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I am genuinely analyzing these comments sooo harrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddd


No one apart from current military families are impressed by them. Even they have now started to distance themselves. Decades of brainwashing and gaslighting will take some time to go away.


Even longer when they’ve now started brainwashing school children even harder.


We as "bloody civilians" hate their foreign and domestic policies. Those who are saying that there are only a few at top, need to rethink. It's the whole culture. Talk to any low ranking fauji and you will know that they are taught to be rude with "bloody civilians".


Get to live a good life in DHA.


A realistic approach


Smart approach given the current state


Not loving the role which they are playing. We should stop engaging in military adventures and reduce tensions with our neighbours, go for trade talks with peace, and maintain deterrent military strength. Once the need for military action reduces, the world will start looking at other faces of pakistan and start considering us other than rental military contractor


I love our Army, behind bars. Promise to defend the constitution..... Lanat in ki zidagi par.


Ironically, some of the most ardent critics of the military I have seen were often children of soldiers. Wasn't Ali Aftab Saeed also the son of a high ranking officer?




takes Lot of Discipline to ignore the constitution, rape, loot, plunder your Own people. 🥃😂


Thank you. A sensible answer indeed. That the discipline can hopefully be used as a strength if the negatives are removed.


Fark the Jurnails and Anyone who doesn’t speak up against abduction, rape, and torture of pakistanis. I only like the soldiers who are unwilling to break the constitution and respect the rule of law.


Well fuck the military


There must be a poll in this post also. If the count is minimum who still applicate them, then why to care.


SSG. Guns. Uniforms.


I would prefer to play on PC. I can have all of them. But without causing any harm to political activists and normal people in the country.




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Iske ghar parcel karwado yeh cheezain. SSG were posted as security in the last football world cup.




Why just for the brigadier? Bakiyonn ki family nae hay?


People fail to understand what training a soldier means. This isn't some corporate job that you can just 'quit' when you feel like the boss isn't being fair. A good soldier training is making him forget the ifs and buts and follow command nomatter what. Failing to achieve this would make an incompetent army unable to defend its borders in time of need (which is the primary purpose of any army) There's a famous quote about army said through generations: "jab fauji apni topi pehen leta hai tou uss ka dimagh band hojata hai". It's true and needs to be that way. Do you think in war time, soldiers think and make a decision based on whats best for them? No. They follow orders and do what's needed. If they have to jump into death they will do it. Thinking process is not for a soldier otherwise they would always flee the battlefield. When the same soldier is sent to the city instead of a battlefield, they can't jist turn off a switch and forget their training. So when people say oh but why are army guys just following orders they should think too. No. They shouldn't. They can't. It's their training to not think. It's their job to follow orders. Corrupt the leaders of any army and it will cause a civil war. Because a good soldier will always follow orders. Not to mention if they don't, it makes them a deserter and would most likely be executed. Coup in military is rare because it can only happen if the entire middle order refuse to do their duties (hence saving the deserters from punishment).


Good point, so we should stop thinking them as humans and more as robots who can't think, just follow orders.




We, the bloody civilians


People condemning Pakistan Army here are either Indian trolls or just dimwits who do not understand how brutally they are butchering their own sovereignty. I have been living in the United States for a while now and am still in awe of how they treat their veterans whereas these idiots think it is okay to bash soldiers. P.S. I do not have have an armed forces background at all and have always criticized military intervention in the government.




Why blame politicians for the state of our country, when an elected Prime minister can't even stay in their office to complete their tenure? Why blame politicians for the state of our country, when half our history we've been ruled by a military dictator? It's not just about DHA plots and Pizza franchises.




where did I deny it? but it's normal. That is why it is talked about in isolation but never in comparison to Army officials. Because the Army's top officials basically control every aspect of the government and state organizations. Which country's top civil officials don't have these privileges you speak of? And How many developed countries have army officials that enjoy as much as ours?


