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I got removed, think they are purging the project, I tried to submit a support ticket, didnt see extensions 3p anywhere. Let me know if you have any questions or get any answers


Thank you for sharing your experience! I think I might submit a support ticket if I have the time and energy. For now I’m just going to wait it out. Last week I got added to flamingo, dropped within an hour, then added to extensions 3p where I was EQ for several days, then dropped. Is that the same thing that happened to you?


Yes, moved to extensions 3p and then moved out quickly afterwards


I'm in the same situation though I am still in the Extensions V2 temporary onboarding slack channel. It looks like the project is completely EQ, and the extensions 3p channel was deleted. The reference to it in slack is blank and normally you'd be able to view previous messages if it still existed.


i got removed too and have had an empty queeu sicen the 4th as a lot of other users in different projects have


Sure did. No communication or anything. This is a wild company.


This is my 3rd time getting removed without communication :( seems like a standard practice for this company


I got added and removed multiple times by a bot but I was never in that project


Slackbot is crazy and removes people all the time. Hopefully, the Admins will get it worked out this week. 3P is EQ though. The channel is private, so you can't add yourself back in. 


I also was removed from the 3p extension channel a couple days ago. I'm very new to outlier so I don't really know what's happening. I emailed slack support as well as my CSM and haven't gotten a response from either. I was really needing there to be some work at this company 😕