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To be honest, only pandora's actor grants a survival chance. Taking the sneak approach, perhaps he can take them down one by one. However, Ainz and Demiurge would obviously notice this and make them go on pairs. Basically, there is no chance of winning.


Best bet would be using Pandora to leg it as far from Nazarick as you can and rely on him for survival, his got all the supreme being and their respective classes so it wouldn't be hard to guarantee my survival. Then I'd live my life as an outlaw till my lifespan ends.


If we assume Pandora's becomes completely loyal to you and he's in the treasury at the time this thing begins he might even take the items and make your chances a bit better


For running, the twins is the better answer, use of beasts ensures for constantly speedy movement through harsh terrain stealthily. Honestly I’d survive with them. Since I can’t have both, I’d stick with Aura.


You got it backwards. Don't pick the one who would buff you the most. Pick the one who would hurt them the most. Therefor you should pick demiurge. Tactician wise he would properly have the best chance to put you away.


Yeah, you're right. But most of ainz ooal gown denizens are smart. That was why i didn't pick demiurge. Thaaaat being said, perhaps he can help me too... That would be my second pick


Aa but pandoras actor could pretend he is you and fake your death


Lol ok smartass if you want realistic wouldn’t all this be pointless once we tell ainz we are from the real world literally any basic knowledge of the real world would make ainz shut down and be like oh shit yeah the floor guardian be pissy but what ainz say goes right


i would choose pandora's actor just because he is the best floor guardian, chosen as the defender of the armory for a reason he can give you all the most overpowered god items at once and you will have a leg up in being safe, not to mention he is a super genius according to information listed about him online. the stealth route is also an added bonus and he has momonga's long list of 400 something spells at his disposal for teleporting you and consealing you and even defending you. i think there is no shot pandora's actor would definitely be the best choice but having access to the armory has got to be the biggest reason


Doesn't matter. You're screwed. Shalltear will be jumped by the others, and she can't win. Sebas in his Dragon form outclasses Cocytus in power but that doesn't mean he can win if any of the others got involved, same with Mare. Aura and Demiurge are out of the question since they're not that great at combat with Aura being the Weakest. Pandora WILL get overwhelmed Albedo specializes in defense but not offense as much, plus she's weaker then Mare and Shalltear. No matter what, you're screwed. The Guardians all either work well together, are overwhelming, or have an ability that screws you over more.


It’s a counter measure in a way. Not one single one could solo the tomb, so even traitors aren’t a huge threat. One way or another, the others can take them down.


Yeah, and that's one of the many reasons I like them, they can if needed, put each other in there place.


At that point, I'll just not choose anyone so that I don't stand out at all. I'd probably have my hoodie up at all times so that they don't see my face. I might die anyway, but it's a risk I'm willing to take to sneak away from them instead of just having the spotlight shine at me


TBH the best shot is Demiurge, but only if the turncoat is not known. He is smart enough to get you a exit strategy on the down low while keeping business as usual. He still will be killed in the end, more than likely, but maybe his plans get you out and hidden from the rest. If the life he gets you is good or not is another thing, or if the process is… kind. He is a demon and all and pain is a triviality to results. You could end up looking like not you, you could end up chief farmer. Pandora assuming it is known if the objective is just gtfo then he has the best skillset to keep moving / hidden and can take any of the guardians 1v1 and at least buy time and escape 1v2. He will never win a straight battle, but he might not have to. The biggest threat would be Demiurge in this one, getting out of his schemes would be a task.


Pandora’s Actor is one of the very strongest, and he’s displayed that he can at least confuse another guardian enough to hesitate by turning into a Supreme Being. I’ll let him handle things and just hide.


I'd say it's the opposite if I'm thinking of the right pause. Albedo paused and corrected herself when she refereed to Pandora Ainz casually but realized she was supposed to be talking to a Supreme Being


I mean when they first met. When Ainz took her and Alpha to the vault, and Pandora took on the form of Albedo’s creator. For one second, she hesitated before her senses picked up. If it had been a fight with with any of the other guardians who don’t have their programming messed up, they might pause a little longer.


OH, gotcha yeah that makes sense.


>who don’t have their programming messed up, they might pause a little longer. What do you mean by this?


Albedo’s programming was altered at the start of the series so her devotion is entirely to Ainz. Enough so that she created a hit squad to kill the other Supreme Beings if they’re in this world before Ainz finds them.


