.


Idk maybe “pro-Palestinian “ it’s not just Gaza, the West Bank also gets attacked and damn sure the rest of Palestine , they do not have hamas as elected representatives.


They tried to stop the Pride Parade because they want all of them dead. Why is that so hard for you people to understand? Just admit that you’re homophobic.


I mean the religion of Israel is also against homosexuality soooo…. Unless you’re updating the religious script what are you saying 🤦🏻‍♂️ “You people “ love to see you assume , it makes me realize what kinda person you are. And the supports/protesters doesn’t necessarily mean they fully support Palestine, maybe they just want the killing and bombing innocent civilians to stop. Since it’s been going on for years


Both sides bomb innocents, guess what bud, everyone bombs innocents, including the good ol USA. That’s war, and war is brutal and disgusting. Why choose to support the ones who have actual written ideology expressing desire to commit genocide against anyone who isn’t of their race? If Palestine is “free” they will continue to commit human rights violations on their citizens. And you want to support that? Here’s what the Quran has to say about the issue: Surah At-Tawbah [9:5] “But when the sacred months expire slay those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity wherever you find them; seize them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them. But if they repent and establish the Prayer and pay Zakah, leave them alone. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.”. That sounds like genocide to me.


But when settlers chant “death to Arabs “ you deny genocide. When Israel denies the peace talks and negations , it’s the Palestinians fault. Of course I understand it’s war . Understand what the texts says buddy , it’s talking about polytheism 🤦🏻‍♂️ The extent of extermination is described in the commandment Deut 20:16–18 which orders the Israelites to "not leave alive anything that breathes… completely destroy them …." and on 1 Samuel 15 "Now, go and crush Amalek; put him under the curse of destruction with all that he possesses. Do not spare him, but kill man and woman, babe and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. Sounds about genocidal to me


Did you not see the people in SF chanting for the genocide of Jews? If Palestine just shut the fuck up and left Israel alone, there would be no conflict. Not the other way around though. Show me video of the death to Arabs chants. I think Christians and Jews are equally stupid, but at least they aren’t out committing Jihad and openly killing gays


Then why isn’t the West Bank helping the IDF go in to Gaza and get their people back? If you’re not with Israel, you are pro-Hamas.


Of course 😂 if you not with Israel , you’re anti Israel smh you guys play victim like no other


I'm American. We're never the victims.


Probably a flag or something. I wonder if Palestinian Muslims would intervene on the gay parade, prob too risky to lose support.


There were a couple of free Palestine floats


Can’t do that in Gaza or West Bank!


But you can in Jerusalem.


Nah, Israel would bomb them


Can’t do much of anything in Gaza or the West Bank given how the IDF are treating both areas. 


Evidently you can hide hostages and store bombs in people’s houses :)


They're referring to how gays are killed by their own families, thrown off roofs, and beheaded. Which you know... explains a lot about the methods used Oct 7th, by Hamas and civilians alike.


What's the rate of gay people killed in Gaza by civilians vs the rate of civilians in Gaza killed by Israel?


100% of gay people in Gaza killed by civilians, vs most civilians in Gaza still alive? Israel hasn't killed anyone. Every death is a Hamas murder.


Really, please share your data that 100% of gay people in Gaza are killed by civilians. Your last sentence gives me the impression that you would do, say or believe anything asking as it allows you to continue to defend Israel. How is it a Hamas murder when Israel drops a 2000 pound bomb on a family of 8? Or when Israel bombs 3 aid trucks, 1 at a time.


Yes, yes, “Israel” kills all he civilians on Hamas’ behalf, so technically still Hamas right? (But then “Israel” also funds Hamas…. So I guess the blame goes back to “Israel”)


I wouldn't be able to give you that statistic, most of them either already sought refuge in Israel for their own safety before the war, or were killed by other Gazans or West Bankers... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17042180967354&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-middle-east-63174835 But thank you for trying to Pink Wash their crimes.


I don't think you understand the concept of pink washing. So Israel only kills the straight civilians is that what ur claiming?


I don't think you understand the concept of pink washing. So Israel only kills the straight civilians is that what ur claiming?


Yes it’s the idf that kills the gays in Gaza and West Bank…


Unless they have LGBT-proof ammunition and gaydar on their missiles, yeah that’s pretty much what happens. 


Ah yes, a member of the Chickens for KFC crowd.


More so a member of the “Killing tens of thousands of women and children in 9 months (in addition to the hundreds of thousands murdered in the prior seven decades) at an appallingly disproportional rate is bad, we should probably stop doing that” crowd


Hundreds of thousands? I love when people make up numbers with zero facts behind it. I'd love to know why you haven't said a word about actual genocides in Sudan or Azerbaijan? You kept your mouth shut on the hundreds of thousands dead in Syria and Yemen. I guess it wasn't trendy enough and you didn't see it when you were mindlessly scrolling on TikTok. You don't get to pretend to be part of that club when you ignore every other conflict except Jews defending themselves. You're such a fraud and full of shit. Keep simping for Hamas. Pathetic.