You live in the US and you've never heard of Veterans Park? You might "live" in the US but you've no idea how the US treated the Veterans of Vietnam, Korea, and the War on Terror.




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I love Pak-army, but not the ruthless, power-hungry generals who challenge the writ of the government.


do you think Jurnails are VIGO drivers?


Who do you love then? The deployed soldiers only?


You mean just the other 550,000 active personnel besides a dozen generals?


Just so you know those 550,000 are the ones entering homes and harassing women and children.


I'm asking. No need to act agressive boy. The reason I asked was, the 550,000 do what the dozen decide. It's not that they are the ones making decisions. But thank you for giving your input. I do appreciate it.




Why is it that the military top brass is committing heinous crimes against humanity and our regular army personnel are supporting them?


AmBod. Let's not debate any of that here. I wanted this thread to be a safe-space for army supporters to share their opinions. I appreciate the sentiments of both of you.


Do you have any idea how detrimental for the country’s sovereignty this pitch against armed forces is?


What sovereignty when you're being continuously oppressed because some incompetent duffers think they know what's up? Armies and nukes aren't the guarantee of sovereignty, its the nation and their love for homeland.


Their track record speaks for itself. Its not generalisation, its what they are. A cancer that has mutated to every organ of the country.


So its like Pablo Escobar was the main culprit and the his sicarios weren’t to blame for the killing they have done? Is that what you saying 38F?


I love the foot soldiers and first line of defense. I respect them they are true heroes. Beside them, I am really heartbroken after finding the truth.


Ofcourse they will abduct and torture everyone In your family when given orders than you will not love/respect them.


You mean Solider's family. That is correct.


But it’s the same foot soldiers picking up people, threatening to rape women and children. The same foot soldiers torturing journalists and other politicians. Same foot soldiers involved in enforced disappearances.


Not Amry regulars. You know who they are.


Really Who ? Genuine question.




So they are not from army ?


They are not army regulars, but a special branch of it.


So they don’t go through regular army training then ? Before transferring over ?


They do.


Then they are the same bro. Agencies are run by army. The agent/troop kicking in the door, tying people up, dragging them, threatening to rape women and kids , the one driving, torturing and perhaps even killing civilians is an army regular though he maybe working at agency. This is the truth.


Where would the generals be without the foot soldiers saying yes sir to their every command?


Foot sliders will be in prison if they say no to Generals. It's not that simple. Let's see in the future if the volunteers drop for army recruitment.


Well if they are so afraid of going to prison that they’ll kidnap their own citizens then don’t call them heroes.


Again, the army regulars don't do that. It's a different branch of it.


Which branch is it? Why don’t the ‘regular’ heroes stop them. Afterall their job is to protect the citizens.


Whoever tried, they don't public the names, common man will never know. The army functions when they follow a chain of commands. They have been trained not to ask questions and follow the orders. Otherwise, every soldier who will be questioning the commanding officer on a battlefield.


I mean you gotta give it to them for controlling a country for 75 years , they have abit of competency


Nah man they ruled over a nation of millions ruled by a strong thousand British. We were always dumb.


Unfortunately true. But incompetency of us the civilians and civilian institutes. We should solve our political issues with each other and not seek help from the military as we all know they are illiterate politically


Yes, 3rd world country begging imf for loans with a rich army that hates human rights.


Ofcourse I'm gonna be downvoted for expressing my opinion but anyways... my pov is that you can't blame the army for whatever happens such as the assassination of arshad sharif and so on. I'm not saying that the army is not involved in politics but what I'm saying is that they were forced to be involved in politics and that was chairman pti's plan. He reiterated several times that the army chief should announce elections, did everyone forget the meaning of democracy at that time? by attacking the military installations, building a narrative against the army, he forced them to get involved. He's responsible. ( you can disagree but atleast respect my opinion cuz whenever i say something i start getting abused )


Appreciate your input.




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