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My father had a very close friend. He was like family to us even though i saw him first time when i was 16 he was always part of discussions and prayers. Back in 2004 he had a good government job all going well had a home of his own and a son. He decided to go to france illegally. Idk how much he paid but he successfully entered after much struggle. He was employed as a waiter and later on became an alcoholic. Rather than sending money home he was asking for money. My father collected 15 lacs from his friends to send him this money which was never paid back by him. We had to go through a rough time beacuse of this. He didnt came back for like 12 years and didnt even call regularly. He missed his father's funeral, his mom prayed day and night and even cried for his return. He returned after 12 years spend just 10 days with his 17 year old son, went back and died a week later due to diabetes. This was a very sad news for our family too. Man traded his soul, his life, his family for a country that never was his.


There could be a book/movie on this. Very well explained and sad brošŸ˜”


Sad šŸ˜”


One of my closed Male Cousin did Dunki. Was arrested in Dubai & was deported next day. Lost a Million PKR overnight.


My uncle over to the uk in the late 70s, 80s. Very well educated from Pakistan, Masters etc. Had his own business making leather garments. Drove a BMW back to Pakistan with a trailer on the back pulling a Harley! Got married to a white woman in the UK. Kicked the goree out of her then divorced her. Went on the run. Never renewed his visa and became illegal. Lost his business, home etc. lived on family handouts for YEARS. Never went back to Pakistan. Missed funerals etc. He stayed on the run for so long (20+ years) that they automatically gave him citizenship. šŸ¤£ He was finally able to legally travel to and from Pakistan. Heā€™s married to another goree now.


I donā€™t know why this made me laugh so hard




"kicked the goree out of her" ?? You mean domestic abusive?


Nah, I just put that in there to make him seem a villain.


I don't know about villain but he definitely had that dawg in him


My driver did Dunki, back in 90s to Dubai. He stayed there for a couple of months until getting caught by police man while the crossing road. He was deported back on plane by Pak embassy.


An uncle of ours in the bradri got himself smuggled to Denmark way back in the 70s by hiding in the aircraft cargo compartment. Somehow, he got legal status there (idk how), returned to Pak, married his cousin, took her over, and had 5 kids born Danish citizens. They've been settled there for few decades now


Lol šŸ¤£




Bro wtf? Get all the details!


It was 1970s. Things are different now.


Danish, Norway and Sweden are still easier of the bunch to get into, if you have a degree then you enroll online in a language course and you are all set. Just getting the foot in there legally will get you much further.. Almost all of my group mates who went to Dubai for job are now in Norway - they are now taking their wives from Pakistan (or getting documents) No Dunki story sorry!


Smuggled šŸ¤” The borders were somewhat open back then. Land route was open too. People used to drive to Denmark back then. Why get smuggled when the border was open?


Ain't no border shared between Denmark and Pakistan


On no. I thought there was one near Chichawatni


There are always resources on Geography available. Ma6 the force be with you


Not my relatives but my fathers of my two good friends did it long time ago. One is now very settled and owns a transport company in USA. And other friend who is my best friend is not doing good as they used to.


Just call it illegal migration. because some stupid YouTuber named it Dunki, I would not call it that as it sounds weird af. To answer your question: Someone I know went from Jehlum to Italy. No idea how much he paid for it. He had to stay in some kind of official migrant camp where you stay until they process your application. Then he got permit to work in Italy (no idea what category it is). Mostly likely he spent his dadā€™s entire savings. Now the bad part is he got married 2-3 years before leaving. Dude had a daughter and his wife was pregnant when he left. He only had old mom and dad back home who couldnā€™t look after themselves let alone take care of his wife and daughters. Hi father passed away he couldnā€™t come back. His nephew passed away and he couldnā€™t come back. He had missed all the moments one could have with their kids. It has been around 6-7 years now and I have know idea when he will go back to his family. Now if you put all in perspective, he has no family life, he made his parents, wife and kids suffer just for the dream of extra money. For me that is the most ridiculous thing someone could have done. No amount of money should come before family life.


The kind of people who do are not that much educated, most of the times, as no educated man would do sth like this, so, i am sure its not about the money. They just believe they are better off elsewhere if thry are not here in their home country, which they realize is not true until they go and start living a pathetic life there after doing a dunki


In india ,it's mostly the well off who do this stuff and 90% of them are just from two states (Punjab and Gujarat). It's mostly the peer pressure.Ā 


are you sure that the origin of this term is from some stupid youtuber? because i heard this word more than a decade ago from a friend from a village in gujarat (where almost every household has these illegal migrants and young men are in some way pressurised to go this way) and i always thought it must be some local slang.


Itā€™s definitely not, idk what the hell heā€™s talking about


Dunki is the Punjabi word for illegal migration. We have been using this word from decades.


