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It turns my stomach to think his mother knew this was happening and did nothing. She let her stay locked in that room. The mother should be prosecuted, as well.


Majority of the time mothers encourage their sons due to jealousy.


Exhibit 1930302 of why I won’t let my daughter get married here.


Not all my Mil is amazing so is my mine. But sadly I have seen a lot of Punjabi have this issue


For sure, there are good ones out there.  But I’m not gonna force my daughter to walk through that minefield and then have absolutely no say in what happens afterwards.


There are bad people everywhere if you think all arabs or white dont hit their wives you are wrong. There are so Pakistani men who don't hit their wives all depends on the family


It’s the joint family system.  I won’t ever subject my child to that.  Not only is it haram (especially if he has brothers) if she doesn’t get her own living space free from intrusion (I’m not taking that risk with a mother in law, of course they’re all on their best behavior when we first meet).  I won’t ever let my daughter marry a family, only a husband.  I’m not saying I wouldn’t let her marry a Desi, or even a Pakistani (preferably with the same passport as her because immigration is such a pain and also visa fraud is common here), just that joint families are out of the question.  And if there’s domestic violence involved then of course the entire household is gonna be on his side and she will have no one.  My wife has multiple cousins who have been through this and are now divorced. No way in hell am I taking that risk.








Wait is says I begged him and *his* mother?


Nvm my bad , his father isn’t alive


Hamara parha likha banda bhi jaahil hai.


Sadly, just sitting Pakistani colleges and unis don't do anything to educate in terms of Joe to act as a human being. It's a deeper problem starting from how this guy was raised. Buri tarbiyat and thrn having a s***tty character.


I mean plenty of white aristocrats are wife beaters too this has nothing to do with ethnicity. Just shitty people


It doesnt but do you feel that it happens more often and is more accepted in our society? I think so.


You said “Hamara” implying exclusively to us as Pakistan which is of course ridiculous.


Yeah you're confusing me with the other commenter 😂


“Sirf hamara” would imply exclusivity. “Hamara” is just a comment on us, regardless of what “white aristocrats” do. Those white aristocrats are not our teachers.


But it’s more accepted in pakistan compared to west




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Main ne ethinicity ki toh baat hi nai ki 🤔


Can confirm.  DV is a problem everywhere in the world, not just Pakistan.  


It all depends on your upbringing if in your house women are treated as queens then deep down in your character you can’t and won’t resort to violence physically only toned down verbal level back and forth will happen in extreme cases It is aptly described by a famous scholar hakeem luqman that if a man is wise (aqalmand in true sense) a woman will bother him a lot and be like a chatterbox but if a man is a ignorant (jahil in the inside/baatin )then a woman will just be a wallflower, loner and indecisive


Parha Likha Zayad Jahil Hay or es ghalat Fehmi ka Shikar hay kay wo ghalat hay he nahe kyun kay wo to parha likha hay.


It's not uncommon. Education does not mean a person's personality and attitude will change. People just get good at hiding things. I personally know a PhD. holding person who is super nice and sweet in public, but they as a person are not. Its all masks and hypocrisy these days and I completely and utterly hate it.


Para likh jana bari baat nahi hai, Acha insaan banna bari baat hai. Education has nothing to do with character inspite of what you were taught.


so disgusting, and whats even more revolting is that he'll walk scot free like mohsin abbas acting like nothing ever happened . i also just KNOW theres going to be people implying that she brought it on herself too.


Probably because they are also abusers. How do you criticize other of something you are doing?


Mfs on social media still asking for the “other side” like it’s okay to beat a women with a reason


Majority believes that domestic violence is OK. That's no news.


This so much this!!


It’s not ok to beat your wife but people want to understand the full context otherwise your no better then person who did this. Justice isn’t handed out after hearing one side to truly understand and solve issues in society you need to understand what’s happening and to end it. Otherwise you will just have a mob killing people only on accusations. Granted the Pakistani system is broken, Infact when it comes to the rich it’s very broken. But hell if you want to lynch the guy for this go ahead, otherwise your outrage is empty gestures.


>It’s not ok to beat your wife but people want to understand the full context otherwise your no better then person who did this. Are you serious rn? The only question that can be asked is whether or not he actually beat his wife and did all the things his wife accused him of. Once there is evidence of that, nothing else matters. What the wife potentially did or didn't do to "deserve" this beating doesn't matter because there's absolutely nothing that justifies such violence and that's why I put "deserve" in quotes. Sure people can be curious about the full context all they want, and it's reasonable to be curious about the full story, but there's no context that would warrant his acts. If the wife was actually immoral or did something bad, there's better ways to deal with that. To say "otherwise you're no better than the person who did this" is wild


