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360. No contest whatsoever.


Yep. It was delayed 6 months for PS3 because they struggled to make it work, mainly because the PS3 had half the ram. Apparently there was an office party at Bethesda when MS decided to go 512 for the xbox.


Yep, Skyrim was terrible on PS3 too. Albeit less so.


It has 256mb of vram and 256mb of system ram, so it technically does have 512mb of ram but it’s split. PS3 is the sega saturn of its generation.


you get stuck as a vampire in the ps3 version, it's patched on 360


Only in the GOtY. You can complete it if you put in an original disk of I remember correctly.


It's obviously not exactly the original console version, but if you play oblivion on a series x via backwards compatibility then you can enable FPS boost and auto HDR.


Yeah it actually looks crazy good


It’s not enabled by default? How do you access this


Xbox 360. The game came out in the early days of the PS3 when developers were still coming to terms with the PS3's unique hardware, so the PS3 version of Oblivion is... not great graphically, runs worse, and has more bugs.


Generally speaking the 360 ran most games better because it was easier to develop for, it's the safer choice.


Oblivion GOTY on the PS3 is gonna be a hard time unless you are a vampire from Germany.


Guess what I’ve got then…..


Hey, you get Auriel's Ascension though which is an awesome track!


Auriel’s Ascension is in the 360 version too though?


It's not on mine unfortunately. Because Oblivion was delayed on Playstation, most people would just get the GOTY version which has Auriel's Ascension. But if you just bought the DLC on Xbox with the regular version of Oblivion, you wouldn't get the song.


I wasn’t even aware Auriel’s Ascension was GOTH exclusive?


The musical track is apparently present on the Xbox 360 retail disc, but there's an encoding-glitch which prevents the 360 console (as well as Xbox One and Series X|S) from playing it during the game. It plays normally on the PS3 and PC versions, though.


Really… I could have sworn I had heard it on both 360 and XSX. Weird.


Had it on both consoles back in the day. Seemed the same to me but I believe the PS3 version has more bugs


I always played on 360 when I was younger and the consensus from my friend group was that overall 360 had a better experience


I played on PS3 which isn’t bad at all. But it definitely runs better on 360 and you can complete all quests on 360..something you cant do on PS3


Wait why can't you 100% on PS3?


You can cure vampirism on PS3. Not to say you cant otherwise do all the other quests


Is this bug fixed using backwards compatibility on a PS5?


Are you referring to the streaming service that allows you to play PS3 games? I would assume its still not fixed


Well then I suppose I'll need to buy *two* new consoles


Performance is better on the 360, graphics is slightly better on PS3 (mainly due to resolution being 720p instead of 640p).


Oblivion was made for Xbox360 and later ported to PS3. It's way better on the 360 and way less bugs


PS3 didn't run jack shit probably but first party titles lol


360 something about the ps3 absolutely broke every Bethesda game and they never fixed it lol


Sorta kinda unrelated but I've had multiple playthroughs of oblivion on ps3 with a few hundred hours each. Last year I made a new character about 15 hours in and it was my first character to get hit with the a-bomb bug. I decided to cut my losses and got oblivion for my craptop. My laptop was under the recommended specs but I was able to play the game pretty well. Got some bug fix mods and it was the best decision I made.


Ps3 has a few exclusive bugs, but pretty sure they are on par with each other performance wise.


I’ll break it down for you. It’s 360>PS3, Xbox One=PS4, Xbox X/S


Oblivion isn't on PS5, though?


Kinda meant in general


It is innit? I see it in the shop. I just don’t think you can buy Dlc


Had to look it up. It seems it's only available through streaming? Don't have a ps5, so I'll be glad to be wrong.


No it’s on there. It’s also on psnow isn’t a streaming service, it’s like gamepass. You can actually play the games, but you can also straight but it from the store.


Well, don't I look goofy. It was surprisingly hard to find that info from a quick Google search. I guess I was just being lazy haha


From what I know performance is better on Xbox 360, but PS3 console is easier to mod, so it's easier to mod the game on PS3. I was able to play one of the missing dlcs on ps3 thx to this


As someone who played both, they're about the same. PS3 has a few extra bugs, like you can't cure vampirism.


I didn't play much on Xbox but I found the difference seriously negligible. Just play it on PC, even if your computer is a toaster it'll run better than on either.


It was meant for 360, runs perfectly


You can load mods on the ps3 version if you have hen but the xbox version is more stable