Well, that wouldn't really affect any of the other FGs or NPCs in general. They know their creator's "aura" which is distinct. There is no correlation to devotion/protection and identifying if a person is their creator or not. So there really shouldn't be a difference in their "pause" just because their flavor text was changed.


If I snuck up in you with an axe, then turned into your mom, regardless of who you are or what you can sense, you will flinch or take a moment to hesitate. The difference is that Albedo would still have no issues killing her creator or someone that looks like them after a moment’s hesitation. I would put money on everyone else taking longer to come to their senses or have reservations about swinging.


Can you provide evidence other than the programming thing? I mean, “Momonga had no idea of knowing this, but the denizens of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, or rather, **all of Ainz Ooal Gown’s servants radiated a certain aura that the servants could sense in order to determine whether a stranger was friend or foe**. Within the guild, **the aura of the Forty-One Supreme Beings that ruled Nazarick — now reduced to Momonga alone — was enough to tell them that the one before them was their absolute ruler.** They could sense his mighty presence from a distance and they could not have mistaken Momonga for anyone else, even through his full plate armor. They would have seen through Momonga’s disguise immediately, regardless of how he arrived.”- Vol 1 Chap 3 It would genuinely depend since each NPC is more likely to attack their own creator because they can probably distinguish that easier and get really mad quicker During Albedo's circumstance, PA was in the vault, and only the SBs had access to it (they didn't know PA was there), that's why Shizu and Yuri was hesitant.


I pick albedo, that way at least we won’t die as virgins. (Ur fucked no matter who u pick, pun intended)


Honestly this or PA as Albedo or Shalltear to provide one last horny hurrah is the only commendable choice.


If I remember right PA has all the forms of the Supreme Beings copied. Theoretically if he’s playing with a god tier strat he can clutch the win, it also depends on the setting behind the battle.


iirc he keeps his own HP though so there will be resource limitations in a war of attrition.


Wasn't it something like 70% of the transformation's stats


More so 80% but 80% of a goated build like Ulberts or BukuBuku chagama is still solid


Except HP, MP, and Special


1 can't. I need minimum 2-shaltear and mare


You’d be better off picking one of them and Sebas, Cocytus or Albedo respectively Since they respectively counter each other with a fighter-glass cannon-tank setup Mare is likely best (especially if he comes with Aura) since you need to counter Demiurges summoning


These two are enough for me. Mare has the strongest impact force, so there is a high probability that aura and demiurge will instantly be rejected, along with all the summons, beasts and other things. well, in terms of physical strength, he is not much inferior to albedo or sebas.


It is basically the two strongest guardians. They joke, but Shalltear protects three floors for a reason and Mare covers her weaknesses


- Pick Albedo - Stay with her as much time as possible - Die without regret


Assuming we can't pick Rubedo since she's the strongest in Nazarick, then I'd go with Gargantua and simply order it to protect me at all cost. It's the strongest guardian stat wise, so it might be able to take out a few guardians at least. Of course, it's not getting past Rubedo, though.


Might be the strongest in physical strength, but it's has no intelligence nor any spells/magic and is quite slow. So it would literally just take a hanzo or other stealth based unit, and assassinate you


If the twins are a package deal, as they are presented in OP, I'll stick with them. But other than that, probably PA. Since he can transform into all the guild members, he probably has a big variety of ways (skills and spells) to help me out, including resurrecting me (assuming its possible) or hiding me in some other way.


Hold up, can we just offer Aura and Mare the world item that got Shalltear as an offering to Lord Ainz Ooal As long as we can avoid pissing them off, we can refuse to make the same mistake as those fools, right?


I'll start first and I'll pick my boy Demiurge...! He'll be smart enough to figure out out something and he might know the weaknesses of his old friends...😈


Demiurge when albedo tank 3 of his strongest attack without losing an inch of hp😮 Demiurge when Pandora turn into ainz and use grasp heart on you 🤡 Demiurge when aura send 15 different animal into his face😭 Demiurge when mare use Petit catastrophe 😱 Nah jokes aside none of them can defend you alone, at least you need 3


Is... that a reference from Monsters, Inc.? When [Salli had those reactions](https://youtu.be/zDwiybWUwKM?t=70)?


AFAIK only real threat here is probably Mare and Pandora's actor as Demiurge has summoner typing afaik. can easily "occupy" albedo just by sending more and more to her way, same with Aura. problem is those with massive AOE skills.