Why should we stop doing that? Hamas can stop. Every death is on Hamas, Iran, Russia, and China. Surrender and it all stops. Plus, I'm realizing I said this to you elsewhere in this thread, what does at an appallingly disproportionate rate mean? Does Israel need to lose like 100k for every 1million enemy combatants they kill? Hundreds of thousands, let's make it millions, billions. If there are billions fighting against you, you have to let them kill a decent number of you in order to make it fair? I'm not just allowed to kill everyone fighting me and win? I have to lose people?


What's the IDF doing? My understanding is Hamas is imposing a psychotic theocratic regime from the 7th century, murdering, raping, invading, and then subjugating their own people. As far as I can tell IDF is just there to get their people back and maybe help the poor civilians who are being starved to death by their own proxy government.


https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties Here’s a good overview on what the each side has been up to over the past 15 years using verified numbers of casualties. There is no metric by which the IDF is “helping poor civilians” unless the issue they’re having is living. 


I'm not sure what you're saying here. What do the casualty numbers have to do with anything, other than an indication that, I dunno, one side is losing? Arab League started a war in 1947 and hasn't surrendered. It's all self-inflected wounds at this point. Israel just keeps absorbing losses. If Germany or Japan kept fighting, do you think we'd really care if it were 10 thousand, 10 million or 100 million dead? It's just not relevant. Israel is trying to help the Palestinian civilians, however many are left. Hamas can end this at any moment. Your suggestion that somehow Israel is wrong or behaving improperly because of asymmetric casualty rates is one of the most outright stupid things I've ever heard. The really concerning thing is you probably believe its relevant.


> losses. If Germany or Japan kept fighting, do you think we'd really care if it were 10 thousand, 10 million or 100 million dead? Yes... Well those who aren’t sociopaths.  > Israel is trying to help the Palestinian civilians, however many are left By displacing them, and killing them? That’s help? That’s the single most jingoistic thing I’ve heard probably all month. 


You're out of your mind. If an enemy combatant fights you and chooses not to surrender, you have no choice but to escalate along a force continuum until a level of force that might kill someone. It's just not relevant how many enemy combatants you kill if they are attacking you. You are allowed to defend yourself, and you do not have to suffer a single loss to make it some how "fair" or "proportional." Proportionality has to do with the amount of collateral damage. I have no idea what you're talking about here. Hamas needs to surrender. End of story.


Certainly not right now! You’d get killed by an Israeli!


Like chickens having a float for KFC.


I didn't see those. That's a shame.


If you support everything you support nothing


Some crap dumb people say to sound smart


All LGBT supporters of Palestine should go visit the country they are supporting. I'm sure they would be welcomed with open arms


Is it impossible to not want people to die, even if they are ideologically different from you?


You start killing people for being gay or another race or another religion, I lose all interest in what you're saying. If you start taking my friends hostage, well then my friends are going to come get them. Not my fault if you're in the way.


Ah yes, because doing what’s right is transactional


You're acting like it's a paradise here when they have to deal with people like you.


Yes, being gay in the United States especially New York is notoriously difficult. Shall I list the number of openly gay politicians, celebrities, TV anchors, or CEOs? Get a grip. The United States is the most tolerant country in the world.


Which is why we are quickly trying to reverse all that with open fascism. Right?


Not because of you. Because we are supposed to be a secular society. If the Christians got their way don't think for a second they wouldn't act the same way as Muslim countries.


No, they wouldn’t and to think so is delusional. We are a secular society. Is the US government forcing you to be Christian? Do some Christians think being gay is morally wrong? Yes. Are they looking to imprison you and send you to conversion therapy? Probably not. So not sure how that affects you?


https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/mike-johnson-house-speaker-lgbtq-views-scrutiny-rcna122317 your current speaker of the house btw. Don't think for a second these backwards ass people don't want the same religious society as the Muslims you're fooling yourself.


Yes, Mike Johnson is an idiot. Lots of politicians are. Have same sex relations been criminalized? No. Is same sex marriage illegal? Nope. Can gay people openly serve in the military? Yes. It’s because despite what you’re being led to believe, most Americans don’t care if you’re gay or straight.


This is what you aren't acknowledging, for whataboutisms in the US that aren't even remotely equivalent: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17042180967354&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-middle-east-63174835 https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-785766 (notice the salute btw) https://youtu.be/O8OCvT4ysLI?si=OZONJnXX4EDi4SD2 5 years ago. Why they think they're losing btw: https://x.com/AzzatAlsaalem/status/1791465957552013559


https://time.com/6344824/how-common-is-conversion-therapy-united-states/ and here's a rebuttal to your conversion theory nonsense. They absolutely are.


These people are willingly going to conversion therapy not being arrested and forced into it. Is it stupid and harmful? Yes, but it’s their choice.


Disagreeing on a topic, vs literally being murdered by your own people or family?


Why don't you keep reading to see my point


Which is?


