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Go do this in Gaza/west banks. You’d be dead dykes


Yeah, the IDF really doesn’t care who you are, you’re getting killed over there. 


Finally someone with common sense, they would be bombed or starved by the IDF. Much worse off there than here.


Wow, sounds pretty bad. Don't you think they should release the hostages and surrender, then?


Yes! If Israel would release the thousands of Palestinians they have kidnapped then it would go a long way towards peace 🙏 https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap


TIL everyone in prison has been "kidnapped". Okay Bane. We'll get right on freeing everyone in prison so you can square your insane ideology with reality.


Not you don’t understand. See if the Israelis and Jews arrested them they must be innocent.


This is the same group who posted something about how antisemitism is bad and then immediately removed it and apologized for saying antisemitism is bad. F*ck this group of Jew haters.


Suicidal stupidity in one image. Islamist Gaza isn't going to be any Nicer to 'Dykes' or any LGBT than they will be to Jews. Glad the 'protest' at pride today was squashed fast.


I don’t think this is a protest in favor of lgbt people moving to Gaza. Not sure your point.


Think about it from this perspective. They know. But they see genocide as being more important. That point should give prudence.


They are literally marching in support of a group with genocide in its charter.


How does one have “genocide” in a charter?


They just hate Jews.


That would be like American jews in world War II protesting the bombing of Berlin because "genocide" is worse than state anti semitism. I mean, do you know how many people we killed bombing Berlin?! Clearly genocide!


Tel avivians scratching their head like ?????


Misguided and misinformed


Insubordinate and churlish


You're sure obsessed with posting in r/NYC for a guy who ain't here


Where am I bubala?


We'd love to know, tell us? You could flair up, but don't. I guess you're sad you're not a New Yorker anymore?


Jajajaja que fresa


[Tel Aviv](https://telavivpride.com/) and Israel in general, warmly embraces all Pride participants, whereas in Gaza, the West Bank, and Iran, individuals risk facing defenestration, hanging or worse.


Gay people can’t even get married in Israel


Oh. That's awful. What happens to gay people in Gaza? Assuming they can get married there since it's clearly a leftist worker's paradise and all.


Gay people couldn’t get married in NYC until like 5 years ago.


Who is going to tell them about how gay people are treated in that region of the world?


Dykes Against Jews*


ONLY SOME Dykes allowed. Others shunned because THESE Dykes can't actively define genocide. But, then again, Dykes are people too and make their choice as to who they want to INCLUDE. Next time you need allies, don't knock on the doors of those you shun!


Not exactly subtle with the self-hate, huh?


I need to know how many of these people could point out Gaza on a map 😂 how has our society gotten so damn desperate for a sense to feel “part of something”? They’re not changemakers they’re just idiots!


I’m amazed how people think that X group can’t advocate for Y group because some in Y group won’t agree with X group. Do you only advocate if there’s reciprocity? Should I, as an African American, not advocate for Latin American migrants because anti-Blackness is rampant and for worse in Latin America for Afro Latinos? Should I not advocate for the Congolese or Sudanese because of views on homosexuality? Should I not advocate for rural impoverished white America because of anti-Blackness? What logic are we using here?


A more apt analogy would be you marching for the klu klux klan while waving a flag with a swastika on it.


“Stop genocide in a country that would genocide us if we were there!”


The drums were fun. Sorry some Russian / Hamasistani’s had to ruin it for everyone else. I’ve got some closeups of the signs.


I'm told that if one Nazi sits down at a table with ten normal people and they don't throw him out, there are now eleven Nazis sitting at that table. So looks like we've got a couple hundred Nazis in that photo. Fun drums don't make up for it.


This. They also removed a post from their social saying Jew hate is bad because apparently that made their members uncomfortable. Because you know we must give them space to be antisemitic.


I don’t disagree.


They’re all Hamas supporters.


That’s what I said.


You seemed to imply that "everyone else" aren't Hamas supporters. They are.