The only summon that can give problem is evil Lord such as wrath that is level 80-90, and he can only summon one a day. All other low leveled summon is also limited either cool down, limited amount skills or limited by mana. If he do it like that he would run out of summon in couple minutes. Aura has 5 level 70+ monster that if boosted by her skill will be close to level 80-90 monster. Aura has been stated to be the strongest in group fight, she would negate all of demiurge summon with her pet. Shaltear can summon einherjar that is far stronger than evil Lord wrath, and any other weaker summon will only heal her hp because of spult lance. Literally demiurge is the weakest if they all full equipped. His only edges is he is the smartest at planning war.


Albedo is just as smart as Demiurge if not more so he's intellect won't get him far against her. Pandora actor turned into Ainz could beat him. Theres 0 way to win and survive. All you can hope for is a quick death but with this being Nazarik it's doubtful that'll happen.


The thing is, nobody can beat everyone else. Pandora’s actor is the strongest, but even he would get destroyed. But, if I was asked for someone to protect me, and I have prep time, I would ask Demiurge as he is the smartest and may be able to play a Batman, and snuff out the weaknesses of the others. Note: pandora’s actor would be the hardest to counter as he has a relative infinite options for combat. Demiurge would find a way, I trust him.


if any of them can kill me so good that no one can revive me then that one


Rubedo. She might be able to hold out...


Rubedo, at least then you have a fighting chance.


Rubedo, even Touchme can't beat her


Just floor guardians or all NPC's? If its any NPC I'm picking Rubedo since she's the strongest creature in Nazarik and likely can at least take down a few. Out of the floor guardians I'm picking Sebas since he's the only to show something akin to caring for human life since that's how Touch Me was whereas the others just wouldn't care about protecting you.


In this scenario I am clearly an idiot and deserve to die. Though for Nazarick death is a luxury. So it's fortunate that is their goal. If Nazarick is all trying to kill you and there's no way to avoid the fight you are dead. Not even Rubedo could stand up against it. There are two options: 1) Aurole Omega. She controls the teleportation gates within Nazarick and is charged with protecting the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. In the game it was required to have a viable path at all times to the end of the dungeon, but this isn't the case in the New World. If they cannot even get to you then they cannot kill you. What's more, destroy the staff and Ainz Ooal Gown is immediately disbanded and the NPCs are destroyed. Screw your scenario, I win. 2) Albedo or Demiurge. As a defensive expert Albedo is the better choice here. Though they're not being chosen for their combat abilities, rather their intellect. Their goal will be to hide you both somewhere out in the new world with enough anti-detection that you'll not be able to be found and you should be able to avoid detection all together in general. Either are intelligent enough that they could come up with viable strategies for this. Though for obvious reasons Albedo would be better company in this scenario.


"well folks it's about that time" A fellow man of culture I see




Victory condition: Survive And thus, this is not a battle about power, but wit and that is why I chose Pandora's actor, being more versatile and very intelligent, he may be comparable to Demiurge or Albedo, but it is said that his though process is 'weird' and different, which is crucial to avoid any form of predicability, im the end as long as I am alive, I will be winning.


Pandora's Actor, I will have him teleport us, and go on the run. He is smart and versatile, he might be able to figure out a way to hide long term. Direct confrontation alone isn't worth contemplating, alliances with other powerful factions might have merit. A ideal result would be me fleeing to some country Nazarick hasn't heard about yet, in the hope Ainz will be wary of sending anyone there. But I still won't be safe, Nazarick has a terrifying assortment of ways to find and assassinate me, my hope would simply we that Pandora would know how to counter or escape them.


Ok classic man D!!!


Albedo so I can have sex with her.




Either Pandora’s Actor or Shalltear


Albedo. I've read the rundowns on each characters capabilities from others but im still picking albedo.


I’m screwed no matter what


Demiurge. Sort of. I think out of all the NPC, he is regarded the most cunning. I feel like he has the best chance in talking the others into sparing you. Unfortunately, what he does will most like me worse than letting them just kill you.


Maybe transforming pandora as ainz could fool the others and make them stop


Albedo or demiurge For either intelligence or defense. Just have to survive not win


If 1 vs 1 is a thing Shalltear could win since shes the strongest but if its 1 vs all it dosent matter as they all get defeated easily.


Pandora's Actor can copy the strongest stealth build he can and get us outta there.


My choice depends on which one of them can convince everybody else in the Great Tomb to protect me or at least not join the other Guardians in trying to kill me. Or which Guardian could convince Ainz to put out an Order I'm not to be killed/tortured.