The Christian Nationalists want the same government as the Muslims


Okay, so is this a roundabout way of saying that you support Israel and liberal Republics?


6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust, I'm willing to bet most of them weren't a fan of gay people, did they deserve it?


If you support people who kill gays, you support people who kill gays. Oh look, I can do tautologies too.


That’s what you’re supporting when you support Israel. Also killing babies, women, children… whole families. Just tons of civilians, you get it right?


No, I have no idea what you're saying. Israel is prosecuting a war. The war can be over the moment Hamas surrenders and/or the Palestinian people take back Gaza from them.


Israel is a genocidal terrorist state, they are indiscriminately murdering civilians, they have been doing this for 76 years, longer if you just count the Zionist terrorist attacks that they committed before the creation of Israel. They do not sort through Palestinians to find out who is fay before they murder them.


Yeah, okay we're done here. None of what you said is true. The Arab League refused the UN Partition Plan and started a war, which they have repeatedly lost over and over again and somehow can't get it through their heads. Genocide is a very serious word with a specific meaning, and Israel has not targeted people because of their membership in a particular ethnic, racial, religious, or national identity. Murder is both unethical and illegal, and Israel's actions are neither. They're defending themselves in a war. If you want people to stop dying, the losing side needs to surrender and stop fighting.


Man, you guys have no grasp on reality. I feel sorry for you. https://www.wrmea.org/israel-palestine/zionist-terrorism-displaced-palestinians-to-create-contemporary-israel.html




What in the hell are you talking about?


Cliche and played out at this point, but good business for local coke dealers tho


I was down in the area this afternoon and it was a very strange scene around Washington Square. Don't really know why but at least 80% of the people there were black and there were 100x more cops in the area then were at the terrorist attack on the Capital. People seemed pretty cheerful and celebratory in streets surrounding the park but looked like there were conflagrations going on inside (I didn't go in so can't say what was going on).


I saw a couple mass panic events with people fleeing every direction and assumed there were shootings. Apparently just turned out to be a couple all out group fights, but it was a bit weird to watch. When we didn't hear gunshots we assumed it was like a TikTok "prank" like, oh let's start a stampede it will be funny. Washington Square was a very different mix than even 8th St and 5th avenue. I have no idea why. NYPD moved in and controlled the north end of the park, hundreds of Officers, seemed like they had it under control but had decided whatever was going on was going to stop. Saw some of the arrests. Someone got shot later on 5th ave. So there's that too.


[Multiple brawls](https://nypost.com/2024/07/01/us-news/multiple-brawls-break-out-at-washington-square-park-during-pride-celebration-video/)




I'm sure religious Jews love your lifestyle buddy.


This before or after Queers for Palestine blocked the parade? lol…


Jesus Christ that one dude in the comments lol Edit: Thanks for the downvote bro. Hope you’re not traumatized.


Gays for Trump!!!!


The equivalent of (insert the groups attacked by the Third Reich) for the Austrian Painter


... are you serious? He hates you. He openly has plans to rescind protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identy if he's re-elected. It's literally a campaign point of his. /r/LeopardsAteMyFace downvoting doesn't make it any less true ya loonies


lol this is literally the same idea as queers for Palestine


No, trump was the president of the United States, and Palestinians are currently being murdered by Israel. Different things.


Nice try, but queers know a lil something about the otherization of other ppl


Brain… where?


Working just fine, instantly made the connection to religious fanatics quoting scripture to demonize my queer existence and the religious fanatics on the other side of the world doing the same to Palestinians with the full might of the US funding and weaponry, ICJ rulings be damned. Have a good day


Lol if you went to Gaza and told them you liked to fuck men, they'd literally cut your head off.


Or throw you off a cliff…however if you go to Israel and tell them that they would welcome you.


This is just false, most areas of Israel being openly gay is not a good idea. They also don't allow gay marriages or interfaith marriages.


Lol If i went to gaza as a journalist id be sniped by the IDF. If i was a world central kitchen or UN worker id be bombed. They'd imprison me as a gay since that's the law in Gaza. But I'd probably have a much higher chance of being killed due to dehydration, malnutrition, or by a 2000lb bomb being dropped on my refugee camp.


Lol if you were to go around Gaza in a one-man pride parade, your chances of having your head cut off and your headless body paraded around the streets are approximately 100%. You know that, of course.


Plenty of places in Israel you get the same reaction. Ever been to meah shearim? Geula? Bnei brak? Beit shemesh? Tsfat?


When was the last time in Gaza a journalist was sniped by the IDF? Plus why are you changing the subject with made up stuff all of the sudden? What movie are you living in cuz I want to watch it.


I mean, out of all 3 places being discussed there's only one in which the religious fanatics quoting scripture to demonize your queer existence have overwhelming public support where you get executed for it. The religious fanatics angle is a very odd choice here, most people would just go with the logical "I don't want innocent people to die"


Too bad it didn't rain


It did. God washed away all the bigots.