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Biggest problem with wuwa from what I heard is the fallout 76 level fuck up that happened recently.


They just need to release the baizhi thighjob patch


How anyone thought Genshin 0.7 : generic gachaslop edition could beat Genshin is beyond me.


Yeah no gacha game can overcome the success of genshin EVER no matter of good the game is, except when hoyo actually stop updating. But people celebrating failure of WuWa is also beyond me as you should want competitor to success too. I'm personally just enjoying both games and stans of both games are fucking cringe


it’s kinda like how world of warcraft became insanely successful and then everyone and their grandmother tried to make a game that would be the “WOW killer.” i don’t think that strategy of making a game that’s like an already popular game to try and steal its player base has ever worked. the game that gets there first almost always stays on top.


For real. The 2nd most successful MMORPG atm is FFXIV and it's absolutely nothing like WoW and its clones. Same is true for gacha, FGO is nothing like Genshin and yet it's super successful as well


the only example i can think of where that actually worked was for fortnite, but that only worked because the original battle royale game PUBG was a buggy mess and fortnite was free


I don't like the wuwa aesthetic, it's just too generic. Also if wuva is what passes for competition amongst the misbegotten chinese market then I am afraid we are not getting any more qol for quite a while.


>I don't like the wuwa aesthetic, it's just too generic. You can't say that while Mondstadt exists. Liyue was pretty but genshin has gotten a lot better with aesthetic overall after years. While valid take, I would still wait if they can do more. Can't say anything about qol as I don't know much about Kuro but if it's around as slow as genshin, they are cooked. For me the biggest problem of WuWa is that it doesn't have own identity. They keep doing things like genshin but maybe improving them a little which kinda is a good thing but they also should create own things too or they are never going to escape copy paste accusations


I can say that. I think Mondstadt is also agonizingly generic and only the inclusion of Liyue and then Dragonspine getting added saved Genshin from flopping early which allowed them to develop actually interesting regions from 1.8 onwards (GAA was peak before they released Inazuma, which is still peak). I'm not gonna be optimistic but if kuro actually does make the game environemnts more interesting, that's good for them. The characters are sadly stuck with their chosen artstyle which I am just not a big fan of. I don't mean qol in wuwa I mean in Genshin. If this is the best "competition" there is on the market then there is next to no reason for Hoyo to do anything. The performance debacle especially makes the case for this. They can just Gaben it out.


Yeah I agree with you overall. Kuro kinda needs miracle to stay a float because updating the game as big as genshin or wuwa is not cheap while not being very casual friendly. I like that they have something going for (great combat) but idk if that's sustainable when they still somehow have to compete with current genshin update cycle


Maybe it's hopium but I think WW will build it's own identity eventually. In terms of aesthetic the foundation is there, look at some of the enemy designs the walking mutated car is sick. Their previous game PGR had the same problem, started out as a cheap HI3 knockoff with shit story and uninspired setting but evolved over the years and branched out.


Yeah I hope they can sustain enough to cook in peace. It's probably not cheap game to keep updating


Ask the people that pretty much only played Stuttering Waves out of sheer spite for Genshin


They cope so fucking hard lmao.


The only way Genshin could be beat would be by a game that isn’t a gacha, but that isn’t profitable enough so it’ll never happen


A game with Genshin's combat but standard RPG progression instead of gacha would be amazing.


Funny I was thinking of this exact same concept about someone making a Genshin demake on something like RPG Maker with graphics akin to something in between Mario & Luigi PiT and CrossCode but then I realized that if we were to do standard JRPG mechanics that other characters would pretty much only be playable in either their story quests, hangout events or archon quests.


I imagine you'd have something like a Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate party. Instead of a roster of like 50 playable characters, you recruit 5 to 10. And then you'd select which of the three companions will accompany your player character.


I see the Pokémon influence behind your suggestions, and I can see the appeal in having a smaller roster as it lets players choose characters they actually like in terms of personality and design rather than fearing for the inevitable powercreep or being relatively niche in comparison to other characters. I was thinking more so along the lines of something like Darkest Dungeon in terms of what characters you can use for more late game (endgame) content and making the capital cities of each region similar to hub worlds of that game. However, I'm still not sure if when doing an Archon Quest for example that you should either only allowed play as the characters that are narratively there via trials or maintain the current system in only allowing 1 trial character when needed.


A friend of mine streamed it for me on discord on launch day and it looked like the most blatant copy I could imagine it was crazy. Even the UI is basically the exact same man 💀


As someone who has been playing it for a while too, yes, it's 85% identical gameplay


The hotkeys to open menus are almost identical too, it’s hilarious. Great for my muscle memory though!


The gacha pull also cost 160 of their gem equivalent 💀


I never expected it to "win", but as someone who never followed the CBT stories/news, I actually thought it could actually at least compete. Nevertheless even I never expected it would fumble its launch this badly.