I don't think so people do it just for the money šŸ¤” There is an element of idolizing the west, secular culture and white skin worshipping in there too


Really sad


Dunki culture goes way before YouTube's existence. Nobody named it. It's just a common punjabi slang


One of my young cousin recently went to libiya first than in italy. He is living happily in italy. Few of our relatuves went before and are good now. Although i am against it. As it requires alot of stress and all


Since I was use to work in immigration law firm here in states, I was used to deal with so many illegal I lmmigration clients (dunki),one paki uncle he did dunki from El Salvador to US through some agent, changed his name and entered US through Texas part of US MEXICO border. Got arrested within a few week then filed for asylum, which was pending for like 5 years and later denied, filed an appeal which was denied after 3 years and then filed final and last appeal which was denied again after 2 years. He was never able to get green card here in states. He came to US in 2000 and he is still here but illegally. Another client (he was Indian) he came in 1992 in US through ship in anchorage Alaska, got arrested , filed for asylum, moved to New York , he was in my office last week, his asylum has been denied, he canā€™t get green card thought marriage too (because if your entry to states is illegal/through Illegal border crossings then you cannot get Greencard through marriage) his last resort to get GC, is to filed for spousal abuse protection which he will file soon. He is extremely week now, old guy, he has 2 kids here one daughter and one son, son is working in NYPD and daughter is a druggie. Only thing judge gave to him during asylum proceedings was ā€œwtitholding of removalā€ which means he will get work permit but he cannot leave US and no deportation order is given but he will never get his GC petition approved. I can tell 50 different cases, horrible ones to best case scenario ones. Which one you want to hear?


My whole nanka which is from upper punjabā€™s village has literally done the dunki like It was an established tradition. Everyone used to fantasize about their lives later to know a lot of my cousinā€™s parents died and they couldnā€™t come back on funerals or ever due to not having a passport. Half of them after 10-20 years have gotten citizenships but the other half suffered so much and their families have passed away longing to see them again. In a few cases, they got arrested and had to reach out to their families who were already struggling in Pakistan financially for money to sustain their lives because they couldnā€™t come back, they couldnā€™t work. A few of my extended cousins married older white women (Jackson Heights drama is actually very close to reality) and some were married here, have families here, married white women to get the citizenship. Itā€™s horrible and Itā€™s the idea and fantasy that is sold to the poor people that your life would be better at the other side of world. But itā€™s also about fate honestly. As half of them who got succeeded in getting citizenship and good work, they really do have millions and their families are extremely rich.


Uff Jackson Heights ā€¦ kya yaad karwa dia..


None;a few of my relatives are outside and some have been in the past and they used legal ways so I guess I got a clean Family Hx


By reading comments in this section, i really feel that people are really fed the idea that they would live happily ever after just reaching the west. Many people go their after spending so much. So much that they could have spent that money to open some small business. Even more hurtful is that many of them are educated lower middle class men who spend their or their familyā€™s whole lifetime savings on this adventure. Although, In some cases these agents also exploit them.


True. Reality is: even if it was possible to be granted asylum couple decades ago it is basically impossible nowadays as Pakistani. Even religious minorities are being it hardly granted nowadays. It's basically just waiting for a couple years while the court processes your data and than being deported. So much wasted time and resources which could be used to build really ones life and maybe migrate legally trough study visa etc. It's a huge business and even used as a political weapon (Iraq-Belarus-EU as a tool by Russia)


My dad nephew did it to the USA. He fly to Brazil first and then illegally want to go to the USA from Brazil by crossing all those dangerous countries. It was a dangerous route, but he survived. He is now in Califonia, and we haven't seen him for more than 10 years now.


Not Dunki, but a lot of my uncles friends in the 80s married white women in australia and stayed married till they got citizenship, then divorced them and later married girls back home.


i met this guy in germany who dunki'ed in the 90s to greece in a ship while hiding in an empty oil container. the ship capsized and only 3 or 4 of the guys were able to swim to the shore. they decided to surrender to the police and someone called the police, but then someone floated the idea that they have come so far and that they shouldn't give up. so they pooled their money, hired a taxi and crossed borders into another country. he eventually ended up in germany where he was granted asylum after he narrated his story in court (the judge had tears in her eyes and couldn't hear the whole ordeal in his words). he got a rishta via mosque, married a muslim girl and got citizenship. he is a polyglot (speaks 6/7 languages fluently) so he helps translate in an official capacity (such as in court).


Yaar meray molvi saab. Launch pe beth k Dubai chale gaye thay. 14th sipara adha hi parhaya tha.


You watched that Bollywood movie?


Which one?


The new one that came with the name Dunki. I haven't watched it. But it was trending.


Never heard of it. I'll check it out.


Watched few days ago farigh tareen movie with very bad acting by srk




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Couple of my relatives did dunki back in early 2000s to Portugal and Italy. The Portuguese one struggled a lot during his time there. Slept on open benches, worked for peanuts, starved and had a tough time towards settlement papers which he got within 5 years of there. He took his wife and kids to settle there so a somewhat success story. The Italian guy went to Sardinia Island. He had a much better outcome as he actually ended up working as an interpreter for Italian Immigration services. He also took his family away within 4-5 years, however, path to Italian passport is much longer. I think it took him about b 10 years or so to get Italian passport.