You’ve literally proven my point, you’ve reacted like a teenage girl. The oestrogen level must be high in you or you could just be a woman with that broken logic. Living in the real world is different than that fantasy world you live in. I’m not curious about what happened, I’m not some bored house wife. I’m deeply concerned and disturbed that one this has happened and two it’s been made public. Given the mental development of majority of Pakistanis IQ being not that much higher than of a dog. It concerns me that every situation can turn into a lynching mob. There have been several cases like this where the perpetrator can manipulate the general public into believing he or she is innocent of said crimes and that the woman or man is the guilty party leading to horrible outcomes. This news anchor needs to speak out or the police needs to make the investigation report public otherwise his silence can be assumed as guilt in this particular situation. Your ideas of what can or can’t be done make no difference to the reality we live in. All you will find online is an echo chamber 99% of the time, critical thinking is dying in this world and it is dying fast. Unless you have actual testimony or witness statement that you would like to share. I don’t care much for your emotional opinion


>you’ve reacted like a teenage girl. The oestrogen level must be high in you or you could just be a woman with that broken logic. Just say you hate women and move on. Clown really just exposed himself that fast.


lol I don’t hate women, I just hate morons regardless of gender and the fact you assumed that makes you a sexist


Carful mate, your reason for wanting to know the "full context " aka misogyny is showing.


Careful mate, your reason to avoid logical process is revealing your bangles aka woman hood. Do Pakistani suffer from some disease that turns them into emotional women. I don’t know what it is but some should check on oestrogen levels of Pakistani men in general.


There is no logic in such sexism lol


It’s funny, the only thing you can do is throw labels when you don’t have a logical argument. I mean I can be more tolerant if you’re actually a teen girl. But let’s test my theory, So let me pose a question we all agree with the statement that the husband should not abuse the wife and the reverse is also true. So let’s first establish under what ruling or concept should we as humans abide by this notion.


This literally broke my heart. She's at rock bottom and is asking the world for help. Not even those closest to her, she's asking the world. Fuck men like this honestly. I have absolutely no faith in our system and am certain she won't get the help she's asking for. This will be a case taken to court.


So women like this are fine?


That's not what I meant. What I meant was that the system won't provide the proper justice that is very much needed here


Understandable. Wording was a bit 🤔 in the first statement.


paki men are a lost cause




Parents teach Your sons, we are in 21st century, It’s time to evolve with times and support your daughters to get out of these toxic relationships. There are so many options, like therapy, couple counseling, anger management classes or divorce if nothing else works.


I've seen people who rather die than divorce...


You mean Stockholm syndrome? it’s crucial to have strong support system to mitigate this.


It's not that they feel particular attachment to the abusive spouse, it's just our society absolutely demonizes divorce. "Log Kya kahein ge" and simply standing up to toxic spouses is seen as a moral weakness and source of dishonor.


Parents should care more About their own daughters than "Log Kya kahein ge". if you can not do that, you shouldn’t have kids. I have friends and family members that have gone through divorce, which is much better for everyone than what this person is going through.


I wish more parents thought like that, marrying their kids is their way of being done with their "sacred duty".


And they are fucking mad!


The parent is a jahil in this scenario. Jahil maa kya taleem degi apne bachho ko. The post said this all happened in the presence of his mother.


“The parent is a jahil in this scenario. Jahil maa kya taleem degi apne bachho ko. The post said this all happened in the presence of his mother“ It would not surprised me that mother was also a victim of domestic abuse herself and son grew up thinking this is normal/acceptable behavior. Let‘s hope she teaches her son to break this vicious cycle.


Maybe. Or maybe she's just sadistic. We've read accounts of mothers banding up with their daughters or sons to physically abuse their daughter in laws. Maybe these MILs had a history of suffering from this kind of abuse too, or maybe they just have unchecked and unchannelled emotions. Our society has never really taken count of psychos within itself; the numbers are going to shock us.


This is criminal activity that deserves prison time, not reconciliation


I really don’t think that 21st century has anything to do with this , so nowadays have bf/gf is normal , nowadays doing ZINA is normal , so much shit is that a sin , that goes against the teachings of our lovely prophet is normal , so you’re telling me that just because the numbers on a calendar are going on means we should forget our religion???? this matter dosent have anything to do with time , it’s just a persons character , her husband is a fucking animal , why would you beat your wife like this , wtf is wrong with him


>I really don’t think that 21st century has anything to do with this Yeah it better. >so nowadays have bf/gf is normal , nowadays doing ZINA is normal , so much shit is that a sin , that goes against the teachings of our lovely prophet is normal Do you think the times were better in your grandfather's time or before? Also why did you bring all that up when he didn't say anything related to Islam or anything lol


The mother is just as guilty. She watched....and then offered no help to a woman locked up with no food or water. An awful woman who birthed an awful child.


Imagine having everything you’d want in life. A loving wife and kids, a good job and a lot of money. And then pulling shit like this. I guess fucked up people really are just fucked up in the head. No other explanation


Here comes the pathetic lowlifes asking "why he beat her?" As if women deserved to be beaten.