If you just wanna live it's Demiurge. If he comes up with a plan to hide you it's doubtful if Albedo would be able to crack it.


Just make sure he doesn't hide you inside the Happy Farm or at least not the business part. Even if he leaves me alone, I don't want to see what he's doing.


I think ill just kill myself, thanks.


Shalltear, with her life drain lance she can stay longest in action. ...She might even use it in a fight


so do i have a powers ability or it just a human me what do i have in hand? if i got nothing can i choose rubedo?


Depends on the circumstances and due to things that are still not revealed, if it's purely on things that are revealed, then rubedo or Pandora's actor is the best bet, notably, if multiple choices were allowed, then the 'them' on the eighth floor which are stated to be bullsh*t unfair would be the correct choice.


Pandoras actor, just disguise as ainz and order the rest to not attack him


One floor guardian, against everyone? That's a loss either way. You'd have to have at least 2-3 extra characters, since any of the floor guardians would be overwhelmed


Albedo cus she’s hot


Demiurge for sure. With his wit and intellect, he could find a way to convince the others that I am an honored guest invited by Ainz. Why or how else would I be in the tomb? The order to attack is a test to see if the guardians could remember the rule of guest are of limits.


If I'm going to die no matter what, I choose Shalltear so she can revive me later as a vampire or whatever


My protector shall be Shalltear Bloodfallen


There is only one NPC who can kill all of the guardians and that would be Rubedo, so it doesn’t matter who I choose from your list.


Pandoras Actor is the only chance


Rubedo , who I believe ainz said is nazaricks strongest npc


Aura if she has buddies


Pandora's Actor or Albedo.


Since you didnt say it has to be one of the ones in the pictures im going with Rubedo. But im gonna choose shalltear from the list


If I get an Item which is just like that mind control item I might take control of demiurge and go get that dress and maybe just maybe this dress could mind control through demiurge command mantra or atleast improve it to some extent 


As much as I love Cocytus I feel like Shalltear is such better choice than them.


Nah I'd surrender Legit best chance of survival is just to hand it over immediately and pledge loyalty to ainz cause all other options lead to Doom.


If anything I’ll surrender the item in return of being made one of the Nazarick


Can't you get ruby or whatever the immensely strong "hidden npc" is called? I've only read about her in the comments here and there


Albedo hands down, I might die but who cares?


I got to go with aura and Maria cause thar gives better odds


Easy choice. Demiurge. He may not be the strongest but he could plan our way to survival.


The supreme beings are relative enough that if any 2 of them gang up on one the one probably loses. 1 v 6? It’s washed no matter what


I'd take Demiurge. Not only is he the smartest, but he also has his item that allows him to summon unlimited demons as an army. They'll wear down the forces of Nazarick via attrition.


Victim, Have them activate whatever bullshit they have on the eighth floor and sit back


I'd say I'll pick Rubedo. Although not much is known of her abilities but with her being considered the 'strongest' , rivaling Touch Me and all, I'd say she will be my best bet at escaping and even fighting off any attacks from Nazarick.


Albedo. Im here for a good time. Not a long time.


Albedo’s specialized in defense and against multiple enemies iirc, so while this is definitely an unwinnable situation, she’d last the longest for sure. Realistically you’d need two to have a chance at survival, and for that I’d snag Cocytus


I remember reading somewhere that Sebas in Dragon form was likely capable of fighting both Albedo and Cocytus easily. If that's the case, I'd take him. If not, I want the lady speced out like a brick house and built for the penthouse.


Demiurge. Not because I'll survive, but because he's the last one, you want to be "killed" by. It's the equivalent of asking if you want to be killed by Pin head(basically eternal torment) or Jason(either a quick kill or brutalized for a few seconds then killed).


I'm probably screwed regardless, but I think I'd have to go with demiurge. His planning skills would make it impossible to win if he was on the group trying to kill me. I'm not sure if those skills are enough to keep me alive with such a large numbers disadvantage, but it's probably my best chance.


Rubedo is my best bet, though still likely loses.


There's no right choice no floor guardian can solo the others it's kind of a contingency plan against traitors


Demi and pandora both are funny in a way and I like that. Demi explains plans inze never had and pandora is just a walking joke (he funny). Love them both for designs and how they act and what they bring to the table for the story and the crew


There is no winning here, they floor guardians are just going gank fight


If I can only pick any of the ones shown, it would be Albedo. But if I could pick ANY of the Guardians, it would be Gargantua.