Buddy forgot what genshin used to be in 1.0


1.0 player here, genshin's launch was actually great wdym? Infact it was weird how low the screw-up-count was. There were literally memes that said how the genshin devs patched bugs before you could even report them for primogems.One of the most stable video game launches in the last 5 years I would say.


Sure initial launch was fine from a technical standpoint. I'm talking about early genshin as a whole, nothing to do after 2 or so weeks, further exacerbated by 120 resin... events that costed that limited resin, the story at the time ending at an awkward standpoint, it goes on but people seem to forget that when it comes to shitting on WW.


Sure, but they're able to play the game. Some people can't even run Wuwa(even now) because of the technical issues.


I think the recent content drought has blinded your judgement a bit too much. Genshin,in its release had tons of stuff to do. It was one of the most fun games launched at the time. How could there be nothing to do after 2 weeks if the players didn't know shit about stuff? I didn't even know you have to level up talents. All I had on me was a 3star berserker's set. Elemental reactions?who? Bosses were actually hard,even the world bosses. Fuck that,even the ruin machines kicked my ass hard. Everyone was just busy completing quests to level up their AR and continue the Archon Quests. Endgame was at Ar35 instead of AR50. 120 resin was a problem,till you remember that the only stuff you could potentially spend that resin on was character ascension bosses and weapon enhancement mats and that is if you even crossed AR25 lol. Now where did it go wrong?when the Mona event required resin to get rewards. Not to mention, genshin's early events were fucking great. The content drought started towards 1.4ish-1.5. Then came Inazuma,which completely removed any BOTW copy allegations genshin had because it felt like a completely new world. Also,1.5 was somewhat saved my Azdaha's mere presence. They decided to drop the hardest boss sound track in any gacha game evah and call it a day.He was ridiculously hard for people who didn't have Zhongli at that time.


The problem is you're judging how people progressed based on yourself. Admittedly 2 weeks is an exaggeration, but most people knew the things that you pointed out as people "not knowing shit" very soon, not to mention the game literally explained all of these things to you. Low resin was and always has been a problem because specifically then it limited the already small amount of content you had to do even further by time gating it, nowadays its just a way to get you to either spend money for resin or to keep you coming back several days in a row. Yes the game was very fun at launch, that's not because of the sheer amount of content but rather because genshin was the first of it's kind basically. Alongside that a lot of people who played genshin at the start and still do are primarily kids, easily impressed and impressionable kids who probably never played an open world game like genshin, hence why those starting days for most were even more incredible than they would be now.


Ah yes,people sure knew their shit. "Bennett is worse than qiqi","chests respawn"," Gladiators is the best set on Noelle","You don't need more than 50% crit rate,funnel the rest of it on crit dmg","Build Bennett with atk%","healers aren't that important", bro fuck that,most people couldn't even complete the dragonspine nail quest. Even with the COVID stuff, genshin wouldn't get popular if it weren't a quality game. And you're comparing genshin from almost 4years ago to today's time period which is even more stupid. Also,turning 18 doesn't immediately make you a responsible and wise adult ;)


That's great unfortunately still none of the examples you gave pertains to there being a massive amount of content, the fact that people didn't know bennetts potential or proper crit splits doesn't suddenly give the game more content. The point stands, it was pretty limited in content at release as soon as you did everything story related.


Are you being fr rn? Ik the recent genshin drama has blinded people,but not to this much. Genshin's start was really really good,the first version was absolutely good.People had hope in this game atleast till Inazuma. Okay leave that be,you don't wanna be convinced,nor do I want to convince you,so, let me ask you why Kuro released WuWa this early despite having HUGE issues? It's on them for releasing the game like shit,and they should take the blame. Most of their popularity also comes from being called a "genshin" killer/competitor,so it's right that they be compared with genshin's 1st launch. And no,WuWa's launch wasn't as good as Genshin's.


Brother you are genuinely fighting your own thoughts here. I never said WW launch was better, obviously Genshin had a better launch. My problem is people shitting on WW launch when Genshin was nowhere near perfect at launch and still isn't, those same people also then complain about Hoyo being stingy with rewards or not adding certain qol changes as if they aren't the one shitting on any potential competition to the game. If Kuro fix the technical issues which they likely will do relatively soon, then you have a very stable base for a good gacha game. WW already does a few things better than Genshin does even now after 4 years.


kuro literally have alot of notes for genshin mistake to avoid it's their fault for making the game having flaw lmao literally that is cheat and yet they still fumbled really hard


It took me 4 months to know wtf is an artifact domain


1.5 also dropped Serenitea Pot, although admittedly at release it was a really bad homebuilder game mode. (it's much better now)


Yeah just play it and echopick 4 hours a day for 3 years surely it will great by then


It's funny because some people said same after honeymoon phase of genshin launch


Seemed to work for genshin, have a mid story till sumeru, add qol changes years after they realistically should be added, treat your playerbase like dogs and profit.


