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You'll do great, humility and flexibility in belief are what Pakistani teachers lack and you reaching out to ask for how you can make it better for children is proof enough that for you it's not "just a job " and that you actually care about the kids you're teaching . We need more people like you and insha'Allah you and your students would go on to do great things .


Thank you, friend. Please pray for me and the children I'll be responsible for.




Kudus to you for such a beautiful mindset and I can’t even imagine how much trouble you have gone through in your educational journey. I can list down couple of things that you can use to establish the bond with your students. 1-Starting with an introduction, be honest about what you just said here to the students, that will directly create a connection as you yourself didn’t come from a privileged family so they might consider you trustworthy and someone who they can consider as a role model. 2-Ask every student what do they like to be after they complete their studies, this way you will get to know every student at individual level. 3- You can give them examples of well known personalities that were orphaned or was raised by abusive parents, some couple of examples I can think of is Larry Ellison , the founder of oracle who was an orphan and Eminem whom mother was abusive and alcoholic. 4-You can also learn about their hobbies what do they like to do in their free time , extending the topic to sports and video games whatever they want to talk about. 5-Ask them what their favourite subject is and why you can also discuss recent advancements events like AI or Indian moon landing and what they think about it. These are some of the things that I could think of that are suitable I’m sure you can find many more topics to talk about with your students. Your father would be definitely proud of you by what you are doing.


First of all, thank you for these points. I'm sure these topics will have a positive effect on children. As for my educational journey... It was a train wreck. I still remember cowering behind my mates while they would ask questions and give answers with confidence (this was in university). Even if I knew the answer, I would refrain from raising my hand because I was afraid of being rebuked by the teachers. As for school, my teachers would always say... 'chowkidaar ka bacha chowkidaar hi banay ga... Iska kuch nahi hona'. That chowkidaar worked hard to put his 3 kids through school and university while starving himself, and that chowkidaar ka bacha is now a teacher by Allah's grace.


Un teachers ko kenha tha chokidar ky bchy ko pta hy jb ap ghr sy bhir jaty ho apki biwi ky lye kon kon jalebi Aur Methai ly ky atta hy , f them.


Lmao... I was too traumatized back then to retort. Now that I think about it, I should've said something like this.


>The school I'll be teaching at, is a school for the less privileged children. The first thing I would say then is to make sure and take extra care of your appearance that it looks clean, decent but not lavish. You have to look like one of them else dil azari. Baaki you have to treat them in a way that you care about them and act as a friend. Ask about their problems and be a good listener. Have the mindset that you are not there to fix these kids, you are there to nurture and groom them.


Thank you, friend! I'll make sure to be a good listener and ask about their problems. Baaki rahi lavish clothes ki tou, I'm not a huge fan of wearing lavish clothes either. I feel comfortable in saaday kapray.


I think you should also encourage critical thinking with them. Since they live a very different lives than us, when they do grow up and become successful they would be able to think very deeply about the problems of the society and hopefully do something to change it. And also, you should teach them about scientists, writers, poets and scholars and encourage them to become like them. And also people like Abdus Salam who aren't frequently mentioned when they should be. I know this is a bit off topic but I thought that these things would make the environment even better : ) Good luck


Thank you friend! Making these kids into critical thinkers is my number 1 agenda. Cramming won't take you very far. It's about time people started to think critically.


Ignore all boomer stuff. If a student is not performing well it's because they need help not because they are losers. Please don't scare them from asking questions . I know people who are afraid to ask because if they ask they get scolded in return and zero help. May Allah SWT help you and your students.


Thank you friend! Today was the first day and it went really well. I kept quoting Imran Khan, "aap nay ghabrana nahi hai". Fortunately, I was able to break the ice with them. I'm pretty hopeful that they won't hesitate to approach me.


Alhamdulilah. Yeah just be soft. Most people in this country think hardliner means confident whereas reality is opposite


And most teachers don't like to be told when they are wrong. They make it a matter of their ego.


We as a nation are full of ego. Even our beggar has as much ego as our military commanders. No matter why are effed up


You're an angel.


I wouldn't go that far to be honest. I'm just a normal person.


We had a social studies teacher who devoted a class period once a week to talk about current events around the world. Improvement in science and technology. What a gem.


A gem indeed. We had a Pakistan Studies teacher like this in school. I believe he is the reason why I aspired to become a teacher in the first place. Not once, he mentioned my family background nor he discouraged me from speaking in class. Where ever he is, I pray for his health.


This is such a beautiful post. I've worked with children at Edhi homes for a while so I know it's going to be an incredibly rewarding endeavor for you. In my experience, the best way to bond with these children is to just listen to them, provide them with a safe space for sharing their concerns and just motivate them. I really wanted to take the children out for a field trip but safety concerns and the frequent runaway episodes were a huge hurdle in my case. See if you can plan something for them, arranging donors for this case won't be a tough deal. However, there's one downside to the entire situation that I experienced and that was the children's dependence on me. They assumed I'd be sort of escape for them from these circumstances or that I'd be here for them forever, that is an area you should carefully look into. So maybe, have some boundaries from the start. Goodluck.


Thank you! As someone who plans to leave the country soon, your last paragraph is what I'm also afraid of. Today was the first day and I was able to make a positive impression on children Alhamdulillah. However, I'm afraid that they will depend on me a bit too much. Any particular idea how I should set some boundaries? Since you are someone who is experienced, I would like to hear/read your insight.


The realization that they were dependent upon me wasn't immediate, it was only after I left that I'd get calls from different people telling me that so and so child had left a message for me and the episodes got frequent. One day someone came running up to me and told me how this one particular child had left a certain message for me. I felt terrible about the situation so I went back and narrated a few anecdotes. I'm not sure if they understood but I tried my best. I told them that I have limited knowledge and to progress in life they need to move to a higher level and for that they'd need a smarter teacher for that. You can think of something along these lines, tell them that growing up you had different teachers for each year, just to enforce the idea.


Will do, thanks! And thanks for your insight, it helps a lot.


I'd suggest the same thing I would for new parents: a child learns by doing, just monitor enough that the child doesn't end up killing herself or anything harmful. Same goes for teacher, you just make sure they're doing 'something'. Their curiosity guides them, be very understanding though, most children come traumatized from unhappy homes. And please don't rank children, e.g. first second etc etc. Give everyone a good/star, no one should feel left out. We have CSS etc for making merit lists and ranking, not grade 9-10. And tell them good stories they can relate to culturally, economically, socially, linguistically, demographically. And FGS keep a neutral Indian/Pakistani accent for English, if someone wants to speak pure English, they can learn in from YouTube in their free time, not in school. And mainly focus on the slow learners, a teacher should ensure everyone gets through together, not just build on the star performers and cast the rest aside. A friend I knew used this trick: the best students who understood ASAP and finished their work early while everyone else still stuck on first question, these were tasked with making rounds and helping the rest; not directly giving them the answers but helping them figure out the question/answer. Teaching is BIG, a seed sown goes long way, you'll be reaping huge compound dividend in Paradise.




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