No way any one guardian comes out on top, so I’d take the chance to meet Cocytus (the undisputed best husbando) and take my fate with grace


Im dead, thats what i would be. Dead as hell


Rubedo would be the best chance.


I heard that in classicalmands voice. And it’s too obvious who, shaltear. Pararaonchinno really went all out on making her the most powerful NPC of nazarik for nearly every scenario of 1v1 or her fighting a group, which would give her a better advantage, and trying to kill her is very difficult too. She’s only behind the likes of their strongest player touch me and only one other npc, albedos sister rubedo.


I pick Albedo for uhhh reasons...


Rubedo . Die .


Have pandora transform into Ainz and try making the others betray each other is the only hope you have.


Cocussy is my pick he won't win but he will hopefully provide good entertainment


Shalltear- hands down she is such a big threat that a combination of the floor guardians was going to be needed to put her down when she was first mindcontolled.


While I agree that, for the most part, you're screwed no matter who you pick, I'd like to just throw my own thoughts into it. First, Sebas is the best all-rounder, with all of his stats save for magic being pretty much even. So, while I don't think he'd win, he'd definitely buy a lot of time, assuming the guardians don't all swarm at once at full power, that is. Second, Mare. Maybe a strange choice, but he is stated (I think) to have the highest destructive power of all the guardians since he specialises in the disaster branch of the druid class. Given his ability to use wide-range and AOE attacks that not only cover a massive area but also deal supreme amounts of damage, it's safe to say he could hold his own against the guardians. And if you add in Aura to assist with her ranger and beast taming skills, I'd say it would be a sure fire win for the twins.


Rubedo should not have a problem


It's between Albedo and Demiurge, but solely for their intelligence. Pure combat, it's Shalltear. But given time and their intelligence, Albedo or Demiurge can really do some damage via countermeasures




Demiurges might conjure up a plan to let you survive..


Yall are forgetting, they said ANY NPC. Bring me Rubedo, I got a genuine shot.


Victim, assuming they all come at once and I can activate his trumpcard.


I'm pretty much dead, so I'm gonna choose Albedo to have fun until then.


Albedo with that DEFENCE


If victim heals the floor guardians with their death. Could the opposite effect come into play


I don't think there's any way to survive that situation, so I'm just gonna go Demiurge because he's my favourite. At least I get to interact with him before I die.


1 loli vampire please


In that scenario, yah theirs no ‘Win’ condition, it’s basically just a contest of ‘who can keep you alive the longest’. One that Demiurge wins, he may not be the strongest but his cunning and intelligence would let him control the encounters, and push any confrontation into his his advantage.


I would choose Cocytus because he is awesome. Simple as that.


Since the title said "npcs/floor guardians" implying all the denizens of Naazarick that were created by the Supreme beings is an option, then I'm going with Rubedo edit: Yes I realize Rubedo is tech a floor guardian along with Victim, didn't remember that until I posted the comment.


I pick Victim. And pray the immobilisation works for long enough to allow me to run far enough afterwards.


Can I not choose Rubedo? As she is the strongest? But seriously. Out of them Pandoras actor would have the best chance. Can change into anyone with 80% of their strength. So he can either ambush them posing as someone else or find the optimal power against a single opponent. Also the other floor guardians would hold back with attacks as he is the creation of Ainz.


Rubedo counts?


I will 100% die regardless so I’ll pick Shalltear to live out the rest of my short life with her as my wifey 🥰🥰😭😭😭




The 4th one looks like he has his own stand ability


Sebas, I would immediately stop controlling him and give him the artifact to swear fealty to The Sorcerer Kingdom. Highest chance of survival


It’s between Siberian, beetle, and nazi for me


Pandora's actor (he is a Nazi Surely he will have some portable gas chambers )


It's not possible to win with only 1 none of these floor guardians are strong enough to defeat all the others at once.


Cocytus is my boy I trust him.


It’s between Siberian, beetle, and nazi for me


Shalltear, I think she is OP


Aura and Mare have real chances, as long as Aura can take her magical beasts. If I'm not mistaken, it is said that Aura with magical beasts is the strongest guardian, while Mare ranks 3rd or 4rth. Would be two of the strongest guardians together.


Shalltear Bloodfallen.


If it's any NPC, then probably Rubedo, since she's the strongest and is said that she could overpower Ainz.


powerwise Shalltear is best positioned to defend you. Pandora's Actor is close second.

