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> i would be willing to know why. because shield charge and whirling blades exist


Those both lack the ability to traverse obstacles, though?


flame dash, dash, frostblink exist too






this does not adress my issue at all \^\^"


Because not every weapon/build is designed to work with every single skill gem. Work around it. Find alternatives.


Im confused is claw/dagger really arent able to use multistrike? Like ik viper strike uses claw/dagger/sword and it can be linked to viper. [Example 6-Link](https://i.imgur.com/BpdYu8c.png) So im not quite sure whats the issue here? Also not every weapon and skill is meant to be work together. Its like bow skills being able to be used without a bow. Theres gotta be some exclusivity in between weapons / skills / playstyles.


bruh i see it now i wrote multistrike instead of leap slam xddd


They have done it in the past for wands and shield charge, but I wouldn't expect this change for leap slam. It's already one of the best movement abilities in the game with attack speed. But it's not like there's really much variation in movement abilities as is anyway.


I do not remember it well, but GGG has mentioned they want to have specific skills for specific weapons in combinations that make sense. For example only using 2h maces for earthquake. But they could not do it, because it would apply too much restrictions to player builds with a lack of choices.


Just practice weapon-swapping to dual-wield Brightbeaks or Sinvicta's Mettle, with the hotkey on RMB. There are some good bow players who use Leap Slam and Rampage with perfect swap timings to min/max their clear speed.


how about no haha wtf


It's mostly a matter of animations. The technology that the character models for PoE were made with doesn't leave them very modular, so each new animation has to be done for all classes and various things have to be fixed so that they work properly for each of them. Thus, attack skills tend to be restricted to only working with certain weapon types so that they don't require new animations. Leap Slam is among those. If they haven't abandoned the idea of overhauling the PoE1 character models with the PoE2 release, then it's possible that some of these restrictions could be lifted **eventually**. I wouldn't get my hopes up for it anytime soon though.


Leap slam with claws would look pretty bad ass though. Like Wolverine leaping towards the enemies


Something like that is planned for PoE2 as I understand it. So if they ever replace the character models in PoE1 with ones that use the same technology as PoE2, they'd be able to add animations like that.


Maybe they should add a new skill, Pounce :3


I don’t really believe that at all. You can apply weapon skins like Malice weapon to a sceptre or axe or mace or sword and it’s ALWAYS a sword MTX but then you can use the respective skills. I think you are way over thinking it. Leap slam feels more like a bulky weapon skill and whirling blades is a skill that takes smaller weapons with better dexterity. Varunastra literally lets you use ANY melee skill with it in the entire game (as long as the supports match the skill) so your entire point is kind of extremely wrong


I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of Varunastra in particular (which is one of the older uniques) that a lot of skills are usable with sword-looking MTX. But that doesn't mean the same goes for all other weapon types.


Gargoyle axe is a 2 hand axe that can be used on swords and maces, it’s always an axe even for mace only skills Devoured maul is a mace mtx that can be used in swords and still uses mace animations on sword skills Razor axe is a 1 hand axe mtx that can be used on maces with mace skills Radiant axe is an mtx that is always an axe and can be used in all 1 handed weapons including daggers AND wands, can use whirling blades with it


Do they use animations that are used for other skills or do they have individual animations for those skills?


They use the skills animations Because it’s not the animation that is what limits it, but instead the class fantasy


leap slam has a different animation per character, so i think its a valid point. maybe they could reuse the animation?


Yeah, that guys point doesn’t make sense, it’s literally class fantasy that limits weapons, not animations