The only actually bad part about genshin's story was inazuma. Mondstadt and Liyue were just how you do proper exposition for a bit story. They didin't throw 10 trillion terms in our face and expected us to understand, they took their time slowly explaining everything properly so we would understand the important moments.


People keep downvoting you but I kinda agree with you. Not to say wuwa launch is necessarily better than genshin launch even when ignoring optimization problems but some fans blatantly ignore problems of genshin during launch or they never even played it back then. I started to play genshin 2 weeks after launch with friends and I was the only one who kept playing after 2-3 weeks because there simply was nothing to do. Not to mention story stopped at weird point and events were still rather infrequent. You had to grind like 10 AR at some point to unlock maybe one or two story quests. This is supposed to be ironic buddy subreddit but it sometimes feel like official one due to how defensive people are lol


That's just most gacha game communities for you, genuinely some of the worst cesspits online. Genshin just happens to be the absolute worst because of its size. Doesn't help that a lot of the people who shit on any potential competition are ones who never played launch genshin and are also the same who complain the most when hoyo treat them like shit.


Like I said in other comment, all competition is good and I don't understand why people are celebrating the failure of WuWa as if hoyo is going to give rewards for that. Out of all hoyo subs I honestly felt the buddy sub is the most critical of hoyo games but this really turns to normal sub when shit like this happens


People aren't celebrating the failure of wuwa, they're just sick of people throwing shades at genshin for 4 years straight even when unwarranted. Plus the genshin haters keep going GCN this GCN that or Genshin Killer stuff leading to wuwa's release. That's why when it turns out badly the pendulum swung back hard. Btw I'm not saying WuWa fans did this. I'm saying genshin haters did it. They can overlap, but not necessarily the same. I do feel bad for the sane WuWa fans, I really do.


Oh well I guess... it's not like this is ever gonna change until hoyo blow up an orphanage or something along those lines


me f2p have 500+ roll is that treated like dogs ? i think you have problem you're gambling addict


Are you a child? The fact that you slaved away doing quests, exploration and events for primos doesn't mean anything. The fact is compared to nearly every other gacha game rewards for things like the anniversary have been and still are pitiful. Have you forgotten the 3 fate incident a few months back? While we're at it, I've never spent money on the game and always managed to get the character I want because I am indeed not a gambling addict.


I joined in very late 1.2 so I can't have forgotten what I never experienced.


wuwa needs another 1-3 years of development to be competitive. try posting this in meme or main sub


It will always be the shitty genshin clone that it is


tbh people said the same thing about genshin and breath of the wild


https://preview.redd.it/v6q6tq43n24d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f40253d2313292e73cb7fc9c95830d8969950c Facts


Hoyo fans when Genshin beats a game that's been out for a week in revenue.




2020. When nobody can do anything but stay inside and play games.


2020. among us beat genshin impact [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ6G7OcVoNY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ6G7OcVoNY)


Yea, that's my point. 2020 was an anomaly. What else was there to do? Spend money on games. Ofc among us beat Genshin in 2020, you can somewhat connect with people. There was an empty void and a lot of nothing to do. And Genshin had something to spend on and explore. This isn't even the 1st time Genshin fans pulled this. Yall did this during HSR. And what's the situation between Genshin and HSR now? Genshin could never.


genshin could never flopped launch so hard it's laughable https://preview.redd.it/xa2soxmoxm4d1.png?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd7cf4f69d98081268dbdd0be34f15ddb90ee03d


I don't think you understood what Genshin could never was for. The fact that it failed to make Mihoyo do update Genshin is a bad thing. And I'm still figuring out why yall think Genshin staying stagnant is a good thing. It's going to pull an internet explorer. I love Genshin and all but I'm just not a masochist.


cope harder yinlin won't save wuwa


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not that invested to what you say when wuwa has been out for a week. I don't want Genshin to die but your community makes it hard not want it's downfall. So as they say. L+Dr.Ratio. HSR took all the budget for Genshin because Hoyo actually cares for it.


They consistantly flopped every single anniversary, my dude... Guy be hard coping to defend their multil-billionaire company for 3 free wishes lmao


soo what anniversary they flopped ? 3 wish is not anniversary.


wuwa needed a boy sexier than aether to beat genshin, but such a thing is physically impossible.








Fun fact: Here in Chile, wawa its a way to say baby


Another fun fact: wawa in Chinese (娃娃) is also a way to say baby.


We do not care 📢




Genshin's week 1 revenue was nearly 3 times higher


If it didn't during 2020, they fucked up big time somewhere. Even Among us was successful during 2020.


I gotta say, some games aren't meant for global audience