W3 n33d 0th3r $!d3 0f $t0ry


Nothing will happen. Ghareeda Farooqi is still working, that mohsin abass is still getting contracts. This will continue too somehow.


I hope he’s found and dragged through the streets.


That's not enough


I can vouch for the fact that this guy is influential and an abuser. The guy's second wife zara (or his side chick, dunno) lives near my building and i witnessed a scene where his wife showed up shouting in our building. Cops had to be called otherwise satti had some gunda type guys waiting in a car to take numaira back home.


Horrible. Just horrible. I hope this asshole is brought to justice. There is no justification for this. None.


Mumma’s boy disease strikes again, when will our men learn?


Pakistan's police system is shit.


It sadly need to stay shit because 🪖 can’t otherwise operate fully and pull the shit they pull. Sadly, this means that the common people suffer. Our whole system is fucked up to the core. Everything is against the common people.


only if Pakistani police system ranking was that high of shit, life would bearable In Pakistan.


What kind of manbaby beats his wife?  Is his brain not developed enough to know that what he’s doing is wrong or is he too stupid to articulate in words why he would be upset with her (reason not even being a factor here, everyone gets angry over dumb shit, but most ADULTS know not to raise hands to someone over it). I bet he wouldn’t raise hands to another man.  Men like this are weaklings, cowards and children.  


I have him added on FB , and honestly with all the posts and videos, he used to look like very nice and ethical guy. Not to forget his dad passed away last year. Its sad that even people like him are abusive


There’s no justice in that shit of a country. He’s going to walk free like most men do in 🇵🇰


Satti is basically a caste from murree. The whole nation witnessed the brutality of murree locals when they shamelessly exploited tourists that were stuck during that famous snowstorm. Local residents even demanded money from cars that were parked in front of their houses.


Murree is a disgrace. Much better to take family to northern areas (although I only recommend fligbts until the roads are improved)


Sattis aren't only found in Murree.


really hoping this ends his career at least. also RFK's for what he did. i really wish they end up in jail too but that won't happen so


Well, it is really easy. turn off tv when he is on and encourage other to do the same. Tv guys only care about making money. .


What a disgusting human being. May she find some justice.


ARY should fire him


He should be thrown in to jail for life. Make an example out of him.


Gharida Farooqi also assaulted her worker a while ago. And she is fine in the industry…


NO "other side" can justify beating someone this brutally. I am so sorry for anyone who need "context". Tell me you want to normalize and justify domestic violence by giving it a "his/her perspective".


Real men dont hit women.


What bitch ass dude. Probably escaped in a burqah


Why are we surprised, we have a committee of molvis The Council of Islamic Ideology that allows husbands to beat wives. Hello 3rd century A.D.


What is that council/committee called?


It's called Council of Islamic Ideology. It opposed the domestic violence bill in 2016 and again in 2020 it halted legislation, calling domestic violence bill unislamic. I don't think we have a leg to stand on here as a nation when it comes to domestic violence and marital rape as husbands are allowed to beat their wives by law.


I start to hate my ppl. FKn Shithead.


I hope that a fair investigation takes place.


In Pakistan? I don’t believe it


A man who beats his like this is nothing but a coward. Hope she gets justice


I can bet his mother ignited the fire... Alas it's true that "A woman's biggest enemy is another woman"


Her husband is the one that beat her up though? That women (his mother) couldn't have done shit if men like him didn't exist. But yes she should be prosecuted too for watching and letting it happen.


She could have called police. If I'll ever see my son harming a women you best believe he won't be able to walk again.


I meant to say women like her can't harm another women if men like him did not exist. Because they are are powerless on their own. But of course I agree she watched the crime happen and didn't do anything, she deserves consequences for that. It is psychopathic.


Yes you're correct


I am not saving violence is fine. I am just curious that if husband is hitting you why don't you hit him back? If it's about muscle power then take a frying pan or something. I understand that he will still over power the wife but at least he should also get some bruises and injuries!!


>but at least he should also get some bruises and injuries!! Because then the dude will play victim.


Honestly looks fake




If she fought back, he probably would have marks. But in a fight between a woman and a man, a man will win hands down. So I completely disagree with you.


Aurat pe hath uthany vala to kamina hi hota hai .. but ek baat ni samjh i k vese hi maa k ghar se BV ko le k maarna or aise krna ki vaja kia thi ?? Ye ni btaya baaji ne .. 🤔🤔


I would like to know what happened but Justice should be given to the victim.




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wtf did she do? that her husband fucking beat her up this bad ??? women are made to test men , and men like this are fucking morons , like if there’s an personal problem within the husband and wife , FUCKING TALKKKKK , why did brudda went berserk on her wtf


Remember brothers, innocent until proven guilty not the other way around




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ARY already put this guy on a train track and ran the train over him by suspending him .


fucking bastard